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Trump's personal attacks on judge spark GOP concerns


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Except you're wrong, too. Here, again, is the affiliates and links page from the La Raza lawyers assoc., which has a direct link to the National Council of La Raza at its bottom. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

Oh for heaven’s sake. At the website, it reads exactly: “below are other Latino organizations and links and bylaws.” A “link” is not an “affiliation” no matter how much you might wish it. You are conflating the lawyers’ organization with the advocacy group by using only the word “La Raza,” which sound somehow edgy or dangerous or “un-American” because it’s not written in “American.” Sorry, that’s not going to work. The other poster above is correct; this is getting tedious ...

Disingenuous. La Raza is a purposefully "racial" meaning. If they didn't want to create that association, they should have used another word. Again, as the one who actually provided the only primary source material for this issue, I urge people to click on the link. The lawyer's assoc. tab is clearly labelled "affiliates and links." I guarantee you that had Donald Trump put a link to the American Nazi Party on one of his websites, all hell would be breaking loose and the slander flowing like a lake of lava.

OK, here’s the Urban Dictionary on “La Raza”:


Not that it’s relevant to the discussion, but the National Council of La Raza is not the American Nazi Party. (And, by the way, has Trump disassociated himself from the Daily Stormer, whose writers have taken to calling him the “Glorious Leader”? Now there's a website for you!)

Trump is involved in a fraud case that is likely to generate some nasty headlines for him in the coming months. He has determined that his best strategy is to attempt to discredit the judge, a strategy that’s already backfiring on him for about a million different reasons. And that's the gist of it.

Unfortunately for you and Urban Dictionary, there is the REAL meaning of La Raza: http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/raza As for Daily Stormer or whatever it's called, is Trump a member like the judge is of La Raza? BTW, I saw Brown Berets participating in the riot in the video of the San Jose attack on Trump people. When is Hillary Clinton going to disavow the Brown Berets?

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I don't say you Americans don't have a problem, but a VERY difficult decision thumbsup.gif

Why you say difficult? One's an intelligent and experience statesperson, who is well-like by foreign leaders. The other candidate thinks he can stomp on judges, spastics, women, people who aren't white. Not a difficult choice.

Hillary is well-liked by foreign leaders much in the same way Sepp Blatter was.

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Disingenuous. La Raza is a purposefully "racial" meaning. If they didn't want to create that association, they should have used another word. Again, as the one who actually provided the only primary source material for this issue, I urge people to click on the link. The lawyer's assoc. tab is clearly labelled "affiliates and links." I guarantee you that had Donald Trump put a link to the American Nazi Party on one of his websites, all hell would be breaking loose and the slander flowing like a lake of lava.

OK, here’s the Urban Dictionary on “La Raza”:


Not that it’s relevant to the discussion, but the National Council of La Raza is not the American Nazi Party. (And, by the way, has Trump disassociated himself from the Daily Stormer, whose writers have taken to calling him the “Glorious Leader”? Now there's a website for you!)

Trump is involved in a fraud case that is likely to generate some nasty headlines for him in the coming months. He has determined that his best strategy is to attempt to discredit the judge, a strategy that’s already backfiring on him for about a million different reasons. And that's the gist of it.

Unfortunately for you and Urban Dictionary, there is the REAL meaning of La Raza: http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/raza As for Daily Stormer or whatever it's called, is Trump a member like the judge is of La Raza? BTW, I saw Brown Berets participating in the riot in the video of the San Jose attack on Trump people. When is Hillary Clinton going to disavow the Brown Berets?

Apparently, there's no arguing with someone who won't see the facts of an issue.

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The Americans are not that stupid to vote him in. Dont worrywai2.gif

Not worry ? With the 2 available options, one an uninformed tyrant wannabe and the other a conniving shameless opportunist ? Not worry ?

yes yr correct...it sums up the last 20 yrs in Amerikan politics i would have thought ,,,,,,,,,, you get what you voted for//

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Disingenuous. La Raza is a purposefully "racial" meaning. If they didn't want to create that association, they should have used another word. Again, as the one who actually provided the only primary source material for this issue, I urge people to click on the link. The lawyer's assoc. tab is clearly labelled "affiliates and links." I guarantee you that had Donald Trump put a link to the American Nazi Party on one of his websites, all hell would be breaking loose and the slander flowing like a lake of lava.

