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Too many visa waiver entries?

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I agree ...I was on visa exempt no 14 when I was stopped at the airport

When I explained and said I had the 20k baht I was stamped in without showing the cash

On stamp 15 I was stopped again and again I showed the cash this time and was asked , I explained I love holidays in Thailand and Chiangmai and she asked if I had a gf ...I said yes and she asked me if she was Thai and j did yes and she stamped me in

I am about to leave in a few days and will be back after a week and that will be stamp no 16 this year and I will update

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Lot of reports everywhere within last 1 week suggesting its 3 waiver exempt entries within rolling 12 months and you're red flagged

Sorry please can you clarify.....3 visa-exempt would be reset after 12 months if you never went over 3 ?

3 waiver exempt entry in a rolling 12 months. Not sure I can explain it any easier

By answering my question. Does it reset to zero after 12 months ?

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Lot of reports everywhere within last 1 week suggesting its 3 waiver exempt entries within rolling 12 months and you're red flagged

Sorry please can you clarify.....3 visa-exempt would be reset after 12 months if you never went over 3 ?

3 waiver exempt entry in a rolling 12 months. Not sure I can explain it any easier

By answering my question. Does it reset to zero after 12 months ?

It does not reset to zero after 12 months, as far as I'm aware.

I've got a flight booked to KUL from DMG, return tomorrow after a few hours in the airport. This will be my fist attempt at a border run, I'm currently on a visa exempt entry with extension and will be expecting to obtain another visa exempt entry. I have another previous visa exempt entry in January, extended 30 days, then spent a couple of months in Japan and China, so this will be my 3rd visa exempt in the last year. Is there a consensus on if the questions come up on the 3rd attempt, or after the 3rd attempt? American passport, and I'm a legitimate tourist. I've been to about 30 countries over the past 3 years, maybe 6 entries total to Thailand, never with a tourist visa. I'll be able to show proof of onward flight and will have about 30k baht in cash to show if I get any trouble from the IO at DMG. Thoughts if I will have any issues, be flagged, or need to get clearance from a supervisor? This will be my last visa exempt entry for the next year or so. I'll update after the run.

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Not sure where all the info about immigration limiting visa exempt entries to 3 is coming from but I for one do not think it is factual. It certainly would not be done at airports. Perhaps at border crossings where people are doing border hops for new visa exempt entries.

There are many tourists that arrive and stay for just a few days on visa exempt entries several times in a year. Do you think immigration is going stop them when they reach 3 entries.

I dont see the need to provide links because members here would need to join other forums to read them but the facts are that individuals are being flagged on apparently the 4th visit to the immigration line. There would be no reason for them to lie and certainly not in those numbers.

These arrivals were at Suvarnabhumbi not border crossings.

edited re your last point......perhaps the suggestion is that its 3 x 30 days rather than many 3-4 days trips ?? The only way to be certain is when it does or doesnt happen to yourself

Edited by Chivas
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The application form in UK says only 3 visa exempts allowed, it doesn't state over what period but what ive been reading on here and another forum is people are regularly now getting warned they will not be allowed entrance without a visa.

Could you post a link to that application form.

I have seen the wrong info on the Thai embassy website that mentions the old 90 days in 6 months rule that ended in 2008.

Immigration can warn all they want but there is to no rule to support that warning.

See 2 below. I havent got a link as their website hasnt been updated.


That's interesting. I have been 5 times in the last 5 years in the last 5 years, 4 of which were via the visa waiver. Perhaps I should apply for a tourist visa this time around.

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The application form in UK says only 3 visa exempts allowed, it doesn't state over what period but what ive been reading on here and another forum is people are regularly now getting warned they will not be allowed entrance without a visa.

Could you post a link to that application form.

I have seen the wrong info on the Thai embassy website that mentions the old 90 days in 6 months rule that ended in 2008.

Immigration can warn all they want but there is to no rule to support that warning.

See 2 below. I havent got a link as their website hasnt been updated.


Your link also implies that visa exempt entries are only possible (for UK passport holders) if arriving and leaving by air. If we are to treat this as definitive (which I do not) those planning to make side trips by land to Cambodia and Laos had better rethink their plans. Like much on immigration policy provided by consular documentation and by consular officials, this is basically worthless.

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The application form in UK says only 3 visa exempts allowed, it doesn't state over what period but what ive been reading on here and another forum is people are regularly now getting warned they will not be allowed entrance without a visa.

Could you post a link to that application form.

I have seen the wrong info on the Thai embassy website that mentions the old 90 days in 6 months rule that ended in 2008.

Immigration can warn all they want but there is to no rule to support that warning.

See 2 below. I havent got a link as their website hasnt been updated.


Your link also implies that visa exempt entries are only possible (for UK passport holders) if arriving and leaving by air. If we are to treat this as definitive (which I do not) those planning to make side trips by land to Cambodia and Laos had better rethink their plans. Like much on immigration policy provided by consular documentation and by consular officials, this is basically worthless.

Up to you if you want to believe it or not. Let us know how you get on. I know i wouldn't risk 4 visa exempts
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The application form in UK says only 3 visa exempts allowed, it doesn't state over what period but what ive been reading on here and another forum is people are regularly now getting warned they will not be allowed entrance without a visa.

