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Clinton email use broke federal rules: inspector's report


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Clinton email use broke federal rules: inspector's report

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton and her team ignored clear guidance from the State Department that her email setup broke federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers, a department audit has found. Her aides twice brushed aside concerns, in one case telling technical staff "the matter was not to be discussed further."

The inspector general's review on Wednesday also revealed that hacking attempts led forced then-Secretary of State Clinton off email at one point in 2011, though she insists the personal server she used was never breached. Clinton and several of her senior staff declined to be interviewed for the investigation.

Earlier this month, Clinton declared that she was happy to "talk to anybody, anytime" about the matter and would encourage her staff to do the same.

Opponents of her Democratic presidential campaign pointed to the audit as proof that Clinton has not been truthful about her private email use as fresh evidence she is not trustworthy or qualified to be commander in chief.

Campaigning in California, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump noted solemnly that Clinton had received "a little bad news" and then railed against her "horribly bad judgment."

Clinton, also campaigning in California, didn't mention the controversy and ignored reporters' shouted questions. A spokesman for Clinton, who served as the nation's top diplomat from 2009 to 2013, declared the audit showed her email use was consistent with what others at the department have done.

The 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, says Clinton ignored clear directives. She never sought approval to conduct government business over private email, and never demonstrated the server or the Blackberry she used while in office "met minimum information security requirements."

Twice in 2010, information management staff at the State Department raised concerns that Clinton's email practices failed to meet federal records-keeping requirements. The staff's director responded that Clinton's personal email system had been reviewed and approved by legal staff, "and that the matter was not to be discussed any further."

The audit found no evidence of a legal staff review or approval. It said any such request would have been denied by senior information officers because of security risks.

The inspector general's inquiry was prompted by revelations of Clinton's email use, a subject that has dogged her presidential campaign.

The review encompassed the email and information practices of the past five secretaries of state, finding them "slow to recognize and to manage effectively the legal requirements and cybersecurity risks associated with electronic data communications, particularly as those risks pertain to its most senior leadership."

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon underscored that point Wednesday.

"The inspector general documents just how consistent her email practices were with those of other secretaries and senior officials at the State Department who also used personal email," Fallon said.

The audit did note that former Secretary of State Colin Powell had also exclusively used a private email account, though it did not name any other prior secretaries who had done so. But the failings of Clinton were singled out in the audit as being more serious than her predecessor.

"By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," the report concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives."

Republicans said Wednesday the audit showed Clinton was in clear violation of the Federal Records Act and endangered national security.

The State Department has released more than 52,000 pages of Clinton's work-related emails, including some that have since been classified. Clinton has withheld thousands of additional emails, saying they were personal.

Critics have questioned whether her server might have made a tempting target for hackers, especially those working with or for foreign intelligence services.

Separately from the State Department audit, the FBI has been investigating whether Clinton's use of the private email server imperiled government secrets. It has recently interviewed Clinton's top aides, including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin. Clinton is expected to be interviewed.

Clinton has acknowledged in the campaign that the homebrew email setup in her New York home was a mistake. She said she never sent or received anything marked classified at the time, and says hackers never breached the server.

The audit said a Clinton aide had to shut down the server on Jan. 9, 2011, because he believed "someone was trying to hack us." Later that day, he said: "We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min."

The next day, a senior official told two of Clinton's top aides not to email their boss "anything sensitive," saying she could "explain more in person."

On CBS' "Face the Nation" this month, Clinton said, "I've made it clear that I'm more than ready to talk to anybody, anytime. And I've encouraged all of (my staff) to be very forthcoming."

The audit said four of her closest State Department aides — Mills, Abedin, policy chief Jake Sullivan and strategy aide Philippe Reines — all declined interview requests.


Associated Press reporters Stephen Braun, Chad Day, Jack Gillum in Washington and Lisa Lerer in Los Angeles contributed to this report.


Read the State Department Inspector General's report at http://apne.ws/1qJYhjw

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-26

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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

You've got to be one of the most delusional people on this forum. From the WaPo:

"Clinton’s team has spent months casting the State Department inspector general’s office as overly aggressive and working hand in hand with congressional Republicans to cast the former secretary of state in the worst possible light.

