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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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If Brexit do win,it will be a day of rejoicing, how those who are so anti-British such as yourself react,I could't give a fart.

"those who are so anti-British such as yourself" - that's going too far, uncalled for and unpleasant.

So is referring to people as the great unwashed and uneducated.

How ironic that you now cry foul after clicking like on a great many of those posts.

You need to go back and read them again, you are confused, just as you are about the difference between those two statements.

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If Brexit do win,it will be a day of rejoicing, how those who are so anti-British such as yourself react,I could't give a fart.

"those who are so anti-British such as yourself" - that's going too far, uncalled for and unpleasant.

Maybe a little! I think we all support Britian just in our own way. There are some of use that want to be ruled by no marks in Brussels like Junker and others that want to be ruled by our democratically elected government no matter how sh!te they might turn out to be

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I agree, I think everyone that I've seen posts from on this subject is quite patriotic and has what they believe to be, the best at heart for the country and its people, nobody is saying they don't care about either and nobody should be accused of being so, just because they hold a different view on the referendum.

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I read there is now a 19 point lead for BREXIT.

I seriously doubt the truth of any poll, but hope deep down in my heart that it is such a huge lead. If it is and we really do vote OUT there will be dancing and partying in the streets.

You should get down the bookies as the odds for LEAVE are 2/1 against.

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If Brexit do win,it will be a day of rejoicing, how those who are so anti-British such as yourself react,I could't give a fart.

"those who are so anti-British such as yourself" - that's going too far, uncalled for and unpleasant.

Maybe a little! I think we all support Britian just in our own way. There are some of use that want to be ruled by no marks in Brussels like Junker and others that want to be ruled by our democratically elected government no matter how sh!te they might turn out to be

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I agree, I think everyone that I've seen posts from on this subject is quite patriotic and has what they believe to be, the best at heart for the country and its people, nobody is saying they don't care about either and nobody should be accused of being so, just because they hold a different view on the referendum.

You Think everyone on this thread is patriotic,like I said previously,go back through ALL of this persons post on different threads regarding the UK, then you will then change your mind.

Edited by nontabury
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A number of posters have mentioned workers rights being protected by the EU.

Well here's an alternative view from Kate Hoey MP the veteran and independently thinking Labour politician.

Her support for Brexit is mainly driven by what she considers as the Undemocratic EU.

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Maybe a little! I think we all support Britian just in our own way. There are some of use that want to be ruled by no marks in Brussels like Junker and others that want to be ruled by our democratically elected government no matter how sh!te they might turn out to be

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I agree, I think everyone that I've seen posts from on this subject is quite patriotic and has what they believe to be, the best at heart for the country and its people, nobody is saying they don't care about either and nobody should be accused of being so, just because they hold a different view on the referendum.

You Think everyone on this thread is patriotic,like I said previously,go back through ALL of this persons post on different threads regarding the UK, then you will then change your mind.

Nothing like the usual old bunch of right-wing nationalists and both right- and left-wing populists wrapping themselves in the Union Jack claiming the 'patriotic' mantle. On this thread we have had the amusement of supposedly left-wing BREXITeers attacking the Cameron as if the EU is a capitalist plot and conveniently omitting that the leadership of BREXITeers are from the hard right of the Tory Party, not to mention UKIP (hard right Tory spin-off) and our old friends from the BNP who like to attend SS reunion pilgrimages. On the other side are the supposed forum right-wing BREXITeers who are happy to march with the SWP (just one of the Trotskyist groups), Gorgeous George Galloway and the rest of the disaffected left-wing rag-bag. And everybody supposedly in lock-step cheesy.gif Patriots? Piffle.

Edited by SheungWan
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So nobody cared for my idea this morning about devaluation, formal devaluation I mean rather than the current devaluation by stealth?

You mean the one at post 768 which starts

You'll be pleased to learn that I've finally managed to come up with a financial benefit to the Brexit case, it wasn't easy but I have and so here it is:

Most people probably never got past your opening line, highlighted above. We already know that their are many and varied benefits to a Brexit.

I think what most people were looking for, and have asked you for, on many occasions, was a good, valid reason for remaining rather than a scary prediction of doom and gloom.

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A number of posters have mentioned workers rights being protected by the EU.

Well here's an alternative view from Kate Hoey MP the veteran and independently thinking Labour politician.

Her support for Brexit is mainly driven by what she considers as the Undemocratic EU.

Not sure how this shows that a Brexit vote will protect workers' rights?

