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NESDB believes Thailand can achieve high income by 2026


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NESDB believes Thailand can achieve high income by 2026

BANGKOK, 30 May 2016 (NNT) – The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) has acknowledged the Thai economy will continue to be volatile during this period but voiced belief that it can become a high income nation by the end of its 13th development plan in 2026.

At a seminar on leadership excellence organized by the Thailand Productivity Institute, NESDB Deputy Secretary-General Thanin Pa-aim spoke of the challenges facing the nation’s development in the near future.

He pointed out the nation’s economy will likely contract and experience volatility in the short term but noted that in the 12th National Economic Development Plan for 2017-2021 only 3.2 percent growth of the economy was targeted. That plan factored in delays in increasing value to Thailand’s farm goods as well as its supply chain.

Thanin nonetheless reminded that the 13th plan, to end in 2026, is more optimistic and sees the Kingdom becoming a high income nation. He called for all sides to support the plan by competing on a knowledge basis, adding value to their goods and expanding international markets.

-- NNT 2016-05-30 footer_n.gif

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"... but voiced belief that it can become a high income nation by the end of its 13th development plan in 2026."

Big difference between "belief" and offering a plan that will achieve this goal. Ask any school kid about Thailand, and they will tell you that they believe Thailand is the greatest nation on earth. Ask them why, and you will get the "shoulder shrug". It's easy to believe. It's a bit more challenging to achieve.

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"... but voiced belief that it can become a high income nation by the end of its 13th development plan in 2026."

Big difference between "belief" and offering a plan that will achieve this goal. Ask any school kid about Thailand, and they will tell you that they believe Thailand is the greatest nation on earth. Ask them why, and you will get the "shoulder shrug". It's easy to believe. It's a bit more challenging to achieve.

Another planted suggestion, It isn't going to happen.

Forget it, just another government wallah looking for his 15 minutes of fame.


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Highly unlikely, since Thailand has one of the world,s worst educational systems, spewing out graduates who know absolutely nothing ! With their xenophobic policies aimed at preventing better educated people to compete in the job market, I see the only direction as being downhill :(

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Highly unlikely, since Thailand has one of the world,s worst educational systems, spewing out graduates who know absolutely nothing ! With their xenophobic policies aimed at preventing better educated people to compete in the job market, I see the only direction as being downhill sad.png

Correct, except they won't have much of a choice now with ASEAN. The xenophobic policies won't be there anymore to isolate them from competition.

That's going to be a growing concern to them, especially the abysmal control of the English language from the said graduates.

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It must be wonderful to be able to dream, I do , I hope to win Lotto , however the high income management structure would need to take a leap forward, because successive Administrations have brought Thailand's fortunes to where they are now , on the back of the low wage theory , this being the carrot that they dangled in front of the corporate big timers, a lot can be said against this slave labour wages and with no adjustments for inflation , a labour market with little understanding or representation and having nothing like the trappings of the western labour markets have , however Thailand would never have come this far , so to aim for higher income levels I see Lao , Cambodia and indeed Vietnam ( who benefited through China's increase in wage policy ) , rubbing their hands together already............................................coffee1.gif .

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Highly unlikely, since Thailand has one of the world,s worst educational systems, spewing out graduates who know absolutely nothing ! With their xenophobic policies aimed at preventing better educated people to compete in the job market, I see the only direction as being downhill sad.png

Correct, except they won't have much of a choice now with ASEAN. The xenophobic policies won't be there anymore to isolate them from competition.

That's going to be a growing concern to them, especially the abysmal control of the English language from the said graduates.

You obviously missed the part where IF other ASEAN citizens want to do skilled jobs in Thailand they first have to pass a written and spoken Thai language test. So even if a foreign company (only operating in English) wants to hire a Malaysian, that Malaysin must first pass the Thai test, otherwise the company must go down the normal Work Permit route which includes the required Thai-Alien ratio. How many skilled ASEAN citizens speak advanced Thai??? If I were the Malaysian and look at jobs in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

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Highly unlikely, since Thailand has one of the world,s worst educational systems, spewing out graduates who know absolutely nothing ! With their xenophobic policies aimed at preventing better educated people to compete in the job market, I see the only direction as being downhill sad.png

Correct, except they won't have much of a choice now with ASEAN. The xenophobic policies won't be there anymore to isolate them from competition.

That's going to be a growing concern to them, especially the abysmal control of the English language from the said graduates.

You obviously missed the part where IF other ASEAN citizens want to do skilled jobs in Thailand they first have to pass a written and spoken Thai language test. So even if a foreign company (only operating in English) wants to hire a Malaysian, that Malaysin must first pass the Thai test, otherwise the company must go down the normal Work Permit route which includes the required Thai-Alien ratio. How many skilled ASEAN citizens speak advanced Thai??? If I were the Malaysian and look at jobs in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Excellent. imho, anything Thailand can do that can alienate ASEAN members will serve my purposes very well.


