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'Myth-busting' Obama tries to debunk GOP on the economy


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'Myth-busting' Obama tries to debunk GOP on the economy

ELKHART, Ind. (AP) — President Barack Obama went on a "myth-busting" mission Wednesday aimed at undermining Republican arguments about the economy, working to give cover to Democrats to embrace his policies ahead of the presidential election.

Officially, Obama came to this hardscrabble town in northern Indiana to illustrate how steps he took in the first days of his presidency had ultimately paid off and pulled the economy back from the brink. Yet his rally at a high school in Elkhart blurred the lines between governing and campaigning, marking the president's most aggressive and direct foray to date into the roaring campaign to replace him.

"The primary story that Republicans have been telling about the economy is not supported by the facts. It's just not," Obama said. "They repeat it a lot, but it's not supported by the facts. But they say it anyway. Now what is that? It's because it has worked to get them votes."

When Obama came to Elkhart seven years ago on his first major presidential trip, the unemployment rate was soaring and the White House struggling to secure support for injecting hundreds of billions of federal dollars into the economy. Though the economy has improved measurably, Republicans have been reluctant to give Obama credit.

As Obama returned to Indiana, GOP Gov. Mike Pence said the state had recovered "in spite of Obama's policies" — not because of them. And the Republican National Committee dismissed his visit as a "campaign trip" designed to help Hillary Clinton sell a weak Obama record as if it were "really a success story."

So with all the vigor he displayed on the campaign trail years ago, Obama attempted a nearly line-by-line takedown of claims Republicans have made about his policies holding the economy back. He dismissed those GOP voices as "anti-government, anti-immigrant, anti-trade and let's face it, anti-change."

"My bigger point is to bust this myth of crazy, liberal government spending," Obama said. "Government spending is not what is squeezing the middle class."

He avoided mentioning Donald Trump by name, but was met with shouts of "Donald's crazy" from some of the 2,000 people packed in a brightly lit gymnasium. Asked later why he rarely mentions Trump's name, Obama said the businessman is better at marketing himself than the Democratic candidates.

"You know he seems to do a good job mentioning his own name," Obama said in a town hall meeting hosted by "PBS NewsHour." ''So, you know, I figured I'll let him do his advertising."

Republicans have mostly settled on Trump as their nominee, albeit begrudgingly, while Clinton and Bernie Sanders continue competing for the Democratic nomination. Though White House aides are eager to see the primary wrapped up, Obama has tried to avoid showing favoritism, which has limited his ability to engage in the campaign.

Obama predicted that his party's primary was "almost over" and said he'd have plenty of time to campaign for the nominee. He said the Democratic contender should be clear by next week, following June 7 primaries in California, New Jersey and elsewhere.

He also offered a few subtle nods of approval for the Democrats. Obama praised Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, for cutting federal deficits, and railed against a system rigged for the uber-rich in an implicit embrace of Sanders' campaign mantra.

The president's approval ratings have finally improved to levels where his fellow Democrats feel comfortable running on his policies, especially on the economy. Clinton has proposed steps that build directly on Obama's actions while Sanders has praised his accomplishments.

Yet Obama and his aides have long signaled frustration that as the economy has improved, the public's perception of his decision-making hasn't tracked the same trajectory. Opposition to the president has been particularly unrelenting in conservative stretches of the Midwest like Indiana, which Obama won in 2008 but lost decisively four years later.

Elkhart County Commissioner Mike Yoder, a Republican, paused for 15 seconds and laughed when asked whether Obama deserved any credit for the recovery.

"At the bottom of the day, I think most elected officials — and I'm guessing the president would say this himself — that it is the local communities and the local businesses and workers that really are the major reason that a community will turn around," Yoder said.

Obama said he had returned to Elkhart "precisely because this county votes Republican."

"I definitely got whupped here in 2012. I know I don't poll all that well in this county," Obama said. "So I'm not here looking for votes."


