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President Obama preparing to endorse Hillary Clinton


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President Obama preparing to endorse Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is ready to make it official.

As Hillary Clinton secured the delegates needed to become the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Obama was on the verge of formally endorsing his former secretary of state. And then he plans to aggressively make the case against Republican Donald Trump. White House officials say the announcement could come within days, although not before Democrats in New Jersey, California and four other states vote Tuesday in contests expected to solidify Clinton's claim.

The timeline is likely to hold regardless of how Clinton rival Sen. Bernie Sanders reacts to the Tuesday outcome, the White House said Monday.

Obama called Sanders on Sunday to discuss next steps, according to a Democrat familiar with the call. The Democrat spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to discuss the private conversation, and would not reveal any details about it.

White House and Clinton campaign aides have been discussing the sequencing of the long-expected announcement, and Obama's schedule has several possible opportunities for maximizing the impact. On Wednesday, he's due in New York City to address donors at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Clinton's home state. He'll also tape an appearance on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," a favorite with the coveted young demographic, for the show set to air Thursday night.

The news will likely be followed by a first joint appearance before long.

Choosing the setting and timing is delicate diplomacy for the White House. Officials are trying to negotiate as gentle an ending as possible to what has become a contentious primary, hoping not to alienate Sanders' most passionate voters.

But key dynamics remain unsettled. Although Clinton has the number of delegates needed to win the nomination, it remains unclear whether she will seal the deal on a high note, with a victory in California, or whether a Sanders win in the state would make Obama's endorsement appear more meddlesome.

On Monday, Clinton noted the timing of the expected endorsement has symbolic weight: Tuesday marks eight years since her concession speech and endorsement of Obama after their 2008 primary showdown.

Campaigning in Los Angeles, Clinton said the timing of an official endorsement was "up to the president." But she also said she looks "forward to campaigning with the president and everybody else."

Sanders, asked by reporters in San Francisco if he had talked to Obama, demurred. "Right now we are campaigning," he said.

Last week, Obama declared the Democratic contest was "almost over" and suggested he was waiting for the Tuesday contests before making his move.

The president said he's been waiting on the sidelines "rather than be big-footing the situation," to ensure voters are deciding the outcome. Still, at key moments, Obama has offered high praise and needed defense for Clinton and little comparable support for Sanders.

The White House and the Clinton backers are hoping the moment will serve as something of a reset button, ending the surprisingly long and contentious primary and refocusing Democrats on the history in the making — Clinton would be the first female major-party nominee — and the job of defeating Trump.

It remains unclear whether Sanders and his backers are ready for a reset. Although the Vermont senator is looking at an insurmountable delegate deficit, he's not said he'll go quietly.

Asked Monday whether an Obama endorsement of Clinton would affect his campaign, Sanders deflected, saying he was being asked to speculate before an important primary in California.

Meanwhile, many of his supporters have expressed a deep distrust in the Democratic primary process — particularly the influence of party leaders.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Monday suggested the president had no qualms about the math.

"Certainly somebody who claims a majority of the pledged and superdelegates has a strong case to make," Earnest said, adding that once voters weigh in Tuesday, "we may be in a position where we have much greater sense of what the outcome is likely to be."

One of Obama's tasks will be bringing along the young, progressive voters who have been a key part of his base but have lined up behind Sanders this year. The president wants to retain his goodwill with those voters.

White House officials say the president is planning to be a steady and active player on the campaign trail. Unlike recent sitting presidents, Obama remains popular enough to be welcome in swing states and Democratic strongholds.


Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey in Los Angeles and Ken Thomas in Emeryville, California, contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-07

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And the democratic race is not even over yet. Sanders can still win. The system is Fixed fixed fixed ....... I hope Sanders does the correct thing and runs under the Green Party !!!

He will do no such thing. Bernie Sanders has made it very clear that when he loses, he will work very hard to help elect Hillary Clinton, and to resist the hostile fascist takeover of the USA by man baby trump.

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And the democratic race is not even over yet. Sanders can still win. The system is Fixed fixed fixed ....... I hope Sanders does the correct thing and runs under the Green Party !!!

