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Clinton slams Trump on guns


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Clinton slams Trump on guns


WASHINGTON: -- Hillary Clinton has slammed her Republican rival Donald Trump on guns, saying she will not pander to the gun lobby.

The Democratic presidential hopeful was speaking at a Trayvon Martin Foundation meeting, for mothers who have lost sons to gun violence.

“Now we know the gun lobby is powerful; I believe it’s the most powerful lobby in Washington. And we know that some candidates will say or do anything to keep them happy. Just yesterday, at the NRA’s annual convention, Donald Trump said that in his very first hour as president, heaven forbid, (laughter, cheering) he would overturn President Obama’s actions to strengthen background checks.”

It comes after Trump told the National Rifle Association that Clinton would try to abolish the Second Amendment ‘right to bear arms’, setting the stage for a show down over gun control.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-23

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Clinton couldn't care lees about the guns or the gun lobby, trump is for it, so politically she will be against it, seeing if it will get her any extra pionts with the voting public.

Most of the U.S public are for it and the second ammendment, is one of the few ammendment in the constitution, that the U.S takes serously, and the fifth ammendment is used as a mater of fact.

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Clinton couldn't care lees about the guns or the gun lobby, trump is for it, so politically she will be against it, seeing if it will get her any extra pionts with the voting public.

Most of the U.S public are for it and the second ammendment, is one of the few ammendment in the constitution, that the U.S takes serously, and the fifth ammendment is used as a mater of fact.

She has made her stance very clear on this many times.

Nothing to do with the second amendment BTW, that is not under discussion, only stricter control.

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Clinton couldn't care lees about the guns or the gun lobby, trump is for it, so politically she will be against it, seeing if it will get her any extra pionts with the voting public.

Most of the U.S public are for it and the second ammendment, is one of the few ammendment in the constitution, that the U.S takes serously, and the fifth ammendment is used as a mater of fact.

Trump would endorse forced kidney removals for jaywalkers if it got him more votes.

As for Gun rights: Granted, a lot of Americans love their guns, but a majority support some gun control, compared to a minority who sleep cuddling their guns in bed. The gun issue will wind up garnering a lot more votes for HRC than for The Divider.

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Clinton couldn't care lees about the guns or the gun lobby, trump is for it, so politically she will be against it, seeing if it will get her any extra pionts with the voting public.

Most of the U.S public are for it and the second ammendment, is one of the few ammendment in the constitution, that the U.S takes serously, and the fifth ammendment is used as a mater of fact.

Could someone explain why it's so difficult to change the second amendment? After all it's out of date and. if you think about it, it's not really part of the constitution, it's an "amendment' already.

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Actually, just like Obama, I'm sure she will carefully consider her objectives and the political realities and then intelligently attempt to implement public policy through legislation and executive order to incrementally reduce gun violence in America.

I'm well aware that the above will sound like gibberish to many, but that's politics by people who care!

Edited by ricklev
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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

She is an evil woman, does or says anything to get into the white house.

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Clinton couldn't care lees about the guns or the gun lobby, trump is for it, so politically she will be against it, seeing if it will get her any extra pionts with the voting public.

Most of the U.S public are for it and the second ammendment, is one of the few ammendment in the constitution, that the U.S takes serously, and the fifth ammendment is used as a mater of fact.

Could someone explain why it's so difficult to change the second amendment? After all it's out of date and. if you think about it, it's not really part of the constitution, it's an "amendment' already.
Besides getting through Congress, any change in the Constitution would have to be ratified by the legislatures of 38 States. An almost insurmountable task.

As to the Second Amendment itself, the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights, were all put in as a group by the Founding Fathers, and are basically considered immutable.

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Check the Clinton's record on gun ownership. If you like guns, as I do, you won't like their stance or record. BTW, gun control is 2 rounds center mass followed by one to the brain pan. Unlike Obama, there is little doubt in my mind that the Clinton's will try to restrict gun ownership. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_control_policy_of_the_Clinton_Administration.......https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/08/27/hillary-clinton-is-the-new-standard-bearer-for-gun-control-so-lets-look-at-her-record/

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1 of these days the morons in charge of making stupid laws will realize what American citizens have known for decades - CRIMINALS DON"T FOLLOW THE RULES OR OBEY LAWS TO GET GUNS!

