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Yingluck hears state witnesses’ testimonies in rice pledging scheme


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Yingluck hears state witnesses’ testimonies in rice pledging scheme


BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Yingluckn Shinawatra appeared in the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders late this morning to hear state witnesses giving testimonies in the rice pledging scheme.

It was her ninth hearing of the case in which she was charged with dereliction of duties that inflicted over 500 billion baht damages to the state.

Ms Yingluck was welcomed on arrival by a hundred of supporters who chanted “Rak Yingluck” and “Yingluck Soo Soo.”

Core members of her Pheu Thai party were on hand to receive her as usual. They included former finance minister Kittirat Na Ranong, acting party leader Pol Lt Gen Viroj Paoin, party secretary general Poomtham Vejjayachai.

Asked to comment on her meeting with a European Union parliamentary team yesterday, Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency in the upcoming referendum in August.

She declined to say if the EU Parliament did worry about her trial for the rice scheme, saying they have followed the case from time to time.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/163757

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-18

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

Edited by yellowboat
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She is being exposed to what is expected of public servants, responsiblity, honesty, acceptable practices by government employees, metods of doing business honestly, and your judged by the company you keep, etc.

Seems she missed this at her family home and from her family members. It may be possible that she will gain knowledge of the old saying, " your never too old to learn", "past sins come back to haunt you", "honesty is the best policy" and several other home spun saying that GOOD people live by.

I will not hold my breath, just going by past legal proceedings in this country, but where there is sunlight there is hope. And we have seen a few bright days in the past couple of years.

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

She wasn't deposed. She dissolved parliament just after vowing never to do so. She was subsequently removed from office by a court for abuse of power and nepotism. Her bother's political party which was governing in caretaker mode was then deposed in a coup.

The reason that interest is attracted is down to the PR experts and lobbyists who are doing their best to try and obscure the actual case with the HR and freedom of speech issues.

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She is being exposed to what is expected of public servants, responsiblity, honesty, acceptable practices by government employees, metods of doing business honestly, and your judged by the company you keep, etc.

Seems she missed this at her family home and from her family members. It may be possible that she will gain knowledge of the old saying, " your never too old to learn", "past sins come back to haunt you", "honesty is the best policy" and several other home spun saying that GOOD people live by.

I will not hold my breath, just going by past legal proceedings in this country, but where there is sunlight there is hope. And we have seen a few bright days in the past couple of years.

And of course the EU bureaucrats and politicians will be sympathetic. Imagine their horrors of realizing they too might be held responsible, accountable and that the jaunts and earners might get found out.

She, and probably her leader too, never ever thought they'd be in this situation. Too arrogant in assuming the firmness of their hold on power and in misjudging the reaction of the Thai people at their whitewash amnesty attempts.

Notice the EU lot don't comment about that Amnesty Bill attempt, how it was tried to cheat it through; or this rice scheme negligence case where she must explain how she managed it well by never attending meetings and ignoring or dismissing warnings of problems and consequences. They prefer to divert the topic. Another waste of EU tax payers money but no doubt a nice trip, 5 star hotels, first or business class travel, generous expenses and get's them away from Europe's problems and imminent implosion.

Migrant chaos, Bexit, other possible countries may look at exit referendums, Greece financial collapse, again, France in mass protest mode, and right wing parties growing - much better to come to Thailand where they can lecture everyone on how to be democratic.

Wonder if it's the same German life long career politicians and federalist mates of Merkel who were inviting her to Europe before?

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She is being exposed to what is expected of public servants, responsiblity, honesty, acceptable practices by government employees, metods of doing business honestly, and your judged by the company you keep, etc.

Seems she missed this at her family home and from her family members. It may be possible that she will gain knowledge of the old saying, " your never too old to learn", "past sins come back to haunt you", "honesty is the best policy" and several other home spun saying that GOOD people live by.

I will not hold my breath, just going by past legal proceedings in this country, but where there is sunlight there is hope. And we have seen a few bright days in the past couple of years.

And of course the EU bureaucrats and politicians will be sympathetic. Imagine their horrors of realizing they too might be held responsible, accountable and that the jaunts and earners might get found out.

She, and probably her leader too, never ever thought they'd be in this situation. Too arrogant in assuming the firmness of their hold on power and in misjudging the reaction of the Thai people at their whitewash amnesty attempts.

Notice the EU lot don't comment about that Amnesty Bill attempt, how it was tried to cheat it through; or this rice scheme negligence case where she must explain how she managed it well by never attending meetings and ignoring or dismissing warnings of problems and consequences. They prefer to divert the topic. Another waste of EU tax payers money but no doubt a nice trip, 5 star hotels, first or business class travel, generous expenses and get's them away from Europe's problems and imminent implosion.

