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Hands up – who would miss the British Embassy?


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Jog on troll....

You could have answered the question, gios50hk.

As an aside, in a foreign land you are always on your own and always have been. The nanny state doesn't extend as far as LOS or any other alien nation.

Comprehensive travel insurance for visitors and decent health insurance for expats will see you through in most instances.

Legal arguments? Then you are most definitely on your Jack Jones.

End of.

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What is the point of having an embassy but to help people.

British embassy has never helped anyone.

When i had a problem a few years ago, and was in police custody the British embassy were a total waste of time.

I got a phone call from the embassy when i was in the cells, given the mans name/ number.

When i was out on bail i phoned to speak with him, and i was told he is on holiday, nobody else can help you.

"What is the point of having an embassy but to help people."

An embassy's main purpose is to represent their government to the Thai government and to promote trade, etc. In the days when communications were not like they are these days, an Ambassador spoke on behalf of his government to the host government when actual communication between the two governments might take days or weeks.

When a government withdraws its ambassador or closes its embassy or the head of state summons an ambassafor, it's because of government to government differences, not because one of its citizens needs his bum wiped.

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And you are clearly retarded! For the THIRD time - we DID NOT ask the British Embassy for a list of legal firms offering 'pro bono' sevices. It was they that sent us the list. Got it know dummy?

No, you are the retarded one. The British Embassy provided you with a list of legal firms which sometimes provide pro bono services. They were trying to help. However, your case didn't meet their criteria, so you were denied.

By the way, and I hate to be a grammar Nazi, but it's "now" not "know". Still, further evidence for mental retardation.

Now ladies let us commence with Handbags at 30 paces....Goooooooooooooooo!

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If i were to get in trouble in Thailand or any other country my first responce wouldnt be to run to the embassy for help.

If I got into trouble in my own country, for me that is England, I wouldn't go to Downing street and ask if the PM could help me out.

Why would you do such a thing when abroad.

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Some years ago six friends from different countries had the unfortunate experience to have all their valuables including passports stolen from a safe box robbery at a Pattaya hotel.Each in turn had to visit their embassy for help.Later everyone talked of their experiences,By far the best was the New Zealand embassy most where very helpful. By far the most unhelpful and worst experience was from my British friends who where only offered a collect call to relatives in the UK at 2am UK local time to arrange a money transfer from relatives to pay for emergency travel documents.

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What is the point of having an embassy but to help people.

Wrong. The primary purpose of an embassy these days is to promote trade and business.

Yes your 100% right Oxx---I had at one point thought of importing a product , into Thailand, the Embassy could not have been more helpful with contact numbers charts of sales in different areas etc. Talk to them about a one off citizen who is in trouble & about prison visits, for some Embassy its just a blank wall. There's exceptions---- The scandi's on a the whole do try to help ---will inform relations , will except letters from their countries , money can be sent to them & they will see that it does get into the persons account....... The Irish probably the best Embassy I have had to deal with (to be fair I have only dealt with about 15 out of all of them here) they will even see that the prisoner get a monthly allowance to buy food--(yes if you want edible food in a Thai prison you need to buy it from the traders inside).

The American wont a bounden their citizens if they are stuck with no money ---they will get them back to the USA but that person has to clear the loan (that includes quite high other costs) before they will issue him a passport again---the last person I dealt with for that wrote to me that it cost him $us12,000 to be returned to America from Cambodia. The American Embassy also has a volunteer groups around the country---(called sheriffs ) you can contact the embassy through them---although one of their main jobs is to get hold of your passport if you should die & make sure that no more SS payments are made, so if your wife is not included in your payments-----you really do not want the embassy knowing. I think that goes for many other Embassy's ---I know many Brits who have instructed their wives that upon their death any inquiry is to be told that he was an Oz....& all his papers lost a long time ago---- then keep visiting the ATM for as long as possible.

