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I once bipped my horn at a thai's very bad driving and he chased me down the road and threatened to shoot me. Obviously a major insult to their manliness.

Watched the same returning from Bali Hai pier one night. Drunk farang on a bike gave a long blast to a Vigo driver turning onto the road. At the next light, Vigo man got out and stuck a handgun in the guys ear. Lucky he did not pull the trigger. Bonehead.

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i beeped my horn when i saw a mate walking down the street in pattaya last year and my girl told me off. last week a guy riding in the left hand lane on a motorbike decided to do a right hand turn across the front of my pick up. i locked up the breaks hit the horn and came to a sliding stop about 1m from him. my girl though i used the horn appropriately in that case. i need to get a dash cam. would have been great to record that. can anyone tell me if i can get a single unit that faces forward and rearward?


Keep your eyes on the prize, OP. The goal was to save the family. That being the case, the man's reaction becomes immaterial. He surely has his 'reasons,' valid or not. The only time a horn should be used in Thailand is to save lives. Otherwise, it is a vain attempt to share an opinion. No one wants to hear unsolicited opinions. And there is already sufficient negative stimuli in the environment. Good on you, by the way.


I once bipped my horn at a thai's very bad driving and he chased me down the road and threatened to shoot me. Obviously a major insult to their manliness.

Just to be on the safe side, I always have one hand on the horn and the other on the trigger.....only shot at a few DELETED so far and lucky my aim is not that great.....?


I use my horn multiple times everyday. Wife used to hate it but now understand's why I do it. Plus I think you should use the horn more often. How else will they realise what they are doing is dangerous and life threatening.

My favorite is the "late turner'. a driver who is generally on the far left who wants to turn right. Always makes the last minute decision with 20- 50 metres he'll slow down or completely stop (in the middle of a main road / highway 80km p/h) so he can merge to the right lane for a u-turn. No thought of the accident he's about to potentially cause. No planning ahead to move to the right lane a few hundred metres or more before his turn. Amazing.


If you cannot find a way to anticipate what others on the road are likely to do, then you might want to find another hobby. Announcing "Multiple times a day" is simply disclosing in a very public fashion that you are not up to the task of driving here. I would maintain that Thai drivers (per capita) are among the best in the world. Air drop any 'superior' westerner into the driver's seat in pretty much any traffic pattern encountered within LOS, and the only question becomes, will he/she wet themselves, before or after slamming the car in 'park' and adopting the fetal position?


I use my horn multiple times everyday. Wife used to hate it but now understand's why I do it. Plus I think you should use the horn more often. How else will they realise what they are doing is dangerous and life threatening.

My favorite is the "late turner'. a driver who is generally on the far left who wants to turn right. Always makes the last minute decision with 20- 50 metres he'll slow down or completely stop (in the middle of a main road / highway 80km p/h) so he can merge to the right lane for a u-turn. No thought of the accident he's about to potentially cause. No planning ahead to move to the right lane a few hundred metres or more before his turn. Amazing.


Better learn to anticipate a bit better then.


I use my horn multiple times everyday. Wife used to hate it but now understand's why I do it. Plus I think you should use the horn more often. How else will they realise what they are doing is dangerous and life threatening.

My favorite is the "late turner'. a driver who is generally on the far left who wants to turn right. Always makes the last minute decision with 20- 50 metres he'll slow down or completely stop (in the middle of a main road / highway 80km p/h) so he can merge to the right lane for a u-turn. No thought of the accident he's about to potentially cause. No planning ahead to move to the right lane a few hundred metres or more before his turn. Amazing.


If you cannot find a way to anticipate what others on the road are likely to do, then you might want to find another hobby. Announcing "Multiple times a day" is simply disclosing in a very public fashion that you are not up to the task of driving here. I would maintain that Thai drivers (per capita) are among the best in the world. Air drop any 'superior' westerner into the driver's seat in pretty much any traffic pattern encountered within LOS, and the only question becomes, will he/she wet themselves, before or after slamming the car in 'park' and adopting the fetal position?

'I would maintain that Thai drivers (per capita) are among the best in the world ... the only question becomes, will he/she wet themselves ...' I nearly did, laughing. I'm not sure whether you are a Thai with a superiority complex, or a westerner with a naivete complex. Or did I miss the irony?


I have had to do the same numerous times while either on my motorcycle or in the car. And it's always just a little honk to let the person know I am there and my fiancee gets infuriated with me saying that so many Thais carry guns that one day I'll probably get shot.