AP News Survey Specialist Emily Swanson in Washington and Associated Press writer Tom Coyne in Elkhart, Indiana, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-02

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Oh, and the right wing troll of misinformation has checked in. No the economy is not in great shape although it has stopped bleeding jobs. The jobs gained are flipping burgers. Obama is beholding to Wall Street criminals/bankster just as the Clintons are. The economy started bleeding under the Regan regime and imploded under the Cheney/Bush et al regime. Clintons contributed greatly with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Obama didn't push hard enough when he had the political capital to spend the money necessary to get the economy truly back on it's feet. We do not and never have had a "deficit crisis", we have a revenue crisis. Although unpaid for wars of choice (Cheney/Bush et al) did contibute some how many trillion to the deficit? The rich and the corporations do not and have not paid their fair share and the burden falls on the back of the middle/working class who's wages have stagnated since, yep the Reagan regime. Please check carefully the real facts, you will find the deficit has NOT increased under Obama, it has decreased, at the expense of the real people, not the too rich 1%.

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Obama ignores the fact that his administration has ruined the lives of "whistle-blowers" who have exposed his government's corruption while touting his administration as the most "transparent" in history...the racial divide is greater than ever...he has promoted illegal immigration...pushing for social change to legitimize sexual perversions...allowed the IRS to single out political opponents for special harassment...allowed the destruction of evidence as an obstruction of justice...

His appointees use to go to Congressional hearings and act smug and arrogant...now they just do not bother to show up...

The real myth here is that the Obama administration has been a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy...head-strong, arrogant, know-it-all...fired or retired many civilians and military who chose not to rubber-stamp his insane positions in the ME...(Putin saw right thru his BS with just one meeting)

Obama only gets a pass...by those who are persuaded by his smooth delivery...all the while smiling and lying thru his teeth...

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Obama ignores the fact that his administration has ruined the lives of "whistle-blowers" who have exposed his government's corruption while touting his administration as the most "transparent" in history...the racial divide is greater than ever...he has promoted illegal immigration...pushing for social change to legitimize sexual perversions...allowed the IRS to single out political opponents for special harassment...allowed the destruction of evidence as an obstruction of justice...

His appointees use to go to Congressional hearings and act smug and arrogant...now they just do not bother to show up...

The real myth here is that the Obama administration has been a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy...head-strong, arrogant, know-it-all...fired or retired many civilians and military who chose not to rubber-stamp his insane positions in the ME...(Putin saw right thru his BS with just one meeting)

Obama only gets a pass...by those who are persuaded by his smooth delivery...all the while smiling and lying thru his teeth...

Disagree with you. But this thread is about economy, not the middle east mess created by Bush.
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Only a carnival barker like Obama can convince people the earth is flat, the moon hollow, or America is thriving.

Do people buy this snake oil? He's a product of those who are convinced so what we really witness is one big socialist echo chamber.

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Busting the myth buster.


As Government Regulations Grow, Business Opportunities Shrink
Rep. Doug Lamborn
May 26, 2016
A recent study by The Heritage Foundation revealed that President Barack Obama has created a whopping total of 20,642 regulations during his presidency. Now that he’s in his final year in office, we face an additional 2,000 proposed rules he intends to push through to complete his tarnished legacy.
Businesses cannot be expected to thrive and expand in an economic climate that is plagued by doubt and uncertainty.
The Heritage study also pointed out that these rules are costly: Just last year, the administration racked up $22 billion in regulatory costs—equaling “a dollar for every star in the galaxy.”
Obamacare’s 13th Co-Op Is Closing. Why More Could Follow.
Melissa Quinn
June 01, 2016
Obamacare’s 13th co-op announced it’s closing ahead of the 2017 open enrollment period, and more of the nonprofit insurers could follow suit in the coming months.
Ohio’s InHealth Mutual announced late last week it would be closing its doors after the state’s Department of Insurance requested to liquidate the insurer.
As insurers prepare to submit proposed rate changes to the government ahead of the next open enrollment period, it’s likely Ohio’s co-op won’t be the last to close its doors.
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It is true that the US Federal deficit has gone down under Obama, but when you run deficits for over a trillion dollars for most of your first term it pretty much has no where to go but down. However running a deficit of nearly $500 billion a year is clearly not sustainable without eventual serious consequences.

Before the crash in 2009 President Bush was criticized by the left and some of the right in this country for running deficits of less than 400 billion. Deficits that small now seem like the "good old days". My fear is the US government continues to print money to cover the gap and eventually inflation gets a foothold.

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Obama ignores the fact that his administration has ruined the lives of "whistle-blowers" who have exposed his government's corruption while touting his administration as the most "transparent" in history...the racial divide is greater than ever...he has promoted illegal immigration...pushing for social change to legitimize sexual perversions...allowed the IRS to single out political opponents for special harassment...allowed the destruction of evidence as an obstruction of justice...

