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Chiang Mai: Man Electrocuted to Death while Electrocuting Fish


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Is this the ripple effect of the new Fishing Regulations?

I do not expect waves of Burmese following suit!

It is not the current way to fish in Isaan?

Most people remain insulated from this kind of activity!

He sure wasn't wired for sound!

Did someone cable his next-of-kin?

His methods sure sparked a reaction!


And so you should be! That was absolutely shocking.

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To be reincarnated, as a fish in that very same pond, no doubt.

There's just a little something in my mind, can't quite grab it, but it's to do with water, electricity, physics lessons, cultural traits, the list is blurry, not quite in focus...it will all come back to me no doubt, perhaps whilst I stop the next taxi by jumping out in front of it...here goes....weeee splat.


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"Man Electrocuted to Death while Electrocuting Fish"

Yesterdays headline was "Man wins desperate battle to free penis from a python".

Never a dull moment in Thailand....thats why I'll just stay home in my safe high floor condo all day drinking coffee. coffee1.gif

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What an idiotic comment

Don't carp on about it, he was having a whale of a time until somebody told him eel go to jail if gets caught, the flathead didn't listen but I doubt he did it on porpoise.

I have more of these, would you like to hear them?

Any more those and you'll be herring from me.

And what are you going to do ?

Put him in his plaice ?

I trout it but any fin is possible.

After his death is registered at the AMPhoe he'll be cremated at the Watt ,be talked about Faraday or two in a "series " of current topics.......bored now!

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The fish did it and it was from Myanmar.

What an idiotic comment

Nah,...I thought it was rather funny...you have to know something about the Thai mindset to understand this comment !!!


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Is this the ripple effect of the new Fishing Regulations?

I do not expect waves of Burmese following suit!

It is not the current way to fish in Isaan?

Most people remain insulated from this kind of activity!

He sure wasn't wired for sound!

Did someone cable his next-of-kin?

His methods sure sparked a reaction!

The police have now begun a 3-phase investigation. Questions have been raised about their capacity to conduct such an undertaking. High powered circuit court judge Honourable Somchai Siemens stated that if the lead investigator became overloaded with the responsibility he would blow his fuse, pull the plug on the whole affair, resulting in the termination of certain people. A switch in police chief's may result.

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Surely we have all done stupid things in our lives, perhaps not as dangerous but instead of making fun of the guy

I want to say RIP, Too Young and I am sure he has friends and family that will miss him

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Surely we have all done stupid things in our lives, perhaps not as dangerous but instead of making fun of the guy

I want to say RIP, Too Young and I am sure he has friends and family that will miss him

Best he's no longer with us. Sorry if that sounds cruel, but he sounds like the kind of fool who kills innocent people while attempting to drive a motorbike or pickup truck. Too many idiots out there....

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Grenades are a lot safer.

From the sounds of it this fellow would have forgotten to throw or was disturbed by passing vehicle, lost count and had to start over.

As the old timers always pointed out '' It was his /her time to go''

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I've watched Thais do this using a car battery for the power, what was this guy using, the overhead mains power lines?

Yeah, interested to see just what his approach was.

I've seen many times Thai technicians resting their bamboo ladders against power lines in the street, so maybe this guy thought he could do the same thing.

Without the technical knowledge - ie, if you touch it and make a circuit, you're dead.

Anyway, sad that a guy died.

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Did he catch any?

I have a better story. My girlfriend's nephew borrowed our banca boat (wooden canoe with bamboo outriggers and Briggs and Stratton motor). He got drunk, and went fishing, with dynamite, with the ex husband of his (my nephew's) girlfriend. Guess who he let light up the dynamite? His "buddy" threw it in the front of the boat "by accident" and Bam.

Spent a week cleaning brains out of the boat....the few pieces that stuck. His friend was never found.

Philippines...subic bay.

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Is this the ripple effect of the new Fishing Regulations?

I do not expect waves of Burmese following suit!

It is not the current way to fish in Isaan?

Most people remain insulated from this kind of activity!

He sure wasn't wired for sound!

Did someone cable his next-of-kin?

His methods sure sparked a reaction!


So you should becoffee1.gif

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Well you cant cure stupid

yes you can - he self medicated!

It is a heroic deed, to make fun of a person's death. Shame on you, you self-righteous and Thai haters.
Your interpretation, but not ours.

Just making fun of an idiot. No murder here, no tradgey, just an idiot mixing water and electricity in clearly dangerous amounts.

Do you applaud such extreme stupidity, or have sympathy with it? It's not an accident is it...oopps I accidentally grabbed this power cable and somehow ended up in the water...although it was my own conscious decision making to do this, I still claim it's an accident. Yeah, right.

Edited by BlindMagician
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