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Caution: Parking attendant at Dawan Daeng near Future Park

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2 days ago I went to Future Park in the afternoon to do a little grocery shopping and ,when I returned with my trolley to my car parked opposite Central in the parking lot of Dawan Daeng, there was this parking attendant that has bugged me for months. He isn't really helping, just comes to your car, tries to appear helpful and hopes for a tip. Needless to say, I never give him anything except a polite "No, thank you!" in Thai.

I loaded the groceries, returned the trolley to Central and when I approached my car, the guy walked up to me shouting "Falang, falang!". I successfully circumnavigated him, although he attempted to get in my face again. I got into the car and quickly locked myself in. He tried to pull open the door but failed, then turned on his little torch and flashed me through the windscreen while his other hand banged on my door and he screamed "20 Baht!" repeatedly. With a little fright I started the car and drove off.

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Perhaps he had a point wanting 20 baht as you were parking in a private car park (unless Dawan Daeng sells groceries?). Possibly he was fed up with you cheap-charlie-ing it everytime.


"this parking attendant that has bugged me for months"

Then why park there ?

Next time you'll find a scratched car or dent in it.


I park there, because it's open for Central customers and it's free.

He bugs everyone. Go there and watch for yourself. He just walks up to your car but doesn't do anything, he doesn't really offer to help, although I have seen him closing car-doors. Until now, he was harmless, hence I called it 'bugged me for months'.

But thanks for the great advice in hindsight. Really useful.

And yes, I am not parking there anymore as I know how someone like him functions. This type of person is very predictable.


it's 20 baht in the day at Holland beer, Thais pay it, sounds like you should have

But it's free. Should I allow myself to be bullied into paying?

I have no problem paying for parking if there is a charge. not when it's free.


I like your dog.

Thanks, I have plenty more. smile.png

...take one with you next time.

The only sound comment.

Unfortunately my dogs only look intimidating (the one in my picture is now 50 kg). They would only demand a pat.


Perhaps he had a point wanting 20 baht as you were parking in a private car park (unless Dawan Daeng sells groceries?). Possibly he was fed up with you cheap-charlie-ing it everytime.

Dawan Daeng made a deal to help Central out with their chronic shortage of parking space and makes their lot available during the afternoon (previously closed).

Otherwise, very clever comment.


I noticed how no one takes offence to the attendants behaviour.

Please remind me when any of you get attacked, say gang raped, and I happen to walk by, so I can tell you that it wasn't a good idea to get into a situation such as this in the first place and it's probably your fault getting attacked.wai2.gif


I noticed how no one takes offence to the attendants behaviour.

Please remind me when any of you get attacked, say gang raped, and I happen to walk by, so I can tell you that it wasn't a good idea to get into a situation such as this in the first place and it's probably your fault getting attacked.wai2.gif

After the first time I would have parked elsewhere. You need to choose your battles more carefully. Getting involved in a dispute over 20 baht... simply not worth it. The Thai news is chock-a-block full everyday with reports of people getting shot, knifed or even murdered over petty disputes so why even get in a confrontation with a car park attendant in what is for most of us is a foreign country? Keep parking there and you will likely end up with your car keyed or side mirror broken. It's not as if there isn't any other free parking available at Future Park. I park in the large open lot behind BigC, usually plenty of room there and quicker than finding a spot in the multi storey car park.


OK... you're right.

But is it worth all that aggravation over 20 baht?

I have been approached by phony parking attendants many times, but have found that when I comply with their petty extortion, they actually keep an eye on my car for me, and even stop traffic when i am leaving.


He actually never said anything until now. Annoying, but harmless. So I didn't consider him a problem, just a nuisance. Of course I am not going back there, but it was preferable to other locations due to the close vicinity to the supermarket.

I often tip parking attendants for special services like I used to at Pantip ot Times Square. They would then give me a space close to where I wanted to go. After nearly 20 years driving and parking I know my way around.

The story was meant as a warning to others as I think he has upped his game. I was always very polite to him and this erratic change was somehow unexpected. Earlier I had passed him with my trolley and he left me alone.

Furthermore, I didn't say anything to him after he confronted me, stayed calm, though slightly frightened, and drove off. There were his colleagues sitting nearby. Any provocation from me could have resulted in a silly escalation.


OK... you're right.

But is it worth all that aggravation over 20 baht?

I have been approached by phony parking attendants many times, but have found that when I comply with their petty extortion, they actually keep an eye on my car for me, and even stop traffic when i am leaving.

He never asked for any money. And only after I got into the car he made his demand. So it wasn't over 20 Baht as we previously never argued about money.