''Visit the ATM as long as possible'' that is fraud and the banks have cctv and know who picks the money up, the missus may well end up in debt and in jail. The Authorities know who you are if you have been getting extensions of stay.

Dream on!

They don't even know who you are if you are sitting in front of them.

Too much BB on your mind?

Actually now that the Embassy no longer deal with the local peasantry requiring visa's on a day to day basis (at which they were truly bl..y terrible; and terrifying, the Embassy is probably doing what it should.

But now that the lovely, prestigious old grounds have been sacrificed to the god of greed and the high rises are rising ever higher around what is left of the site, they might as well flog that bit as well and move somewhere with some parking. That at least would provide a service to visitors.

Edited by MiKT
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Oh hum - there's always one isn't there!

Clearly reading comprehension is not one of your strengths is it? (along with any sense of compassion or consideration for others!) I NEVER claimed that my wife and I expected the British Embassy to fight our case, affect Thai law or pay for our legal representation. We only contacted them to see if they can offer us any help. In fact, it was THEY who sent us a list of legal firms offering 'pro bono' assistance - and the point I was making (which obviously went over your head by a country mile) is when we checked NOT ONE of them did so!

As for your churlish remark that 'pro bono' work is for 'desperate, deserving cases. You do not fall into that category'. So apart from being a smartarse and incapable of reading plain English, you are also clairvoyant! How the hell do YOU know our situation? And if you had actually taken the time to R-E-A-D what I wrote you will see that I mention we are faced with homelessness and pennilessness. I suppose in your self-absorbed world this does not constitute a 'desperate situation' does it?!

well said gios,

just for some info, some embassies do assist their countrymen re attached link



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The UK Civil Service regards itself as an elite. Only the best people get a job with them. The diplomatic service is an elite within an elite,. therefore the hoi poloi are an inferior breed who smell and are only worthy of comtempt.

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I must be one of the lucky ones as on the rare occasions when needing assistance the BE have been helpful. For instance the Thai Consulate refused to accept a British Death Certificate because they always state 'Copy' on the top. Their demand was for the original which of course is in a ledger in the UK, alternatively to get the 'Copy' Notarised by the BE. The BE are not able to Notarise legal documents but came up with an alternative after consulting a senior official. It was a form with a number of questions on that had to be completed, a reason given and signed. This then had the Embassy official stamp and signature appended. However, they said there was no guarantee the Thai Consulate would accept it and no idea what to do if they refused, but it did the trick.

The only visa refusal that I'm familiar with is one relating to a 17 year old daughter who was legally considered to be an adult.

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The UK Civil Service regards itself as an elite. Only the best people get a job with them. The diplomatic service is an elite within an elite,. therefore the hoi poloi are an inferior breed who smell and are only worthy of comtempt.

Are you having a laugh.

Have you dealt with any UK civil servants recently, most couldn't find their ass with a piece of toilet paper.

They should change the title to "Uncivil Service" as most have an attitude problem.

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Whilst running hotels on Phuket I had 2 British Citizens die in the first year... Careless I know but it happened.

In both cases I had an immediate response from the duty officers at the Embassy... Both curiously answered in places with lots of "lively" music but answered nevertheless. The next morning when all details had been received by email I had calls from the Embassy making arrangements. The belongings were collected by staff, verified against my lists and signed for by the receiver and they took over all liaison with the next of kin and the repatriation procedure

I have no complaints. However I do believe that that bloke with a surname of a SE county got dragged in to the Kenny social media trap which doomed that silly bitch.

Hopefully the new incumbent can show a bit more class, both sartorial and diplomatically.

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I have no complaints. However I do believe that that bloke with a surname of a SE county got dragged in to the Kenny social media trap which doomed that silly bitch.

On the other hand, he was marginally better than the Bangladeshi guy who banned pork sausages and bacon in the Embassy based upon his wife's bigoted religious views. (No, she wasn't Jewish - it's the other lot.) I feel sorry for Brits in the Philippines having to deal with the couple's troglodytic world view with him now as ambassador.

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