Somehow I'm sure that those rights would be destroyed in the result of Brexit. But on the other hand it might (and I stress might) result in stopping uncontrolled immigration - which is a godsend for most immigrants, but only drives salaries/wages downwards for Brits.

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can someone provide a link or other reference regarding this EU citizen-non EU partner and getting them into the UK without the same income restrictions? Im curious to know more about this, thanks.


Hope this is informative for you.this article is 3yrs old. However the information itself has been well aired in the UK over the last week.


A little addition, you will notice in this article the mention of a child's right to a family life as per the European Convention of Human Rights. Now to be fair I do not know if this is part of the EU. However it does show how British citizens are discriminated against, as there have been instances of UK citizens Having to return to the UK,with their children, yet the mother is refused enter because they cannot comply with the strict entry requirements.

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Maybe a little! I think we all support Britian just in our own way. There are some of use that want to be ruled by no marks in Brussels like Junker and others that want to be ruled by our democratically elected government no matter how sh!te they might turn out to be

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

I agree, I think everyone that I've seen posts from on this subject is quite patriotic and has what they believe to be, the best at heart for the country and its people, nobody is saying they don't care about either and nobody should be accused of being so, just because they hold a different view on the referendum.

You Think everyone on this thread is patriotic,like I said previously,go back through ALL of this persons post on different threads regarding the UK, then you will then change your mind.

Nothing like the usual old bunch of right-wing nationalists and both right- and left-wing populists wrapping themselves in the Union Jack claiming the 'patriotic' mantle. On this thread we have had the amusement of supposedly left-wing BREXITeers attacking the Cameron as if the EU is a capitalist plot and conveniently omitting that the leadership of BREXITeers are from the hard right of the Tory Party, not to mention UKIP (hard right Tory spin-off) and our old friends from the BNP who like to attend SS reunion pilgrimages. On the other side are the supposed forum right-wing BREXITeers who are happy to march with the SWP (just one of the Trotskyist groups), Gorgeous George Galloway and the rest of the disaffected left-wing rag-bag. And everybody supposedly in lock-step cheesy.gif Patriots? Piffle.

I'm not patriotic - or more accurately, nationalistic - but I still care about those in low paid jobs. Come to that, those in average jobs, where salaries used to be enough to support a family (going back many decades), but are now greatly reduced in real terms.

And don't get me started on pensions as I was lucky enough to work during the era when occupational pensions were the 'norm'! One of the reasons that resulted in my realising that the Brit govt is not to be trusted. Even more so than the EU govt.

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A number of posters have mentioned workers rights being protected by the EU.

Well here's an alternative view from Kate Hoey MP the veteran and independently thinking Labour politician.

Her support for Brexit is mainly driven by what she considers as the Undemocratic EU.

Not sure how this shows that a Brexit vote will protect workers' rights?

Somehow I'm sure that those rights would be destroyed in the result of Brexit. But on the other hand it might (and I stress might) result in stopping uncontrolled immigration - which is a godsend for most immigrants, but only drives salaries/wages downwards for Brits.

You might have noticed that Lord Rose, the official leader of remain has disappeared.

That disappearance happened straight after he announced that a Brexit would raise wages and reduce housing costs.

The protection of workers rights should, in the 1st instance be down to employers, backed by law. When there is an abundance of unemployed and migrants that will take any job those rights will always be trampled on by employers and Government have a great, ready made get out clause. Blame the EU.

It is all interlinked. If you can get past the Political bluster, in real terms, the only economy that has been growing in the UK over the last 10 - 15 years has been the Black Economy.

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So nobody cared for my idea this morning about devaluation, formal devaluation I mean rather than the current devaluation by stealth?

You mean the one at post 768 which starts

You'll be pleased to learn that I've finally managed to come up with a financial benefit to the Brexit case, it wasn't easy but I have and so here it is:

Most people probably never got past your opening line, highlighted above. We already know that their are many and varied benefits to a Brexit.

I think what most people were looking for, and have asked you for, on many occasions, was a good, valid reason for remaining rather than a scary prediction of doom and gloom.

To be more precise, you asked me once and I chose not to answer, the reason for that is because Remain is the status quo and there is no need to explain the status quo, the only need is to examine any changes to it - and if you exaggerate one more time today you will loose one stripe and thereafter be known as corporal rock.

But back to currency devaluation: you do realise that currency devaluation is almost certain under Brexit, tell me that you do realise that.

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A number of posters have mentioned workers rights being protected by the EU.

Well here's an alternative view from Kate Hoey MP the veteran and independently thinking Labour politician.

Her support for Brexit is mainly driven by what she considers as the Undemocratic EU.

Not sure how this shows that a Brexit vote will protect workers' rights?