When you keep making it harder for citizens to defend their homes, you're making it easier for the criminals to invade them. thumbsup.gif

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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So says a Trump supporter

I dont care about the US but the world will be a better place without Trump as President

A chimpanzee would do a better job

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1 of these days the morons in charge of making stupid laws will realize what American citizens have known for decades - CRIMINALS DON"T FOLLOW THE RULES OR OBEY LAWS TO GET GUNS!

When you keep making it harder for citizens to defend their homes, you're making it easier for the criminals to invade them. thumbsup.gif


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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So vote for Donald Trump? cheesy.gif

The 2nd Amendment does not give Americans the right to have own guns. That's just a wingnut interpretation of an amendment written when guns meant muskets, not automatic weapons. The Constitution doesn't need to be changed, it needs to be reinterpreted by a sane Supreme Court. That will happen as soon as HRC is elected and the Democrats take control of the Senate, allowing a new judge to be seated on the court.

Everything changes in November after Trump is smothered in the election.

Let's not lose track of how important this next election is and what a pathetic candidate Trump is.

Mention guns and the pathetic, fearful wingnuts go crazy. Trump will ban abortion, as well. Guns and abortion will defeat Trump. He's going to keep his record of never being elected to anything. He's toast.

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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So vote for Donald Trump? cheesy.gif

The 2nd Amendment does not give Americans the right to have own guns. That's just a wingnut interpretation of an amendment written when guns meant muskets, not automatic weapons. The Constitution doesn't need to be changed, it needs to be reinterpreted by a sane Supreme Court. That will happen as soon as HRC is elected and the Democrats take control of the Senate, allowing a new judge to be seated on the court.

Everything changes in November after Trump is smothered in the election.

Let's not lose track of how important this next election is and what a pathetic candidate Trump is.

Mention guns and the pathetic, fearful wingnuts go crazy. Trump will ban abortion, as well. Guns and abortion will defeat Trump. He's going to keep his record of never being elected to anything. He's toast.

Never forget that George Bush was elected to a second term. I wish I could believe that my country is better than Trump, but it might not be.

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“Now we know the gun lobby is powerful; I believe it’s the most powerful lobby in Washington. And we know that some candidates will say or do anything to keep them happy.

Seriously? Who is she kidding? Maybe it's the most powerful lobby that doesn't donate to her campaign and sponsor her high dollar speaking engagements? But they are in the little league compared to Banksters, Big Pharma, Big Agra and a half dozen others.

Edited by impulse
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Gun lovers are split on how far they want the insanity to spread.

Some want automatic, military-style weapons to be legal. Others don't

Some want it to be easy for anyone to own a gun, others don't

Some want hollow point point bullets (they blast a hole as big as a soccer ball) to be legal, others don't

Some want armor piecing bullets to be legal, others don't.

Some want kids to be able to own guns, others don't.

Some want open carry, some want concealed carry, some don't want either.

Here's a true story that's typical in the US: A man is lounging in his fenced backyard in his underpants. His gun totting neighbor doesn't like it, so shouts over the fence. The lounger says, "screw-off." The gun lover grabs a gun and shoots and kills the lounger.

Multiply that by about 120,000, and you get an idea of the insanity of unfettered gun ownership in the USA.