OK, here’s the Urban Dictionary on “La Raza”:


Not that it’s relevant to the discussion, but the National Council of La Raza is not the American Nazi Party. (And, by the way, has Trump disassociated himself from the Daily Stormer, whose writers have taken to calling him the “Glorious Leader”? Now there's a website for you!)

Trump is involved in a fraud case that is likely to generate some nasty headlines for him in the coming months. He has determined that his best strategy is to attempt to discredit the judge, a strategy that’s already backfiring on him for about a million different reasons. And that's the gist of it.

Unfortunately for you and Urban Dictionary, there is the REAL meaning of La Raza: http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/raza As for Daily Stormer or whatever it's called, is Trump a member like the judge is of La Raza? BTW, I saw Brown Berets participating in the riot in the video of the San Jose attack on Trump people. When is Hillary Clinton going to disavow the Brown Berets?

Apparently, there's no arguing with someone who won't see the facts of an issue.

Urban Dictionary is not a "fact." At best, it's an opinion or a feeling. Sort of like those attempts to redefine "jihad" as a "personal struggle," instead of a bloody conquest. Once again, the facts:

Judge is a member of La Raza as admitted on his judicial questionnaire: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/GonzaloCuriel-PublicQuestionnaire.pdf

La Raza connected with National Council of La Raza on their website: http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

Actual definition of "Raza": http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/raza

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Trump wants the best Judge that money can buy.

He is appearing more and more like a cross between Boris Johnson (loon affect) and Thaksin Shinawatra (complete disregard of rules and anything that he doesn't like or doesn't suit his hidden agenda) - almost uncannily so it seems!!

America is in a big enough state as it is so god knows what it will be like if this 'nutter' gets in.

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It was maybe 9 months ago when Trump made his comments on building the border wall and saying criminals and rapists were sneaking across. I saw nothing wrong with it because he is right - they are sneaking across.

No one believes that that ALL Mexicans (or all Hispanics) are criminals. That was just a misrepresentation from the media, Democrats and some primary opponents to try to keep Trump from making headway with the Hispanic vote. After all, there are tens of millions of law-abiding Hispanics in America (including most illegal aliens who aren't otherwise breaking the law) who don't want those criminals in their communities.

Fast forward to this week. Trump says that this judge, one of the many normal, law-abiding Hispanic-Americans, should dislike him because of his wall comments. Very bad move Trump.

Trump never should have brought up the judge's ethnicity, but IF he had to say something on the subject, Trump should have said just the opposite...that there is no problem with the judge's ethnicity because he should agree with Trump that we try everything we can to stop criminals from sneaking across the border to victimize and prey upon our citizens.

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"He has repeatedly given indications he has no appreciation for the rule of law,"

And why should he? Do senators, congressman, anyone in government "appreciate the Rule of Law"? They fight it, bend it, abuse it, rape it.... but publicly they adore it, worship it, honor it... and they get away with it.

very interesting documentary

if you have some time to view ..

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I realize that Leftist zealots are aflutter because they've been caught out in backing a judge who is a member of a racially based organization, that is what "La Raza" means, "the Race." And the lawyer's association is more than that. It is affiliated with the National Council of La Raza, which has been instrumental in helping organize the bloody attacks against Trump supporters at their rallies. Of course, it's always good to go to the source for this type information, so here it is. This is the website of the "lawyer's organization," which lists its affiliates and their links. At the bottom, somewhat hidden away, is the National Council of La Raza. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

La Raza is grossly and grotesquely misrepresented by Mexico bashers led by The Ignoramus Himself, Donald Trump...

A term often mistakenly translated into English as meaning "the race", the true meaning of la raza is much closer to "the people". This term cannot be properly defined in English by a simple one word answer due to language differences.

Other definitions on this site claim that La Raza is a racist organization. They are refferring to a group that calls itself "National Council of La Raza", which they believe is a racist organization; and the people who typed those definitions mistakenly called the group La Raza for short, either not knowing that La Raza was actually a separate term, or not knowing the true meaning of the term "La Raza".