That’s a very hard story to sell, given that the current inspector general was appointed by President Obama. It is, by the way, the same problem Clinton faces when she tries to cast skepticism on the ongoing FBI investigation. This is an FBI that is overseen by an attorney general — Loretta E. Lynch — who was also appointed by Obama. It’s tough to make the case that a Democratic administration filled with Democratic appointees are all somehow out to get the presumptive Democratic nominee for president."
"This is a bad day for Clinton’s presidential campaign. Period. For a candidate already struggling to overcome a perception that she is neither honest nor trustworthy, the IG report makes that task significantly harder. No one will come out of this news cycle — with the exception of the hardest of the hard-core Clinton people — believing she is a better bet for the presidency on May 25 than she was on May 23."
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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

More pathetic liberal BS, you should be ashamed of your attempt at spin. She, her husband and daughter are continually into one scandal or another. This outright disregard for the law of the United States shows the elite thinking of this horribly corrupt person. How could she ever be president, as she should not be granted a clearance as she is a security risk. If any less person they would have already been doing hard time.

And just where is Obama in all this? I guess the "buck stops here" no longer applies in the new "slime ball" democrat party. Obama knew and sent her emails on the unlawful server.

Your post are usually intelligent, this time you must really be shook up with your bumbling post.

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And how much did this investigation cost?

Should not have cost much as it was an internal revue of security violations done by the state departments Office of the Inspecting General.

Oh...maybe I missed your point, not money but results. If that is your meaning, I would venture that this just might cost the corrupt Hillary the election.

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Hilary Clinton has been at best a serial criminal...going from one illegal operation to another...always using her position to stay just out of reach of the law and criminal prosecution...

It will be interesting...she has...according to judges who are not part of the Obama administration...broken several laws...all felonies...begging for conviction...

The Obama In-Justice Dept. has a track record of "selective" prosecutions...I expect this to be no different...

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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

More pathetic liberal BS, you should be ashamed of your attempt at spin. She, her husband and daughter are continually into one scandal or another. This outright disregard for the law of the United States shows the elite thinking of this horribly corrupt person. How could she ever be president, as she should not be granted a clearance as she is a security risk. If any less person they would have already been doing hard time.

And just where is Obama in all this? I guess the "buck stops here" no longer applies in the new "slime ball" democrat party. Obama knew and sent her emails on the unlawful server.

Your post are usually intelligent, this time you must really be shook up with your bumbling post.

I'm not agreeing with the post you responded to but there is a difference between a "scandal" and being in the wrong. She as were her predecessors all in the wrong by using a personal email address and a private server. She has copped to this already and apologized. Despite her violating a policy, no laws were broken. I think you will also find that most all the "scandals" you claim the Clintons were involved in were contrived. I'm not even quite sure their daughter was even a part of any scandal which you claim. The Clintons seem to have raised a very smart young woman.

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I do wish this would come to a quick resolution, like before Demo convention so Bernie could be candidate. Clinton is too much of a liability now, guilty or not. If Demos want to lose to Trump, just have Hillary as a candidate. I think Hillary could be a decent president, but this millstone around her neck is just too much. Do the right thing: withdraw from running.

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Every time I hear or read about this reminds me about 3 contractors being arrested for sharing their gov't email accounts. All 3 went to the pen...that is a federal lockup for those that may ask....back in the USA, but soon the current abuser will be sent to a different house!cheesy.gif

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This Yahoo interview below with Michael Isikoff provides some more interesting details regarding this report.

Among the the points he makes is that the report states that when junior Clinton staffers expressed concern about the email use, a senior Clinton staffer instructed them to hush up about this and also told them that Clinton's actions had already been okayed by State Dept. lawyers (which was not true according to the report).

Also, Clinton has made statements during the campaign about this whole issue which contradict the report.


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This Yahoo interview below with Michael Isikoff provides some more interesting details regarding this report.

Among the the points he makes is that the report states that when junior Clinton staffers expressed concern about the email use, a senior Clinton staffer instructed them to hush up about this and also told them that Clinton's actions had already been okayed by State Dept. lawyers (which was not true according to the report).

Also, Clinton has made statements during the campaign about this whole issue which contradict the report.


The Pantsuit also declined to cooperate with the IG's investigation and refused to be interviewed. What's she trying to hide...seems much more important than what's in Donald's tax returns while a PRIVATE CITIZEN!

