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Thailand: ICT Ministry seeking access to internet users’ emails and logins


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First of all, the fact that the article talks about SSL (instead of TLS) shows that some people do not really understand what they talk about. Fact is that SSL - not only V2, but also V3 - is viewed as cracked as it has to many security flaws in it and some organisations like the PCI SSC (Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council) have ordered all members to disapprove the use of SSL for their websites and TLS 1.1 is the current MINIMUM level required for such transactions.

Second, I would advise all readers to check their browser security settings and ensure that they unclick the SSL V2, SSL V3 and TLS V1.0 options in their security settings. All "important" websites such als mail, banking, facebook etc. DO connect through TLS V1.1 or higher nowadays and using "secure" connections through SSL is like NOT having encrypted links at all.

Third, all that would happen if the ISP's would disallow the use of encrypted connections through SSL/TLS would be that you could not connect to your websites anymore. In no way could the ISP's read your data, TLS V1.1 and TLS V2.0 as of today are not yet broken security protocols, only SSL is.

Fourth, as another poster said, I do not believe that any reputable website provider (facebook, banks, microsoft etc) will change their websites to allow unencrypted connections for countries that decide to disallow the use of encryption.

Edit: Lost point 3 when posting, added again

What?????? ???

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Thailand is back again about 10-15 years. The "developed countries" introduced this long time ago. The USA was first totally controlled country.

Well, we have some seriously informed folks upthread who are saying otherwise and we've seen their credentials. Can you offer up yours please?

Seriously though, Thailand is currently under the least competent administration it's had in 15 years. They spout a ton of this stuff over and over, pass bills and so on. Can they pull it off? The expert advice above seems to be saying no.

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Getting very concerning. Step after step towards N.Korean-style information control. Will democracy ever return to Thailand?

Must stop the truth at all costs.

If anyone still harboured any doubts that Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea, surely this is enough to dispel them?

Nothing like North Korea. If you don't see the difference try doing some research. One is a constitutional monarchy and capitalist; the other is a communist dictatorship that was set up and controlled by one particular family.

Then read how many so called democratic countries have restrictive regulation and spy on their populations far more than Thailand. Whistle blowers don't get to blow their whistles without reason.

If you really think Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea then you are naive at best.

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Getting very concerning. Step after step towards N.Korean-style information control. Will democracy ever return to Thailand?

Must stop the truth at all costs.

If anyone still harboured any doubts that Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea, surely this is enough to dispel them?

Nothing like North Korea. If you don't see the difference try doing some research. One is a constitutional monarchy and capitalist; the other is a communist dictatorship that was set up and controlled by one particular family.

Then read how many so called democratic countries have restrictive regulation and spy on their populations far more than Thailand. Whistle blowers don't get to blow their whistles without reason.

If you really think Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea then you are naive at best.

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Thailand is back again about 10-15 years. The "developed countries" introduced this long time ago. The USA was first totally controlled country.

Well, we have some seriously informed folks upthread who are saying otherwise and we've seen their credentials. Can you offer up yours please?

Seriously though, Thailand is currently under the least competent administration it's had in 15 years. They spout a ton of this stuff over and over, pass bills and so on. Can they pull it off? The expert advice above seems to be saying no.

Laughable. I wouldn't praise the current government but the last Shin regime was the most inept fraud of a government with all polices driven by self interest and enrichment and the least capable figurehead in Thai history. The previous Shin regimes and the Abhisit short time weren't star performers although better than PTP.

What's your qualification for someone being informed and an expert - they agree with what you think?

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Thailand is back again about 10-15 years. The "developed countries" introduced this long time ago. The USA was first totally controlled country.

Well, we have some seriously informed folks upthread who are saying otherwise and we've seen their credentials. Can you offer up yours please?

Seriously though, Thailand is currently under the least competent administration it's had in 15 years. They spout a ton of this stuff over and over, pass bills and so on. Can they pull it off? The expert advice above seems to be saying no.

