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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns

MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal judge who's hearing a Trump University lawsuit is "a hater of Donald Trump" and ought to be removed from the case. So says Donald Trump, in just one of the recent comments by the presumptive Republican presidential nominee that have legal experts worrying about his commitment to an independent judiciary and his views on presidential powers.

In the midst of a heated presidential campaign, Trump has expressed unusually personal criticism — focusing on the judge's Mexican heritage — though his lawyers have never actually sought to have the judge removed.

His comments are bringing overwhelming disapproval from politicians and lawyers in his own Republican Party. On Friday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the statements about the judge: "It's reasoning I don't relate to, I completely disagree with the thinking behind that."

And conservative legal scholars say Trump's statements reinforce their worries that he seems to think he can do whatever he wants and disregard rules and conventions that constrain other political candidates.

"The concern is that he would act unbounded in the presidency, in a way that doesn't follow the law," said John McGinnis, a Northwestern University law professor.

Criticism of the Supreme Court and the rest of the federal judiciary has been a regular feature of recent Republican presidential campaigns, including proposals to strip federal judges of lifetime tenure and reduce the budgets of liberal-leaning courts.

Those ideas, though, did not single out judges or focus on race, ethnicity or religion.

"Here it's just about Trump," said Case Western Reserve University law professor Jonathan Adler.

More troubling, Adler said, is that the recent comments seem to fit a pattern of intemperate remarks Trump has made during the campaign.

"He said he would give military officers unlawful orders and expect them to comply," Adler said, referring to Trump's claim that the military would follow his orders to torture suspected terrorists. Trump has since backed off on that.

"He has repeatedly given indications he has no appreciation for the rule of law," Adler said.

Trump made his first reported comments about U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel in February, linking Curiel's Mexican heritage with what Trump described as the judge's "tremendous hostility" over Trump's plan to build a wall along the Mexican border. Trump has variously referred to Curiel as Spanish, Mexican and Hispanic and has called the judge "a hater of Donald Trump." He told The Wall Street Journal that Curiel has "an absolute conflict of interest" because of his heritage as well as "an inherent conflict of interest" because Trump wants to build the border wall.

Curiel is a native of Indiana whose parents emigrated from Mexico. He received undergraduate and law degrees from Indiana University and served as a federal prosecutor and a judge in the California state judicial system before being nominated to the federal bench by President Barack Obama in 2011.

Trump University is the target of two lawsuits in San Diego and one in New York that accuse the business of fleecing students with unfulfilled promises to teach secrets of success in real estate. Trump has maintained that customers were overwhelmingly satisfied.

The school emerged as an issue in a February Republican presidential debate, after which Trump made his first comments about Curiel.

The judge seemingly raised Trump's ire anew last week when he ordered the release of documents that had been sealed. Trump's campaign and private lawyers handling the lawsuits did not respond to requests for comment on Friday.

Trump's contention that Curiel is biased against him because of Trump's border plan is "ridiculous," said Josh Blackman, a young conservative law professor at the South Texas College of Law in Houston.

"If that's the new standard for recusal, every judge in the federal judiciary who has some ethnicity or religion or race that affects a case has to recuse," Blackman said.

American Bar Association president Paulette Brown said personal criticism of a judge undermines judicial independence.

"Anyone running for the highest office in the land should understand that the independence of the judiciary is essential for an effective and orderly government and justice system," Brown said.

Federal judges have repeatedly rebuffed calls to step aside from cases over race, religion and ethnicity. U.S. District Judge Paul Borman, who is Jewish, turned down a request to withdraw from a case of a Palestinian immigrant accused of lying about her role in a fatal terrorist attack. "Like every one of my colleagues on the bench, I have a history and a heritage, but neither interferes with my ability to administer impartial justice," Borman said.

He later did step aside from the case, after discovering his family had an investment in the Jerusalem supermarket the woman helped bomb in 1969. Financial interests often are involved when judges withdraw.

The prospect of a choice between Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton leaves some conservative scholars cold.

Former federal appeals court judge Michael McConnell, an appointee of President George W. Bush, said he is not encouraged by the behavior of the leading candidate of either party, citing Clinton's troubles over the private email server she used when she was secretary of state.