Could you post a link to that application form.

I have seen the wrong info on the Thai embassy website that mentions the old 90 days in 6 months rule that ended in 2008.

Immigration can warn all they want but there is to no rule to support that warning.

See 2 below. I havent got a link as their website hasnt been updated.


That's interesting. I have been 5 times in the last 5 years in the last 5 years, 4 of which were via the visa waiver. Perhaps I should apply for a tourist visa this time around.

The likelyhood that you would be denied entry is 0. Can't imagine that millions of tourists who has previous visits to Thailand would now will be required to obtain a visa for further visits.

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Your link also implies that visa exempt entries are only possible (for UK passport holders) if arriving and leaving by air. If we are to treat this as definitive (which I do not) those planning to make side trips by land to Cambodia and Laos had better rethink their plans. Like much on immigration policy provided by consular documentation and by consular officials, this is basically worthless.

Up to you if you want to believe it or not. Let us know how you get on. I know i wouldn't risk 4 visa exempts

As a matter of interest, would you risk trying to enter visa exempt by land? If so, you are being inconsistent in your faith in the accuracy of the information you have provided.

I would personally not attempt back-to-back visa exempt entries in the current climate. If I had several previous visa exempt entries, I would be cautious about attempting another through known dodgy entry points (by air, only Phcket airport is a problem, but various land borders are best avoided). However, I do not believe there is any hard limit of 3 visa exempt entries (announced or unannounced).

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Your link also implies that visa exempt entries are only possible (for UK passport holders) if arriving and leaving by air. If we are to treat this as definitive (which I do not) those planning to make side trips by land to Cambodia and Laos had better rethink their plans. Like much on immigration policy provided by consular documentation and by consular officials, this is basically worthless.

Up to you if you want to believe it or not. Let us know how you get on. I know i wouldn't risk 4 visa exempts

As a matter of interest, would you risk trying to enter visa exempt by land? If so, you are being inconsistent in your faith in the accuracy of the information you have provided.

I would personally not attempt back-to-back visa exempt entries in the current climate. If I had several previous visa exempt entries, I would be cautious about attempting another through known dodgy entry points (by air, only Phcket airport is a problem, but various land borders are best avoided). However, I do not believe there is any hard limit of 3 visa exempt entries (announced or unannounced).

I think we all know the info is unreliable and inconsistently applied, earlier on this thread or other threads people were convinced the limit is 3 visa exempts in 6 months. But we can only use best information. Until everyone starts reporting 4+ are no longer receiving warnings i wouldn't risk it. Having said that all I've heard about are warnings and nothing else, no refused entry yet.
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This all looks to be heading down the exact route of US immigration. At one time you could do 6 months, leave the country and re-enter and start again. Not anymore. There is very little opportunity now for long term stay in the US.

It is now 6 months in a 12 month period but you try getting a Tourist Visa for 6 months. It is notoriously difficult and there are a lot of parameters that need to be abided by to get it. The norm now is 2 x 3 month entries in any 12 month period and that's more or less your lot for those wanting to stay for 6 months a year. Of course, if you don't exceed the 6 months in any 12 then it's still acceptable to get more entries but they do look and count the amount of time you have spent there.

On a side note, don't even think about over staying in the US or attempting to call the bluff of Immigration because all that is likely to achieve is a long term or even lifetime ban rather than an entry visa. I know of one case who is not only banned from ever entering the US but is banned from taking any flight that passes through US airspace in case of the need to land. He was a proper naughty boy though who was caught working without a work Visa on a 3 year over stay smile.png

Fortunately, here in LOS there are other options for long term and multiple entry stay rather than 30 dayTourist visas etc.

That's only one side of the coin. The irony in all that, is that all those restrictions only apply to those trying to do the right thing and obey USA laws. If you do have a run-in with Immigration for violating your visa, you may get 'banned' - but that just means you cannot use "legal" means of entering the country, while the border is wide-open to anyone. In many areas - so-called "sancutaries" - it is 'illegal' for the police to even enquire as to someone's immigration-status. Violators can work, use fake documents with citizen's identities (a felony), receive tax-returns, obtain drivers licenses, etc, all while illegally in the country. If arrested for other violations of law, including violent crimes and other felonies, they are often released onto the streets, rather than handed over to Immigration for deportation.

Exactly the same as most country's. At least LOS are trying to finally do something to stamp it out. Don't blame the system. Blame those that over the years have abused it by living here for years on Tourist visas and in thousands of cases, no visas at all.

Like most things in this world, it's the genuine ones that try to do it the right way that get the aggravation of doing exactly that.

Where are they clamping down on tourist visas for long term stay though? Some simply imagine that to the case because they want it to be, making cries of 'abuse' and 'making it harder for the genuine ones amongst us'.

Fact is there's no official limit on back to back tourists visas. Only visa waivers are under a little bit of scrutiny (and not even all the time), but not specifically because of an issue with long term stay.