My wife says exactly the same thing, makes the motion of putting gun to temple and forbids me on pain of death (from the beepee) to sound the horn.

My girlfriend too. "Tut tut tut" & gentle push.

(despite the fact I have once again prevented an accident and possibly saved her from injury)


I put very loud air horns that are nearly deafening on my Kawasaki Versys. When I was out on the highway heading towards the ubiquitous U turn and could see either a motor scooter or car waiting to turn but looking impatient, I would give them a big blast about 200 meters away and they froze every time.....I mainly did this because they assume you are a scooter poodling along and don't realize you are a Big Bike at speed. I also have extra bright spotlights on all the time...this gets me a few car horns at night, but I don't care as I want to be seen and not killed. Nobody has reacted to me negatively, but then again I am long gone.

The stupidity of not using the horn is shown by the minivans who have come up behind me in the fast lane and are sitting on my back bumper. Obviously I wasn't keeping a good look behind me, but after hours on the road sometimes I haven't looked in a while. But they won't sound the horn, and I had one idiot who tried to squeeze between me and the center barrier and is inches from me. I think the main requirement to be a minivan driver is a very small brain and no driving education.....maybe no education at all.


I always use the horn if i can see that there is no awarness of the (mostly) motorcicles on the road, just rushing out from a small soi into the main road without watching the traffic or getting that close to my car that i am scared the get sratched from them: so i use my horn and dont care what action the others are doing, giving or having!

Thais dont know how to drive safe, so i give them a chance not to get under my wheels!!!!!!!!


You need to calm down. You did the right thing. You encountered a prick. Don't let it spoil your day.

He probably thought he was in China, where drivers must give way to those sneaking into the lane you're in.

This explains the constant and never-ending blasting of compressed air horns, protesting at anyone daring to invade their space!

We should be thankful that this is not the case in Thailand, and if you woke up the family m/cycle driver, then that's his problem.


I unrated my horns to warn moped & scooter riders I'm coming up behind you but there still not loud enough IMO. biggrin.png

They can shout back as much as like, don't bother me, you knock them over, it's you in trouble.

Exactly. Use that horn without compunction! Take a leaf from the Indians' book. I wouldn't leave home if my horn were not working biggrin.png


i beeped my horn when i saw a mate walking down the street in pattaya last year and my girl told me off. last week a guy riding in the left hand lane on a motorbike decided to do a right hand turn across the front of my pick up. i locked up the breaks hit the horn and came to a sliding stop about 1m from him. my girl though i used the horn appropriately in that case. i need to get a dash cam. would have been great to record that. can anyone tell me if i can get a single unit that faces forward and rearward?

Not quite a single unit... But a system that records to a Single SD Card and uses a Single Power Source.

BlackVue DR650GW-2CH

I have this installed in my car - 2 Separate DashCams.

- 1 Forwards Facing Cam installed on the Windscreen behind the rear-view mirror.

- 1 Rear Facing Cam Installed on the Rear Window.

- Both Wired through the roof upholstery (by myself easy to do) no visible wires.

- The Cam can either be hard wired (to the Fuse Box) or in my case its powered from the centre console 12v plug.

The Cam is small and discrete. It has no monitor which some people don't like. I can view both Cams Live or recorded on my phone by connecting to the cam via Wifi.


Indeed, use of the horn in Thailand is something I've never been able to figure out accurately. I've learned to use it very, very sparingly. Probably too sparingly safety-wise. And flash lights instead, which obviously is much less effective in many cases.

Honking is considered as very aggressive and this is so deeply ingrained in people's minds that that it can cause such abusive reaction even if that probably saved the life of one or more members of this family.

I do agree that you did the right thing here (obviously) and you shouldn't bother. Yet another TiT moment...

Does it not say in the Thai highway code (if there is one) that you are supposed to beep your horn when about to overtake a motorcycle to warn them of your intention?


I use my horn multiple times everyday. Wife used to hate it but now understand's why I do it. Plus I think you should use the horn more often. How else will they realise what they are doing is dangerous and life threatening.

My favorite is the "late turner'. a driver who is generally on the far left who wants to turn right. Always makes the last minute decision with 20- 50 metres he'll slow down or completely stop (in the middle of a main road / highway 80km p/h) so he can merge to the right lane for a u-turn. No thought of the accident he's about to potentially cause. No planning ahead to move to the right lane a few hundred metres or more before his turn. Amazing.


"No planning ahead to move to the right lane a few hundred metres or more before his turn".