"They both seem to think they're above the law. Trump is much cruder and more personal and vitriolic and quotable, but the fundamental question is whether our leaders believe that the law applies to them," said McConnell, who teaches constitutional law at Stanford Law School.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-04

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

I don't say you Americans don't have a problem, but a VERY difficult decision thumbsup.gif

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

There's plenty t worry about. I wouldn't give either of these whack jobs the keys to the Honda click yet alone the USA.

i think the USA should be laced into "caretaker" mode until some mentally sound canadates are located and put to the electorate. Give the people some real choice because all I can see is tears here.

Donald is not fit for POTUS, he's a total whack job, he's not presidential at all. Trump should be ashamed of himself for speaking about the judge like this, has the man got no standard?

Hillary, evil evil lady, I always thought a woman would make a good POTUS but shes not it.

The secret service knows what they have to do, they just need to expedite their plans.

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

I don't say you Americans don't have a problem, but a VERY difficult decision thumbsup.gif

I have decided to support the 'Prexit' referendum. An exit from participating in any presidential election until we can field someone who I can be proud of.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

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One point that is interesting to me is that the article never attempts to refute the claim that the judge is personally hostile to Donald Trump. Either poor journalism or biased reporting to make a point.

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Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

One is much worse than the other. Open your eyes and ears.

I don't say you Americans don't have a problem, but a VERY difficult decision thumbsup.gif

Why you say difficult? One's an intelligent and experience statesperson, who is well-like by foreign leaders. The other candidate thinks he can stomp on judges, spastics, women, people who aren't white. Not a difficult choice.

I love Trump! No Political Correctness here or needed! Vote for the Donald and Take Back America!

Take it back for the redneck gun-hugging ignorami.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

President Obama did not criticise Scotus on the basis on the ethnicity of any justice.

Donald Trump The Ignoramus is criticising the judge in this case of swindling people by saying the judge is "Mexican."

Trump is a racist, President Obama is not. Hillary Clinton is not criticising a federal judge nor will she criticise a federal judge. Certainly not on ethnicity which is more of the intemperate Trump and his racism.

The Trumpfanboy post is absent logic, reasoning, balance, perspective. Sort of like the Master ranter and rager Himself.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

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Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Still, you're deflecting. This is becoming tedious. Membership in La Raza, a professional lawyer's association, doesn't mean he puts his ethnicity front and center and certainly does not at all impact his ability to do his job. Do you think Trump University is a fraud or not?

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Trump keeps doubling down on this crazy ass shit, and it just keeps feeding his machine and strength. I think he's just having a ball being outrageous and ignorant and it his personal joke on the world to see if people are gullible enough to elect him President.

Trump is treating America as his personal playground and so many are falling for it. Pathetic.

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The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Still, you're deflecting. This is becoming tedious. Membership in La Raza, a professional lawyer's association, doesn't mean he puts his ethnicity front and center and certainly does not at all impact his ability to do his job. Do you think Trump University is a fraud or not?

I realize that Leftist zealots are aflutter because they've been caught out in backing a judge who is a member of a racially based organization, that is what "La Raza" means, "the Race." And the lawyer's association is more than that. It is affiliated with the National Council of La Raza, which has been instrumental in helping organize the bloody attacks against Trump supporters at their rallies. Of course, it's always good to go to the source for this type information, so here it is. This is the website of the "lawyer's organization," which lists its affiliates and their links. At the bottom, somewhat hidden away, is the National Council of La Raza. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

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The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Do you even know what “La Raza” is ??? The judge is a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a group of California Latinos in law trying to support and advance other Latinos in law. “It’s a pretty basic concept for a professional organization” (quoting Vox online). And it has absolutely nothing to do with the National Council of La Raza, which is a Latino advocacy organization. You’re completely obfuscating the issue with irrelevant information, perhaps unintentionally. But try reading even just a scratch below the surface.

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The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

Now you're just making stuff up. You have zero proof that this judge "puts his ethnicity front and center." Can't you see what's going on here? Trump University is a fraud. Trump is trying to deflect from the core issue. And he's doing it in the most dastardly way.

Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Do you even know what “La Raza” is ??? The judge is a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a group of California Latinos in law trying to support and advance other Latinos in law. “It’s a pretty basic concept for a professional organization” (quoting Vox online). And it has absolutely nothing to do with the National Council of La Raza, which is a Latino advocacy organization. You’re completely obfuscating the issue with irrelevant information, perhaps unintentionally. But try reading even just a scratch below the surface.

