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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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if I have erred, please educate me with a few more words than " nope... Wrong" because that doesn't really help anyone.... Savvy?

Trust me in some ways I would like to but...know the outcome is a deleted post deemed OT

Also the truth is what does it matter to you? You just want to dance... you have no horse in the actual race do you?

Sorry to say but the truth is you have as much right to decide US citizens rights as you do to decide Thai citizens rights

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You were comparing to Saudis who do that or not...?

The muslim group Abu Sayyaf likes to chop. So does Saudis. Been to chop chop square where they execute?

Sick public beheadings & female beatings which aren't ISIS - but UK's FRIENDS Saudi Arabia


america likes to hang and shoot and electrocute. dead's dead i guess!!

i was comparing america to the saudis. they both execute their citizens. disgusting people really

This is a thread about 50 innocent Americans being killed and you have the gall to say you think Americans are disgusting people?

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This is a thread about 50 innocent Americans being killed and you have the gall to say you think Americans are disgusting people?

I think the state executing its citizens is disgusting no matter what state does it. I said nothing about americans in general

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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This is a thread about 50 innocent Americans being killed and you have the gall to say you think Americans are disgusting people?

I think the state executing its citizens is disgusting no matter what state does it. I said nothing about americans in general

You wrote, "i was comparing america to the saudis. they both execute their citizens. disgusting people really."

In case English is not your first language that means that Saudis and Americans are disgusting people.

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This is a thread about 50 innocent Americans being killed and you have the gall to say you think Americans are disgusting people?

I think the state executing its citizens is disgusting no matter what state does it. I said nothing about americans in general
keep thinking. No taxpayers money to hold murders. Capital punishment will endure
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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps
June 14, 2016


Yep. Clearly NOT an LGBT hate crime. Just another muslim finding easy prey at a site he is familiar with, like San Bernadino.

Edited by Usernames
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True Muslims don't kill people.

Er.. you need to check your copy of the Koran again. The problem is that True Muslims do kill people. Those who claim to be Muslim and also condemn killings of non-Muslims, homosexuals etc are NOT True Muslims. Indeed, they sometimes get murdered by the True Muslims for their 'erronous' views.

How about this..for the politically correct left wingnut democrats...

"muslims don't kill people..people kill people"


Would he of killed if he was not a muslim?

Would he shout out muslim phrases while shooting back at police?

Would he of placed that phone call saying he was a Jihadist and followed the teachings of "whomever"?

Did he celebrate the murders of 911?

Did his dad immigrate as a muslim?

Did (does) his dad support the Jihad and the Taliban?

Did ISIS claim responsibility?

Is his father really sorry??

Edited by slipperylobster
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Freedom of speech and all that?

Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report

It would be really interesting to see this moron prosecuted for hate speech and/or inciting homicide, especially with this crime committed in the same area shortly afterwards. But then, imagine the uproar over prosecuting someone for preaching their religious beliefs.

Interestingly enough there are calls for a republican governor in Texas to resign for comments to the effect that God will punish homosexuality, however the same people are curiously silent when an Imam in Orlando explicitly calls for their death here on Earth.
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This attack has nothing to do with Muslim people but with a group of radicals who operate under the name of Islam. They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people. Ayaan is the leader of an anti-Islam think tank in the US created to make US citizens hate Islam. And yer man in the Youtube video is just a moron who wants to incite fear in people.

It's time to take on any kind of doctrine. Also this one.

They are not true Muslims. True Muslims don't kill people

Silly blanket statements ftw!





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This is a thread about 50 innocent Americans being killed and you have the gall to say you think Americans are disgusting people?

I think the state executing its citizens is disgusting no matter what state does it. I said nothing about americans in general

AYJAYDEE posted:

i was comparing america to the saudis. they both execute their citizens. disgusting people really


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Saddest fact of all is there are more guns,300million +,than people,That along with an irrelevant 18th century amendment and no way to change means the "Genie's out the bottle", Zero chance of putting it back in!

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To all you anti gun nuts.. the 2nd amendment isn't there to protect my rights to go hunting with any weapon..



Thanks for the link.... I read it from top to bottom, and found it quite enlightening,

Second amendment.... "A well regulated militia being nessesary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed"

But what does that really mean? For Americans, it means go get a firearm, much as I was once told by a cop, just outside Bakersville, some years ago ( after searching my car for a concealed weapon which he refused to believe that I didn't have)

That said, of the three recognized models dealing with interpreting the right to bear arms, model one deals with an individual's right, with the president of the American civil liberties union having stated "it is no more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution."