His appointees use to go to Congressional hearings and act smug and arrogant...now they just do not bother to show up...

The real myth here is that the Obama administration has been a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy...head-strong, arrogant, know-it-all...fired or retired many civilians and military who chose not to rubber-stamp his insane positions in the ME...(Putin saw right thru his BS with just one meeting)

Obama only gets a pass...by those who are persuaded by his smooth delivery...all the while smiling and lying thru his teeth...

Disagree with you. But this thread is about economy, not the middle east mess created by Bush.

Wrong as usual. The Middle East was already unraveling under Bill, unless you think it's normal losing two Embassies the same day, the USS Cole Bombing, Khobar Towers, the list goes on.

As to the economy, ask the 47 million collecting food stamps, or the over 4,000 that relinquished their U.S. Citizenship last year..

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Busting the myth buster.


As Government Regulations Grow, Business Opportunities Shrink
Rep. Doug Lamborn
May 26, 2016
A recent study by The Heritage Foundation revealed that President Barack Obama has created a whopping total of 20,642 regulations during his presidency. Now that he’s in his final year in office, we face an additional 2,000 proposed rules he intends to push through to complete his tarnished legacy.
Businesses cannot be expected to thrive and expand in an economic climate that is plagued by doubt and uncertainty.
The Heritage study also pointed out that these rules are costly: Just last year, the administration racked up $22 billion in regulatory costs—equaling “a dollar for every star in the galaxy.”
Obamacare’s 13th Co-Op Is Closing. Why More Could Follow.
Melissa Quinn
June 01, 2016
Obamacare’s 13th co-op announced it’s closing ahead of the 2017 open enrollment period, and more of the nonprofit insurers could follow suit in the coming months.
Ohio’s InHealth Mutual announced late last week it would be closing its doors after the state’s Department of Insurance requested to liquidate the insurer.
As insurers prepare to submit proposed rate changes to the government ahead of the next open enrollment period, it’s likely Ohio’s co-op won’t be the last to close its doors.

Republicans hate the fact Obamacare has been so so successful. 20 million Americans now have health insurance. The incredibly lame wingnuts have voted 50 times to try and overturn Obamacare. It's incredibly pathetic.

If only Republicans had anything to point to as an accomplishment. Nothing. With control of the Congress, all they've done is shut down the government and done their best not to let Obama accomplish ANYTHING. We all know, that hasn't worked. Republicans have nothing going for them, including the worst excuse of a Presidential candidate in history.

You see the hate these wingnuts have for that evil black man.

I almost feel sorry for these poor "low-info", scared little wingnuts as the Republican party circles the drain. Almost.

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Obama ignores the fact that his administration has ruined the lives of "whistle-blowers" who have exposed his government's corruption while touting his administration as the most "transparent" in history...the racial divide is greater than ever...he has promoted illegal immigration...pushing for social change to legitimize sexual perversions...allowed the IRS to single out political opponents for special harassment...allowed the destruction of evidence as an obstruction of justice...

His appointees use to go to Congressional hearings and act smug and arrogant...now they just do not bother to show up...

The real myth here is that the Obama administration has been a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy...head-strong, arrogant, know-it-all...fired or retired many civilians and military who chose not to rubber-stamp his insane positions in the ME...(Putin saw right thru his BS with just one meeting)

Obama only gets a pass...by those who are persuaded by his smooth delivery...all the while smiling and lying thru his teeth...

Disagree with you. But this thread is about economy, not the middle east mess created by Bush.

Wrong as usual. The Middle East was already unraveling under Bill, unless you think it's normal losing two Embassies the same day, the USS Cole Bombing, Khobar Towers, the list goes on.

As to the economy, ask the 47 million collecting food stamps, or the over 4,000 that relinquished their U.S. Citizenship last year..

Not to forget the 1st WTC bombing. The only reason the 9/11 attack didn't occur under Clinton's watch is because the hijackers were still busy taking flying lessons in Florida

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"ELKHART, Ind. (AP) — President Barack Obama went on a "myth-busting" mission Wednesday aimed at undermining Republican arguments about the economy, working to give cover to Democrats to embrace his policies ahead of the presidential election."

Here is the video highlight of Obama's speech in Elkhart. It is less than a minute, but a real eye-opener...


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Busting the myth buster.