One may note that in the USA there's a political party called "The United People's Party". That is a proper translation of its name "The Raza Unida Party", a group created to help support minorities and the poor. "Vive La Raza" means "long live the people"


Unviva the extremist right. The English word 'racism' does btw mean racism.

Trying to disqualify a Federal Judge because of his ethnicity is straight out unqualified and unmitigated racism. Mussolini racism. It is anti-Constitutional and it specifically targets the Bill of Rights. It targets the Federal Judiciary and its role specified in the Constitution.

Edited by Publicus
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I realize that Leftist zealots are aflutter because they've been caught out in backing a judge who is a member of a racially based organization, that is what "La Raza" means, "the Race." And the lawyer's association is more than that. It is affiliated with the National Council of La Raza, which has been instrumental in helping organize the bloody attacks against Trump supporters at their rallies. Of course, it's always good to go to the source for this type information, so here it is. This is the website of the "lawyer's organization," which lists its affiliates and their links. At the bottom, somewhat hidden away, is the National Council of La Raza. http://larazalawyers.net/id3.html

La Raza is grossly and grotesquely misrepresented by Mexico bashers led by The Ignoramus Himself, Donald Trump...

A term often mistakenly translated into English as meaning "the race", the true meaning of la raza is much closer to "the people". This term cannot be properly defined in English by a simple one word answer due to language differences.

Other definitions on this site claim that La Raza is a racist organization. They are refferring to a group that calls itself "National Council of La Raza", which they believe is a racist organization; and the people who typed those definitions mistakenly called the group La Raza for short, either not knowing that La Raza was actually a separate term, or not knowing the true meaning of the term "La Raza".

One may note that in the USA there's a political party called "The United People's Party". That is a proper translation of its name "The Raza Unida Party", a group created to help support minorities and the poor. "Vive La Raza" means "long live the people"


Unviva the extremist right. The English word 'racism' does btw mean racism.

Trying to disqualify a Federal Judge because of his ethnicity is straight out unqualified and unmitigated racism. Mussolini racism. It is anti-Constitutional and it specifically targets the Bill of Rights. It targets the Federal Judiciary and its role specified in the Constitution.

Urban Dictionary. Hah! The wikipedia of dictionaries.

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It was maybe 9 months ago when Trump made his comments on building the border wall and saying criminals and rapists were sneaking across. I saw nothing wrong with it because he is right - they are sneaking across.

No one believes that that ALL Mexicans (or all Hispanics) are criminals. That was just a misrepresentation from the media, Democrats and some primary opponents to try to keep Trump from making headway with the Hispanic vote. After all, there are tens of millions of law-abiding Hispanics in America (including most illegal aliens who aren't otherwise breaking the law) who don't want those criminals in their communities.

Fast forward to this week. Trump says that this judge, one of the many normal, law-abiding Hispanic-Americans, should dislike him because of his wall comments. Very bad move Trump.

Trump never should have brought up the judge's ethnicity, but IF he had to say something on the subject, Trump should have said just the opposite...that there is no problem with the judge's ethnicity because he should agree with Trump that we try everything we can to stop criminals from sneaking across the border to victimize and prey upon our citizens.

Here are a couple of quotes from Trump. It doesn't exactly correspond to your characterization, does it?

“What can be simpler or more accurately stated? The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc.”

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

A quote from the official website of La Raza:

Since 1968, the National Council of La Raza has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Latinos. This is the community we serve through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our programs work in communities nationwide.

We partner with Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Latinos.

Perhaps the judge is prejudiced too? It says they are nonpartisan but only for Latinos - I believe that is a misuse of the English language and should read - "a trusted voice fighting only for Latinos."? The fact that he could be biased is perhaps enough reason for him to recuse.

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This is an interesting election indeed, where you have the most influential Republican, Paul Ryan, who just this last week reluctantly endorsed Trump, now again condemning Trump yesterday over these comments about the judge. There is just no way the Republicans are going to control this wild man. I think they are seeing that. Ryan is just endorsing him but will do as little as possible to help him get elected.

This is going to get awkward as prominent GOP leaders who have endorsed this clown are going to be holding their collective breath every time he opens that fat trap, and thinking about the damage control.