Model two boils down to "the rights only purpose is to enable states to maintain a militia",

Model three... Oh my... "Exists only for individuals serving in the militia."

Now, with a standing army of some one and a half million of the world best equipped warriors, how valid is the whole "maintaining a militia" issue? Not!

I know you yanks aren't that scaredy scared.... Therefore its all BS and you'all just want the right to shoot shit up... Which seems to be the "law of the land"... So like that cop told me... Go get a gun.

<sigh> ... the militia thing again. OK, so your argument is that gun-owners should all join militias. Gotcha'. NO problem. 'Happy to. BTW, the word "state" in the phrase "security of a free state" refers to the individual states, which are constitutionally considered sovereign. The national "standing army" you refer to, and the "free state" militias the 2nd Amendment refers to are not the same thing. I know you non-Yanks aren't really that conversant with the "federal republic" thing. (Actually, a whole lot of Yanks have been pretty thoroughly dumbed-down to the point where they don't get it either.)

Now what the heck are you babbling about WRT what the president of the ACLU has to say? "No more absolute than freedom of speech, or any other right in the constitution." NO right can be considered absolute. But the rights enumerated in the Constitution, such as freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, are there because they're considered, and specifically called out as, inalienable human rights, and not rights "granted" by the state or a government. Not granted by, and not subject to being removed by... Get it? "Inalienable". Look it up.

Yeah. Right. Gun-owners just want to shoot sh*t up. LOL. Talk about BS!

lol.... <sigh>.... That militia thing again.... I wouldn't mention it but for the fact that it's the word used in your constitution... Don't blame me for that... I suggest having the word removed, so no one else uses it, if it upsets you.

And no.... My argument is not that anyone should join a militia group (legal or otherwise).... My point is that the militia aspect is redundant, given that the US has what is probably the worlds strongest standing army (this comment might indicate that I know the difference between the two)

And... That I stated that I read the link, should also serve to demonstrate that I understand that there is a difference between the state and federal sides of the coin, or it would, if you had perused the link, as well, because it's made plain therein

And further..... Babbling about " no more absolute than.... " is a direct quote from the a past president of the ACLU... They are not my words... Read the link, and you will see this... As part of the same quote, it goes on to state "... No right is absolute; the government is allowed to restrict the right if it can satisfy constitutional strict scrutiny and show the restriction is narrowly tailored to promote a goal of compelling importance"

As for inalienable...lol .... Look it up buddy... You have an inalienable right to life, liberty and happiness... And maybe some other feel good stuff.... But not to bear arms... That, my friend, is a constitutional right granted by your government.... In a constitution that seems to be a living document, given the amount of amendments, and that's as it should be. ( same with the other "rights" under the constitution.)

So... With those points explained... We get back to gun owners just wanting to shoot shit up... Perhaps I'm wrong... Perhaps all those gun toting citizens are hiding indoors, waiting to unload a round or two at a burglar come calling... But I don't think so....

I've travelled extensively throughout the continental states, and have seen more hunting stores and dead animal heads than I care to remember, and have talked to numerous hunters as well, who have claimed that you need several firearms for hunting, dependent on the prey.... But how many do you need for self protection?

My argument? Don't hide behind an amendment to a man made document... Man up...Just admit you like shooting shit

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." do you not understand? I'd like to add that there are estimates of between 320 million and up to billion firearms in the USA. Add to that we have approximately 150 million armed Americans so if you say 10 percent decided to fight tyranny then you have 15 million motivated individuals saying you can pry my guns from my cold dead fingers. Good luck disarming largest standing army on this planet.


There is a whole new world just waiting to greet you, once you step out of your wee dark box

"The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that the right belongs to the individuals, whilst also ruling that the right is NOT unlimited and does not prohibit all regulation of either firearms or similar devices..."

See; constitutional law for a changing America: rights, liberties and justice.

These are not my words, they come from your SUPREME court.... Argue with them, because they don't agree with you...

As to the rest... Good luck disarming 15 million individuals.. Perhaps the only way to do that is with a nuke or two... So it's really bad luck, don't you think?

And finally, to paraphrase you... What part of tyranny don't you understand?.... A nation under a cruel and oppressive government... You all elect your government, don't you?... Perhaps voting should be compulsory, to prevent the election of a tyrant... (The tyranny your founding fathers fought and died to overthrow, was the tyranny of the English King,)

If a modern enemy institutes governance over the US, it probably means your 15 million are largely already dead, With survivors hiding in the hills conducting a guerilla war... But as I already pointed out, yes... You have the strongest armed force on the planet, so I too, doubt this will happen.... Because of your standing army, not because of the "militia" (or heavily armed kook)

Oh... And to make you feel all warm and fuzzy... Citizen soldiers (militia) Are often used as cannon fodder ?
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Chop chop...