As Government Regulations Grow, Business Opportunities Shrink
Rep. Doug Lamborn
May 26, 2016
A recent study by The Heritage Foundation revealed that President Barack Obama has created a whopping total of 20,642 regulations during his presidency. Now that he’s in his final year in office, we face an additional 2,000 proposed rules he intends to push through to complete his tarnished legacy.
Businesses cannot be expected to thrive and expand in an economic climate that is plagued by doubt and uncertainty.
The Heritage study also pointed out that these rules are costly: Just last year, the administration racked up $22 billion in regulatory costs—equaling “a dollar for every star in the galaxy.”
Obamacare’s 13th Co-Op Is Closing. Why More Could Follow.
Melissa Quinn
June 01, 2016
Obamacare’s 13th co-op announced it’s closing ahead of the 2017 open enrollment period, and more of the nonprofit insurers could follow suit in the coming months.
Ohio’s InHealth Mutual announced late last week it would be closing its doors after the state’s Department of Insurance requested to liquidate the insurer.
As insurers prepare to submit proposed rate changes to the government ahead of the next open enrollment period, it’s likely Ohio’s co-op won’t be the last to close its doors.

Republicans hate the fact Obamacare has been so so successful. 20 million Americans now have health insurance. The incredibly lame wingnuts have voted 50 times to try and overturn Obamacare. It's incredibly pathetic.

If only Republicans had anything to point to as an accomplishment. Nothing. With control of the Congress, all they've done is shut down the government and done their best not to let Obama accomplish ANYTHING. We all know, that hasn't worked. Republicans have nothing going for them, including the worst excuse of a Presidential candidate in history.

You see the hate these wingnuts have for that evil black man.

I almost feel sorry for these poor "low-info", scared little wingnuts as the Republican party circles the drain. Almost.

Repubs have nothing going for them? Well they've pretty much united behind Trump now and Never Trump has died a death. Not the trainwreck you predicted and was passing the popcorn to watch! The Democratic Party didn't put forward 17 candidates like the Repubs, everyone thought Hillary was up for a coronation, so there's only Bernie now who knows Hillary has baggage so is not giving up which is only helping Trump. She is helping Trump too because Repubs who do not like Trump see her as evil and far worse.

It's an uphill battle for Hillary, she has to deal with:

The OIG report showed she lied when she said she was allowed to use a private server when she had been given directives not to. No other former officials who used private servers started foundations to take money off foreign powers or aiming for Presidency. She should be indicted under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act for selling influence and accepting bribes.There is a direct link between her slush fund foundation and approving arms deals to foreign powers who donated to it. Do these countries donate millions to any other charities in America? Obama knew she had a private server or he would not have issued a directive which she ignored. She has broken the law and therefore cannot stand as a Presidential candidate. Up to the FBI now.

Hillary won't release the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches whom she has had a 20 year relationship with, for one reason only and that is because they are damning; she's supposed to represent the poor and downtrodden, but actually it's the monied liberal class and Hollywood.

Its getting interesting Pinot, you and the other " low info" leftwingenuts were right about a trainwreck but perhaps you didn't realize you were talking about the Democrat trainwreck.You can still pass the popcorn. Hey I don't mind! laugh.png

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Both political parties are equally responsiblity for the train-wreak that is now the US economy; where the rich get richer (including all congressmen and senators) and the poor get poorer.

The true 'myth' is that government is good for the economy. They need to reestablish Glass-Stegall and other regulations protecting the markets against predatory corporate practices, abolish the Federal Reserve and put the issuance of money back in the hands of the Treasury, and then get the hell out of the way, including allowing any and all businesses, including banks and large corporations, to fail and go bankrupt. Supply a limit social safety net - then keep their hands off the markets.

Edited by connda
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President Obama will be a strong campaigner for the Democrat Candidate.

From the absolute shambles he inherited from Republican W Bush and the totally obstructionist childish behaviour from a Republican dominated Congress he really has the US economy in much better shape than where he started.

If a voter was looking at 'who do you trust' to run an economy then Republicans would be unelectable for generations to come.

Obama's solid gold economic legacy is unquestionable and the Democrat Candidate needs to play that for every vote they can get.

I think a Candidate slogan like 'Make America Great Again' may have got some traction after Republican W Bush calamity but the response now after President Obama's successful Administration is 'you're a bit late knuckle-head, job done'.