It's because visa waivers come with fewer background checks. Tourist visas require more proof of income / onward flight (but not even all the time) and cost money. Therefore visa waivers are more likely to be used by illegal workers. That's the reason they gave Aug 2014 when they made the announcement about out/in visa waiver runs - to combat illegal working.

This has nothing to do with 'opportunities for long term stay', or with unmarried, self-employed under 50s living in Thailand for years on tourist visas.

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While the above may be true, it is stated specifically on some Thai Visa application forms and still the case even if not specifically stated on others that -- as on the Canberra application form -- any visa application "may be rejected without any reason provided".

Edited by JLCrab
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Not sure where all the info about immigration limiting visa exempt entries to 3 is coming from but I for one do not think it is factual. It certainly would not be done at airports. Perhaps at border crossings where people are doing border hops for new visa exempt entries.

There are many tourists that arrive and stay for just a few days on visa exempt entries several times in a year. Do you think immigration is going stop them when they reach 3 entries.

I dont see the need to provide links because members here would need to join other forums to read them but the facts are that individuals are being flagged on apparently the 4th visit to the immigration line. There would be no reason for them to lie and certainly not in those numbers.

These arrivals were at Suvarnabhumbi not border crossings.

edited re your last point......perhaps the suggestion is that its 3 x 30 days rather than many 3-4 days trips ?? The only way to be certain is when it does or doesnt happen to yourself

I suspect it is people trying to live here on visa exempt entries by doing out/in visa rums by air or land that are being told that.

I don't think they are being flagged it is immigration seeing that a person has just left and returned or perhaps they have already reached 6 visa exempt entries over a period of time that does cause an alert.

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Related issue of visa exempt:You are required to have a booked flight out within 30 days.But you can extend that for another 30 days,bringing it up 60 days, so it would make more sense if that requirement was flight out within 60 days.Question is would airlines at check-in and immigration accept a flight out within 60 days of arrival?

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I recently did a border run to Chiang Khong. This was my first visa exempt stamp by land but my third overall. The previous 2 were more than 12 months before.

When I showed my passport going out of the country I was summoned into the Immigration Officer's office and interviewed. He told me that border runs are not allowed and I had to produce a flight ticket back home to be allowed out into Laos. He explained that if I want to live here like this I need to get tourist visas and not use exempt stamps. After showing him my ticket out I was allowed through. Coming back into Thailand I was asked by a different IO something in Thai which I didn't understand but assumed it was regarding the stamps. I showed him the ticket and he let me through no questions asked

Shortly before my experience a friend did the same thing. He was allowed through fine but coming back after they stamped him a message came up on the officer's computer and he was also taken to the office. This was his 6th stamp of all time but also his third within the last 12 months. He also provided a ticket for a flight back home and was allowed through. Since then he successfully extended for 30 days but went home at a later date (after his ticket was booked for).

I think in my instance I was looked at more thoroughly because it was early and nobody else was there. Better to go at a more normal time and with a crowd.

Does anybody know if they are likely to take notes on my file? I plan to get a TV next time but I am a little concerned I might not be let out/back in at Nong Khai.

Edited by Chesterpot
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So I just came back again this evening after having left for 3 days to Indonesia ...as I posted earlier this year I have used the exempt tourist visa for 14 times this year before i was flagged by immigration at Chiang Mai Airport for stamp no 14 & 15

No 14 I was asked about money and stamped in and no 15 I was asked if I have a gf here and was stamped in both at Chiangmai airport where my family lives

Today was no 16 and I came through Bangkok on transit ...computer screen must have flashed again as the officer looked at me intently through his glasses and asked his colleagues something in Thai which I understood to be why his name flash ..,his colleague replied "come too many times" and ask him to press F2

He asked me " you have money " ...I told him "yes and I like to eat som tum" I have always answered in English and neatly dressed at airports and polite

He laughed and stamped me in ...I'm enjoying Italian food in Chiangmai now

Leaving in 4 days for China and I will report stamp no 17

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As the OP I thought I should give an update on my re-entry experience.

I had a 3 day trip to China for work and was expecting to be denied again on my return to Suvarnabhumi. I paid the extra to go through the premium lane as I thought better to have the argument in semi privacy.

Stamped through for another 30 days without a word.

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As the OP I thought I should give an update on my re-entry experience.

I had a 3 day trip to China for work and was expecting to be denied again on my return to Suvarnabhumi. I paid the extra to go through the premium lane as I thought better to have the argument in semi privacy.

Stamped through for another 30 days without a word.

How much is the premium lane?
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Visa waiver report #20

Came back after a 4 day business trip to China , through Chiangmai airport

Got stopped at immigration , asked to filled up the same passenger form and was stamped in for another 30 days with no further questions asked

Leaving Monday for Manila and be back for stamp # 21

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  • 3 weeks later...

So after Stamp No 21, the immigration supervisor at the bangkok airport asked me the same questions but this time told me as she stamped me in, you have to get a correct visa next time as you come to Thailand too many times...she wrote a note in my passport as well under the stamp to the same wording.

Strange theory but I went to Laos to sort out this week a 1 year multi entry...havent seen any other ASEAN countries that seem to hate people coming into the country to spend money...I'm in and out Manila / China for meetings monthly and every month they stamp me in and out with a smile.

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