“The comment about the judge the other day just was out of left field from my mind,” Ryan said. “It’s reasoning I don’t relate to. I completely disagree with the thinking behind that.”


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Just got to read the posts on this thread to see why the media keeps pushing the buttons. Very much two camps now with the blinkered Trumpites believing that their man can do no wrong and the anti-Trumpites who are jumping up and down with rage at the morons rants.

Got to love the passion, more popcorn over here please!

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Just the ignorant, racist, bigoted Bloviaor being his usual buffoonish self.

While deliberately fanning the the divisive flames of prejudice amoung the Lemmings who follow him.

"House Speaker Paul Ryan said of the statements about the judge: "It's reasoning I don't relate to, I completely disagree with the thinking behind that."

But, he's our best man for the job! cheesy.gif

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Have you completely lost your mind? Do you even understand the issues here? It has nothing to do with Trump criticizing a judge or the President criticizing the Supreme Court for that matter. It's about Trump suggesting that because of this judge's Mexican heritage--even though he was born in the US and is an American--he somehow cannot be impartial and do his job. Has the President ever brought up the race or ethnicity of anyone on the Supreme Court? This is wrong on so many levels. Trump supporters can try to spin this, but it's pretty clear that Trump is a freakin racist of the worst kind.

The judge is a member of La Raza who has continually bragged about his connections with the Mexican government. He put his ethnicity front and center long before Trump came along.

A quote from the official website of La Raza:

Since 1968, the National Council of La Raza has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Latinos. This is the community we serve through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our programs work in communities nationwide.

We partner with Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic engagement, civil rights and immigration, education, workforce and the economy, health, and housing. We believe in fighting for our community and for an America where economic, political, and social advancement is a reality for all Latinos.

Perhaps the judge is prejudiced too? It says they are nonpartisan but only for Latinos - I believe that is a misuse of the English language and should read - "a trusted voice fighting only for Latinos."? The fact that he could be biased is perhaps enough reason for him to recuse.

What does it take to get through to you that the judge is not a member of the National Council of La Raza? Clearly, evidence isn't enough.

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Alright, enough with the racial insinuations regarding the very expression La Raza.

I'm Hispanic, heard the expression my whole life. In Spanish, at least the South American interpretation is best expressed in English as 'Community'

The attempts to spin it into something it isn't...well it says a lot about the racial insecurities of those doing the spin!

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The vile monster's racist rhetoric is going to continue to resonate with the angry white men CORE of his base ... but it will turn off so many others that his chances of actually winning are not great.

His racism as the SUPER TROLL candidate is indeed BAITING people to violence, particularly Latinos ... it's obvious this is part of his strategy. Hillary Clinton, when nominated, will need to make statements CONDEMNING such violence as not in her name and indeed counterproductive to the goal of defeating the vile monster in the election ...

Obviously, the violence is going to get worse, including trumpeters against protester's at trump's Mussolini style rallies.

Edited by Jingthing
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Many off-topic posts and replies have been removed. This topic is about the situation with the potential trial over Trump Univeristy and the remarks made by Donald Trump about the judge. Off-topic, nonsense, deflection, inflammatory posts and replies have been removed.

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Many years ago I did some contract work for the District Court, part of that was preparing appeals for the Supreme Court (of the State) and those on rare occasions went further up the line. I met a lot of Court personnel, a lot of Judges and some of them that achieved prominence quite far up in the legal field.

Judges will routinely disqualify themselves if they have reason. I never met a judge who cared whether the person was black, white, Asian or Hispanic. I never met one that cared whether they were rich or poor. They heard every kind of case and heard all the horrible things we only read about.

The laws are very specific and the judges job is to interpret the law fairly and equitably, if he does not do that or if he makes judicial errors in what testimony is allowed or disallowed, the case will be appealed. Appeals are usually based on judicial errors.

This judge didn't get to this position without taking his duties, including being impartial very seriously.

Before criticizing him, one might want to look at the cases he has handled.

Trump has made a HUGE strategic mistake in taking on the judge. Even if this judge recuses himself, the next judge will likely not look kindly on a defendant who speaks this way about the court.

