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The world according to Trump; unashamedly white, and right


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The world according to Trump; unashamedly white, and right

By Robert Hackwill


Until now Donald Trump has got to where he is, the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting, with a mixture of bluster and boasts, a simplistic formula that chimes with Americans fed up with the established parties.

He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many.

America first is his credo, an America that is rich, and great again. He wants to run the country like a company; his critics say he will run America, and the rest of the world, into the ground.

Recently speaking to the AIPAC American Jewish gathering he announced a significant change in company policy were the White House to fall under Trump management.

“We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause.

He has declared admiration for President Vladimir Putin, and says he is ready to talk with North Korea’s Kim jong Un, while he is already squaring up to take on China.

“I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him. At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China. China can solve that problem with one phone call,” says Trump.

Trump’s simplistic vision of the world continues into radical Islam and the war on it. While Washington and the checks and balances in the American system ensure much of this should be watered-down, on this evidence Trump could be a wrecking ball in terms of foreign policy.

On Thursday he delivered the cherry on the cake, promising to build a pipeline cancelled by President Obama on environmental grounds, and to ignore yet another international treaty.

“So foreign bureaucrats are going to be controlling what we’re using and what we’re doing on our land in our country? No Way. We’re going to cancel the Paris climate agreement.”

Trump’s populism and appeal seems undamaged as yet by polls indicating women loathe him for his sexism, and that latino voters loathe him for his racism.

Despite writing off these huge sections of the electorate, some of those same polls suggest he could beat Hillary Clinton. For the hitherto hostile Republican bigshots, this is all that matters now.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-28

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

F.e. look at the post above your!

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

F.e. look at the post above your!

Americans have the DVD players, phones, shirts, underwear, and all the other cheap junk the Chinese have slaved away for two decades making for us (and all the pollution, waste, and environmental degradation that goes with it) and the Chinese have a huge pile of paper with dead presidents pictures on them...i wonder who got the better deal ?

I'm sure you have heard the saying : If you owe the bank $1000, the bank ownes you...if you owe the bank $ 1,000,000,000 you own the bank." So who owns who here?

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Where does it call the "Jewish People" a country? If you read well the statement is correct, if you don't .....

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Where does it call the "Jewish People" a country? If you read well the statement is correct, if you don't .....

Far be it from me to blow my own trumpet, but I have confidence in my comprehension skills. This dangerous, unelected charlatan is stoking the fires that too many dangerous, elected charlatans have fuelled in the past, all in the pursuit of the Jewish vote and financial contributions.

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

As the saying goes, "when you owe the bank $1 million dollars, you have a problem. When you owe the bank $1 billion dollars, the bank has a problem". :)

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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

I think he is drawing on his extensive knowledge and experience as a serial bankrupt. The old saying that if you owe the bank $500 you can't sleep at night but if you owe $5,000,000 the bank manager can't sleep at night.

I don't think it works in this case though!

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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

What a wonderfully simplistic view - no wonder you support Trump.

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I wish a few more politicians worldwide especially in Europe had Trumps tenacity to identify the many things that are of concern to ordinary

people and try do something to ease their fears like mass illegal immigration for example.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

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I wish a few more politicians worldwide especially in Europe had Trumps tenacity to identify the many things that are of concern to ordinary

people and try do something to ease their fears like mass illegal immigration for example.

I would hate to see political campaign for leaders to degenerate into the farce which is being played out in the US.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

Its the lowest form of politics, tell everybody what they want to hear , but no substance as to how it is going to be achieved or the resultant consequences

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Where does it call the "Jewish People" a country? If you read well the statement is correct, if you don't .....

Far be it from me to blow my own trumpet, but I have confidence in my comprehension skills. This dangerous, unelected charlatan is stoking the fires that too many dangerous, elected charlatans have fuelled in the past, all in the pursuit of the Jewish vote and financial contributions.

He's not going to get the Jewish vote so don't start the jew plot and conspiracy nonsense ok?

In case you forgot, he also said he would cut off aid to Israel and negotiate a better deal, whatever that means. The man changes his opinions and policies so often one doesn't know where he actually stands/

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I wish a few more politicians worldwide especially in Europe had Trumps tenacity to identify the many things that are of concern to ordinary

people and try do something to ease their fears like mass illegal immigration for example.

Trump is an idiot.

The wall is just a torch and pitchfork slogan for idiot Trump supporters.

Most illegals arrive in the US legally and overstay their visas.

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Well, let's see, "Possession is nine points of the law" seems to pertain. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, at least that is what the Israelis say. Most of the Israeli government buildings are located there. True, most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv. Trump has stated he will move the US embassy to Jerusalem, the Israelis would likely welcome that. I doubt either cares what the international community says.

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"We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem,” he promised, to huge applause."

The 'Jewish People' is not a country and no part of Jerusalem is recognised by the international community as sovereign Israel. Is he simply playing to the Jewish gallery?

Where does it call the "Jewish People" a country? If you read well the statement is correct, if you don't .....

Far be it from me to blow my own trumpet, but I have confidence in my comprehension skills. This dangerous, unelected charlatan is stoking the fires that too many dangerous, elected charlatans have fuelled in the past, all in the pursuit of the Jewish vote and financial contributions.

He's not going to get the Jewish vote so don't start the jew plot and conspiracy nonsense ok?

In case you forgot, he also said he would cut off aid to Israel and negotiate a better deal, whatever that means. The man changes his opinions and policies so often one doesn't know where he actually stands/

An interesting tone you chose to use - do you find the unnecessarily confrontational approach usually works for you?

I did no more than question his motives. Maybe it is yourself who is wrapped up in conspiracy nonsense?

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