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New personal details form arrives at Phuket Immigration

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I imagine criminal gangs already approaching Immigration employees for a (photo for cash) of the completed form.

Easy way to stalk and kidnap for extortion and ATM theft. And because "foreign nationals" rank way down the list of priorities for the RTP the gangs must feel quite confident.

I wish other countries would do the same thing to Thai citizens living abroad or on extended stays abroad. I think if other governments started reciprocating and putting Thais through this same crap the Thai Immigration puts foreign nationals through, things might change because those Thais abroad are the little darlings of the rich.

May we should begin writing our MPs or Congressmen demanding reciprocation for Thai citizens.


I imagine criminal gangs already approaching Immigration employees for a snapshot for cash of the completed form.

Easy way to stalk and kidnap for extortion and ATM theft. And singe "foreign nationals" rank way down the list of priorities for the RTP the gangs feel quite confident.

I wish other countries would do the same thing to Thai citizens living abroad as Thai government does with foreign nationals here.

I dont reckon criminals gangs will be overly honest when filling out the form.


Someone will have to explain the significance of having to provide a photograph with a white background (provide new business to the local phot shop?)

Not sure, I'd guess something about better chances to avoid any form of color correction distorting the real color of your face, your hair etc.

What I know is that they have the same exact requirements for ID cards and passports here in France.


All one needs to do is examine the world's history to see where this is going...

It does seem rather worrisome. If things continue this way I way move to Laos or somewhere, the fact a communist state seems like the better option is quite striking in itself.


It would be good to have a readable image of this form, please Thaivisa or anybody visiting Phuket immigration.

To me this seems perverse and simply arse about face to suppress crime find those who do not register with immigration, a number that will likely increase with the introduction of this form.

BTW dear General can you show us the secure storage for this information?

here you go .

attachicon.gifForeign National Information.pdf



I imagine criminal gangs already approaching Immigration employees for a snapshot for cash of the completed form.

Easy way to stalk and kidnap for extortion and ATM theft. And singe "foreign nationals" rank way down the list of priorities for the RTP the gangs feel quite confident.

I wish other countries would do the same thing to Thai citizens living abroad as Thai government does with foreign nationals here.

I dont reckon criminals gangs will be overly honest when filling out the form.

I don't reckon I will be either.


I take it the 'other' line under social media is where we put our Thai Visa user names?

I don't think (means i don't know) that TV is regarded as social media. I put the car and my motorbike in my partners name, less agro for her when i kick the bucket, which i presume means i don't have to give any information regarding vehicles.


I imagine criminal gangs already approaching Immigration employees for a snapshot for cash of the completed form.

Easy way to stalk and kidnap for extortion and ATM theft. And singe "foreign nationals" rank way down the list of priorities for the RTP the gangs feel quite confident.

I wish other countries would do the same thing to Thai citizens living abroad as Thai government does with foreign nationals here.

I dont reckon criminals gangs will be overly honest when filling out the form.

I don't reckon I will be either.

I don't really care. There is nothing on that form that they don't already have in my file.


Welcome to 1984. This is a most naive document that will do absolutely nothing to assist the authorities. I will not put in the names of my dead parents, only Mummy and Daddy. And in the bank account section I will use one of my accounts in another country as it does not stipulate it must be a local bank. And as for frequently visited places my local 7-11 and the noodle shop are all they will get. None of it is inaccurate, so what can they do.

admitting to not only fraud, but also by exposing severe dishonesty about your funding for living, both should and must be considered a liability... I vote that you are terminated and it's my right, right ?

Since you are a firm believer, I assume, in my freedom too express my desire that you are removed from the surface of mother earth, you surely must agree in my right to fight for you being exterminated, right ?


Looks like this form is not mandatory in every immigration office, and probably only will take effect on the very busy ones, where new faces are showing every day, and more crimes are happening involving foreigners.

In smaller towns, most officers are very familiar with the local foreigners, and everything is easier and faster...even very pleasant.


This is a very worrying esculation.

I'll give then email account names, bank account details, even my car details - they have all that already. I don't have facebook or line.

Next they will be demanding passwords - I'll be leaving Thailand then.

i dont have fb or line or whatever either..............lol. im a pre-historic caveman!