Somehow I'm sure that those rights would be destroyed in the result of Brexit. But on the other hand it might (and I stress might) result in stopping uncontrolled immigration - which is a godsend for most immigrants, but only drives salaries/wages downwards for Brits.

You might have noticed that Lord Rose, the official leader of remain has disappeared.

That disappearance happened straight after he announced that a Brexit would raise wages and reduce housing costs.

The protection of workers rights should, in the 1st instance be down to employers, backed by law. When there is an abundance of unemployed and migrants that will take any job those rights will always be trampled on by employers and Government have a great, ready made get out clause. Blame the EU.

It is all interlinked. If you can get past the Political bluster, in real terms, the only economy that has been growing in the UK over the last 10 - 15 years has been the Black Economy.

Not really, Brit govts have made it clear that they prefer to advantage business' interests over workers' interests.

But I agree that IF poor immigrants are stopped/told to leave it is likely to result in higher wages for jobs and a reduction in social security/NHS spending.

Employers are NEVER going to put workers' rights above profit - and neither is the govt sad.png .

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You mean the one at post 768 which starts

You'll be pleased to learn that I've finally managed to come up with a financial benefit to the Brexit case, it wasn't easy but I have and so here it is:

Most people probably never got past your opening line, highlighted above. We already know that their are many and varied benefits to a Brexit.

I think what most people were looking for, and have asked you for, on many occasions, was a good, valid reason for remaining rather than a scary prediction of doom and gloom.

To be more precise, you asked me once and I chose not to answer, the reason for that is because Remain is the status quo and there is no need to explain the status quo, the only need is to examine any changes to it - and if you exaggerate one more time today you will loose one stripe and thereafter be known as corporal rock.

But back to currency devaluation: you do realise that currency devaluation is almost certain under Brexit, tell me that you do realise that.


That is a PP response. Not only is it PP, to state that remain is the status quo is clearly deluded. There is no status quo, it is either out, including any currency devaluation or it is further Political and Monetary integration starting in 2020.

I do not know how many times you need to be told but the financial aspect is not as important as remainers like to believe.

Here you go, hot of the press

As seen in Falmouth, Euroscepticism runs deep despite region apparently benefitting from EU more than any other. Why?


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You might have noticed that Lord Rose, the official leader of remain has disappeared.

That disappearance happened straight after he announced that a Brexit would raise wages and reduce housing costs.

The protection of workers rights should, in the 1st instance be down to employers, backed by law. When there is an abundance of unemployed and migrants that will take any job those rights will always be trampled on by employers and Government have a great, ready made get out clause. Blame the EU.

It is all interlinked. If you can get past the Political bluster, in real terms, the only economy that has been growing in the UK over the last 10 - 15 years has been the Black Economy.

Not really, Brit govts have made it clear that they prefer to advantage business' interests over workers' interests.

But I agree that IF poor immigrants are stopped/told to leave it is likely to result in higher wages for jobs and a reduction in social security/NHS spending.

Employers are NEVER going to put workers' rights above profit - and neither is the govt sad.png .

I think that you misunderstood me.

If a Brexit happens I think that there will be a massive shock coming to UK Politics as well. A Government is elected to serve the people, not business, and it is time that they were reminded of this.

Of course no employer is going to run an unprofitable business. There has to be a balance between what is affordable and what is achievable in terms of workers rights. When you have a limited size of workforce, terms and conditions normally become better, when you have a massive unemployed labour pool, those terms and conditions will be eroded.

It is affecting millions in England and Wales today


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You mean the one at post 768 which starts

You'll be pleased to learn that I've finally managed to come up with a financial benefit to the Brexit case, it wasn't easy but I have and so here it is:

Most people probably never got past your opening line, highlighted above. We already know that their are many and varied benefits to a Brexit.

I think what most people were looking for, and have asked you for, on many occasions, was a good, valid reason for remaining rather than a scary prediction of doom and gloom.

To be more precise, you asked me once and I chose not to answer, the reason for that is because Remain is the status quo and there is no need to explain the status quo, the only need is to examine any changes to it - and if you exaggerate one more time today you will loose one stripe and thereafter be known as corporal rock.

But back to currency devaluation: you do realise that currency devaluation is almost certain under Brexit, tell me that you do realise that.


That is a PP response. Not only is it PP, to state that remain is the status quo is clearly deluded. There is no status quo, it is either out, including any currency devaluation or it is further Political and Monetary integration starting in 2020.

I do not know how many times you need to be told but the financial aspect is not as important as remainers like to believe.

