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New personal details form arrives at Phuket Immigration

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Is this an anti terrorist measure? Or anti dodgy farang?

Probably both!

It's a pointless form probably created by a bureaucrat trying to score points or justify their job in the fight against transnational criminals, illegal workers and overstayers. It will make no difference to any of those problems.


They left out the most important questions which have a bearing on security-

1)what firearms do you own, when do you carry them (to what restaurants, workplaces and meetings)?

2)and address where firearms are stored,

3)what swords do you own and are they stored at home or under the front seat of your car?

4) what street drugs do you take (and who do you buy them from)?


Thailand: ‘Intrusive’ immigration form now mandatory for foreigners in Phuket

PHUKET: IF you are planning to visit Thailand’s resort province of Phuket, you will now be required to furnish a host of personal information, including banking account and social media details to the nation’s Immigration bureau.

Otherwise, failure to submit applications when entering the province will result in consequences, a Immigration official has warned.

Immigration Bureau’s crime suppression unit Deputy Commissioner Maj Gen Chachaval Vachirapaneegul said the details to be filled in the “Foreign National Information Form”, released last Monday, was now a mandatory requirement.

“If a foreigner doesn’t want to fill in their information by themselves, they will be questioned for our records anyway. If they don’t fill in the form, we will suspect their reason,” Chachaval was quoted as saying in Phuket News.

Full story: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/05/thailand-intrusive-immigration-phuket/

ASIAN Correspondent 2016-05-21


The report from "Asian Correspondent" is confusing in that it suggests that anyone visiting Phuket will be required to complete one of these forms

If this is true then chaos will engulf the Airport !

The Chinese have problems with the arrival card ...............smile.png


Punished under the penal code.

Given the typo's, misspelling and general poor translations on most documentation, signs, menus etc, I can only hope this really is the penal code and not something else more startling......


my local 7-11 and the noodle shop are all they will get.

Watching those left behind have to put up with this is going to be compulsive rubbernecking.


The report from "Asian Correspondent" is confusing in that it suggests that anyone visiting Phuket will be required to complete one of these forms

If this is true then chaos will engulf the Airport !

The Chinese have problems with the arrival card ...............smile.png

Flew in HKT yesterday and all was like usual. No form only the old immigration card.


Thailand: ‘Intrusive’ immigration form now mandatory for foreigners in Phuket

PHUKET: IF you are planning to visit Thailand’s resort province of Phuket, you will now be required to furnish a host of personal information, including banking account and social media details to the nation’s Immigration bureau.

Otherwise, failure to submit applications when entering the province will result in consequences, a Immigration official has warned.

Immigration Bureau’s crime suppression unit Deputy Commissioner Maj Gen Chachaval Vachirapaneegul said the details to be filled in the “Foreign National Information Form”, released last Monday, was now a mandatory requirement.

“If a foreigner doesn’t want to fill in their information by themselves, they will be questioned for our records anyway. If they don’t fill in the form, we will suspect their reason,” Chachaval was quoted as saying in Phuket News.

Full story: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/05/thailand-intrusive-immigration-phuket/

ASIAN Correspondent 2016-05-21

What a total load of <deleted>... rooster59 or whoever you are... Try reading what you are posting before you post this carp!

Mods.. You you are so quick to act normally...


I wanted to copy these new papers from the Immigration Office website to prepare my next visite in Chiangmai Immigration.

Nothing. But in Phuket they check it: International focus of Farang Mafia, Thai corruption and other bad instructed people.


It would be good to have a readable image of this form, please Thaivisa or anybody visiting Phuket immigration.

To me this seems perverse and simply arse about face to suppress crime find those who do not register with immigration, a number that will likely increase with the introduction of this form.

BTW dear General can you show us the secure storage for this information?

here you go .

attachicon.gifForeign National Information.pdf

Thanks for uploading that form. I will be boarding my spaceship shortly and lift off Mars for my several lightyears long trip to planet Earth/Thailand and thus have plenty of time to duly provide all the information required. An Alien from Mars.


