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Ever just scanned over the topics and wondered?


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Last couple of days I have scanned just the topic names in the General topics and Farang pub section and it really makes me wonder about the foreigners living in Thailand. I don't want to be judgmental here but just read some. Some make me laugh like "whats the best way to kill cockroaches?" "Is my GF a whore?" "Does my GF love me or want me for money?". "Should I lend my GF money?" to state a few. The most recent one was "Can Thai women really love?". I read the OP on a few and stopped.

In many ways its interesting as I wonder what these foreigners were like in their home country? Did they ever see or have to kill a cockroach or bug in their home country? Did they ever date? Were they ever in a relationship and in love?

I completely understand a forum is open dialogue and it is what it is. I respect that.

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Some are undoubtedly started just to "chum" the waters....

Cannon fodder....

I totally agree but some post in great detail and it makes me wonder. How did they survive in their home country, Some are written like naive young men that are lost. My wife read a few and had the same laugh. She asked me, "Do men in the US when dating post on forums when dating a women needing help to determine if they dating a whore or being scammed and ripped off" I bust out laughing. She said who writes all this stuff here.

In the end I enjoy just looking at the post topic. They are really funny especially if you sit back and read them one right after another out loud.

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Some of those guys probably never had to fend for themselves in their lives. Straight from mum to first wife to Thai wife. No independence at all.

I suspect that is very true in most cases or they are old and have lost a few steps on the common sense ladder.

I mean it is weird some of the questions people ask.

Anyway. All good. Fun to browse and laugh a bit.

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Reasons behind this are that theres little to nuthing for farang men to do in thailand but vent on here.

Example theres no peer group besides alcoholics and fellow down and outers or maybe a few niche cultures like bikes or fishing etc etc.

So they are bored out of there brains out isaan way in whoopwhoopratchaudonville making up ways to entertain themself

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Whenever I have a week or two without logging in, I head straight for the locked threads.

Good for a laugh.

I was thinking the OP must have read my thread about my 'missing circle' ...... That would of really had him wondering 55555

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Some are undoubtedly started just to "chum" the waters....

Cannon fodder....

Absolutely .. some worried 'expat' with an issue with one of the triggers, GF/money, Sin Sot, 'what a Thai said to them' and then off the thread goes, people swallowing it hook line and sinker and the thread poster never seen again

Odd, isn't it ...

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I also considered that many of the posters are jaded by what they read on Thai forums and it plants a seed and they quickly become neurotic so they post on TV and other forums hoping to get an answer to what is already a silly question.

I suspect utter and sheer boredom are a huge driver and if you do couple it with Alcohol, I can see where some of these post topics come from.

Again though, I enjoy the entertainment value. Some I read and can't stop laughing. But not all are odd topics. There have been some good ones with descent input from some.

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Some of those guys probably never had to fend for themselves in their lives. Straight from mum to first wife to Thai wife. No independence at all.

Plus boredom, loneliness, social isolation and a desire / need for approbation.

Sad stuff indeed.

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Some of those guys probably never had to fend for themselves in their lives. Straight from mum to first wife to Thai wife. No independence at all.

Plus boredom, loneliness, social isolation and a desire / need for approbation.

Sad stuff indeed.

Livin' the dream eh? whistling.gif

Or rather, what they thought was the dream when they first moved to Thailand. I often wonder how many of them would leave if they hadn't burnt all their bridges?

Edited by VBF
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There are indeed loads of topics that I find pathetic. The number of silly replies is unbelievable, posts that show a huge distrust to Thai in general, Thai women, women in the country of origin and even their own partners. As if the whole world, country and there partners are out to con them. Common sense not to be found. Have some faith in people, don't do what you would not do back home either, be yourself. Being a bit cautious is ok but don't be a distrusting (old?) fart. If you use common sense, your brain, your heart and a smile, simple said general respect, you can survive prettt much anywhere in the world without much fear or headaches. I stopped reading the silly blogs and so on long ago, but reading some topics is good for a laugh and some deserve a reply just so that normal people know that not all TV members are distrusting, paranoid farts. Or are there just too many trolls around?

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True Donutz, I never understood why virtually every thread digresses to a huge distrust or hate of Thai people. While I think a good portion of the threads are pathetic as you stated it really shows a serious group of negative people. 90% of what most post about I have never experienced and the other 10% I have seen or witnessed is still way better than the nonsense I dealt with in the states. But again I have always found its all about the company you keep. I also believe that these posters who get all caught up in the BS are the ones that are bored to death and when they were back in their home country they had little time to pay attention what was around them there and then move to Thailand and now have all the time to bitch, piss and moan because they now have a copious amount time on their hands. I could dive much deeper into it but I will leave it as that.

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One continuous moan and slur against other forum members.

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.


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