Here you go, hot of the press

We appear to not speak the same language, I googled PP and got peroxisome proliferator which I guess is not what you intended, doubtless you will explain!

And status quo is the today scenario, it's what exists currently hence I'm not sure why you think it's deluded to say it is that!

And if you think that money is no object in this matter I I hope all your fellow countrymen and women agree with you because they are in for a shed load of pain if we Brexit, I hope therefore that pain is no object either.

Sorry, I did open your link but quickly saw anecdotal information about some chap in Falmouth, I'm more inclined to go with bigger pictures on something like this.

Edited by chiang mai
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cheesy.gif Just read in The Times from the 11th June that they believe up to 200,000 people my have been registered twice using the online registration. That will give either camp something to moan about if it's a close race.

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You might have noticed that Lord Rose, the official leader of remain has disappeared.

That disappearance happened straight after he announced that a Brexit would raise wages and reduce housing costs.

The protection of workers rights should, in the 1st instance be down to employers, backed by law. When there is an abundance of unemployed and migrants that will take any job those rights will always be trampled on by employers and Government have a great, ready made get out clause. Blame the EU.

It is all interlinked. If you can get past the Political bluster, in real terms, the only economy that has been growing in the UK over the last 10 - 15 years has been the Black Economy.

Not really, Brit govts have made it clear that they prefer to advantage business' interests over workers' interests.

But I agree that IF poor immigrants are stopped/told to leave it is likely to result in higher wages for jobs and a reduction in social security/NHS spending.

Employers are NEVER going to put workers' rights above profit - and neither is the govt sad.png .

I think that you misunderstood me.

If a Brexit happens I think that there will be a massive shock coming to UK Politics as well. A Government is elected to serve the people, not business, and it is time that they were reminded of this.

Of course no employer is going to run an unprofitable business. There has to be a balance between what is affordable and what is achievable in terms of workers rights. When you have a limited size of workforce, terms and conditions normally become better, when you have a massive unemployed labour pool, those terms and conditions will be eroded.

It is affecting millions in England and Wales today


I don't think I misunderstood you? I think you were saying that workers' rights should be down to employers and Brit govt laws?

My point was that neither employers or the Brit govt would put workers' rights above profit.

I agree that Brexit would result in a massive shock to the system and govt. - but they are likely to take this as an endorsement to erode workers' rights and become more right wing.

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Bloomberg is reporting increases in shorts of Sterling, on a risk reward basis they are saying the downside against USD in the event of a Brexit is around 9% to around 1.30 whilst the upside in the event of Remain is only 5% to around 1.50 - in case anyone thought is was going to surge massively, it almost certainly wont. http://www.bloomberg.com/asia

EDIT: FT poll of polls is calling it 46% Leave 44% Remain with 10% undecided.https://ig.ft.com/sites/brexit-polling/

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To be more precise, you asked me once and I chose not to answer, the reason for that is because Remain is the status quo and there is no need to explain the status quo, the only need is to examine any changes to it - and if you exaggerate one more time today you will loose one stripe and thereafter be known as corporal rock.

But back to currency devaluation: you do realise that currency devaluation is almost certain under Brexit, tell me that you do realise that.


That is a PP response. Not only is it PP, to state that remain is the status quo is clearly deluded. There is no status quo, it is either out, including any currency devaluation or it is further Political and Monetary integration starting in 2020.

I do not know how many times you need to be told but the financial aspect is not as important as remainers like to believe.

Here you go, hot of the press

We appear to not speak the same language, I googled PP and got peroxisome proliferator which I guess is not what you intended, doubtless you will explain!

And status quo is the today scenario, it's what exists currently hence I'm not sure why you think it's deluded to say it is that!

And if you think that money is no object in this matter I I hope all your fellow countrymen and women agree with you because they are in for a shed load of pain if we Brexit, I hope therefore that pain is no object either.

Sorry, I did open your link but quickly saw anecdotal information about some chap in Falmouth, I'm more inclined to go with bigger pictures on something like this.

Ask an ex squaddie, if it requires explaining to you.

It is deluded because the vote is not about today, it is about the future, either in or out of the EU. One thing that will not be happening is status quo. In or out, the status quo will be changing.

Are you trolling CM ? I have never said that money is no object in this matter. I did say, that it is not as important as remainers seem to think it is. It will certainly not matter to the unemployed, minimum wage gang and probably these 4.5 million in England and Wales.


I could not care less whether you read posted links, your decision. Spare me the buzzwords, big picture died 10 years ago.

