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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

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I'm trying to think of any time I have heard a religious person rubbishing the views of agnostics or atheists. I've read plenty of stuff from religious people expressing their view of what God thinks, and many people thanking God for the good things in their life, but only atheists blaming God for the troubles of the world,


Apparently don't keep up with the USA much or Bangladesh! Or the rest of the Islamic countries. The USA "rubbishes" non-bellievers all the time...especially FOX news and in Bangladesh more than a half dozen atheists have been brutally hacked to death in the past year.

Christians in the USA discriminate and try to impose their beliefs on others all the time. They step on and try take away the rights of those whom don't share their beliefs or follow their ridiculous hypocritical ways.

Where u been Cowboy? ? ?

Edited by Skeptic7
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God beliefs and afterlifes are comfort mechanisms invoked when humans can't cope with the harsh realities of the natural world. Death & mortality being the #1 realities with which most cannot handle.

The universe is a chaotic and dangerous place. Nearly everything in nature is out to kill us. Disease, venomous insects and snakes, predators (human and animal), severe weather, natural disasters, ignorance, carelessness and A-holes! All can deliver the death blow in a heartbeat.

Edited by Skeptic7
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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

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I'm trying to think of any time I have heard a religious person rubbishing the views of agnostics or atheists. I've read plenty of stuff from religious people expressing their view of what God thinks, and many people thanking God for the good things in their life, but only atheists blaming God for the troubles of the world,


Apparently don't keep up with the USA much or Bangladesh! Or the rest of the Islamic countries. The USA "rubbishes" non-bellievers all the time...especially FOX news and in Bangladesh more than a half dozen atheists have been brutally hacked to death in the past year.

Christians in the USA discriminate and try to impose their beliefs on others all the time. They step on and try take away the rights of those whom don't share their beliefs or follow their ridiculous hypocritical ways.

Where u been Cowboy? ? ?

Yes, I've been working on and off in Bangladesh for the past 2.5 years & I think the body count is around 20 atheist or non-Muslim that have been hacked to death or shot.

Has there or will there ever be an atheist US president? I bet that would be totally unacceptable. No more 'God bless America'.

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Hope so...think so. There will be an openly atheist prez in the US someday. Probably already has been one(or more), but could never admit it. LONG overdue, but the tides of ignorance are changing and reason is slowly being embraced again. "Nones" (no religious affiliation) is the fastest growing group by all the polls! Hope yet for Idiot America...

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I'm trying to think of any time I have heard a religious person rubbishing the views of agnostics or atheists. I've read plenty of stuff from religious people expressing their view of what God thinks, and many people thanking God for the good things in their life, but only atheists blaming God for the troubles of the world,


Apparently don't keep up with the USA much or Bangladesh! Or the rest of the Islamic countries. The USA "rubbishes" non-bellievers all the time...especially FOX news and in Bangladesh more than a half dozen atheists have been brutally hacked to death in the past year.

Christians in the USA discriminate and try to impose their beliefs on others all the time. They step on and try take away the rights of those whom don't share their beliefs or follow their ridiculous hypocritical ways.

Where u been Cowboy? ? ?

Yes, I've been working on and off in Bangladesh for the past 2.5 years & I think the body count is around 20 atheist or non-Muslim that have been hacked to death or shot.

Has there or will there ever be an atheist US president? I bet that would be totally unacceptable. No more 'God bless America'.

Be careful over there! I'm sure they'd LOVE to hack an American(?) Atheist up real good. Probably think they'd get an extra virgin or 2 for a westerner!
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Would be willing to wager that a large percentage of UK and other European military are atheists too, based on the percentages in those countries. Based on fact and evidence.

That tired old statement is so false and so played. Time to make up something new as that one has been soundly refuted. See above comment if u don't accept my facts.

Edited by Skeptic7
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The beautiful thing about facts is that they are still true whether one chooses to accept them or not. This applies to scientific evidence as well.

Edited by Skeptic7
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I'm trying to think of any time I have heard a religious person rubbishing the views of agnostics or atheists. I've read plenty of stuff from religious people expressing their view of what God thinks, and many people thanking God for the good things in their life, but only atheists blaming God for the troubles of the world,


Go to Iran and ask them maybe? they like "non believers" in their particular fantasylaugh.png

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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

The universe does exist, but we don't know how it came into being, and probably never will.

Edited by teatree
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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

But we could also say it was created by a peanut or any of an endless list of things all equally valid and un provable, looking at the chances of one over the other I rule out a God to the 99.99999999999% one poster mentioned, can I prove it? NO but is it likely......no.

Associated with all the religions is a load of mumbo jumbo which has over the centuries been demolished by the scientific method and surely that way is the best method we have currently as opposed to" belief"

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There are no atheists in foxholes.

WRONG! Just like your superstition...making shit up without a shred of evidence. Ever hear of Pat Tillman? Also go here for more to prove you're so off base making that senseless comment.


Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.

Edited by giddyup
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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

The universe does exist, but we don't know how it came into being, and probably never will.

Blah blah blah...so u are agnostic about Zeus and leprechauns. BTW...Never mentioned magically appearing gifts. Still can't prove Santa Claus doesn't exist, so we'll assume u are agnostic about him too. Just turning your initial argument back atcha...'not sure how anyone knows for sure'. Your words not mine and your reason for being agnostic.

If there is no valid reason or evidence for something, then why give it any consideration in the first place? That was the point I was (unsuccessfully it seems) trying to make with all the other deities and other nonsense.