Laughable. I wouldn't praise the current government but the last Shin regime was the most inept fraud of a government with all polices driven by self interest and enrichment and the least capable figurehead in Thai history. The previous Shin regimes and the Abhisit short time weren't star performers although better than PTP.

What's your qualification for someone being informed and an expert - they agree with what you think?

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Banning SSL!


These people don't even know what they are talking about. it is the most commonly used thing today. Any website with respect for them self have it today, even google search is using it....... (anybody noticed yet? TV is not using SSL, making all post and messages unsecure, potentially a target for interception )

Amazing Thailand!

"We don't like it, lets forbid it by law" facepalm.gif

Edited by Nelson1950
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I am not worried. Though I think these guys are much like the Chicoms, when it comes to having bad intentions, the difference is that they are so fabulously incompetent, I doubt their hackers or IT people would have much success. They are truly the Laurel and Hardy of Thai politics.

And just in case you are worried, just consider how many of the proposals they have actually followed up on. And for how long? A few days? It seems like they tend to forget their proposals a day or two later. They should be labeled the "gang who could not follow up anything". A small man, with an occasional big idea, that never gets done.

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very bad move by the govt, this is not needed at all and will simply stir more trouble for them, time for them to pull their heads out of the sand and pull into line the one that is suggesting this be done. It is one thing to stop the reds/conflict causing elements from stirring up problems but this is way over the top and not needed.

When you support this lot you get the whole package. You can't pick and choose.

I'm just surprised anyone's surprised. I'm not, it's classic junta tactics anywhere to crack down on the media. Now the internet has them crapping themseves because it isn't as easy to keep the lid on as newspapers, tv and radio.

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... if that would be possible, it would have been done already by Russian / Chinese hackers and we would know it, because we would read loads of articles about hacked banking websites et al.

again: at present, TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 are still deemed to be secure and NOT hacked, this is the view of ALL major security players in the security market.

Of course it's possible. The only question is how much time and money is required to do it. America's NSA has been doing it for years. There's also commercial software (the name of which eludes me for the moment, but which Thailand has bought) which claims to do the same thing for other tyrannical regimes and others.

You are right with above, TLS V1.1 and above will sooner or later be cracked and then these flaws could be used to order an ISP to intercept, decrypt, store and deliver the content to the government. But at present this is not possible!!! And by the time it will be possible, we probably have TLS V3 or V4 available which will have secured the leaks.

The SW you are referring to is probably the SW called RCS (remote control system) developed by an Italian company "Hacking Team" or any of the spy products that a German SW company developped and sold to at least the German and Swiss government for spying on computers. But the difference is that such SW must be installed on individual computers and NOT an ISP servers!!!

Please do not mess up things. I have been dealing with such issues for 10 years, I have read about and analyzed dozends of hacks which have affected our credit card customers and I dare say, I know what i am talking about.

I didn't know that, thanks. It puts a whole different perspective on it. Mind, you, I doubt there is a huge number of IT people who the junta would be interested in.


Edited by Winniedapu
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...they lay charges...then never follow through....

...it would help if they actually started arresting people....

...then everybody else would not have to pay the price....

...they let the first 'rotten tooth' go....never did anything about it....now they have a mouth full....


Ah. Wondered when a fanboy was going to blame Thaksin. Maybe he's responsible for this <deleted> prickly heat rash that's driving me crazy at the moment.

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Thailand is back again about 10-15 years. The "developed countries" introduced this long time ago. The USA was first totally controlled country.

Well, we have some seriously informed folks upthread who are saying otherwise and we've seen their credentials. Can you offer up yours please?

Seriously though, Thailand is currently under the least competent administration it's had in 15 years. They spout a ton of this stuff over and over, pass bills and so on. Can they pull it off? The expert advice above seems to be saying no.