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The economy is in great shape , not . has the debt been reduce under the democrats no it has increased .

yeah and those 50 million people on food stamps are so hopelessly addicted to receiving handouts by now that last week they even threatened there would be riots across America if Donald Trump becomes president and he tries to take take it off them. That's 50 million people who will rely on this on a permanent basisfacepalm.gif

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The economy is in great shape , not . has the debt been reduce under the democrats no it has increased .

yeah and those 50 million people on food stamps are so hopelessly addicted to receiving handouts by now that last week they even threatened there would be riots across America if Donald Trump becomes president and he tries to take take it off them. That's 50 million people who will rely on this on a permanent basisfacepalm.gif

Provide full time workers with a decent wage instead of 'slave wages' and you don't need food stamps or a government subsidising multi billion dollar companies profits.

Minimum wage = $21 per hour food stamp problem solved.

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The economy is in great shape , not . has the debt been reduce under the democrats no it has increased .

yeah and those 50 million people on food stamps are so hopelessly addicted to receiving handouts by now that last week they even threatened there would be riots across America if Donald Trump becomes president and he tries to take take it off them. That's 50 million people who will rely on this on a permanent basisfacepalm.gif

Provide full time workers with a decent wage instead of 'slave wages' and you don't need food stamps or a government subsidising multi billion dollar companies profits.

Minimum wage = $21 per hour food stamp problem solved.

Yep, pay a decent minimum wage that allows your own fellow citizens to live a fruitful and dignified life.

No one should be on food stamps if they are working a fulltime job. End of.


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The economy is in great shape , not . has the debt been reduce under the democrats no it has increased .

yeah and those 50 million people on food stamps are so hopelessly addicted to receiving handouts by now that last week they even threatened there would be riots across America if Donald Trump becomes president and he tries to take take it off them. That's 50 million people who will rely on this on a permanent basisfacepalm.gif

Provide full time workers with a decent wage instead of 'slave wages' and you don't need food stamps or a government subsidising multi billion dollar companies profits.

Minimum wage = $21 per hour food stamp problem solved.

Yep, pay a decent minimum wage that allows your own fellow citizens to live a fruitful and dignified life.

No one should be on food stamps if they are working a fulltime job. End of.


Well everyone would like that in an ideal world. Why not make it $100 an hour if it's that easy? It all depends on how sustainable and the moneys there to pay the increase. I have no idea but what you don't want is more people on food stamps because less jobs are offered because of the increase.If businesses are struggling then paying by mandate could close businesses down.

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Well everyone would like that in an ideal world. Why not make it $100 an hour if it's that easy? It all depends on how sustainable and the moneys there to pay the increase. I have no idea but what you don't want is more people on food stamps because less jobs are offered because of the increase.If businesses are struggling then paying by mandate could close businesses down.

Money is a dynamic thing, on a domestic level it'll always be there. If the minimum wage is $100, businesses will simply increase their prices to compensate, local buyers can afford their products because of the new high minimum wage; the associated inflation will devalue the forex rates allowing businesses to export their goods as competitively as before.

So no, businesses will not close down and everyone can be millionaires.

Except a Big Mac will cost $100.

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Obama is no better or worse than his predecessor, takes his orders from the same people, and lies like all them. His successor will likely be exactly the same.

Who are these people he takes the orders from name them?

Also tell me how you know this


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The real myth here is that the Obama administration has been a total disaster when it comes to foreign policy...head-strong, arrogant, know-it-all...fired or retired many civilians and military who chose not to rubber-stamp his insane positions in the ME...(Putin saw right thru his BS with just one meeting)

Obama, HRC and Kerry have done reasonably well on foreign policy. It's a big topic. Sometimes bad things happen, and they can't always be blamed on whomever is in charge. If your baby boy tumbles down the stairs, is it the dad's fault? Or the fault of the carpenter who built the stairs? Republicans are always so quick to blame. The Middle East, at any time, is always a matter of being very bad or awful. Do we blame Reagan for the nearly 200 US marines who were killed by a truck bomb in Beirut on his watch? Blame blame blame. Here's a suggestion for Republicans: try to rise above pettiness, study history and get informed.

Only a carnival barker like Obama can convince people the earth is flat, the moon hollow, or America is thriving.

Do people buy this snake oil? He's a product of those who are convinced so what we really witness is one big socialist echo chamber.