Criticize the case, the lawyers, those filing it, but it's really not wise to criticize the judge, especially before a case has started.

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The vile monster is obviously used to acting like a big baby / whiny little b-word in his role of business empire mogul with a stable of yes men toadies at his feet. Now he's running for president of ALL the American people, including Latinos. Good luck with that ... or rather, bad luck with winning as he is so massively UNFIT for that role!

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Good old Donald.

Slag off another "immigrant", it's all another nail in his coffin as far as that segment of the electorate is concerned.

He really is thick isn't he?

His campaign must be tearing their hair out (or off).

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Good old Donald.

Slag off another "immigrant", it's all another nail in his coffin as far as that segment of the electorate is concerned.

He really is thick isn't he?

His campaign must be tearing their hair out (or off).

Curiel isn't an immigrant, he was born in Indiana, If we're now making the assumption that people born in the US but with foreign born parents are 'immigrants' half the population are 'immigrants'

Lets not mince words, Trump labeled him 'Mexican' for a very specific and deliberate reasons. I have never heard him refer to Ivanka as a Czech or Melania as a Slovene.

Trump is a master of marketing and spin. His demonization of 'Mexican's' is very calculated and designed feed the lowest common denominator of his supporters prejudice.

I wonder if Trump would label me Mexican since my grandparents were Mexican...how far back expunges his racial characterization???

Edited by GinBoy2
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Good old Donald.

Slag off another "immigrant", it's all another nail in his coffin as far as that segment of the electorate is concerned.

He really is thick isn't he?

His campaign must be tearing their hair out (or off).

Curiel isn't an immigrant, he was born in Indiana, If we're now making the assumption that people born in the US but with foreign born parents are 'immigrants' half the population are 'immigrants'

Lets not mince words, Trump labeled him 'Mexican' for a very specific and deliberate reasons. I have never heard him refer to Ivanka as a Czech or Melania as a Slovene.

Trump is a master of marketing and spin. His demonization of 'Mexican's' is very calculated and designed feed the lowest common denominator of his supporters prejudice.

I wonder if Trump would label me Mexican since my grandparents were Mexican...how far back expunges his racial characterization???

Of course you are completely correct. Not only that, he minced words, saying he understood Curiel was "Spanish" or "Hispanic," in other words, speaking in the kind of ignorant trashy lack of distinction among - Spanish, Mexican, Hispanic - that his followers have so as to identify more closely with them. Pure hate speech designed to inflame the racist base.

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The vile monster's racist rhetoric is going to continue to resonate with the angry white men CORE of his base ... but it will turn off so many others that his chances of actually winning are not great.

His racism as the SUPER TROLL candidate is indeed BAITING people to violence, particularly Latinos ... it's obvious this is part of his strategy. Hillary Clinton, when nominated, will need to make statements CONDEMNING such violence as not in her name and indeed counterproductive to the goal of defeating the vile monster in the election ...

Obviously, the violence is going to get worse, including trumpeters against protester's at trump's Mussolini style rallies.

Brother, you more angry than the white men to whom you keep referring.

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Total hypocrisy. It was perfectly ok for Obama to criticize the supreme court before the entire world.

Of course it's ok for the Left to wield RACE and ETHNICITY like a scythe. If a supreme court justice can make clear- abundantly clear- that Latino heritage can be specifically woven into a right ("time") to adjudicate, it's clear it might be relevant in lower justices. In a system of precedents, Trump then is correct.

The radical leftist Sotomayor made clear that her Latina status was central to her role on the bench. It's BS that the judge in reference will be impartial.

Trump is correct. Why would he open his big mouth and speak it though? He must have calculated the hatchet job that is coming his way and decided to take to the public. He is correct.

A blind person could look to the SW US and see race is violently usurping regions, polity. No, it doesn't matter what Trump says as a cause of tribulations. Stating Trump implied [you] were this or that so you take to the streets violently with foreign flags actually proves his point. Race is being used by the left in the US and I'm pretty sure we are sick of it.

Sotomayor, on one of the stupidest but revealing things a leftist ever said: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Of course the judge should recuse himself. He's compromised by his own actions and the comments of his superior, in fact or perception

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