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.


Best thing to do is make an official complaint against this idiot. Don't listen to our apologist friends on this forum.

Fix a couple of cameras to your car, and if he damages your car, that is hard evidence. And if that doesn't work, run the bugger down.


plenty of these parking folks trying to make a tip around Bangkok as well on public road, such as below chongnonsi bts station, thonglor streets at night during the weekend. Sometimes I tip, sometimes I don't, depending on the tone of their voice. Ones on thonglor can get more aggressive, 20 baht is nothing to complain about.


Best thing to do is make an official complaint against this idiot. Don't listen to our apologist friends on this forum.

Fix a couple of cameras to your car, and if he damages your car, that is hard evidence. And if that doesn't work, run the bugger down.

Yes , because it is so much fun to have your car resprayed , just to get him on camera damaging it.


I honestly don't know why people write serious issues on this site to help others, because most time idiots, fools and trolls come out and condemn the people who are only trying to help. I suppose that is why other sites so often condemn this site and when people wish to have some contentious issue tell the writer to come over to here to air their issue so they can get the low lifes to come out of the woodwork to express their opinions. It is pleasing to see that there are some genuine people who give feedback, but so many just see it as a chance to express their sarcasm and personal wit, if you can call it that.


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

You're advice is to open the car after he already hit it???

So I can give in to his demands???

I talked to Thais about this. They mostly asked if I saw any signs of aggression prior to his outburst. As I said no, they all agreed I did the best I could in the situation. They also think that Thais like him bully Westerners because many of us are so stupid to give in.

Do I have to point out my numerous charities in Thailand so you don't call me cheap Charlie? I won't. I prefer to have a normal relationship with anyone living here. I treat you with respect and I won't ever pay up to a bully and certainly won't justify this criminal behaviour, that I leave to THAI APOLOGISTS like you.


Perhaps he had a point wanting 20 baht as you were parking in a private car park (unless Dawan Daeng sells groceries?). Possibly he was fed up with you cheap-charlie-ing it everytime.

Dawan Daeng made a deal to help Central out with their chronic shortage of parking space and makes their lot available during the afternoon (previously closed).

Otherwise, very clever comment.

"makes their lot available during the afternoon"

So he flashed a torch through your windscreen in daylight hours?


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

Such hatred in your comment just because he does something differently to you. I personally feel the aggression shown by westerners, unwillingness to smile or be polite causes more damage than someone who won't be bullied in to throwing his cash away.

Regarding the Op, I doubt he will have remembered your car, just the white face. You've got to decide if you want to risk another confrontation or spend an hour looking for parking again. Personally I would continue to use the car park(going on your previous comment that it's free) and wait for him to stop trying. Once he figures out you're not his cash cow he will leave you alone.


Best thing to do is make an official complaint against this idiot. Don't listen to our apologist friends on this forum.

Fix a couple of cameras to your car, and if he damages your car, that is hard evidence. And if that doesn't work, run the bugger down.

Update: I talked to a guard nearby. He helps with my dogs when I visit the vet and I tip him plenty, but don't tell the righteous people of TV. He said that many people don't like him but don't want to complain for fear of (not damage to the car) him losing his income.

I could just talk to my friends, the couple that owns Dawan Daeng, and he will be gone in a heartbeat. I still am not convinced that this is the right move. He 'only' banged on my door, but didn't assault me.

The camera idea is nice. I already have one in the car. But your idea requires repair work and subsequent lose of my car for about a week.


Looks like you lost the sympathy vote heresmile.png

I am not looking for sympathy. I was trying to warn people. I have a great standing in my community as well as my workplace. Why would I bother to please internet trolls?


Hey,Cheap Charlie,Just continue to show that you are an AXXHOLE when dealing with locals and you are bound to learn the hard way.Dare you to park there again..Buttheads like you are just one of the reasons many Thais hate farangs.I hope that he passes the word about your car so that it wont be safe even parked at Future Park.

Such hatred in your comment just because he does something differently to you. I personally feel the aggression shown by westerners, unwillingness to smile or be polite causes more damage than someone who won't be bullied in to throwing his cash away.

Regarding the Op, I doubt he will have remembered your car, just the white face. You've got to decide if you want to risk another confrontation or spend an hour looking for parking again. Personally I would continue to use the car park(going on your previous comment that it's free) and wait for him to stop trying. Once he figures out you're not his cash cow he will leave you alone.

I already know where I will park next just to be cautious. I don't know what he remembers but I rather not find out since I learnt from another guard that he is annoying a lot of people. I do think I know how to handle myself in a foreign country.

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