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US drone strike against Taliban leader angers Pakistan


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I consider both Pakistan and the Saudi kingdom, to be the two greatest enemies of the Western world. Pakistan has been harboring terrorists for decades, their intelligence services are in bed with them, and so is the government. In addition, they host the highest number of extremist Madrasas on the planet, which churn out a steady number of terror recruits, hellbent on world destruction, anarchy, and setting the world back many centuries. The graduates of those "schools" are a twisted class of men and women, who have a bent world view, and have zero understanding of Islam, nor anything the slightest bit spiritual. Only hatred remains in their tiny, black, foul, churlish, diseased hearts. And who is responsible for that? The Saudis have been donating billions of dollars to these schools for the past 30 years or so. They have been, and continue to be the world's greatest sponsors of terror, and the Pakistanis are the worlds greatest host of terrorists.

So, when Pakistan makes a big deal about violating their airspace, they are basically saying do not harm the terrorists we are working so hard to protect, and who are saying us a fortune, to use our country as a home base for worldwide terror. Who cares one iota? Some international laws are made to be broken. Some countries are asking to be disrespected. The Pakistani government and intelligence services do not deserve our respect, nor our regard, nor any consideration. Both these creeps, and the Saudi creeps are doing the world a tremendous disservice, and are two of the most disingenuous and heinous countries on the planet.

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Screw them. We got a bad guy and I'm sure the USA will do it again. Bravo

Sure, the USA will do it again and again, but it's a strategy that won't be any more successful in the future than it has been in the past.

They don't do anything right. This is a country that has an unbroken record of military failures since 1945.

On the contrary. The elimination of this animal scum was an operational success in itself, as was the Bin Laden raid. Obviously it WAS done right. What on earth are you babbling about?

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Screw them. We got a bad guy and I'm sure the USA will do it again. Bravo

Sure, the USA will do it again and again, but it's a strategy that won't be any more successful in the future than it has been in the past.

They don't do anything right. This is a country that has an unbroken record of military failures since 1945.

On the contrary. The elimination of this animal scum was an operational success in itself, as was the Bin Laden raid. Obviously it WAS done right. What on earth are you babbling about?

The American war in Afghanistan has been going on since 2001.

The strategy and tactics have been manifest failures.

When the definitive history is written it will rival Vietnam as an ignominious defeat for the USA.

Nothing was done right in either conflict. You're the one who is babbling.

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Screw them. We got a bad guy and I'm sure the USA will do it again. Bravo

Sure, the USA will do it again and again, but it's a strategy that won't be any more successful in the future than it has been in the past.

They don't do anything right. This is a country that has an unbroken record of military failures since 1945.

On the contrary. The elimination of this animal scum was an operational success in itself, as was the Bin Laden raid. Obviously it WAS done right. What on earth are you babbling about?

The American war in Afghanistan has been going on since 2001.

The strategy and tactics have been manifest failures.

When the definitive history is written it will rival Vietnam as an ignominious defeat for the USA.

Nothing was done right in either conflict. You're the one who is babbling.

To quote George Orwell's 1984 and the 1st line of The Party slogan.

War is peace

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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The US kicked the Iraqis out of Kuwait.

It enabled Bosnia to become independent of Serbia. Prior to that were drawn-out mass killings of civilians.

US enabled East Timor to break free of Indonesia. Prior there had been many murders by Indonesian authorities.

The US's military history has patchy since it liberated Europe twice and China once in the 20th century. But give credit where credit's due, unless you're determined to see the US as always failing - then nothing will sway your view.

I'm sure the 5,500 Oz troops actually IN East Timor appreciated the US support.

"Australian Prime Minister John Howard consulted United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan and lobbied U. S. President Bill Clinton to support an Australian led international peacekeeping force to enter East Timor to end the violence. The United States offered crucial logistical and intelligence resources and an "over-horizon" deterrent presence, but did not commit forces to the operation."

"The United States provided crucial logistic and diplomatic support throughout the crisis, while the cruiser USS Mobile Bay operated in open ocean at arms length, whilst Australian, Canadian and British ships entered Dili. A US Marine infantry battalion of 1,000 men—plus organic armour and artillery—was also stationed off the coast aboard the USS Belleau Wood to provide a strategic reserve in the event of significant armed opposition."


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Screw them. We got a bad guy and I'm sure the USA will do it again. Bravo

And an innocent taxi driver
Innocent taxi driver lmao. He was driving the Taliban big boss,hardly innocent
How do you know that he knew who his passenger was?

You seem rather quick to judge and pass a death sentence.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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The US's military history has patchy since it liberated Europe twice and China once in the 20th century. But give credit where credit's due, unless you're determined to see the US as always failing - then nothing will sway your view.

The US's military political history has patchy since it liberated Europe twice and China once in the 20th century

Fixed it for you.

The men and women of the military have answered the call admirably every single time. Wish I could be as complimentary of the politicians and their puppeteers..

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Screw them. We got a bad guy and I'm sure the USA will do it again. Bravo

And an innocent taxi driver
Innocent taxi driver lmao. He was driving the Taliban big boss,hardly innocent
How do you know that he knew who his passenger was?

You seem rather quick to judge and pass a death sentence.

I really can't see the head of the Taliban calling a taxi co. Or flagging down a stray on the streets.

Maybe cab driver didn't know who passenger was, but the leader most likely knew him!

Are you suggesting that the USA not pull the trigger cause an innocent was on board- notice I did not say a friendly. Must be nice looking thru those rose colored lens you wear but for the people who are not PC understand and would have pulled the trigger no matter who was with him. I hope we get the new guy quickly.

I have to admit though it is like whack a mole.

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