So taking away the Santa and unicorn nonsense, there are thousands of deities actually still believed in today. So are u agnostic about all of them, since no one can know for sure? You never answered that as u were busy creating the Santa strawman.

And actually the Big Bang is the most likely way this universe came into being. Read Lawrence Krauss A Universe From Nothing. What is more uncertain is how life actually began. But there are promising hypotheses on this too. Don't be so quick to rule out that mystery being solved. It most likely will be

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There are no atheists in foxholes.

WRONG! Just like your superstition...making shit up without a shred of evidence. Ever hear of Pat Tillman? Also go here for more to prove you're so off base making that senseless comment.


Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.
You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

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There are no atheists in foxholes.

WRONG! Just like your superstition...making shit up without a shred of evidence. Ever hear of Pat Tillman? Also go here for more to prove you're so off base making that senseless comment.


Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.
You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Edited by giddyup
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I'm trying to think of any time I have heard a religious person rubbishing the views of agnostics or atheists. I've read plenty of stuff from religious people expressing their view of what God thinks, and many people thanking God for the good things in their life, but only atheists blaming God for the troubles of the world,


Apparently don't keep up with the USA much or Bangladesh! Or the rest of the Islamic countries. The USA "rubbishes" non-bellievers all the time...especially FOX news and in Bangladesh more than a half dozen atheists have been brutally hacked to death in the past year.

Christians in the USA discriminate and try to impose their beliefs on others all the time. They step on and try take away the rights of those whom don't share their beliefs or follow their ridiculous hypocritical ways.

Where u been Cowboy? ? ?

Yes, I've been working on and off in Bangladesh for the past 2.5 years & I think the body count is around 20 atheist or non-Muslim that have been hacked to death or shot.

Has there or will there ever be an atheist US president? I bet that would be totally unacceptable. No more 'God bless America'.

There has been but they darent mention it, I believe Christopher Hitchens mentioned this in one of his talks about the US constitution when it was drawn up vaguely??

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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

But we could also say it was created by a peanut or any of an endless list of things all equally valid and un provable, looking at the chances of one over the other I rule out a God to the 99.99999999999% one poster mentioned, can I prove it? NO but is it likely......no.

Associated with all the religions is a load of mumbo jumbo which has over the centuries been demolished by the scientific method and surely that way is the best method we have currently as opposed to" belief"

You wanna be careful wth that peanut theory. We don't wanna spend another 2000 years worshipping nuts!

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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

The universe does exist, but we don't know how it came into being, and probably never will.

Thoughts about Religion that developed as I lived my life became the world would be better place without it as it seems mostly to be the main cause of hate, conflict and wars etc.

My thoughts on Religion as a child was one of confusion, and nobody answered my bloody questions and one was " what came first the chicken or the egg." biggrin.png

Edited by Kwasaki
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I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.
You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

"can turn" is the word though a s opposed to "do turn", I knew several ex WW2 bomber crew inc pilots and tail gunners ( worst job) neither believed in God and got shot down on several occasions one almost lost a leg.........many also dont turn to "god" as a last resort.

Many atheists probably say nothing but I think theres way more atheists than imagined.

Skeptic7's trying to win you over with "hearts and minds" laugh.png mind you i cant say too muchwink.png

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I am agnostic - - not sure how anyone knows for sure???

That said, I think everyone should have their own religion, though I think most of us already do - we call it Rationalization...

sure, imaginary friends are great - I am my own best imaginary friend...

Don't take this the wrong way, as u gave a nice, honest answer...but don't think the majority of humanity is rational or logical. Fundamental to their superstition is the sad truth.

Furthermore, are you agnostic about ALL gods...Zeus, Apollo, Allah, Ganesha, etc? There sre thousands. Or just the god flavor of your religion? Yahweh I'm guessing.

Also, are u agnostic about unicorns or leprechauns or the infamous tiny teapot in orbit at the outter reaches of our solar system? Can't prove they don't exist either, nor Zeus et al. And the hard evidence is prett much equal for all...zero.

Just something to think about...

Unless you want to get extremely metaphysical we can say that the universe exists.

If the universe exists then we can say it was either created by natural forces, or it was created by a conscious entity. There is no way to prove either one of these. Being agnostic is the only logical position.

You are using Santa Clause logical fallacy when talking about unicorns etc. There isn't a strange phenomenon whereby gifts appear at the foot of children's beds every Xmas. We know who put them there, we know it is the children's parents. If there WAS a strange phenomenon whereby gifts DID appear out of nowhere then perhaps people would believe that Santa exists, but there isn't, so it really isn't the same thing.

The universe does exist, but we don't know how it came into being, and probably never will.

Thoughts about Religion that developed as I lived my life became the world would be better place without it as it seems mostly to be the main cause of hate, conflict and wars etc.

My thoughts on Religion as a child was one of confusion, and nobody answered my bloody questions and one was " what came first the chicken or the egg." biggrin.png

Id say as much if not more wars were over territory with the use of religion as an excuse

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I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.
You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

"can turn" is the word though a s opposed to "do turn", I knew several ex WW2 bomber crew inc pilots and tail gunners ( worst job) neither believed in God and got shot down on several occasions one almost lost a leg.........many also dont turn to "god" as a last resort.

Many atheists probably say nothing but I think theres way more atheists than imagined.

Skeptic7's trying to win you over with "hearts and minds" laugh.png mind you i cant say too muchwink.png

I'm not religious as I pointed out, but it's obvious that Skeptic7 is like a pitbull if anyone even hints at having any religious leanings, so he isn't the slightest bit interested in any other views than his own..Close-minded as they come.

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