Laughable. I wouldn't praise the current government but the last Shin regime was the most inept fraud of a government with all polices driven by self interest and enrichment and the least capable figurehead in Thai history. The previous Shin regimes and the Abhisit short time weren't star performers although better than PTP.

What's your qualification for someone being informed and an expert - they agree with what you think?

What really is laughable is your ignorance regarding the blatant self interest of the current government. Hell their draft is a classic example of a law that will benefit the precious few, under the guise of serving the nation as a whole. Quite surprised anyone would fall for it..

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I think the Thai government has had contacts with their American counterparts


"The Federal Bureau of Investigation wants to be able to obtain information on individuals’ e-mails, and possibly their Web-browsing history, without a warrant, and now two bills in the Senate — one of them, ironically, aimed at strengthening e-mail-privacy protections — have been amended to give the agency this power."


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Getting very concerning. Step after step towards N.Korean-style information control. Will democracy ever return to Thailand?

Must stop the truth at all costs.

If anyone still harboured any doubts that Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea, surely this is enough to dispel them?

Nothing like North Korea. If you don't see the difference try doing some research. One is a constitutional monarchy and capitalist; the other is a communist dictatorship that was set up and controlled by one particular family.

Then read how many so called democratic countries have restrictive regulation and spy on their populations far more than Thailand. Whistle blowers don't get to blow their whistles without reason.

If you really think Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea then you are naive at best.

Oh really?Maybe you are a bit wrong,In Thailand all is about one particular family,it's the family what can do whatever they like to do without the fear to get punished.It's 2016 there are no real 100% communist countries anymore.Even NK opened up

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The NLA has already unanimously approved the new amendments in April, which includes the proposed banning of SSL (And TLS) in effect any encryption layer. Now how they are going to do that is a different thing. But the really scary thing here is that the idea is even allowed to float around without a revolution. In effect it is the same thing as banning whispering, talking behind closed doors, talking in a low voice so nobody else can hear you, writing notes that only you and your subject can read, encrypted text messages, anything that cannot be spied on would be illegal.

Thailand will be the first country in the world that voluntarily goes from a fast developing free country to a new "North Korea" just within a decade.


Edited by AlQaholic
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The NLA has already unanimously approved the new amendments in April,

FWIW, I think this unanimous approval was for the first reading of the proposed amendments, and that subsequent deliberation/consideration is due in June.


NLA approves tougher computer laws, bill on digital economy

A NEW BILL and amendments to the Computer Crime Act BE 2550 sailed through the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) after the first reading, as Thailand lays the groundwork for its digital economy while increasing penalties for online and related offences.


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It's almost certainly going to end in tears. This despotic outfit just don't know when to stop. The veneer of order will slip as almost every section of society are having their buttons pushed. I am certain that once a campaign against kicks off the backtracking will start. But they haven't learned from the single gateway feedback obviously

The backtracking may start, in public, but we can be sure that behind-the-scenes the program will not stop. This mob is obviously DETERMINED to squash even the most benign errant thought. It will end in tears, yes, for the Thai public, but the despots will be all smiles. We Gotcha!!

It's a parallel with the Thai education system - think what we tell you, that's all. We don't allow any other type of thinking.

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Getting very concerning. Step after step towards N.Korean-style information control. Will democracy ever return to Thailand?

I think the real question is how much more will the Thai people take?

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Google, Facebook, Hotmail, etc would never provide the password.....the General is on a sinking ship

I think / hope so too. Imagine if it got out that Facebook were allowing the Thai Government to access your personal information and messages!

It would be catastrophic for Facebook, in that I have no doubt.

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What an article. Scaremongery at its finest.

However, if there is any truth at all in the 'leak', and this has been suggested by anyone in anyway involved with IT security, the very mention of 'banning SSL' is mind-boggling and the person should be removed from their area of work immediately.

Point of note, none of my business email accounts will work without encryption, none of my cloud access either and this is not ISP controlled par se.

