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I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.

You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

"can turn" is the word though a s opposed to "do turn", I knew several ex WW2 bomber crew inc pilots and tail gunners ( worst job) neither believed in God and got shot down on several occasions one almost lost a leg.........many also dont turn to "god" as a last resort.

Many atheists probably say nothing but I think theres way more atheists than imagined.

Skeptic7's trying to win you over with "hearts and minds" laugh.png mind you i cant say too muchwink.png

I'm not religious as I pointed out, but it's obvious that Skeptic7 is like a pitbull if anyone even hints at having any religious leanings, so he isn't the slightest bit interested in any other views than his own..Close-minded as they come.

I think we need to be more aggressive & the sooner we can rid this planet of religious nonsense, the better.

It really angers me when I see a friend of mine in Thailand who is a fairly recent JW convert trying to ram it down everyone's throat, including his poor children.

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You wanna be careful wth that peanut theory. We don't wanna spend another 2000 years worshipping nuts!

seems many do though.........Im allergic as you might have guessed!!

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I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.

You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

"can turn" is the word though a s opposed to "do turn", I knew several ex WW2 bomber crew inc pilots and tail gunners ( worst job) neither believed in God and got shot down on several occasions one almost lost a leg.........many also dont turn to "god" as a last resort.

Many atheists probably say nothing but I think theres way more atheists than imagined.

Skeptic7's trying to win you over with "hearts and minds" laugh.png mind you i cant say too muchwink.png

I'm not religious as I pointed out, but it's obvious that Skeptic7 is like a pitbull if anyone even hints at having any religious leanings, so he isn't the slightest bit interested in any other views than his own..Close-minded as they come.
Not true nor fair. This topic (religion) has been so one-sided for so long with the pious given special status and kid glove treatment that everyone gets offended when someone has the stones to stand up and disagree and tries to interject some reason and logic to absurd notions. Same ol' predictable reactions here today.

Only a pit bull when silly, false and harmful lies continue to be propagated. It's untrue crap like this that just fuels the ignorance and empowers them further. The world doesn't need to be empowered with any more BS.

Superstition has held the world hostage and hindered medical, technological, diplomatic and scientific progress by decades.

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I think we need to be more aggressive & the sooner we can rid this planet of religious nonsense, the better.

It really angers me when I see a friend of mine in Thailand who is a fairly recent JW convert trying to ram it down everyone's throat, including his poor children.

belief without evidence I find bizarre as long as their ideas dont affect me its ok BUT often they do especially in Thailand where Buddha will protect them from often their own lack of common sense especially when on a motorbike.

I dont think rampant aggressive is the way to go although some people even when faced with overwhelming evidence still cannot see the daftness of their position and its a waste of time even discussing it.

I for one would love to see some evidence, one side is showing wayyyyyyyyyy more than the other in fact its the only one showing anything.

Remember science doesnt have all the answers, religion does, its all settled ,God did it all..what a dull universe that would be

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I can't say what I'd like to say without being banned, but once again, because it obviously didn't sink in the first time. "No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc. The whole tone of your responses is one of ridicule and condescension, so when you get over calling everyone an ignorant fool who makes a comment that you don't agree with, it might be time to take a long hard look at yourself and see who is really ignorant.

Lighten up, it's just an off the cuff quote. I'm not religious in the slightest, god is just Father Xmas for grown-ups as far as I'm concerned. This is the Pub Forum, not a theology debate. You must be on your starting blocks just waiting to attack.
You made a stupid and irresponsible (trolling now it seems) statement that is seriously thrown around all the time by ignorant fools and needs to stop. Poor taste on your part.

I started this thread and it was moved here by the Mods. It IS a thread and debate about superstition (aka religion) so don't throw shit in the fan if u can't handle it being blown back in your face in the form of solid FACTS.

Good to know you're not religious though!

"can turn" is the word though a s opposed to "do turn", I knew several ex WW2 bomber crew inc pilots and tail gunners ( worst job) neither believed in God and got shot down on several occasions one almost lost a leg.........many also dont turn to "god" as a last resort.

Many atheists probably say nothing but I think theres way more atheists than imagined.

Skeptic7's trying to win you over with "hearts and minds" laugh.png mind you i cant say too muchwink.png

I'm not religious as I pointed out, but it's obvious that Skeptic7 is like a pitbull if anyone even hints at having any religious leanings, so he isn't the slightest bit interested in any other views than his own..Close-minded as they come.

Im interested in any views but without something to back it up (evidence) it becomes a conversation thats going nowhere and yes I agree way too strong Skeptic 7 "calm down "man? man?

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I think we need to be more aggressive & the sooner we can rid this planet of religious nonsense, the better.

It really angers me when I see a friend of mine in Thailand who is a fairly recent JW convert trying to ram it down everyone's throat, including his poor children.

Skeptic7 (drop the K and you're close) has only raised this subject to ruffle feathers, and he has the gall to call me a troll. He has no other topics or posts and didn't exist to the forum previously. He's welcome to his views, but he has no tolerance for those who disagree.

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Im interested in any views but without something to back it up (evidence) it becomes a conversation thats going nowhere and yes I agree way too strong Skeptic 7 "calm down "man? man?

There is no "evidence" to back up religious beliefs, that's why they call it "having faith".

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Not true nor fair. This topic (religion) has been so one-sided for so long with the pious given special status and kid glove treatment that everyone gets offended when someone has the stones to stand up and disagree and tries to interject some reason and logic to absurd notions. Same ol' predictable reactions here today.

Only a pit bull when silly, false and harmful lies continue to be propagated. It's untrue crap like this that just fuels the ignorance and empowers them further. The world doesn't need to be empowered with any more BS.