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To be more precise, you asked me once and I chose not to answer, the reason for that is because Remain is the status quo and there is no need to explain the status quo, the only need is to examine any changes to it - and if you exaggerate one more time today you will loose one stripe and thereafter be known as corporal rock.

But back to currency devaluation: you do realise that currency devaluation is almost certain under Brexit, tell me that you do realise that.


That is a PP response. Not only is it PP, to state that remain is the status quo is clearly deluded. There is no status quo, it is either out, including any currency devaluation or it is further Political and Monetary integration starting in 2020.

I do not know how many times you need to be told but the financial aspect is not as important as remainers like to believe.

Here you go, hot of the press

We appear to not speak the same language, I googled PP and got peroxisome proliferator which I guess is not what you intended, doubtless you will explain!

And status quo is the today scenario, it's what exists currently hence I'm not sure why you think it's deluded to say it is that!

And if you think that money is no object in this matter I I hope all your fellow countrymen and women agree with you because they are in for a shed load of pain if we Brexit, I hope therefore that pain is no object either.

Sorry, I did open your link but quickly saw anecdotal information about some chap in Falmouth, I'm more inclined to go with bigger pictures on something like this.

Ask an ex squaddie, if it requires explaining to you.

It is deluded because the vote is not about today, it is about the future, either in or out of the EU. One thing that will not be happening is status quo. In or out, the status quo will be changing.

Are you trolling CM ? I have never said that money is no object in this matter. I did say, that it is not as important as remainers seem to think it is. It will certainly not matter to the unemployed, minimum wage gang and probably these 4.5 million in England and Wales.


I could not care less whether you read posted links, your decision. Spare me the buzzwords, big picture died 10 years ago.

We're just going to have to agree to disagree then because we seem not to be communicating on the same wavelength!

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can someone provide a link or other reference regarding this EU citizen-non EU partner and getting them into the UK without the same income restrictions? Im curious to know more about this, thanks.


Hope this is informative for you.this article is 3yrs old. However the information itself has been well aired in the UK over the last week.


A little addition, you will notice in this article the mention of a child's right to a family life as per the European Convention of Human Rights. Now to be fair I do not know if this is part of the EU. However it does show how British citizens are discriminated against, as there have been instances of UK citizens Having to return to the UK,with their children, yet the mother is refused enter because they cannot comply with the strict entry requirements.

In fairness the Non-UK spouse has to have the right to reside in an EU country so I'm assuming they would need to stay in one for 3 months to obtain an EU residency certificate & then be able to live in the UK under this, as anybody from the UK can do (see Surinder Singh route to UK residency (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surinder_Singh_route).

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It seems as though this balloon has deflated, Grouse seems to have given up the fight, lesser men would have quit days ago, even the detractors and would be trolls have gone quiet, that's a sure sign of death.

Time to move on.

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It seems as though this balloon has deflated, Grouse seems to have given up the fight, lesser men would have quit days ago, even the detractors and would be trolls have gone quiet, that's a sure sign of death.

Time to move on.

I agree. We can now only wait for the result whilst arguing..

Not that this will stop any of us biggrin.png .

Edited by dick dasterdly
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It seems as though this balloon has deflated, Grouse seems to have given up the fight, lesser men would have quit days ago, even the detractors and would be trolls have gone quiet, that's a sure sign of death.

Time to move on.

I agree. We can now only wait for the result whilst arguing..

Not that this will stop any of us biggrin.png .

Yes it will! laugh.png

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I don't give a toss about any inferred inflation/deflation. Anyway, GBP will stabilise as soon as the referendum is over.

I used to work minimum wage years ago and nobody gave a fig about me. The unions would bully me to subscribe to their mantra. I told them where to go every time.

Now I earn a fair living through sheer determination and hard work. I pay tax that makes my eyes smart and wonder where it all goes. I want my taxes to stay in-house from hereon in.

There's a revolution going on and I'm all for it and it starts in ten days time.

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The latest polls have Leave with a 19 point lead and the Remain camp getting ever more desperate as the hours tick down. Only a few more days till we get our own independence day like the Americans thumbsup.gif

Oh and the PP you do not understand is an old military term for P*ss Poor. It comes from the old 6 P's saying

Proper Preperation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance biggrin.png

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The latest polls have Leave with a 19 point lead and the Remain camp getting ever more desperate as the hours tick down. Only a few more days till we get our own independence day like the Americans thumbsup.gif

Oh and the PP you do not understand is an old military term for P*ss Poor. It comes from the old 6 P's saying

Proper Preperation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance biggrin.png

"Oh and the PP you do not understand" - you don't understand satire, I can tell! rolleyes.gif

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