Except you're wrong, too. Here, again, is the affiliates and links page from the La Raza lawyers assoc., which has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza at its bottom. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

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"He has repeatedly given indications he has no appreciation for the rule of law,"

And why should he? Do senators, congressman, anyone in government "appreciate the Rule of Law"? They fight it, bend it, abuse it, rape it.... but publicly they adore it, worship it, honor it... and they get away with it.

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Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Do you even know what “La Raza” is ??? The judge is a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a group of California Latinos in law trying to support and advance other Latinos in law. “It’s a pretty basic concept for a professional organization” (quoting Vox online). And it has absolutely nothing to do with the National Council of La Raza, which is a Latino advocacy organization. You’re completely obfuscating the issue with irrelevant information, perhaps unintentionally. But try reading even just a scratch below the surface.

Except you're wrong, too. Here, again, is the affiliates and links page from the La Raza lawyers assoc., which has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza at its bottom. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

Oh for heaven’s sake. At the website, it reads exactly: “below are other Latino organizations and links and bylaws.” A “link” is not an “affiliation” no matter how much you might wish it. You are conflating the lawyers’ organization with the advocacy group by using only the word “La Raza,” which sound somehow edgy or dangerous or “un-American” because it’s not written in “American.” Sorry, that’s not going to work. The other poster above is correct; this is getting tedious ...

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Except you're wrong. Curiel, the judge, admitted to his membership in La Raza on his judicial questionnaire.

Do you even know what “La Raza” is ??? The judge is a member of the La Raza Lawyers Association, which is a group of California Latinos in law trying to support and advance other Latinos in law. “It’s a pretty basic concept for a professional organization” (quoting Vox online). And it has absolutely nothing to do with the National Council of La Raza, which is a Latino advocacy organization. You’re completely obfuscating the issue with irrelevant information, perhaps unintentionally. But try reading even just a scratch below the surface.

Except you're wrong, too. Here, again, is the affiliates and links page from the La Raza lawyers assoc., which has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza at its bottom. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

Oh for heaven’s sake. At the website, it reads exactly: “below are other Latino organizations and links and bylaws.” A “link” is not an “affiliation” no matter how much you might wish it. You are conflating the lawyers’ organization with the advocacy group by using only the word “La Raza,” which sound somehow edgy or dangerous or “un-American” because it’s not written in “American.” Sorry, that’s not going to work. The other poster above is correct; this is getting tedious ...

Disingenuous. La Raza is a purposefully "racial" meaning. If they didn't want to create that association, they should have used another word. Again, as the one who actually provided the only primary source material for this issue, I urge people to click on the link. The lawyer's assoc. tab is clearly labelled "affiliates and links." I guarantee you that had Donald Trump put a link to the American Nazi Party on one of his websites, all hell would be breaking loose and the slander flowing like a lake of lava.

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Exchange a political, judicial system corrupted by the 'establishment' for a political, judicial system corrupted by racism, ignorance and bigotry. Brilliant. Lets give Trump a go and see how it turns out.

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Except you're wrong, too. Here, again, is the affiliates and links page from the La Raza lawyers assoc., which has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza at its bottom. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

Oh for heaven’s sake. At the website, it reads exactly: “below are other Latino organizations and links and bylaws.” A “link” is not an “affiliation” no matter how much you might wish it. You are conflating the lawyers’ organization with the advocacy group by using only the word “La Raza,” which sound somehow edgy or dangerous or “un-American” because it’s not written in “American.” Sorry, that’s not going to work. The other poster above is correct; this is getting tedious ...

Disingenuous. La Raza is a purposefully "racial" meaning. If they didn't want to create that association, they should have used another word. Again, as the one who actually provided the only primary source material for this issue, I urge people to click on the link. The lawyer's assoc. tab is clearly labelled "affiliates and links." I guarantee you that had Donald Trump put a link to the American Nazi Party on one of his websites, all hell would be breaking loose and the slander flowing like a lake of lava.

OK, here’s the Urban Dictionary on “La Raza”:


Not that it’s relevant to the discussion, but the National Council of La Raza is not the American Nazi Party. (And, by the way, has Trump disassociated himself from the Daily Stormer, whose writers have taken to calling him the “Glorious Leader”? Now there's a website for you!)

Trump is involved in a fraud case that is likely to generate some nasty headlines for him in the coming months. He has determined that his best strategy is to attempt to discredit the judge, a strategy that’s already backfiring on him for about a million different reasons. And that's the gist of it.

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