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Wat Dhammakaya says no to doctors from Police hospital


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Wat Dhammakaya says no to doctors from Police hospital


Wat Dhammakaya will not allow doctors from Police General Hospital to be brought by the Department of Special Investigation to examine the health conditions of Phra Dhammachayo, said Mr Ong-art Thamnitha, spokesman of the monk’s followers, on Friday.

He noted that had the DSI made this proposal some time ago, the embattled abbot should have been examined and the conflict over the health conditions of Dhammachayo should have been settled.

As for the specialists to be sent to the temple by the Medical Council, Ong-art said that the doctors treating Dhammachayo would vet the specialists whether any of them would be allowed into the temple.

The spokesman said followers did not trust the DSI for its hostile attitude toward their abbot, citing the DSI’s request for 600 policemen and helicopters from the Royal Thai Police in a planned raid of the temple to seize Dhammachayo.

He also cited an incident 14 years ago when Dhammchayo was escorted from the temple to the Pole General Hospital for examination only to return to the temple in worse health condition which required him to be hospitalized for a month and three months of rehabilitation.

Meanwhile, Dr Somsak Lolekha, president of the Medical Council, said the council was in the process of formally notifying the temple that a team of specialists would be sent to the temple to examine their abbot on June 10.

He said that the council would ask for a consent from Dhammachayo to check his conditions and to allow the council to disclose the result of the examination.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/165950

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-03

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My God! This is painful.

Why are they going along with these silly little games. Even if they said yes and they found out he isn't really ill (which they know he isn't) then what? Can we arrest you now, please?

The prime minister also said that he hoped he would face the law and not leave the country, Who says that? Like it's an option. Pathetic the lot of them.

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There are laws but like everything else here nobody has any idea how to impliment them or how they work, more time is spent trying to avoid using them or obeying them and that includes past elected governments, because the low level authorities like the police don't have the training they simply make it up as they go, back in the UK any rank beyond constable has a degree level education and as they climb the ranks are they are attending university and giving themselves quite a portfolio in Law

Here they don't understand basic things like what an "arrestable offence is" and keep going to courts for warrants, they simply have absolutley no clue what they are doing, and as this temple thing drags out it is getting worse and worse

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Funny how people get (play) sick when the legal system is after them. And in Thailand the playing sick approach works great to delay legal actions for years and years until most everyone loses interest (including the police/courts). Tried, proven, and usually successful approach in Thailand.

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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

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My God! This is painful.

Why are they going along with these silly little games. Even if they said yes and they found out he isn't really ill (which they know he isn't) then what? Can we arrest you now, please?

The prime minister also said that he hoped he would face the law and not leave the country, Who says that? Like it's an option. Pathetic the lot of them.

They're not worried he'll be deemed fit and healthy...the problem is that he's not there. ;)

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On the other hand maybe the government is playing the red shirt card.

After if as is reported that red shirts are in the flying saucer compound so that should constitute a breach of a 5 person gathering and why not use that as a trigger?

After all the hype about students and a 77 year old man giving flowers to red shirt rally and their attitude adjustments this must be a win win for the government .

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As one poster said before: (Adding:)

Shut off the power, Shut off the water, Shut down gas supplies, Shut down the phones, Shut down food supplies.


The tenders of the Space Ship Cult will have to submit to the charges forthcoming.


Unless of course, the food chain is interrupted and the accused can be pandered to by:

"His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret.) Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand".


The Unelected, P.M, Junta Leader who says:

Dhammachayo will finally be arrested “within his life time” blink.png


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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

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Would anyone like to bet that their screening process on which doctors they allow to examine him will be dependent on who is willing to accept a fat envelope? This temple needs to be seized. Since when does a civilian have the right to dictate conditions on how a Government or police action is taken?

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Would anyone like to bet that their screening process on which doctors they allow to examine him will be dependent on who is willing to accept a fat envelope? This temple needs to be seized. Since when does a civilian have the right to dictate conditions on how a Government or police action is taken?

Maybe when its not a real Government (in the sense of non-elected and with no popular mandate) and these aren't real police (in the sense of a professional law enforcement body).

Are monks civilians?

Some of them are barely civil (Issara)

Others are hardly civilised.(Tiger temple)

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My God! This is painful.

Why are they going along with these silly little games. Even if they said yes and they found out he isn't really ill (which they know he isn't) then what? Can we arrest you now, please?

The prime minister also said that he hoped he would face the law and not leave the country, Who says that? Like it's an option. Pathetic the lot of them.

Read between the lines.

He was planting the idea that the monk should leave Thailand.

It would save a whole lot of bother.

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So this guy has been in trouble with the law for the past 14 years. I sure he is well schooled

by now on how to delay, delay delay until the matter is resolved through natural causes. whistling.gif

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Tammachayo and the temple are playing games and they have Thaksin and the red shirt leaders behind them. They would like nothing better than an assault by the army on the unusually rich abbot and temple who would then scream to the world that a holy man dedicated to the community was attacked in spite of letters from doctors attesting to his fragile medical condition.

So Prayud and the DSI have to plan their legal moves carefully, show they are being very fair to the extremely rich monk and temple.They're doing it right

"and they have Thaksin and the red shirts behind them."

So just how is Thaksin and the red shirts behind the monk and the temple?

Is this monk a political activist for the reds? or for Thaksin? if so in what way?

Is this monk the same as the mad monk that use violence and intimidation in support of Shuthep?

Is any of his political dealing in support of Thakisn and red shirts on record?

I ask because I just don't know, unlike the other monk that threatens hotel staff into paying money which is on video, very unlike monk behavior I think.

Yes to all of your answers. I posted the below comment on the other thread yesterday.

Buddhism and politics go hand in hand due to the sheer number of followers popular temples can command. Thaksin was never well liked by the Buddhist heads from the beginning of his career. He was able to find support from Wat Dhammakaya. Wat Dhammakaya was not well liked by many due to its unorthodox teachings, telling followers how merit can be accumulated through financial donations. (They even have brochures outlining if you donate X amount, you will reach X level)

Needless to say Thaksin showered this temple with a lot of cash. In return the head of the temple gave his support. Back when the temple corruption first surface in 2001, people said it was Thaksin who protected this abbot from criticism and from being investigated. During Thaksins outster, the temple has openly supported Thaksin. The temple mobilize its monks to counter against the army during UDDs protests back in the day. Played songs that supported Thaksin at the temple, as well as put up pro-thaksin posters around the city.

The Supreme Patriarch, most senior monk was going to disrobbed the head monk of Wat Dhammakaya - Phra , but sadly the Supreme Patriarch passed away in 2013 before the order could go through. So this corrupt monk held his position and the power among the top monks seems to have shifted in his favor.

This whole mess also ties with how the new Supreme Patriarch has not been elected yet, but leading candidate Somdet Chuang is a supporter of Wat Dhammakaya - Somdet Chuang ordained the corrupted monk. Many fear that the corrupt monk will be let off the hook for good if Somdet chuang is elected. Not only that, Somdet Chuang did not follow the deceased Supreme Patriarchs order of disrobing the corrupt monk.

The political tie is pretty obvious, as the temple has hundreds and thousands of followers, they can quickly mobilize its supporters for any cause. The General and army also want to dismantle this influence as it is the last remaining strong support that Thaksin has.

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