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On the soi leading out of my mu bahn, people actually walk to catch the bus on Sukhumvit every morning with their backs to the on comming traffic and a 3 meter high wall to the left. With this degree of brain cell usage among the general population, it's going to be a very long time before workplace productivity can ever be increased.

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No matter how much crystal ball and amulet polishing the government mandarins do the Thai economy is on a downward spiral until democracy is restored. And even after that happens it will take at least two generations before that economy is likely to show any improvement. Alice in Thailand would be proud of Deputy Secretary-General Thanin Pa-aim.

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Highly unlikely, since Thailand has one of the world,s worst educational systems, spewing out graduates who know absolutely nothing ! With their xenophobic policies aimed at preventing better educated people to compete in the job market, I see the only direction as being downhill sad.png

Correct, except they won't have much of a choice now with ASEAN. The xenophobic policies won't be there anymore to isolate them from competition.

That's going to be a growing concern to them, especially the abysmal control of the English language from the said graduates.

You obviously missed the part where IF other ASEAN citizens want to do skilled jobs in Thailand they first have to pass a written and spoken Thai language test. So even if a foreign company (only operating in English) wants to hire a Malaysian, that Malaysin must first pass the Thai test, otherwise the company must go down the normal Work Permit route which includes the required Thai-Alien ratio. How many skilled ASEAN citizens speak advanced Thai??? If I were the Malaysian and look at jobs in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

LOL. You don't know anything about ASEAN then. The Malaysian you speak of won't be able to find a job in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos any more easily than in Thailand. The Lao government has been trying to nationalize many jobs for years. Expats are being fired and Lao nationals are being put in their place. Cambodia could go down a similar path in the near future. However, locals always get preference for any job even now. A Malaysian isn't going to be very useful in any of these countries since Malaysians speak Bahasa Melayu and English, not Lao, Khmer or Vietnamese.

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Yes and I believe Thailand will be the leading member nation of the EU and Germany will be some small irrelevant country that leads the world in amulet production.

Actually, sometime in the not too distant future Germany will probably become an irrelevant country. Europe is already becoming more and more irrelevant everyday while Asia's footprint in the global economy grows.

Get used to it.

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Yes and I believe Thailand will be the leading member nation of the EU and Germany will be some small irrelevant country that leads the world in amulet production.

Actually, sometime in the not too distant future Germany will probably become an irrelevant country. Europe is already becoming more and more irrelevant everyday while Asia's footprint in the global economy grows.

Get used to it.

stop smoking it, whatever it is

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"... but voiced belief that it can become a high income nation by the end of its 13th development plan in 2026."

Big difference between "belief" and offering a plan that will achieve this goal. Ask any school kid about Thailand, and they will tell you that they believe Thailand is the greatest nation on earth. Ask them why, and you will get the "shoulder shrug". It's easy to believe. It's a bit more challenging to achieve.

The shoulder shrug tells you that the parents or teacher told them. And they believed it unquestioningly, as kids do. Its onle later, as an adolescent that kids really begin to learn about the world outside of the personal sphere, and by then the propaganda has become belief. Beliefs are hard to change, and are often the last thing to go in personal development.

As the Jesuits used to say "Give me the child until he is 7, and I'll give you the man".


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the nation’s economy will likely contract and experience volatility in the short term but noted that in the 12th National Economic Development Plan for 2017-2021 only 3.2 percent growth of the economy was targeted.

On the other hand the Director of research and international counseling of Thailand Development Research Institute Kirida Paopichit recently predicted that the chance is that the country will take about 20 years (2036) to escape from middle income trap.

But that depended on Thailand continuing to expand steadily at about 3.5% and there are no structural economic adjustments in correspondence with global changes.

Thanin nonetheless reminded that the 13th plan, to end in 2026, is more optimistic

I would call the 13th plan a miscarriage of economics.

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Yes and I believe Thailand will be the leading member nation of the EU and Germany will be some small irrelevant country that leads the world in amulet production.

Actually, sometime in the not too distant future Germany will probably become an irrelevant country. Europe is already becoming more and more irrelevant everyday while Asia's footprint in the global economy grows.

Get used to it.

stop smoking it, whatever it is

The west is in decline. I think you should take off your rose-tinted glasses.

China will rule the world in the next few decades. Thailand can also rise up. BTW if you hate Thailand so much, why are you here? F off back to your wonderful European country if you don't like it here.

who said i hated it ? Europe is a great continent with great people,the mother of most nations existing today, Europe has reinvented itself many times over in the past to rise from the ashes. The peoples of Europe are open and inventive and have a long history of conflict and of solving those conflicts, The Prussians of Asia, the Japanese,are the only Asian people that come anywhere near to matching the Europeans and even they had to copy in the beginning. The rest are third world countries who will remain so for a long time, being a big potential market doesn't make you a big country.

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