Philippine officials confirm Canadian hostage was beheaded

quite common behaviour with kidnappers

Islamist kidnappers by the way. They kidnap anyone they figure might be worth a lot of ransom cash. A lot of people have lost their heads to these guys who love to cut people's heads off with a dull knife while the victim is conscious and fully aware of what is happening..

The Abu Sayyaf group in the south of the Philippines, trying to break a large part of Mindanao and the islands south of there.. into a country of their own. They owe their allegiance to ISIS and use ISIS's black flag with the white writing..

They've killed a lot of people over the years... their greatest single mass murder was in 2004, when they exploded a bomb on a Philippines ferry which killed 116 men, women and children.

On July 23, 2014, they swore an oath of loyalty to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. They do kidnapping, assassinations, bombings, extortion, drug trafficking, forced marriages, rape and child sexual assault and drive-by shootings.

Basically just another one of your lovely Islamic groups of the religion of compassion and peace that want to help spread the Caliphate for the brothers and sisters and for the glory of Allah.

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yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?
go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?
ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.
So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

I think you're missing something Galactus.

My understanding is that none of the mass killings perpetrated by religions other than muslims have been carried out in the name of religion. This pos was a muslim and swore allegiance to IS.....Islamic State. Islam is the religion, and they want an islamic state.

I don't know of any of the others who have killed masses of people swearing allegiance to Presbyterianism, Hinduism, etc., but you may be able to point out some??

I think there are a good many more who wish success for the islamic state than you will ever know.

i think you are missing holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars, inquisition courts, crusades etc etc. i can count more.
that ISIS you mention is a pervert sect again and again rise of ISIS is in relation with the support US and its partners gave them to fight with Assad before and now it turns and bites their a..s..s..e..s.

everyone is definitely entitled to have and express their opinion (oops... That's not right is it?)... But herein the topic is largely terrorism, and none of your examples pertain to terrorism.... Even though terror was undoubtedly a commonly felt emotion...

Terrorism is deliberately indiscriminate, your examples are not.

The crusaders came as an army, not a band of terrorists... But interestingly, as an occupation force, they were attacked by Muslim terrorists ( hash fueled assassins... Some view these as the first terrorists)

World wars and the atomic bomb were... Wars... Religion was not a factor

The holocost can be viewed as a political weapon, but was, arguably, also a continuation of the persecution of Jews since the death of Christ.... by all and sundry.... For political or financial reward.

Ironically, by and large, the inquisitions saw Christians killing Christians, more than anything else, and was also, arguably, a political tool, vs a religious tool.

And... If you have followed TV enough, you would know that Catholics get the s.h.one.t bashed out of them regularly.... Just mention another pedo priest, and watch this forum light up.

That said.... Muslims should not be persecuted.... Terrorists should.

thanks for your last words. all muslim jihadist terrorists need to be exterminated for once and for all together with other extremists from other religions. And there are good or bad people at every religion.
such a tragic event:( RIP and patience for their families.

topic is about terrorism and condemning such horrible attacks, i agree, but what we see is prejudiced and discriminating Nazi like thoughts here??
and for a massacre, religion is not necessarily a factor. you cannot justify a holocaust or atomic bomb just bc it was war or it was not a religious event. war or peace, a holocaust or an atomic bomb is a massacre or not? plus can we be sure they are not religiously done?
and i believe you are talking about 'Hashshasins' and they count as first assassin organization on Earth not first terrorist one hence word 'assassin' in English comes from them.
crusaders came and they were worst than terrorists. They plundered every city they have been passing including Constantinople where Orthodox Christians living! They killed and raped many orthodox Christians too.

and kudos for a poster here reminding us that the biggest massacre in US history is 'Wounded Knee Massacre' where hundreds of native Americans, women and kids included, were massacred mercilessly.
and keep in mind, this is a terrorist attack for us but for those bloody f ing jihadist, this is war!

One thing we all seem to agree with is that terrorists need to be eradicated.

Most of the rest is all about personal beliefs and experiences... For example, the WW2 allies definitely thought that the A bombs were justified ( especially given the race to develop a war winning weopon), but others may have differing views

The crusades, were indeed brutal, European cities en route, were also sacked, but these actions need to be viewed in the context of their time, were slaughter was the norm, and death in battle an honor.... (Hey Kurt... The honor came from having a weapon prised from their cold dead hands?)

