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Thai innovation: 3D Zebra crossing to train kindergarten kids and adults alike!


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Thai innovation: 3D Zebra crossing to train kindergarten kids and adults alike!

Image: Daily News

BANGKOK: -- Pictures of a 3D Zebra crossing at a kindergarten on Facebook have been wowing Thais.

The images were posted on the Facebook page of the Anuban Uttaradit School in the north east of Thailand reported Daily News. It was an idea of an art teacher in the school to get young children to use zebra crossings properly to increase their personal safety.

And also to make the crossings more visible for drivers at the school.

Posters online were delighted by the idea and praised the design.

But Som Mee writing on Facebook cautioned: "This has already been tried abroad - people here probably wouldn't dare do it outside of a school."

Source: Daily News

-- 2016-05-31

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I remember recently being at a zebra crossing on Payon Yothin road where the traffic is awful. The lights were red and there was about 10 metres of free space ahead of the zebra crossing. Everyone had to run quickly to cross and I was just behind them. I ran too but there was a small truck approaching. He was revving his engine and kept inching forward and nearly hit me. He knew I was there but he just had to be 10 metres forward so he could wait at the red light.

I banged on his window and told him that's it's a zebra crossing. The light is red anyway so you're not going anywhere. He just stared forward pretending he couldn't see or hear me. I just called him rude and childish in Thai and he kept ignoring me. I very rarely confront in public but this made me so angry.

Zebra crossings? They're nothing more than pretty lines on the road here.

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Zebra crossings should be removed in certain areas where they give tourists a false sense of safety. Saw a couple from Singapore almost taken out in front of MAYA Lifestyle shopping centre in Chiang Mai. The surprised woman said something like "its a ZEBra crossing isn't it?".

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I remember recently being at a zebra crossing on Payon Yothin road where the traffic is awful. The lights were red and there was about 10 metres of free space ahead of the zebra crossing. Everyone had to run quickly to cross and I was just behind them. I ran too but there was a small truck approaching. He was revving his engine and kept inching forward and nearly hit me. He knew I was there but he just had to be 10 metres forward so he could wait at the red light.

I banged on his window and told him that's it's a zebra crossing. The light is red anyway so you're not going anywhere. He just stared forward pretending he couldn't see or hear me. I just called him rude and childish in Thai and he kept ignoring me. I very rarely confront in public but this made me so angry.

Zebra crossings? They're nothing more than pretty lines on the road here.

I'm the same and do get very riled when someone in a large protective tin can feel they have the right to block my way/run me down because I'm simply a 'soft machine'. However. On walking my local main soi in the rain yesterday I'd flagged a bunch of vehicles down to let me pass a very large puddle. I'd already prepared myself for a potential drenching as I'd seen drivers speeding through it throwing up sheets of water. They all slowed to an almost halt smile.png I don't believe they're being deliberately obnoxious in their lack of concern for pedestrians, it simply doesn't occur to them unless it's pointed out. Would've been given the finger in my home country biggrin.png

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Zebra crossings should be removed in certain areas where they give tourists a false sense of safety. Saw a couple from Singapore almost taken out in front of MAYA Lifestyle shopping centre in Chiang Mai. The surprised woman said something like "its a ZEBra crossing isn't it?".

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Yes. They should be replaced with structural steel, laterally restrained boom gates.

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Wow, giving the young ones a false sense of security could cost them their lives. No thai ever stops for pedestrians. I fear for these children!

They rarely stop for accidents with other vehicles except where their vehicle is undrivable. In such case they often dissapear from the scene only to reappear a few days later.

There must also be some relationship between accidents and religion because many involved seem to end up in a monkery not long after.

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That's a scary video, but unfortunately an everyday potential disaster waiting to happen at every one of them.

It is not the parents and kids that have the greater need to be educated using zebra crossings, but more the drivers understanding what they are there for.

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I used to work at this school and to be honest the crossing that they have painted is only about 2 meters away from the entrance. So it will serve little purpose but to look pretty. Plus they got it wrong Uttaradit is in the north of Thailand not the north-east.

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In my experience, it is not the pedestrians, who don't know, how to use a zebra- crossing...coffee1.gif

Yep, despite the kiddies being carried everywhere by their mothers until the age of five, I'm pretty sure they know how to walk, try teaching the drivers how to drive properly instead.

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Zebra crossings should be removed in certain areas where they give tourists a false sense of safety. Saw a couple from Singapore almost taken out in front of MAYA Lifestyle shopping centre in Chiang Mai. The surprised woman said something like "its a ZEBra crossing isn't it?".

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Yes. They should be replaced with structural steel, laterally restrained boom gates.

When one can hardly ever be found at a level crossing?

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That's a scary video, but unfortunately an everyday potential disaster waiting to happen at every one of them.

It is not the parents and kids that have the greater need to be educated using zebra crossings, but more the drivers understanding what they are there for.

Yes very scary. Having just recently renewed my 5 year driving licence I can see why. I could go on but that is for another thread. It would seem that often zebra crossings mean the driver speeds up so you run faster across it.

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just remove all of them, i stopped at one so did a farang coming the other way so a lady with small children could cross, pity somchai on his motorbike did not, he missed them by centimetres.

more like a target zone than a crossing.

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More than a few times now I have banged hard on a roof of a car that cuts in front of me as I am walking half way across a zebra crossing.

Hopefully it scares the sh*t out of the driver and they will think twice next time.

The worrying thing is that most drivers probably don't even understand what they have done wrong.

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More than a few times now I have banged hard on a roof of a car that cuts in front of me as I am walking half way across a zebra crossing.

Hopefully it scares the sh*t out of the driver and they will think twice next time.

The worrying thing is that most drivers probably don't even understand what they have done wrong.

I would be worried about some Thai driver going balistic on you for banging on his precious car.

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Thais don't know what is check blind spot. Ask them about Zebra Crossings? they don't know either. How about Safe Distance?

I brought my wife to Singapore n she was so amazed n impressed by our traffic there. She felt so safe on the road when I am driving or as a pedestrian.

Seriously Educate n Re-educate all the license holders or whoever is driving a vehicle all over again.

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I'm calling BS on this story. The BBC had a story about 3D crossings in India a few weeks ago so it isn't Thai innovation. Good idea if the drivers new what the purpose of the crossing was.

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I'm calling BS on this story. The BBC had a story about 3D crossings in India a few weeks ago so it isn't Thai innovation. Good idea if the drivers new what the purpose of the crossing was.

This story about 3D zebra crossing in China is dated 2008: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/75492/The-3D-zebra-crossing-stopping-drivers-in-their-tracks

"Thai innovation" cheesy.gif

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I agree with all that has been said.

But ... one problem is that there is usually zero indication of the zebra crossing. No Belisha beacons or other lights, no signs, just alternate dark grey and light grey stripes that are virtually invisible to drivers who do not know the road

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