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Gas station attendants criminally responsible for customers who don’t hang up

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Gas station attendants criminally responsible for customers who don’t hang up
Kongleaphy Keam


PHUKET: -- Gas station attendants will be held legally responsible for ensuring that drivers turn off their engines and put away their cell phones at the pump, officials from the Department of Energy Business (DOEB) confirmed Sunday.

DOEB issued a new law to this effect, according to which, if gas station attendants are caught disobeying regulations, they will be fined a maximum of 100,000 baht, face one year imprisonment, or both.

While the law has technically been on the books since Sunday, DOEB officials have said that strict law enforcement will not take place until 2018.

Full Story: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Gas-station-attendants-criminally-responsible-customers-dont/63981?desktopversion

-- Phuket Gazette 2016-05-31


....and of the driver?

Major oversight, drivers should fall under the same rule ... !

They really think an attendant will tell the hi-so Benz, BMW or a Fortuner driver to shut his engine or stop talking of the phone...


Just another ill thought out piece of nonsense.

A person is responsible for their own actions not another person.

Please can somebody tell me who is going to enforce this law?

The RTP cheesy.gifcheesy.gif laughable, they only enforce the law if a cash incentive is forthcoming.


Police can now pay my speeding tickets, because they forgot to tell me about the speed limit.

Speeding ticket? You obviously don't live in Chiang Mai.


100,000 baht fine? Again I compare this to the typical 500 baht fine for assault or causing actual bodily harm.

Really don't see this one happening, especially at a time when other sources are trying to disprove the so-called dangers of using a phone in a petrol station.


Idiocy reigns supreme once more. As Mythbusters and gas institute studies have shown, cell phones do not and cannot cause gas vapor explosions. Probable is not grounding self on door frame when exiting car, static leads to BOOM!


Just another ill thought out piece of nonsense.

A person is responsible for their own actions not another person.

Please can somebody tell me who is going to enforce this law?

The RTP cheesy.gifcheesy.gif laughable, they only enforce the law if a cash incentive is forthcoming.

Although this is yet another brainfart, in the article it has this point covered

“Staff have the right to choose not to fill a vehicle. If drivers do not follow the safety precautions, attendants are not allowed to fill their tanks. The responsibility is the attendants’ – they’re the ones that could face punitive action on this.”

....and of the driver?

Major oversight, drivers should fall under the same rule ... !

They really think an attendant will tell the hi-so Benz, BMW or a Fortuner driver to shut his engine or stop talking of the phone...

In a country where even a cop is hesitating to stop such a hiso.

What a joke.


think it was in khon kaen, the girl attendant at a 7/11 servo placed an 'a - frame' type sign on the bonnet of my car before asking me what i want, thai and english, telling me to stop the engine and not use my mobile or smoke. and they did that to everyone else, too.

and in australia they switch off your bowser (pump) when they see you on the phone (cameras everywhere).

has it not been proven to be impossible to ignite fuel fumes with mobiles?


Since we can't yabber on the phone or rev the engine at the pump any more then staging small impromptu firework displays from the back of a pickup for the entertainment of the other customers will certainly be a welcome distraction for them. smile.png

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