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Physicist Stephen Hawking baffled by Donald Trump's rise


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But suggesting that it was pure democracy that, for example, elected the current Tory government is misguided. If we had a truly democratic system, the disparity between votes received and MPs elected would not be as stark as it is - UKIP received 12.7% of the vote and got 1 MP; the SNP received 4.7% and have 56 seats. So your assertion of 'one person, one vote' falls flat there.

I never suggested that the UK general election was an example of pure democracy. Democracy has become a sham in the UK and the EU, and I daresay in the US as well. It is manipulated by powerful vested interests for their own good.

And that is precisely why Donald Trump is getting so many votes. He identifies issues where "the common man" feels marginalised by all sides of established politics, and champions those causes.through extreme rhetoric. He makes the people feel (rightly or wrongly) that he is listening to their real concerns, not living in a Beltway Bubble. And that is why he is hated by both the Democrats and the Republicans.

If democracy worked properly in these places, there'd be no need for Donald Trump. It is the democratic vacuum that has created him.

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Wish foreigners would butt out of our business, whether in the UK or rioting in San Diego or Albuquerque.

Yeah, like Yanks never feel the need to butt in everywhere else in the world. Maybe the couple hundred thousand innocent civilians that the US bombed to smithereens in Afghanistan and Iraq shared your view: wish foreigners (i.e. Yanks) would butt out of our business.

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I think it is pretty obvious what makes Trump popular: he tells the electorate what they want to hear. He can't possibly deliver on 90% of his policies as Congress won't let him, but that's not the point, it's what the right wing in America want to hear.

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Obviously Stephen Hawking is devoid of common sense.

A more accurate statement would be: Obviously anyone supporting Donald Trump is devoid of common sense.

You're entitled to your opinion...

But you're wrong about that....

I'm proud to support the election of Donald Trump ....

Our next President of the USA.

The people's choice for true leadership and change in the operating system in DC

Edited by travelerjim
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Obviously Stephen Hawking is devoid of common sense.

A more accurate statement would be: Obviously anyone supporting Donald Trump is devoid of common sense.

You're entitled to your opinion...

But you're wrong about that....

I'm proud to support the election of Donald Trump ....

Our next President of the USA.

The people's choice for true leadership and change in the operating system in DC

Yes, you are right. Trump shows real leadership! But only for the people that believe his lying bs. And you are proud of that....., wow!
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"He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator,"

Hawking seemed to answer the conundrum right here.

No one realised that in the Republican base the common denominator is extremely low and widespread.

What remains to be seen is if the common denominator is just as low in a General Election.

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People are tired of losing their rights and their country , to the PC fools in the current government.

What 'rights' and which part of the Country has been lost to the People by the current PC Government?

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Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

― George Carlin

And George never even got to go to a Trump rally. How very prescient of him.

RIP George, you are sorely missed now.

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Another lemming for the one world government.

Ah, how heart-warming it is to hear a troll describing Stephen Hawking as a lemming! Lemmings are believed to be creatures known to be mindlessly suicidal. Given that Stephen Hawking is a highly intelligent professor who has fought a paralysing disease, given that he can hold an audience while being completely paralysed and only being able to operate his talking device using one of the few muscles available to him (in his cheek), lemming is far from my mind when searching for a descriptor of the man. (Actually, the mass-suicide of lemmings is a misconception).

As regards so-called "one world government," wanting to keep the UK as, lets face it, an associate member of the EU (not a member of the Euro, not in the Schlengen agreement etc) is hardly a clarion call for world government. But while we are on the subject, I am rather happy that we do have some world governing institutions - last time you saw Ebola? Polio? Without the World Health Organization, you would be seeing it and probably suffering from it. How do we deal with nasty dictators? An imperfect solution but we have organisations such as the ICC and now the African Union that make dictators think twice before torturing their populations.

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Another lemming for the one world government.

