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Huge Snake!


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I was cooking today with the kitchen window open looking out between the rows of Lam Yai. I noticed one of the rows looked to be blocked by what at first looked like a log.

As I was thinking, "Which idiot stuck a log across the pathway like that" The "Log" began to move!

Not kidding this thing was almost 4 metres long, (I know the distance between the trees and this things head disappeared in one row before the tail came out of the other row)

It must have been as fat as a mans leg. Real slow mover too, and didn't rush.

I looked up some snakes from Thailand and the shape looked like a python, and given its size I think that is what it must be, however, it had a really dull looking grey skin with almost dull red spots on it, not shiny at all and didn't quite fit the pics online, nearest was possibly the Burmese python.

We have loads of rat snakes and cobras, so I can identify most of them, but this thing was in a class of its own.

I went looking to see if I could get a closer look but it had hidden itself well so no joy there.

Was quite surprised to see this thing out in the open and so close to the house. Gave me the shits!

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