He will do no such thing. Bernie Sanders has made it very clear that when he loses, he will work very hard to help elect Hillary Clinton, and to resist the hostile fascist takeover of the USA by man baby trump.

Hahaha.... Let's wait and see. He didn't loose they took the election ! They cheat him time and time again, he is not really a democrat, this is his last chance to run, he has 40% or more of the country behind him.... Go Bernie !!!! Never Hillary !!!!

Edited by ttthailand
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Well she had those superdelegates already in her pocket, she is still dodging the email scandal, the media is prematurely calling her the winner and now Obamas brought in just to make sure.

Crooked politicians is nothing new, just shows the power of the media to convince the gullible and ignorant that such a shocking, morally corrupt person is suitable to be president.

Hitler could get elected in the US if the media and money men were backing him.

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Congratulations Hillary Clinton! clap2.gif


Hillary Clinton reaches magic number for historic nomination

What a joke. 500 + Super Delegates; picked her, before Sanders even started. USA politics is a joke. Hope you are happy, when the Russian's send 100 Nukes at your country, one day. And Hillary breaks her finger nail, trying to push the Red Button.

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And the democratic race is not even over yet. Sanders can still win. The system is Fixed fixed fixed ....... I hope Sanders does the correct thing and runs under the Green Party !!!

President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

But he will only reach three people at one time. And they will be the three dudes, he is golfing with each day. Worst President your country has ever had. Even Tricky Dick was better.

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Hillary Clinton ‘secures Democratic Party nomination’


Historic moment becoming first female nominee of major US party
Bernie Sanders vows to fight on

WASHINGTON: -- Hillary Clinton has secured the number of delegates needed to win the Democratic Party nomination for president. The claim, made by the Associated Press (AP), comes ahead of today’s final Super Tuesday of the campaign when she is expected to collect the rest of the pledged delegates and so-called superdelegates needed to take her past the 2383 threshold.

“According to the news, we are on the brink of a historic, historic, unprecedented moment, “ said Clinton. “But we still have work to do, don’t we. We have six elections tomorrow and we’re going to fight hard for every single vote, especially right here in California.”

Clinton heads into Tuesday’s contests after a victory over the weekend in Puerto Rico’s primary. She is also expected to win in Washington, D.C., which holds the final primary of the year on June 14.

However her rival, Bernie Sanders has vowed to keep on fighting saying it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually cast ballots at the Democratic National Convention in July.

“If we can win here in California, win in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, New Mexico, do well in New Jersey, we’re going to go into that (Democratic Party) convention with enormous momentum.”

Sanders’ decision to keep fighting has caused growing divisions among Democrats, some of whom feel he should bow out now to allow Clinton to unify the party ahead of taking on Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White house.

In the meantime, the AP tally puts her at 1,812 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses, plus 571 superdelegates. If AP is correct Clinton will make the history books by becoming the first ever female nominee for a major US political party.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-07

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Hillary Clinton is a fighter. Much more substantive than man baby trump. She accepted her defeat by Obama 8 years ago with dignity. Bernie just didn't have the votes this time so the nomination goes to Clinton. She got millions more votes than Bernie. It's over.

Hopefully the issues that are important to Bernie supporters can be decently merged in Clinton's general election campaign agenda. Compromise or get the vile fascist monster. Easy choice for rational voters.

If Bernie was in the same position as Hillary is now I would be saying the same thing. Unite to defeat the fascist.

Edited by Jingthing
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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

Edited by Basil B
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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

She was a sore loser 8 years ago. She and Obama brokered a deal that gave her the SoS position if she bowed out and supported him. She wasn't qualified for that position then and she isn't qualified for this position now.

She and Obama have quite a rude awakening coming. Bernie supporters hate her more than Trump.

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Voting for Hillary is like accepting a cheating liar for a wife.... Who would ever do that ? Best to stay at home or find another...

Green Party, maybe worth another look. Perhaps even Bernie will will run under their banner.... I think he would win !

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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

She was a sore loser 8 years ago. She and Obama brokered a deal that gave her the SoS position if she bowed out and supported him. She wasn't qualified for that position then and she isn't qualified for this position now.

She and Obama have quite a rude awakening coming. Bernie supporters hate her more than Trump.