Thailand: ‘Intrusive’ immigration form now mandatory for foreigners in Phuket

PHUKET: IF you are planning to visit Thailand’s resort province of Phuket, you will now be required to furnish a host of personal information, including banking account and social media details to the nation’s Immigration bureau.

Otherwise, failure to submit applications when entering the province will result in consequences, a Immigration official has warned.

Immigration Bureau’s crime suppression unit Deputy Commissioner Maj Gen Chachaval Vachirapaneegul said the details to be filled in the “Foreign National Information Form”, released last Monday, was now a mandatory requirement.

“If a foreigner doesn’t want to fill in their information by themselves, they will be questioned for our records anyway. If they don’t fill in the form, we will suspect their reason,” Chachaval was quoted as saying in Phuket News.

Full story: https://asiancorrespondent.com/2016/05/thailand-intrusive-immigration-phuket/

ASIAN Correspondent 2016-05-21

What a total load of <deleted>... rooster59 or whoever you are... Try reading what you are posting before you post this carp!

Mods.. You you are so quick to act normally...

He posted what was written in the article. if you have issue with the content maybe you should direct your complaints to them.

From the contact page this would be their email. [email protected]


What if you drive across the border from Malaysia and then drive onto the island? And what about kids? Rather paedophilia for underage kids having to give out all their details..

A badly thought put process


I take it the 'other' line under social media is where we put our Thai Visa user names?


Thanks for the PDF.

Most of this information is already collected, so a waste of everybodies time.

Also very badly designed try writing any province longer than Surin in the province field, and I really don't know how I can fit Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor in the mothers name field.

Not to mention her titles! And what about dad's names? The general obviously has two penises! biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwai.gif


I don't see a penal code number on the form so it begs the question is there actually any penalty under the immigration laws that cover this or is it just a scare tactic

Is it in fact an "approved" form? We so so many little "dictators" in all provinces, that believe they can make up laws, and in this case maybe forms, that would not stand up in court, as there are not legislated.


Ok got it please write the following...ef off and die stronger letter to follow ;0) betya that gets a few likes lol

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


Asking for details like Bank Accounts and other Private details is an infringement of the Privacy laws as written in the Court of La Haye and many other instances to protect the individual for misbehavior.

This is showing the TRUE face of a country ruled by a Junta which has totally no power anymore.

Thailand is going the wrong path with their rules.

It won't be an issue for long. In "The Fall" of 2016 everything will change for the better... thumbsup.gif


What about setting up a document as well to be signed by IO to be fully responsible to keep the information asked for secret and safe and only for the intention of the purpose requested ? Failure to do so will be punished not less than 100.000 USD.

The actual form says nothing that they would keep the information confidential


All one needs to do is examine the world's history to see where this is going...

Sure public profiling and the danger entrusting data to a system that is questioned and does not meet international standards. Perhaps, it.s best if the rest of the world profiles all those Thais residing abroad and their banks affiliations...if they did this before they could have had Thaksin their invisible gangster in the kitty long ago!


I have been providing my bank details for more than 10 years because it is part of the requirement when renewing my annual visa for extension of stay or retirement as some like to call it . What I will not do is provide my FB or other SM accounts. They know where I reside they even insist on a Google map , they have at least one of my telephone numbers , a copy of my passport so there is not much more I can give them in the way of information, it's all just another wasted paper trail where the hell do they store all this stuff because here on Samui / Phangan you

Cannot even do 90 day reporting on the PC as they still do not have the facility to do it whilst I believe the rest of the Kingdom offers this online service !!!!!


This is a very worrying esculation.

I'll give then email account names, bank account details, even my car details - they have all that already. I don't have facebook or line.

Next they will be demanding passwords - I'll be leaving Thailand then.

I suspect that you won't have to supply a password. They will crack any account they choose.

The authorities on the east side of the ocean has been doing it for years


Someone will have to explain the significance of having to provide a photograph with a white background (provide new business to the local phot shop?)

I have never come across an official form directing that "-" is entered instead of an 'X' or N/A (Not applicable). Why "-"


All one needs to do is examine the world's history to see where this is going...

as of yet no little red books have been issued, later maybe, little steps at a time

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