That's because it is Thai law to ride on the first lane unless overtaking parked vehicles, not riding a "few hundred metres" on the outside lane.

I don't care what Thai law says, depending on road conditions, I always move to the faraway lane a "few hundred metres" before doing a right or U turn.

If you don't you will never get out if the road is busy, common sense is more important than anyones laws.


You presumably have a dashcam in the event of establishing post-accident blame?

Better to realize the mindset. They tend to believe if they are in front of you and you hit them it is your fault no matter if you are on a highway and they are entering from their driveway. That is why they just pull out in front of anyone. Not sure if that logic would hold in a court of law, but neither am I sure a dashcam would either--you saw him there and you didn't slow down and avoid him.


For those who are proud to use the horn frequently RIP.

Nonsense! Ten years ago that might have been so, today it's rarely an issue. I drive extensively every day and I'm not afraid to sound my horn if the situation warrants and I've never had a problem, ever. A short precautionary beep to let somebody know you're there if they seem to be unaware; a longer double beep if somebody is doing something risky/dangerous that impacts me; a long long hard beep if somebody is being really stupid and putting me directly at risk. Mrs CM doesn't like it but her vote doesn't count on this one.

I very very seldom use the horn because I dont want Bangkok becomes like Mumbai. I drive a lot in Bangkok and if you can anticipate the traffic you don't need to honk. And believe me, even today horns can shortcut thai brains and it is just a matter of time before you will run into a conflict.

Many, many years ago, my driving instructor taught me using the horn is a measure of your own competence as a driver. His proposition was if you anticipated the manoeuvres of other motorists well enough, you should never need to use the horn.

My main focus when driving in Thailand is driving defensively. No matter how aggravating the idiots are, there's no future in getting aggressive.


The standard Thai response is not to use horn, but pedal to the metal and cut off the motocy on the inside. They're used to it and seem to sail through the resulting gauntlet like drunken swans.


As long as the "law" always comes down on the side of the motorbike/rider then they will consider themselves invincible. There's never any concept of actions having consequences, not in any aspect of life.


i beeped my horn when i saw a mate walking down the street in pattaya last year and my girl told me off. last week a guy riding in the left hand lane on a motorbike decided to do a right hand turn across the front of my pick up. i locked up the breaks hit the horn and came to a sliding stop about 1m from him. my girl though i used the horn appropriately in that case. i need to get a dash cam. would have been great to record that. can anyone tell me if i can get a single unit that faces forward and rearward?

I had one that had 2 cameras on the unit,had a good panorama view. But failed recently,just bought one that clips over your rear view mirror.

Much better(full HD)and comes with a rear camera(and a micro SD card)and wiring,which fitted nicely above the number plate.

With picture in picture on the display,no name. Got it thru a wholesaler for less than 2000B,retail shop wanted over 4000B.

Back to subject,my Missus encourages me to use the horn(Car). She understands the danger of Thai bad driving etc.


Could anyone explain what the horn on my car is actually for?

It's to be used when you drive in Vietnam or Spain.


I always use the horn if i can see that there is no awarness of the (mostly) motorcicles on the road, just rushing out from a small soi into the main road without watching the traffic or getting that close to my car that i am scared the get sratched from them: so i use my horn and dont care what action the others are doing, giving or having!

Thais dont know how to drive safe, so i give them a chance not to get under my wheels!!!!!!!!

Thai highway code dictates that unlike in western countries, merging traffic has the right of way. If a lot of foreigners stopped driving by the rules that don't apply here, they would have a less stressful and much quieter commute. All this parping, bipping, meeping, tooting, honking, etc., has absolutely no impact on the safety of either party. On the other hand, being constantly mindful of the unpredictability of driving here and adopting the appropriate driving style to compensate for this shortcoming will.


Many, many years ago, my driving instructor taught me using the horn is a measure of your own competence as a driver. His proposition was if you anticipated the manoeuvres of other motorists well enough, you should never need to use the horn.

My main focus when driving in Thailand is driving defensively. No matter how aggravating the idiots are, there's no future in getting aggressive.

A valid proposition where those around you have equal training, have been tested to equal measure and (generally) follow the regulations with equal discipline.

Your instructor taught you to 'anticipate the manoeuvre of other motorists'..... I think thats why many over here would choose to use their horn... because, after driving here for a number of years we can anticipate the careless, the dangerous and the downright idiotic....

In short - the horn is used specifically in anticipation of what is about to happen... Isn't that the whole purpose of the horn ????

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