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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So says a Trump supporter

I dont care about the US but the world will be a better place without Trump as President

A chimpanzee would do a better job

Trump is a smart guy, you don't think he got where he is at today for being Stupid do you?? - he surrounds himself with smart people, and will do so when he is elected..............every 'race to the White House' is full of promises and verbal attacks, then more promises, All candidates do it, they pander to the crowd like a Carney trying to get your money. When he is elected, and yes I will Vote for him, you will see, his first aim is to take America in another direction - USAID is quaking in their shoes, their budget will be slashed by at least 60%, maybe even suspended altogether - he will stop donations to countries that are not like minded to the USA, especially Pakistan who are not our friends, never were, never will be. thumbsup.gif

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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So says a Trump supporter

I dont care about the US but the world will be a better place without Trump as President

A chimpanzee would do a better job

It is an election for the world presidency but only Americans get a vote...I guess all the rest of you will just have to suck it up and bear it. ?
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1 of these days the morons in charge of making stupid laws will realize what American citizens have known for decades - CRIMINALS DON"T FOLLOW THE RULES OR OBEY LAWS TO GET GUNS!

When you keep making it harder for citizens to defend their homes, you're making it easier for the criminals to invade them. thumbsup.gif

And the UK has been a peaceable kingdom ever since, flowing with milk and honey with peace and harmoney between all peoples.
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Trump is nothing but a proto-fascist con man. Only has what he has because of his dad and he will be a disaster if somehow elected. The Clintons are nothing but neoliberal/neocon tools of Wall Street criminals/banksters. Automatic weapons are legal, extensive background check, pay for the federal license, not cheap. And yes, they are already registered and can only be sold by those with a special license to sell. Ammo gets a bit expensive...lol. Semi-automatic military type weapons are legal as they should be. I owned M-1's, M-1 Carbine, M-14's, a SKS war souvenir, check the saddle scabbard-great for killing coyotes, and an AK-47. All my pistols carried hollow points, I did my own reloading except for the service rounds furnished by my department. I've yet to find a hollow point that "blasted" anything, much less a hole as big as a soccer ball, gimme' a break. I owned my first gun at 14, my first deer hunt was at 12. I like armor piercing bullets, had many along with tracers. I have no problem with carry laws, but do have with the idiots that parade around with trying and failing to be macho. For those of unfamiliar with my posts, I'm no right wingnut teabagging, Republican, Trump supporter. Nor am I a Clinton supporter, I'm much further left. I'll settle for Bernie and his revolution, for now. Gun Control = 2 rounds center mass followed by 1 to the brain pan.

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Media machine working well but it's a bit too predictable. What we want is a real headliner. Something like "Trump's Mexican maid is really a Muslim ladyboy working for Putin". Or maybe "Clinton admits to being the love child of Mussolini an Mata Hari" .

It doesn't matter how bizarre as long as it keeps the momentum going.

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GOD help America if Clinton becomes President.

BILL will be laughing all the way BACK to the White House.

People who vote for this IDIOT should think of their country NOT themselves.

So vote for Donald Trump? cheesy.gif

The 2nd Amendment does not give Americans the right to have own guns. That's just a wingnut interpretation of an amendment written when guns meant muskets, not automatic weapons. The Constitution doesn't need to be changed, it needs to be reinterpreted by a sane Supreme Court. That will happen as soon as HRC is elected and the Democrats take control of the Senate, allowing a new judge to be seated on the court.

Everything changes in November after Trump is smothered in the election.

Let's not lose track of how important this next election is and what a pathetic candidate Trump is.

Mention guns and the pathetic, fearful wingnuts go crazy. Trump will ban abortion, as well. Guns and abortion will defeat Trump. He's going to keep his record of never being elected to anything. He's toast.

Never forget that George Bush was elected to a second term. I wish I could believe that my country is better than Trump, but it might not be.

Most of the sane, literate free world hope that this man is beaten and forgotten- let him go back to being the hypocritical buffoon with a Buffon that the world has enjoyed laughing at and leave the real world to real people.

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could this whole debate be the tipping point ? ermm.gif

" he said that when federal agents draw weapons on citizens without cause, citizens have the right to answer guns with guns."

During the Oregon standoff, where a group of US citizens calling themselves the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom, seized control of a federal wildlife refuge in protest of harsh sentences being given to members of a ranching family for allegedly allowing fires set on their property to spread on to federal land, Ron Paul posed a question: " Is the event isolated, or a sign of things to come? "


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