Looks like this form is not mandatory in every immigration office, and probably only will take effect on the very busy ones, where new faces are showing every day, and more crimes are happening involving foreigners.

In smaller towns, most officers are very familiar with the local foreigners, and everything is easier and faster...even very pleasant.

Mmmmmm .... here in Phuket I have applied for an annual extenion for the past 17 years. Every officer knows me and my wife. It has never become easier and faster and very pleasant. If anything it has become worse,


Strange that this is only required by Phuket Immigration and not by any other areas.

I read that's it will be required everywhere in Thailand ...

Where did you read that? I understood it to be a local initiative.


Thanks for the PDF.

Most of this information is already collected, so a waste of everybodies time.

Also very badly designed try writing any province longer than Surin in the province field, and I really don't know how I can fit Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor in the mothers name field.

I typed my province (Chonburi) into all fields marked province. Not an issue.

As to the parents name. They are not asking for middle names so for most people there is sufficient space.

What if no family are left back home, no Face book or line account, whatever any other account, not visit any clubs, only Thaivisa club, am I a suspect then?


I had to fill in a security form for my home countries government a few years ago. They had 99% of the infirmation on record for many years. Some of the questions about my wife I found quite offensive so just stated on the form that that was my opinion. Never got back to me to provide the information. This form is a bit of a pain but I am not going to get too upset about it. Will scan a filled out example and submit it if/when required.


What if you drive across the border from Malaysia and then drive onto the island? And what about kids? Rather paedophilia for underage kids having to give out all their details..

A badly thought put process

Is it possible to drive onto the island without passing through the Tah Chat Chai checkpoint?


Strange that this is only required by Phuket Immigration and not by any other areas.

I read that's it will be required everywhere in Thailand ...

Where did you read that? I understood it to be a local initiative.

First reported last month as being required in Bangkok -->


Yes it originated in Chaeng Wattanna, started off as a trial there I believe.

Has been a subject of my fiends conversation for a couple of months.

Not here in Jomtien, Yet!


What if you drive across the border from Malaysia and then drive onto the island? And what about kids? Rather paedophilia for underage kids having to give out all their details..

A badly thought put process

Is it possible to drive onto the island without passing through the Tah Chat Chai checkpoint?

No ... unless you ignore directions and drive through barriers.


I gave the form when I did a re-entry permit at Don Muang only weeks ago.

Plus copy given to Chaeng Wattana when I did my yearly extension O based on 800K.

Many questions I left blank and it was accepted

Some people are overreacting

#media bs


What if you drive across the border from Malaysia and then drive onto the island? And what about kids? Rather paedophilia for underage kids having to give out all their details..

A badly thought put process

Is it possible to drive onto the island without passing through the Tah Chat Chai checkpoint?

There is an internal immigration check point going onto the island?

Ok, everybody out of the car...fill out all your personal details before you can go any further...If not drive back to Krabi

So sad


Asking for details like Bank Accounts and other Private details is an infringement of the Privacy laws as written in the Court of La Haye and many other instances to protect the individual for misbehavior.

This is showing the TRUE face of a country ruled by a Junta which has totally no power anymore.

Thailand is going the wrong path with their rules.

They get my bank a/c details every time I apply for my yearly extension?


Hmmm, maybe the rumours are true and that Phuket is going to become a sovereign state much like Monaco and that the huge new lavish 'museum' by heroines will indeed be exhibiting ancient roulette wheels and the like.


I wonder if someone has explained adress protocal for countries other than Thailand to the folk who designed this form?

2.2. Information on Alien’s Home Country
Address No. ______________ Village No. ________________ Soi, Lane ______________ Road _______________________
Sub-district ___________________ District, City ___________________ Region, Province, State ______________________
Country _________________________ Telephone Number _______________ Mobile phone Number ________________

I maintain that this question is open to a multiple page reply. Give them more data than their system can handle, include every 7/11, familymart, corner shop, hardware, Tesco, McDonalds, BigC, and restaurant. Don't forget to ask for extra paper to comply.

2.6. Frequently Visited Places or Premises (such as Club, Restaurant, Shop, Hospital etc.)

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