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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens


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These guys are not genuine monks.Merely criminals disguising in that orang cloth to avoid suspicions and to gain respect.However,smuggling or trading such rare animals for profit is the work of MAFIA.Also ,money transfers tantamount to money laundering. GREED.. don't they believe that when they leave this world they won't take it with them? Oh...yes I forgot, they believe in the afterlife??????

Do not forget the afterlife also stipulates retribution for bad deeds performed in this life.

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These guys are not genuine monks.Merely criminals disguising in that orang cloth to avoid suspicions and to gain respect.However,smuggling or trading such rare animals for profit is the work of MAFIA.Also ,money transfers tantamount to money laundering. GREED.. don't they believe that when they leave this world they won't take it with them? Oh...yes I forgot, they believe in the afterlife??????

Do not forget the afterlife also stipulates retribution for bad deeds performed in this life.

In that case, I hope they come back as Thai temple tigers.

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These guys are not genuine monks.Merely criminals disguising in that orang cloth to avoid suspicions and to gain respect.However,smuggling or trading such rare animals for profit is the work of MAFIA.Also ,money transfers tantamount to money laundering. GREED.. don't they believe that when they leave this world they won't take it with them? Oh...yes I forgot, they believe in the afterlife??????

Do not forget the afterlife also stipulates retribution for bad deeds performed in this life.

so long as he's let enough sparrows go, he should be OK

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It's always farang who spearhead revelations in these types of scenarios within Thailand. Thais are hamstrung for several reasons: For starters, they don't even see such things are wrong until farang begin pointing them out. Thais are too afraid of the stratification of Thai society, too afraid of rocking the boat, particularly with the Sangha (Buddhist establishment) and rich people. Thai officialdom can follow-up somewhat, though they do so in fits and starts, and at every step of the process they're intensely aware of the stratification of who's privileged. It's as bad now as it's always been in Thailand.

There are so many ugly aspects of this tigers/temple imbroglio, not least is Chinese' insatiable appetite for tiger products (What % of Chinese men have trouble getting hard-ons, 60%? 85%?). Now that they have lots more money, they can more readily decimate populations of once-wild beasts. To me it's more despicable than Bernie Madoff, and more alarming than ISIS chopping off heads.

If the Chinese were ever able to conduct double-blind scientific tests, they would find that tiger bone is no more effective for getting a hard-on than dog bone. They can't because they're too subjective. But even if Chinese scientists could enact a scientific tests to prove that, the general Chinese public wouldn't pay it any heed, because they're so steeped in superstition. I would be like trying to convince American Christians that a virgin birth is not possible.

Well at least the Chinese don't do amulets.

No, but the Thais make 'jewelry and trinkets' from tiger parts, according to the latest horrific find in this 'temple'. Jesus, just when you think it can't get any worse bah.gif

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Disgusting so much for religion

There is nothing wrong with religion per se, it is the way it is abused that is disgusting

All religions are scams and lies used by charlatans for control and profit...and worse. And always granted special privilege and protections the world round enabling all sorts of mischief by miscreants. They're all crocks of shit. The Saffron Robe flavor no exception.
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"“O cowardly ad tyrannous race of monks, persecutors of the bard, and the gleemen, haters of life and joy! O race that does not draw the sword and tell the truth! O race that melts the bones of the people with cowardice and with deceit!" W.B. Yeats.

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Please this is not about religion at all its about bad monks nothing to do with Buddhist teaching at all. Same Catholic priest who abuse children nothing to do with Catholic Church. I do not like what they have done bad bad for Thailand and as I said I hope they get locked up.

but it's not about religion.


They are doing these things under the name and the roof of their religion or church.

And as long as their respective religious leaders do not act against scum like that, it is very well THE RELIGION and THE CHURCH, that is in the drivers seat here!

Don't know what BS is supposed to mean !! You are wrong.

Oooooh, I am wrong!

Well, thanks for clearing that up for me!

By the way: BS stands for a word that starts with "Bulls" and ends with "hit"...and that is still, what your drivel was!

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When will they raid Sri Racha?

Finally , some-one mentioned Sri Racha. A few years ago they killed a lot of tigers there because they were suspected of having what was it ? asian flu ?

Years before , I once went there , didn't look great from the felines and the other animals too.

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Lots of negative comments on facebook about thailand. reading it and commenting the thread was shut down halfway through.

Wonder who did this. Take a guess.

Tripadvisor have been systematically removing negative comments about thw Temple and other wildlife issues for years. Of course they make money from tour operators..

I would also love to hear from Tong's tours who have been making money from the temple for a decade or so and never publicly taken a stance on the temple - perhps they would care to comment now...... anyone want to contact Tong's tours?

