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Clinton email use broke federal rules: inspector's report


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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

Her tin foil hat must of been only one ply.

I suppose yours is 4 ply.

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You have to be a Hillary lemming completely paralyzed in denial to think that any of her transgressions are "honest" mistakes. A mistake in her world is failing to cover her tracks adequately.

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The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

Think again.

I have seen, known democrats, in both the Army intelligence units and the NSA bring people up on charges for less that what I have read that Mrs. Clinton has been charged with.

People charged with breaches of security were of both of the major political parties. Democrats charging democrats, republicans charging republicans!

Careers were destroyed and military personnel were imprisoned for their breaches of security!

It was not done, as you imply, for political purposes, breaches in security such as Mrs. Clinton has been reported to have done, literally can, and has, cost people their lives!

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