There's no snake oil to buy. Obama is a very decent man and he tells it pretty much like it is. A lot different than most of his predecessors. As for socialist (one of Republicans' favorite words to bandy around like a red flag), it's Republicans, particularly rich Republican businessmen who take the most advantage of socialist policies. They're the fellows who get bail-outs even when they don't need them. They're double-dippers, they get PIK (look it up) and, like Trump, they use a plethora of tax-paid services and infrastructure without paying their fair share of taxes. Or, like Trump, they avoid taxes altogether in some years.

RRepubs have nothing going for them? Well they've pretty much united behind Trump.....

Many Reps have united AGAINST Trump. Wake up and smell the coffee.

And yes, since you asked, Reps have close to nothing going for them. I'm trying to think of one thing Reps have going for them. Well, they'll create a lot of jobs building that useless overpriced wall. And they're good at making a lot of money and hiding it in offshore accounts. Other than that, I don't know what they have going for them.

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Republicans hate the fact Obamacare has been so so successful......

You see the hate these wingnuts have for that evil black man.

The only reason that many Republicans hate Obama is that he is Black and is also their President. Don't forget that "Obamacare" is actually a Republican plan that was intended, and quite successfully so, to derail any discussion about a rational, single-payer, nationalized health insurance program.

Well everyone would like that in an ideal world. Why not make it $100 an hour if it's that easy? It all depends on how sustainable and the moneys there to pay the increase. I have no idea but what you don't want is more people on food stamps because less jobs are offered because of the increase.If businesses are struggling then paying by mandate could close businesses down.

Ridiculous nonsensical argument. People are advocating a $15 minimum wage as as a living wage. Nobody is arguing for people to make more than a living wage meaning that when you work full time for someone you should not have to depend upon the taxpayers for food or healthcare. Walmart could easily afford to pay $15 by cutting back on the unearned income made by their shareholders. Most businesses can pay $15 to ordinary workers by cutting back on executive pay. Too many business owners pay themselves far more than they deserve only by having the taxpayer provide for the survival of their employees. They don't want to admit that their business model is marginal at best without these subsidies.

Not to forget the 1st WTC bombing. The only reason the 9/11 attack didn't occur under Clinton's watch is because the hijackers were still busy taking flying lessons in Florida

What?!? You still believe that someone can take a few lessons in a Cessna and then fly a 757 in something other than a straight line and strile a target hundreds of miles away.
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Well everyone would like that in an ideal world. Why not make it $100 an hour if it's that easy? It all depends on how sustainable and the moneys there to pay the increase. I have no idea but what you don't want is more people on food stamps because less jobs are offered because of the increase.If businesses are struggling then paying by mandate could close businesses down.

Ridiculous nonsensical argument. People are advocating a $15 minimum wage as as a living wage. Nobody is arguing for people to make more than a living wage meaning that when you work full time for someone you should not have to depend upon the taxpayers for food or healthcare. Walmart could easily afford to pay $15 by cutting back on the unearned income made by their shareholders. Most businesses can pay $15 to ordinary workers by cutting back on executive pay. only by having the taxpayer provide for the survival of their employees. They don't want to admit that their business model is marginal at best without these subsidies.

Too many business owners pay themselves far more than they deserve

​Not everytime. I ran a small business once and after overheads were met and the employee's were paid at $15 p.h I often had to not take any pay myself and that was irregular. Cutting back on unearned income made by shareholders can mean a disincentive to shareholding investment and without shareholder capital you have no business because they go elsewherre.You have to be careful raising wages suddenly nation wide or you have a rise in prices to pay for it and a consequent rise in inflation. Regulation of wage rates can close struggling businesses and create unemployment. It's circular and economies have to be managed carefully. Some businesses are happy to provide a living wage so called because they can afford it, others cannot. So often people who have never been in business think that if you are in business you must have pots of money and you're creaming it. Not all directors are. Perhaps at Goldman Sachs but I'm not talking about the multi national corporates and banks.

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Whomever he is beholden to, the facts regarding job growth, market growth etc are all there for anyone to look at. But many hold view "Don't bother me with facts, I've already got my opinions"

Obama's floating America's monthly paycheck while adding millions to dependency status, in pursuit of a Progressive/ Socialist nightmare. He is fundamentally transforming America.

So what are these facts?






Can't get much more Manchurian than Obama!

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