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Trump says he gave himself aliases often in business


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Smearing Trump over something nit picking on TVF is hardly going to affect the election.

Today CBS announced that Trump now has a majority of the delegates for the nomination. After polling delegates, Trump has 1238, one more than needed. He still has several delegate-rich primaries where he leads including California where he will pick up a lot more delegates. He's going to the convention with a YUGE lead.

The professional prognosticators said:

1. He wouldn't run.

2. When he ran they said he'd drop out.

3. When they realized he was serious they said he wouldn't win a single primary.

4. When he began to win primaries they said he'd never get above 30%. This week in Washington State he won 76% of the votes.

5. When he knocked out 16 competitors, many of whom were highly backed insiders, they said he wouldn't get enough delegates to win on a first ballot. They said it would be a contested convention and Trump would lose.

6. Today CBS announced that Trump has one more delegates than he needs to have a majority and win on the first ballot. He has 1238 delegates. He has several more states to go and pick up a lot more delegates.

7. Only the willfully blind are saying that Trump can't beat that bale of hay Hillary.

8. President Trump.


Like Trump Promised.

"This is going to be great" ...."Really Great".

Congratulations Mr. Trump....who is now the Republican Nominee..by their own rules.

The Media needs to now move on and call him the "Presumptive President of the United States"

as nobody left has the ability to challenge him.

I do suggest he increase security...as dumbos like the New Mexicans are probably going to set a trap.

Hillary is crying today..I am sure she is having a very serious nervous breakdown, and her panties are all in a bunch over the series of events going against her...in the past few days.


Can't happen to a more deserving person

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Slippery Lobster, trust me on this; Hillary isn't at all spooked by having to run against Trump.

The most she needs to do is sit back and watch while he shoots himself in the knee, when he's not sticking his foot in his mouth.

He's his own worst enemy. Every time he opens his mouth he says stupid things, or else he contradicts what he said earlier.

Reps think Trump will win a debate with HRC, but she's miles ahead of him in the debate dept. Trump can try his tactics on Republican debates: Name calling, blame, re-faced anger tantrums, ........but HRC has been up against tougher opponents, and she'll shoot down his bluster quicker than you can say Don the Divider.

Hopefully, there will be some security detail nearby on the debate stage, because we all know what dense people like Donald can do when royally flustered. He might try kicking over her podium, or worse.

No matter what he does, he will always have his core sheeple supporters, similar to how Mussolini always had his core supporters (up until his last hours, anyway). Yet, the other side to the equation is, he won't gain any more between now and November 8. He's stuck with his 17 to 23 % hard core, 'It's Trump or I punch you in the face' fans.

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HRC might be a little bit spooked if having to run against Cruz, because Cruz is principled, even if most people don't see eye to eye with him. The Divider has no more principles or moral code than the bearded flasher at Central Park.

If HRC had to run against Kasich, then she would be concerned, because he's shown he knows how to get things done in legislative arenas. He's a can-do sort of guy. The Divider has never done anything (legislative, volunteer, advocacy or otherwise), for anyone other than himself, his image and his businesses.

Indeed, that's probably a big reason The Divider won't release his taxes; He's embarrassed to show who he's contributed money toward, if anyone. Plus, it's likely his tax return would show his earning (and his worth) is a lot less than the amounts he brags about to his fan base.

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...and how about those quarter of a million dollar speech transcripts?????

If this is the extent of the 'dirt' the libs can dig up?

Pathetic! laugh.png

First off, it was not a liberal who posted before you. Secondly and more importantly, there are dump trucks full of dirt on The Divider. You ain't seen the half of it. Dems would rather talk about issues and policies, but Reps typically want to drag everything down into the mud.

So, when there are accusations from right wingers, like "Why didn't Hillary dump her husband when she found he was messing around?" ....then Dems have to waste time addressing those bottom feeding questions. Dems would rather debate issues that would improve the livelihood of Americans. Reps just want to roll in the hog poop. If in doubt, look at their debates compared to Dem debates.

If you want to see some of the proofs of The Divider's low morality, immaturity, non-knowledge of issues, non-experience in government, you can read up on any of the dozen threads on Thai Visa with his name. None of his gaping drawbacks and failures are going to sway died-in-the-wool Trump fans, but objective viewers will see him as the nincompoop he is.

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