It's the only sensible approach. Nobody should think like the Chairman and say 'if I don't do anything wrong I have nothing to fear' - that's BS

For example, given what everybody understands the honesty to be in the police and army, if they can break https, how long is it before money goes missing from online bank accounts?

Lockdown is the only smart option. VPN to an overseas server using a secure protocol (OpenVPN is a bit harder to crack than https) and always use it, don't re-use passwords (use a strong password manager with a strong password). And never ever use Facebook because they cannot be trusted, I don't know about Line. In general social media is a really bad idea, though Thais cannot survive without peer approval and to be honest, social media can fuel the fightback against the Chairman.

And lets hope Anonymous kicks the Chairman's bottom as they did before but eased up when their demands were met, Bad idea with Thais.


Do you really think 'https' (TLS) can simply be 'cracked' and one of the various cipher suites supported by OpenVPN is just a 'bit harder' ?

The issue with SSL/TLS is certificate authorities and who controls them. Are there any default CA's bundled with the main browsers which are located within Thailand ?

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Swiss 1960:

ICT Ministry seeking access to internet users’ emails and logins

In the final analysis it doesn't matter what security protocol or VPN you use. If you must by law reveal your logins (what I refer to as the key to your door) to the government, the government can not only inspect your internet content but also use your identity for nefarious reasons to affect actions on your web-based accounts (what I refer to as hacking). The government doesn't need to break into the security protocol.

That will leave perhaps two alternatives to avoid any consequences of sharing your login information should you remain in Thailand: "jumping the wall" with smart phone technoloy (well known in China) and satellite phone. Although these might also be deemed illegal.

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Getting very concerning. Step after step towards N.Korean-style information control. Will democracy ever return to Thailand?

Must stop the truth at all costs.

If anyone still harboured any doubts that Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea, surely this is enough to dispel them?

Nothing like North Korea. If you don't see the difference try doing some research. One is a constitutional monarchy and capitalist; the other is a communist dictatorship that was set up and controlled by one particular family.

Then read how many so called democratic countries have restrictive regulation and spy on their populations far more than Thailand. Whistle blowers don't get to blow their whistles without reason.

If you really think Thailand is modelling itself on North Korea then you are naive at best.

Oh really?Maybe you are a bit wrong,In Thailand all is about one particular family,it's the family what can do whatever they like to do without the fear to get punished.It's 2016 there are no real 100% communist countries anymore.Even NK opened up

thumbsup.gif mrmicbkktxi, spot on.

Baerboxer, I'd rather be accused of being naive than wilfully ignorant.

A constitutional monarchy you say? Strange, I could've sworn there was a coup a couple of years ago, and the leader of said coup tore up the constitution and cemented Thailand's oligarchy - or, more specifically, a form of government that we are not allowed to refer to by name but is identical to North Korea's...

Perhaps, Baerboxer, it is you who should be doing some research rather than swallowing the myths and propaganda and calling others naive.


To Swiss1960 - while I don't doubt your knowledge and technical expertise; like many others here, the fact that they might not be able to pull this off as reported is not the worrying part - as AlQaholic put it, "the really scary thing here is that the idea is even allowed to float around."

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It's almost certainly going to end in tears. This despotic outfit just don't know when to stop. The veneer of order will slip as almost every section of society are having their buttons pushed. I am certain that once a campaign against kicks off the backtracking will start. But they haven't learned from the single gateway feedback obviously

The backtracking may start, in public, but we can be sure that behind-the-scenes the program will not stop. This mob is obviously DETERMINED to squash even the most benign errant thought. It will end in tears, yes, for the Thai public, but the despots will be all smiles. We Gotcha!!

It's a parallel with the Thai education system - think what we tell you, that's all. We don't allow any other type of thinking.

Relax, they're Thais. Any measures they come up with will be so easy to get around they might as well not bother. Even if they pass a law saying you've got to register your login and password, can you imagine what would happen? They don't have enough resources


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