Migrant chaos, Bexit, other possible countries may look at exit referendums, Greece financial collapse, again, France in mass protest mode, and right wing parties growing - much better to come to Thailand where they can lecture everyone on how to be democratic.

Wonder if it's the same German life long career politicians and federalist mates of Merkel who were inviting her to Europe before?

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

She wasn't deposed. She dissolved parliament just after vowing never to do so. She was subsequently removed from office by a court for abuse of power and nepotism. Her bother's political party which was governing in caretaker mode was then deposed in a coup.

The reason that interest is attracted is down to the PR experts and lobbyists who are doing their best to try and obscure the actual case with the HR and freedom of speech issues.

And of course the fact that a very large number of the Thai electorate (not that their views count of course) have a great deal of interest in what will happen to the person they voted in as Prime Minister.

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Regardless of anyone's thought about former Prime Minister Yingluck , I doubt if this will bring any kind of reconciliation to Thailand , it is even ill timed , just before the referendum , along with a few other junta moves you could be forgiven if you thought the Junta didn't want harmony in Thailand , for united we stand, divided we fall....................................coffee1.gif

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

You don't know anything and apparently didn't follow what was happening just prior to what you called deposed. Yl quit her position as PM. And had a 90 day stench as interim PM. She refused to leave that position when her 90 days were up quoting her hold to democracy. She wanted to hold on to her power any way she could once she saw even her own followers were turning against her. Since almost all she did while in office had nothing to do with democracy and the one and only thing which did "her being voted into it" her statement was a joke. You can't say you are democratic after showing no respect for democracy or its laws.
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She will still look cute in an orange jump suit. Id pay her a visit in the can.

You want to pay her a visit when she is on the toilet? Takes all kinds, I suppose... ?

That's on the can not in the can.

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

Impeachment would require a vote from a majority of MPs. In the farce that Thailand called democracy, members of PTP were paid to be members, payment which would be highly illegal in most jurisdictions. Expecting them to put that payment at risk by voting for impeachment is naive.

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Has she done anything that hasn't been done before or will be done in the future by Thai elites,

Or in fact by the people who are putting her on trial.

Can you name someone else who wasted B500 billion plus on a vote-buying scam?

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She wasn't deposed. She dissolved parliament just after vowing never to do so. She was subsequently removed from office by a court for abuse of power and nepotism. Her bother's political party which was governing in caretaker mode was then deposed in a coup.

The reason that interest is attracted is down to the PR experts and lobbyists who are doing their best to try and obscure the actual case with the HR and freedom of speech issues.

And of course the fact that a very large number of the Thai electorate (not that their views count of course) have a great deal of interest in what will happen to the person they voted in as Prime Minister.

You mean a large number of those 48% of (valid) vote casters who voted for the Pheu Thai party which had Ms. Yingluck as party list number 1? Strictly speaking MP voted for Ms. Yingluck as PM although some here tell me it was her brother's desire.

Anyway, interesting that 'State witnesses' were being heard. Does that mean the court mixes hearing witnesses for the defence and for the prosecution?

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Has she done anything that hasn't been done before or will be done in the future by Thai elites,

Or in fact by the people who are putting her on trial.

Well, the Thai legal system doesn't recognise jurisprudence for one and as far as (at least) I know no one before had come up with a 'self-financing' scheme, really pushed it, went on television with statements and managed to lose 500++ billion Baht.

As for 'will be done', well ask baboon, he likes to tell me what I'll do. Maybe his Crystal Ball also works on Thai Elites smile.png

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She is being exposed to what is expected of public servants, responsiblity, honesty, acceptable practices by government employees, metods of doing business honestly, and your judged by the company you keep, etc.

Seems she missed this at her family home and from her family members. It may be possible that she will gain knowledge of the old saying, " your never too old to learn", "past sins come back to haunt you", "honesty is the best policy" and several other home spun saying that GOOD people live by.

I will not hold my breath, just going by past legal proceedings in this country, but where there is sunlight there is hope. And we have seen a few bright days in the past couple of years.

And of course the EU bureaucrats and politicians will be sympathetic. Imagine their horrors of realizing they too might be held responsible, accountable and that the jaunts and earners might get found out.

She, and probably her leader too, never ever thought they'd be in this situation. Too arrogant in assuming the firmness of their hold on power and in misjudging the reaction of the Thai people at their whitewash amnesty attempts.

Notice the EU lot don't comment about that Amnesty Bill attempt, how it was tried to cheat it through; or this rice scheme negligence case where she must explain how she managed it well by never attending meetings and ignoring or dismissing warnings of problems and consequences. They prefer to divert the topic. Another waste of EU tax payers money but no doubt a nice trip, 5 star hotels, first or business class travel, generous expenses and get's them away from Europe's problems and imminent implosion.