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I do wish this would come to a quick resolution, like before Demo convention so Bernie could be candidate. Clinton is too much of a liability now, guilty or not. If Demos want to lose to Trump, just have Hillary as a candidate. I think Hillary could be a decent president, but this millstone around her neck is just too much. Do the right thing: withdraw from running.

I think the real reason Bernie is staying in the race is because he has information that Hillary will not survive...politically I mean...and he will be there to pick up the pieces.

If only he had not been blinded 9 months ago and gave Hillary a pass on all this in those early debates.

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This Yahoo interview below with Michael Isikoff provides some more interesting details regarding this report.

Among the the points he makes is that the report states that when junior Clinton staffers expressed concern about the email use, a senior Clinton staffer instructed them to hush up about this and also told them that Clinton's actions had already been okayed by State Dept. lawyers (which was not true according to the report).

Also, Clinton has made statements during the campaign about this whole issue which contradict the report.


The Pantsuit also declined to cooperate with the IG's investigation and refused to be interviewed. What's she trying to hide...seems much more important than what's in Donald's tax returns while a PRIVATE CITIZEN!
Don't forget the missing emails, did she delete emails? If so it is obstruction of justice. Just so many things wrong here ....

Donald should however release his tax returns.

Edited by ttthailand
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Hilary Clinton has been at best a serial criminal...going from one illegal operation to another...always using her position to stay just out of reach of the law and criminal prosecution...

It will be interesting...she has...according to judges who are not part of the Obama administration...broken several laws...all felonies...begging for conviction...

The Obama In-Justice Dept. has a track record of "selective" prosecutions...I expect this to be no different...

She is still using her crooked political connections to avoid capture. Bill is probably on the phone right now, calling in favors.

I hate this pair. She needs to go down (not on Bill..he has other women for that).

Well, the news comes as no surprise. It is an obvious ending to her "already spent" credibility.

Proven liar...crooked as the teeth on a buck toothed pig eating an apple through a picket fence.

Sorry guys...you are no longer fun. This is kind of a wrap. The smoke has cleared, but the fire is burning. Hillary compromised everything...our National Secrets...to foreign government. They used her like a rug.

Darn it Hillary....you just make winning no challenge at all.

By the way, Mr Hacker from Romania just pulled himself a very sweet deal. This is a very unusual deal....and there is something amiss. It only took less that 14 days to work out the details...so he evidently has something "hot on hillary's emails" to offer.

Nice surprise package for Trump. A banner day, throwing in the ugly democratic riot by street thugs..in New Mexico. Not only does he turn every insult/threat/attack around on his opponents....but he kicks in a field goal every frigging time...for that extra point.

wow...just.....wow. Karma dear Hillary Karma. It's not "Remember the Alamo"...for you it's "Remember Benghazi".

Edited by slipperylobster
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And how much did this investigation cost?

It cost nothing, because it was probably paid with by USD, which is just randomly printed at will and eventually will only be good for wiping ones spinchta with.

Back on subject, Hilary should be hung, drawn and quartered, she new the rules and selected to ignore them.

She should be held to a much higher standard than the people below her. Put her in Prison, if the prison will have her.

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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

More pathetic liberal BS, you should be ashamed of your attempt at spin. She, her husband and daughter are continually into one scandal or another. This outright disregard for the law of the United States shows the elite thinking of this horribly corrupt person. How could she ever be president, as she should not be granted a clearance as she is a security risk. If any less person they would have already been doing hard time.

And just where is Obama in all this? I guess the "buck stops here" no longer applies in the new "slime ball" democrat party. Obama knew and sent her emails on the unlawful server.

Your post are usually intelligent, this time you must really be shook up with your bumbling post.

I'm not agreeing with the post you responded to but there is a difference between a "scandal" and being in the wrong. She as were her predecessors all in the wrong by using a personal email address and a private server. She has copped to this already and apologized. Despite her violating a policy, no laws were broken. I think you will also find that most all the "scandals" you claim the Clintons were involved in were contrived. I'm not even quite sure their daughter was even a part of any scandal which you claim. The Clintons seem to have raised a very smart young woman.

Smart maybe A buffalo absolutely. I prefer smart and hot. Check out Trump's family!

