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big problem, where to get a bulletproof vest in Bangkok?

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we live in a condominium and me and my wife uncovered the cheating and criminal action of at least one committee member. The boyfriend of this committee member is a real criminal with a related criminal record.

After gathering enough evidence an emergency meeting of the committee of our building is set for today.

Actually I'm really scared as many Thais are not very civilized and you have to expect violence if you make someone lose his or her face.

So independent from the cost I would want to get at least a bulletproof vest for my wife.

where could I get one? Any ideas?

If that is not possible to organize such a vest with in a few hours I would even rent a bodyguard somewhere,, but I have no idea whom I could ask...

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After the incident with the Japanese reporter at Swampy I don't think a private individual would be able to obtain a vest :(

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


If I don't remember wrong, bulletproof wests are illegal to wear in Thailand and is categorized together with posession of illegal firearms. I just remember I read a news article here I think where someone was caught with weapons and a bulletproof west. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that but I swear I read something about that bulletproof west being illegal, or at leased mentioned together with the weapons that was confiscated.

Anyway, a bodyguard is definitely something you should hire, as well as perhaps getting some advice or letting the police know you may be in danger. It is actually a little bit better times now, after all the crackdowns on corrupted policemen, criminals and mafia, so the police may be to help for you. A serious lawyer may also be very helpful.


You need to get out of Thailand! Double quick! And don't ever return, or they'll put out a contract on your head. It costs as little as 5,000 baht to hire an "independent problem-solving agent" in Thailand.


Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

Actually, they use a suppressed .22 pistol and empty a few rounds into the noggin.


You need to get out of Thailand! Double quick! And don't ever return, or they'll put out a contract on your head. It costs as little as 5,000 baht to hire an "independent problem-solving agent" in Thailand.

Fully agree.

How could you stay there any longer?

You have to decide between life and assets.

You uncovered criminal activities of a Thai(?) committee member and want to confront him in a "public" meeting??

What does a bullet proof vest help against a mob of thugs?

You need a private army.


Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

What is a single shot 12g pistol?


You are in a tough position , are you a sheep or a wolf, if you are a sheep get on a plane.

They don't carry sheep on planes----- unless special cargo planescheesy.gif


A saw-offed 12 gauge shotgun. Buttstock cut to the pistol grip. A bit hard to hold, need both hands.

Horrible death that. I recall seeing photos of the aftermath of the Essex Boys shootings. Nasty business.


You can pay a police officer from the nearest police office/station to attend the meeting, it is not very expensive, I think somewhere around 1000 baht. Our condominium has on several occasions had police officers attending meetings, from both sides of the conflict.


You can pay a police officer from the nearest police office to attend the meeting, it is not very expensive, I think somewhere around 1000 baht.

For 1500 baht you can sit on his lap. Sends out a positive message, I reckon.


As a side note, the correct way to go is to file a complaint through a lawyer with the condominium manager, if it is a criminal offence also report to nearest police office. Then the Manager will have to deal with it, arrange a committee meeting and the committee will then have to deal with the offending committee member. There is no need for you or your wife to be personally involved, that is the job of the manager and committee members. That is one of the reasons you pay an annual fee.


Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

.22 with sound suppressor....you mean ?!?!?

Actually I'm really scared as many Thais are not very civilized

Exactly how do civilized people react when you "uncover" their criminal records or blow the whistle on some supposed criminal behavior in which they've been involved? Have you around for tea?

I hope you're up to date on the laws regarding defamation and libel in Thailand. You might need a lawyer rather than a vest.


bullet proof vests are not legal for civilians in thailand.

Hence anyone, even on this site, who helps you to get one is also guilty of 'the crime 'aiding and abetting'.

OP, are you sure you're not over reacting to this and reading replies that are written by people who have never directly experienced anything other than listening to Chinese Whispers, or exaggerated urban myths?

If your that concerned/paranoid then, if only for piece of mind, keep your mouth shut and move. ie don't say anything about what you've found out, and retract anything you may have. Then move, as time will not make them forget.


Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

Actually, they use a suppressed .22 pistol and empty a few rounds into the noggin.

Since you two hombres are so deeply into the under belly of hit men and the like, why not contact a couple of them to protect the OP and his wife ?


bullet proof vests are not legal for civilians in thailand.

There was even a well publicsed case where a Japanese journalist was arrested for having one when he came over during protests before the coup and figured he would wear one for his own safety.


Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

Actually, they use a suppressed .22 pistol and empty a few rounds into the noggin.

Boys, it depends on which computer game you play.

I often play hitman with a suppressed long-range hunting rifle. And when I go in close I go for semi-automatic in case I have to take out a group of people.

But some of my gamer friends play different games and told me a drone-strike is much better.


If somebody wants to pop you off, I doubt that they would do it in a meeting with all the witnesses.

Agreed. And as suggester above, change address, quietly, leaving No forwarding address.

You'll be safe at the meeting, but I'd be crapping bricks all other times if I were you.

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