Migrant chaos, Bexit, other possible countries may look at exit referendums, Greece financial collapse, again, France in mass protest mode, and right wing parties growing - much better to come to Thailand where they can lecture everyone on how to be democratic.

Wonder if it's the same German life long career politicians and federalist mates of Merkel who were inviting her to Europe before?

Go and take a paracetamol and have a nice lie down,,, before your head explodes.

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Seem to remember many calls for transparency concerning the cost of the rice pledging scheme but all to no avail. Ironic isn't it that now those now under investigation and the EU are calling for the same thing re the case in court.

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

You don't know anything and apparently didn't follow what was happening just prior to what you called deposed. Yl quit her position as PM. And had a 90 day stench as interim PM. She refused to leave that position when her 90 days were up quoting her hold to democracy. She wanted to hold on to her power any way she could once she saw even her own followers were turning against her. Since almost all she did while in office had nothing to do with democracy and the one and only thing which did "her being voted into it" her statement was a joke. You can't say you are democratic after showing no respect for democracy or its laws.

Your memory seems to be very selective. You forget that she organised election within the 60 days period mandated by constitution. Or do you think blocking election is showing respect for democracy or its law? :)

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Her and her party robbed the country. The sad thing is they hurt the ones they were supposed to be helping which is the farmers. Look at the farmers now, in debt, having to take out loans which they will most likely not be able to pay back for the next 20yrs due to interest rates. Loan sharks are loving this as they will gain land and property from lack of payments. The rice scheme was the biggest F Up that Thailand has faced in a very long time. Of course all the farmers jumped on the band-wagon at the start because they did see some money and were promised more, it never came. I would like to see the court not only charge Yingluck with gross negligence but also find who else made a killing on this scheme. I am expecting that if they did it would lead to many Thai/Chinese families who basically have raped this country for the last 100 years.

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

She was disposed before the junta came to power and they have nothing to do with her case!

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Is it about: 'We are the majority', 'We have the power and have the right to use it', 'We did nothing wrong', 'The others did, so we can do the same (or worse)', 'Our way or the highway', 'It's politically motivated', 'Human rights', 'Freedom of expression', etc., etc.

Or, rather; 'Let us come together without prejudgement', 'Let us talk openly', 'We must find a compromise for our country's future', 'Let us collaborate', 'Our differences could become assets instead of liabilities', ...'When we unite there will be only winners, when we fail only losers', etc., etc.

Will corruption, graft, nepotism, ...violence, forever be allowed to rule, ...above the Rule of Law?

As long as any, might they be 'red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'white', ...'brown', or 'green, even 'safron' now, don't feel the need, and urgency, for true, real, 'changes and reforms' (no, not the blah-blah thing), this beautiful country and its immense majority of good, decent citizens will go on sailing, full speed ahead, towards a dark and bitter future, IMHO.

Am I the only one seeing, feeling this coming, a crazy individual then, and not even a Thai?

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

You don't know anything and apparently didn't follow what was happening just prior to what you called deposed. Yl quit her position as PM. And had a 90 day stench as interim PM. She refused to leave that position when her 90 days were up quoting her hold to democracy. She wanted to hold on to her power any way she could once she saw even her own followers were turning against her. Since almost all she did while in office had nothing to do with democracy and the one and only thing which did "her being voted into it" her statement was a joke. You can't say you are democratic after showing no respect for democracy or its laws.

and lets no forget that Yingluck wanted to resign as caretaker PM but her loving brother said she would do jail time if she did.

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"Ms Yingluck said the team voiced concern about human rights and freedoms of speech and would like to see transparency"

Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black to mecoffee1.gif

Must be interesting for her to find out what was going on in her brother's pet scam.

Had she been impeached fairly instead of deposed, she would not garner so much attention in and outside of Thailand . Also, the junta's ineptness and heavy handedness plays in her and her brother's favor.

You don't know anything and apparently didn't follow what was happening just prior to what you called deposed. Yl quit her position as PM. And had a 90 day stench as interim PM. She refused to leave that position when her 90 days were up quoting her hold to democracy. She wanted to hold on to her power any way she could once she saw even her own followers were turning against her. Since almost all she did while in office had nothing to do with democracy and the one and only thing which did "her being voted into it" her statement was a joke. You can't say you are democratic after showing no respect for democracy or its laws.

and lets no forget that Yingluck wanted to resign as caretaker PM but her loving brother said she would do jail time if she did.

Any source on it? She said it would be illegal for her to resign as it was written in the constitution that it was her duty to remain as caretaker PM until a new assembly is elected and a new government in place. I did not find your precise assertion. I also did not find any reference to the 90 days delay.

And again, dissolving the assembly and organising election is very far from "refusing to leave".

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