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My bet is somehow she will survive this report, it does not call for prosecution. Like the banks "too big to fail" the Clintons just keep rolling along. If, very big if, the fbi investigation leads to an indictment it will be another ball game. My fear is it might be, if at all, after the nomination. Her anointment as "empress to be" by the DNC will lead to a fascist president and probably a compliant bunch of right wing wackos in Congress, maybe even more than now. Oh, and go Albuquerque! Something or somebody triggered the reaction to the militarized cops. COINTEL never died. I lived there and in New Mexico for 25 yrs. Still have several close friends on both sides, a couple in particular-one the cops tried to kill the other a former prosecutor. Good people in NM with a long history of standing up for what is right.

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The IG's investigative report seems to say it all. The questions raised by lower level staff were ignored and were told to shut up about it. While the report stated Colin Powell, who served 2001-2005, it puts it in perspective by acknowledging that times were different and State Department policy had become more sophisticated and policy clear on the subject. So Clinton people trying to say it's okay because others had done it previously is just plain bull.

Why is it so difficult for the political left to admit she is not the best candidate for the party? She is clearly not fit to be President as she just seems not to have much in the way of ethics. She did not cooperate with the investigation nor did her staff. That tells it all as far as I am concerned. Whether she did or did not break the law, she broke the rules and thinks herself above the those rules that others must obey. She just has too much dirty laundry. I may not like Bernie Sanders socialist ideas but I believe he is a bit more honest than Hillary.

As far as Donald Trump, bet he releases his taxes at some point but in any case what has that got to do with Hillary's situation? Trump is under no obligation to release them. Hillary certainly had a responsibility to cooperate with the investigation if she is innocent as she claims. She is a real work of art in my opinion.

I honestly think Hillary and Obama made a deal at some point during the election in 2008. Hillary agreed to bow out for a position, with the understanding that she would be the Democratic candidate in 2016. This nomination was handed to her as a reward. Only Bernie had the balls and went up against her and he is giving her a good run. Let's wait and see what the FBI investigation turns up.

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Hey now...let's get real about this...this is Hilary Clinton we are talking about...one of the few untouchables left on the planet...she will go scot free and become the unelectable Democratic nominee for President...Bernie will be the people's choice...but bought Super Delegates...will save the day for the white collar serial criminal Clinton...

If the people of the US vote her in as President...the US is finished as a democracy...8 years of Obama ignoring the checks and balances of the legislative process...electing to enact legislation without debate has already done damage that will take years...if not generations...to correct...Hilary will finish the hatchet job of the US Constitution...

This is not a pretty picture...people would rather take a chance that Trump will get things right...than take a chance on Hilary who has established a track record of corruption, self-indulgences, a lack of integrity, incompetence and a willingness to completely circumvent the Rule of Law...

Heaven help the good folks of the US under her direction...there is no help for those (Dem Peanut Gallery) that continue to support a criminal for President...

Edited by ggt
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One set of laws for Hillary...another one for everyone else...Corrupt Hillary is destroyed by MSNBC...and Morning Joe's Mika and Andrea Mitchell for "lying straight out" for over a year about the email server issue. Incredibly, even her campaign's own official response to the IG's report is filled with lies! What will be the response of the T-V hostages of Team Hillary...I guess Micka and Andrea are self-hating misogynist women to report the truth on this horrible woman.


Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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My bet is somehow she will survive this report, it does not call for prosecution. Like the banks "too big to fail" the Clintons just keep rolling along. If, very big if, the fbi investigation leads to an indictment it will be another ball game. My fear is it might be, if at all, after the nomination. Her anointment as "empress to be" by the DNC will lead to a fascist president and probably a compliant bunch of right wing wackos in Congress, maybe even more than now. Oh, and go Albuquerque! Something or somebody triggered the reaction to the militarized cops. COINTEL never died. I lived there and in New Mexico for 25 yrs. Still have several close friends on both sides, a couple in particular-one the cops tried to kill the other a former prosecutor. Good people in NM with a long history of standing up for what is right.

stone throwing vermin was what the rest of the world saw.

Not approaching a problem with compromise...but attacking the police like thuglife.

times have changed....not many upright people in that nasty crowd.

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No doubt in my mind she made a mistake with the server. But more importantly, she should have been forthcoming with that, and not try to stall and misinform the investigations. So IMO she should withdraw from the presidential election.

Not going to happen though.

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