Why don't you??????????????? coffee1.gif

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When will they raid Sri Racha?

Finally , some-one mentioned Sri Racha. A few years ago they killed a lot of tigers there because they were suspected of having what was it ? asian flu ?

Years before , I once went there , didn't look great from the felines and the other animals too.

they weren't killed because they SUSPECTED - they were killed because they were fed infected chicken carcasses.

One would hope that whatever the outcome, this activity will tarnish the international reputation of Thailand enough for the authorities to realise that it is about time to introduce and enforce animal welfare regulations that are in keeping with the rest of the world. ...and this in turn will bring about the end of the plethora of animal exploitation projects that whilst passing themselves off as some kind of conservators are in reality blatantly abusing animals to make a quick return.

Furthermore it is hoped they will realise that tourists are becoming more and more aware of wildlife and eco-issues and they also represent the higher end of the market - something that successive Thai governments have claimed to desire.

You can't have your cake and eat it....if Thailand wants to be regarded as a sophisticated holiday destination, they will have to start behaving like one, and that includes animal rights and a democratic government.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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It's always farang who spearhead revelations in these types of scenarios within Thailand. Thais are hamstrung for several reasons: For starters, they don't even see such things are wrong until farang begin pointing them out. Thais are too afraid of the stratification of Thai society, too afraid of rocking the boat, particularly with the Sangha (Buddhist establishment) and rich people. Thai officialdom can follow-up somewhat, though they do so in fits and starts, and at every step of the process they're intensely aware of the stratification of who's privileged. It's as bad now as it's always been in Thailand.

There are so many ugly aspects of this tigers/temple imbroglio, not least is Chinese' insatiable appetite for tiger products (What % of Chinese men have trouble getting hard-ons, 60%? 85%?). Now that they have lots more money, they can more readily decimate populations of once-wild beasts. To me it's more despicable than Bernie Madoff, and more alarming than ISIS chopping off heads.

If the Chinese were ever able to conduct double-blind scientific tests, they would find that tiger bone is no more effective for getting a hard-on than dog bone. They can't because they're too subjective. But even if Chinese scientists could enact a scientific tests to prove that, the general Chinese public wouldn't pay it any heed, because they're so steeped in superstition. I would be like trying to convince American Christians that a virgin birth is not possible.

Well at least the Chinese don't do amulets.

Chinese don't do amulets....they do the equivelent to these amulets ( lucky charms) made from ivory, and parts of many wild animals from all over the world.

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This link from Channel News Asia says more skins were found at the temple as well as other living animals, including a LION !!


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Its on BBC too:

BBC News: Thailand Tiger Temple monk held 'for smuggling'

Thailand Tiger Temple monk held 'for smuggling' - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-36431861

And CNN is going further: saying trafficked animal parts. Scandalous and a vindication of the many, including a number of people on this forum, who have been suggesting this for a very long time.

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I think we can safely say that the story is getting worldwide coverage - for how long remains to be seen (I just watched it on Aljazeera and TNN (Thai News)

This is a massive blow to Thailand's international image - it symbolizes the 2-faced attitude of so m,any high-ranking people in the way the deal with the outside world, in particular tourism. it also yet again shows the legal system in a bad light as it has taken 10 years to get this far.

It highlights the deplorable lack of animal welfare legislation and the reluctance of the police and other authorities to enforce what law there is....it shows to all how money talks and graft and nepotism rule.

On top of all this Thailand is being monitored by CITES the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. They have already threatened Thailand with sanctions if they didn't get their act together with the ivory trade and now this - a hub of endangered species trading right under the noses of the authorities and by appointment to...well who?

This does not bode well for Thailand’s international reputation, but already we see the signs of the temple fighting back - the mad Canadian doctor saying all allegations are false and a possible scapegoat arrested by the police - who I’m sure will turn out to be some kind of mastermind who brainwashed all the monks - into stuffing the freezer full of cubs and then skinning a couple of tigers and using the rest for souvenirs.......

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Monk held for smuggling - do I sense a scapegoat?

Do I sense a cynic?

The monk was, allegedly, caught attempting to smuggle incriminating evidence out of the Temple.

There will be others 'held' as a result of this debacle.

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Monk held for smuggling - do I sense a scapegoat?

Do I sense a cynic?

The monk was, allegedly, caught attempting to smuggle incriminating evidence out of the Temple.

There will be others 'held' as a result of this debacle.

you can't seriously be suggesting the abbot had anything to do with this...isn't it obvious? these hardened crimms, disguised as monks joined the naively welcoming temple and then used it to further their underworld connections in the drug and animal trafficking underworld. He didn't even look like a monk.....

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