Superstition has held the world hostage and hindered medical, technological, diplomatic and scientific progress by decades.

Your post is not to encourage debate, but purely to voice your own close-minded opinions and to jump on anyone who dares disagree. This is the first thread I've seen from you, hopefully it will be the last.

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Not true nor fair. This topic (religion) has been so one-sided for so long with the pious given special status and kid glove treatment that everyone gets offended when someone has the stones to stand up and disagree and tries to interject some reason and logic to absurd notions. Same ol' predictable reactions here today.

Only a pit bull when silly, false and harmful lies continue to be propagated. It's untrue crap like this that just fuels the ignorance and empowers them further. The world doesn't need to be empowered with any more BS.

Superstition has held the world hostage and hindered medical, technological, diplomatic and scientific progress by decades.

Your post is not to encourage debate, but purely to voice your own close-minded opinions and to jump on anyone who dares disagree. This is the first thread I've seen from you, hopefully it will be the last.

All u do is point fingers and call names. You started this incendiary sub-thread with a very poor taste comment. You have offered nothing to dispute any of the facts I've presented. You are just "hellbent" on trying to divert the conversation away from your inaccurate comment in very poor taste.

Maybe time for u to giddyup and go, 'cause "Septic7" ain't going anywhere.


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Not true nor fair. This topic (religion) has been so one-sided for so long with the pious given special status and kid glove treatment that everyone gets offended when someone has the stones to stand up and disagree and tries to interject some reason and logic to absurd notions. Same ol' predictable reactions here today.

Only a pit bull when silly, false and harmful lies continue to be propagated. It's untrue crap like this that just fuels the ignorance and empowers them further. The world doesn't need to be empowered with any more BS.

Superstition has held the world hostage and hindered medical, technological, diplomatic and scientific progress by decades.

Your post is not to encourage debate, but purely to voice your own close-minded opinions and to jump on anyone who dares disagree. This is the first thread I've seen from you, hopefully it will be the last.

All u do is point fingers and call names. You started this incendiary sub-thread with a very poor taste comment. You have offered nothing to dispute any of the facts I've presented. You are just "hellbent" on trying to divert the conversation away from your inaccurate comment in very poor taste.

Maybe time for u to giddyup and go, 'cause "Septic7" ain't going anywhere.


I have to repeat myself here because it seems you only talk, not listen.

"No atheists in foxholes" is a quote that's been around for many years, probably since World War 1, nothing "poor taste" about it. It's suggesting that in times of extreme stress even the non-religious can turn to "god", ie under fire in wartime, a child missing, a loved one at death's door in hospital etc.

IMO a fanatical atheist is no better than a fanatical anything, a zealot by another name. BTW the name calling started with you, go back and read your own posts.

I'll leave you to your ranting.

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Those are great! Here's another slightly different. Sorry in advance if anyone takes offense...gigglem.gif

Cant see how anyone could take offence given it appears to be open season on those of the Muslim faith everywhere else TV, and far harsher things are being posted..

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Im interested in any views but without something to back it up (evidence) it becomes a conversation thats going nowhere and yes I agree way too strong Skeptic 7 "calm down "man? man?

There is no "evidence" to back up religious beliefs, that's why they call it "having faith".

but "faith" is meaningless its has nothing to support it you could invent anything and worship it to death,whats the point? and then to pass it off as FACT i many cases, isnt it easier to say "we dont know"..religion doesnt do that though its tells you "we know it all" hey which "K" are we dropping?

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Im interested in any views but without something to back it up (evidence) it becomes a conversation thats going nowhere and yes I agree way too strong Skeptic 7 "calm down "man? man?

There is no "evidence" to back up religious beliefs, that's why they call it "having faith".

but "faith" is meaningless its has nothing to support it you could invent anything and worship it to death,whats the point? and then to pass it off as FACT i many cases, isnt it easier to say "we dont know"..religion doesnt do that though its tells you "we know it all" hey which "K" are we dropping?

Tell that to the billions that follow one "faith" or another. I have already stated that I'm non-religious, but others have the right to believe in what they like, as long as they don't either try and convert me or kill me in the name of their god.

Edited by giddyup
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Those are great! Here's another slightly different. Sorry in advance if anyone takes offense...gigglem.gif

Cant see how anyone could take offence given it appears to be open season on those of the Muslim faith everywhere else TV, and far harsher things are being posted..

Yeah well I'm apparently the villian in the other thread...and by the like minded no less! So figured I'd just take precautions this time with the overly sensitive. :-D Edited by Skeptic7
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Im interested in any views but without something to back it up (evidence) it becomes a conversation thats going nowhere and yes I agree way too strong Skeptic 7 "calm down "man? man?

There is no "evidence" to back up religious beliefs, that's why they call it "having faith".

but "faith" is meaningless its has nothing to support it you could invent anything and worship it to death,whats the point? and then to pass it off as FACT i many cases, isnt it easier to say "we dont know"..religion doesnt do that though its tells you "we know it all" hey which "K" are we dropping?

to me the origins of the concept of "god" stem from lack of understanding, in that early human beings didn't understand were thunder and lightening came from, why the Sun rose and set everyday, why did rain, why are certain times of the year hot others cold, so they attributed these "events" to an all controlling "man" in the sky, along with his family doing all this...

Religions were basically founded on the fear or lack of understanding of death...when you "shuffle off this mortal coil" what happens next ?...that cant be the end can it ?...so various doctrines came about to bring dispel the fear of death, and suggest there was a "better place" were one would live forever

The above doctrines where then hi jacked and corrupted by certain groups of people to control other groups and get them to do things in this life by promising rewards or consequences in the next life, ie it is being used as a big stick, in other words its a big con to manipulate and control people..

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