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Strange stuff you've seen but can't prove


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I saw a two headed snake. Belongs in a zoo for sure.


There's actually a two headed snake in a zoo in China, one that escaped being killed as they are a novelty but considered bad luck by the superstitious folks.


Edited by Minnie the Minx
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I saw a two headed snake. Belongs in a zoo for sure.


There's actually a two headed snake in a zoo in China, one that escaped being killed as they are a novelty but considered bad luck by the superstitious folks.


Two-headed snakes are unfortunately too common. They generally get confused and bite themselves.

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A lot of you are posting evidence of what you saw, therefore, automatically you are posting off topic. For example, the photos of the two headed snake and the piglets are evidence that they actually exist. It's proven.

Soi bikers X-ray of a fart is not proven, so therefore relevant.

It's a funny thread, THANKYOU Fabricus !

I've seen a strange new type of Cockroach in Thailand, it's a strange creature but all I keep seeing is its feaces everywhere, making it a little hard to prove it exists.

But there is evidence on this very forum that it exists. Judging by its behaviour, it's inbreed and possibly the lowest for of life on the planet. If it gets under my foot, I will stamp the life out of it and enjoy the process.

Die scummy cockroach, die.

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Whatever the OP saw at low over Pattani was not MH370. The Malaysian Factual Information Report released on 08 March 2014 (you can downloads it) shows the radar track of the aircraft on the Malaysian DCA ATC radar located at Kota Baharu airport on the east coast of the peninsular, about 20 km south east of the Thai-Malaysia border. The track crossed the coast just north of Kota Baharu and continued tracking south west, and crossed the Thai-Malaysia border at the border town of Rantau Panjang, about 100 km south of Pattani - and that is the nearest that the track ever got to the OP's location.

The map that the OP included in his post shows a direct track from IGARI to VAMPI which is not correct. The aircraft did pass over these waypoints but flew to the south west from IGARI until near Penang, then to the north West to VAMPI.

The DCA radar tracking was confirmed by the Malaysian Air Force Air Defence Radar. These radars, unlike civil primary radars (remember the MH370 height reporting transponder was not on), have height finding capabilities. The MH370 altitude was detected as between 31100 ft and 33000 ft crossing the peninsular. So not only did MH370 not overfly Pattani, its altitude was above 31000 ft - not a the low level that the OP reported.

Nobody knows what really happened to MH370, and we wont know until the wreckage is found and the flight and cockpit voice recorders are recovered. Until then do what aviation professionals are doing and wait, and not make ignorant and insulting remarks about the Captain and crew of MH370. I am still an Australian taxpayer and support funding for the search for the wreckage until it is found.

Good post.

Problem is your version doesn't add up. It's an "official" version.

You're very welcome to believe what you want, however.

I have no problem in believing facts - its fantasy that's the problem. The world's aviation industry operates on facts, and I hope you don't mind my saying not on fantastic and frankly ludicrous observations.

There have been some humorous posts here and that's OK, but I do ask you to respect the families and friends of those missing on MH370. The wife of a Malaysian friend was on that flight and he and his children, as do other families, need to have compassion and closure.

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/Edit: Topic re-opened.

If there are any more posts of a trollish nature, ie. veiled personal attacks on other members, or flaming, then the offending member(s) will be suspended.

You have been warned.

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A rarely seen Ring-tail cat (Bassariscus astutus) in Northern California Mountains.

An MD 500 Helicopter flying around with a car tyre hanging from one of its skids (some kind of stunt?).

Pat Morita stopping me to ask where the Business Class lounge is.

And two posh prats like "Piss off I saw her first mate" literally fighting over a ugly Isaarn slapper at the Sukhumvit Soi 7 Beer Bar Centre.

Also Funniest thing I ever saw in Thailand.

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