" Bernie supporters hate her [hrC] more than Trump." What are you basing that last statement on?

I just voted for Bernie in the California primary by absentee ballot and I know many who have across the USA. Though he won't end up the Democratic nominee, Bernie has done much in a positive way to help HRC address and refocus her platform on areas such as education, Social Security, banking regs, and more. This has been very good for our party while the GOP has only managed to move backwards.

It is you that will be in for a rude awakening when this immediate primary dust settles. We will rally behind HRC and our party's principles (no doubt, anathema to you). Meanwhile your party continues to choke on accepting Trump as the GOP nominee. His latest race-motivated attack on Judge Curiel even has his own staff turning against him, along with many leaders in your party. Because he is so thin-skinned,

Trump just kissed even more of the 27 million eligible Hispanic voters good-bye.

So, long story short: we will continue making America great.


Edited by lifeincnx
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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I think he owes it to HRC... she could have been a sore loser 8 years ago, but she was not, she supported him.

She was a sore loser 8 years ago. She and Obama brokered a deal that gave her the SoS position if she bowed out and supported him. She wasn't qualified for that position then and she isn't qualified for this position now.

She and Obama have quite a rude awakening coming. Bernie supporters hate her more than Trump.

" Bernie supporters hate her [hrC] more than Trump." What are you basing that last statement on?

I just voted for Bernie in the California primary by absentee ballot and I know many who have across the USA. He has done much to alter HRC's platform, though he won't end up the Democratic nominee.

But it's you that will be in for a rude awakening when this immediate primary dust settles. We will rally behind HRC and our party's principles. In other words, we will continue making America great.

I base that statement on news stories posted from exit polls after Dem Primaries where roughly 40-45% of Bernie supporters said they would vote for Trump over Clinton if Bernie didn't get in.

You really should start reading the stories from both sides to get a better overall view. Clinton's party principles and Bernie's are not exactly the same. Clinton is all about being queen and lying to as many people as need be to get there.

Bernie is actually 100% for helping Americans but unfortunately a bit shortsighted in how to do it. Don't get me wrong, I like his thinking in principle, but I think Trump would do a better job in the immediate future in getting rid of many of these programs that ship 70% of American tax dollars overseas instead of spending them at home where they belong.

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Hillary has NOT won the nomination. Lame stream media is lying. They have been in her pocket since the blue dawg corporate DNC rigged the process for her. They are counting super-delegates which have not voted and will not vote until the convention. Neither Bernie or the Clintons will have enough delegates to secure the nomination until the contested convention. Obama, like the Clintons is a Manchurian candidate/president. Pres. Eisenhower was to the left of them. Clinton was and is a "Goldwater Girl". Yes, while tricky dicky wasn't better, a vile evil man, he was to the left of Obama. Ahem, being to the left of the current group masquerading as the Democrat Party/DNC is not hard to do.

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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I wonder what country you are from ?

My guess is the United States of America. Oh, regarding President Obama campaign well for HRC? Jingthing is spot on.

Can you imagine dragging the last GOP President away from his paint-by-the-numbers art afternoons to campaign 'effectively' for Trump? First off, family Bush wouldn't let W do it, and secondly Trump wouldn't want him.

That my friend is the key difference, for in the log run, the Democratic Party and its principles is a united party.

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I base that statement on news stories posted from exit polls after Dem Primaries where roughly 40-45% of Bernie supporters said they would vote for Trump over Clinton if Bernie didn't get in.

You really should start reading the stories from both sides to get a better overall view. Clinton's party principles and Bernie's are not exactly the same. Clinton is all about being queen and lying to as many people as need be to get there.

Bernie is actually 100% for helping Americans but unfortunately a bit shortsighted in how to do it. Don't get me wrong, I like his thinking in principle, but I think Trump would do a better job in the immediate future in getting rid of many of these programs that ship 70% of American tax dollars overseas instead of spending them at home where they belong.

"Clinton is all about being queen and lying to as many people as need be to get there."

Take off those rose-colored glasses, then replace 'Clinton' with 'Trump' in that sentence of yours, and you have a winner.


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President Obama will be a very effective campaigner for our next president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Excuse me, a president should stay away from campaigning for anybody. He is supposed to be neutral.

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