Ah, how heart-warming it is to hear a troll describing Stephen Hawking as a lemming! Lemmings are believed to be creatures known to be mindlessly suicidal. Given that Stephen Hawking is a highly intelligent professor who has fought a paralysing disease, given that he can hold an audience while being completely paralysed and only being able to operate his talking device using one of the few muscles available to him (in his cheek), lemming is far from my mind when searching for a descriptor of the man. (Actually, the mass-suicide of lemmings is a misconception).

As regards so-called "one world government," wanting to keep the UK as, lets face it, an associate member of the EU (not a member of the Euro, not in the Schlengen agreement etc) is hardly a clarion call for world government. But while we are on the subject, I am rather happy that we do have some world governing institutions - last time you saw Ebola? Polio? Without the World Health Organization, you would be seeing it and probably suffering from it. How do we deal with nasty dictators? An imperfect solution but we have organisations such as the ICC and now the African Union that make dictators think twice before torturing their populations.

Current EU policy is suicide for Europe. He is all for it. Therefore, he's a lemming just like you.

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Hawking tells ITV's "Good Morning Britain" show Tuesday that he has no explanation for the success of the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee.

The explanation is simple -- it's called "democracy", where everyone gets to cast a single vote for the candidate they like.

But why Trump? Did you not understand the point?

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Crikey - what is Professor Hawkins going on about here – What has he been smoking?

His points from the speech are listed here - let’s look at each one and I'll comment accordingly.

· "I can't [understand it]. He's a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator."

Utter drivel. The lowest common denominator in any population are benefit scroungers, criminals and illegal immigrants. Trump appeals to worried American patriots, nationalists & middle class tax payers.

· Hawking also dived in to another political hot potato by appealing to British people to remain in the European Union come a referendum vote on June 23.

It would seem illogical for the UK to want to give away its self-determination democratic rights to a predominantly German run EU with unknown unelected 'politburo' selected leaders, after fighting 2 bloody wars in the last century against the Germans to defend these very same rights. Baffling.

· "Gone are the days when we could stand on our own, against the world," he said on the U.K. television show.

The UK has always been and continues to be a net contributor to the EU. The EU needs the UK's influence, armed forces, technology, Health services, financial services, Tax base, etc. far more than the UK needs the EU. That's why so many migrants both within the EU and outside the EU chose to by-pass nearly all EU country’s(apart Germany and perhaps Sweden) in preference for settling in the UK.

· "We need to be part of a larger group of nations, both for our security and our trade. The possibility of our leaving the EU has already led to a sharp fall in the pound, because the markets judge that it will damage our economy."

Currency - The pound has done very nicely against the Baht during the last few months and is currently up about 5% against the Thai Baht since February 2016

Security & border control throughout Europe is a complete shambles and is already leading to a breakdown of civil society as we know it. Within the UK, EU human rights laws over ride and make a mockery of UK courts abilities to remove even criminal illegal immigrants from the UK.

· Hawking also said that "immigration was a positive to the U.K. as the mobility of people would encourage the exchange of scientific ideas."

Selective immigration of highly talented individuals with skills the UK needs would achieve this. No doubt in the circles Prof Hawkins moves such individuals exists

The EU open borders policy and ill-defined Asylum system sees the mass uncontrolled migration of millions of folks from either poorer EU countries or those sharing land or sea borders such as those from North Africa or Turkey.

I postulate that the scientific ideas in the collective heads of the entire population of North Africa would likely sit comfortably on the head of a needle - Their scientific ideas neither benefited the kitty litter tray African countries they left nor will they benefit the European countries they want to parasitically settle in.

To conclude, IMO Prof Hawkins is confused because his great brain has somehow become poisoned by leftist liberal/socialist propaganda. The non-realization that socialism eventually leads to financial disaster of any country that sees its long term implementation (such as in Venezuela this month) underlines why millions of people in America are sick of what’s going on, sick of corrupt paid for weaselly mouthed, no brains, weather reading, characterless politicians pondering to the lowest common denominator and want control of their country back.

Love him or hate him, Trump thus has mass appeal amongst Middle America and therefore stands a good chance of being elected president.

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