Thanks for correcting my assassin reference.... I have since found that Mohamed claimed to have been victorious due to terror... So obviously hashshasins were not early terrorists
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if I have erred, please educate me with a few more words than " nope... Wrong" because that doesn't really help anyone.... Savvy?

Trust me in some ways I would like to but...know the outcome is a deleted post deemed OT

Also the truth is what does it matter to you? You just want to dance... you have no horse in the actual race do you?

Sorry to say but the truth is you have as much right to decide US citizens rights as you do to decide Thai citizens rights

In the Orlando gay massacre? True... No horse in the race.

In the whole ISIS or jihadist terrorist saga... We all have a horse in the race.... Every single soul on this planet is effected, don't you think? Which entitles all to comment

Nowhere have I assumed to decide on US citizens rights... I fully support rights granted by a democratically elected government... Even though those rights, as a US allied nations citizen, may negatively impact on myself... But that is an argument for my duly elected representatives to take to your supreme commander

And if you can't make a post for fear of censorship... Then the post is obviously unworthy of making

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In the Orlando gay massacre? True... No horse in the race.

In the whole ISIS or jihadist terrorist saga... We all have a horse in the race.... Every single soul on this planet is effected, don't you think? Which entitles all to comment

Nowhere have I assumed to decide on US citizens rights... I fully support rights granted by a democratically elected government... Even though those rights, as a US allied nations citizen, may negatively impact on myself... But that is an argument for my duly elected representatives to take to your supreme commander

And if you can't make a post for fear of censorship... Then the post is obviously unworthy of making

Hey at least you didn't mess the quotes all up on this post like your last two... 555

That aside ......

Your posts are all over the place.

Your posts/tantrums about the 2nd amendment was of course what I was referring to. But you know that & just like to dance around

As for censorship I see you pretend to not know the difference between censorship & staying on topic.

Why not take a break unless you have something factual to add.(no censorship intended ;) )

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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps
June 14, 2016


jihadist camouflage:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution. (or for further growth of Islam or for commit actions about it or to cover themselves to commit a horrible action.)

maybe that is why FBI did not get him in before. They might think him like gay and assumed that he cannot be a jihadist or ISIS sympathizer.

Edited by Galactus
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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps
June 14, 2016


jihadist camouflage:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution. (or for further growth of Islam or for commit actions about it or to cover themselves to commit a horrible action.)

Rather doubt that is the case here.

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In the Orlando gay massacre? True... No horse in the race.

In the whole ISIS or jihadist terrorist saga... We all have a horse in the race.... Every single soul on this planet is effected, don't you think? Which entitles all to comment

Nowhere have I assumed to decide on US citizens rights... I fully support rights granted by a democratically elected government... Even though those rights, as a US allied nations citizen, may negatively impact on myself... But that is an argument for my duly elected representatives to take to your supreme commander

And if you can't make a post for fear of censorship... Then the post is obviously unworthy of making

Hey at least you didn't mess the quotes all up on this post like your last two... 555

That aside ......

Your posts are all over the place.

Your posts/tantrums about the 2nd amendment was of course what I was referring to. But you know that & just like to dance around

As for censorship I see you pretend to not know the difference between censorship & staying on topic.

Why not take a break unless you have something factual to add.(no censorship intended ;) )

Lmao... Most of my postings are factual and easily verifiable... Whereas you seem to be bashing away at a perceived slights.

For example....Please show which bits confuse you.... Perhaps demonstrate were I have misquoted, perhaps even with the correct wording, if you would

To help you in your crusade, (see, I'm not all bad) consider looking at partial quotes, though this would probably only broaden the scope of the postings.

Tantrums? More lol... Your the one afraid to make a post due to the probability of censure ship... And my post on the second amendment is a researched response, not an outburst... Perhaps you might do the same???

At the very least, try to offer a counter argument or something of value.... Even something as simple as this attachment.... Or get out of the proverbial kitchen... Oh... And...As I pointed earlier, comments like "shut up" aren't really counter arguments


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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps


June 14, 2016


jihadist camouflage:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution. (or for further growth of Islam or for commit actions about it or to cover themselves to commit a horrible action.) maybe that is why FBI did not get him in before. They might think him like gay and assumed that he cannot be a jihadist or ISIS sympathizer.

Not the first one..

After Abdeslam was tied to the attacks, various newspapers visited bars in Brussels's gay village, and reported that some bartenders there identified him as a frequent patron.[20][21][22][23] The Sunday Times published a widely quoted comment from "Julien", a bartender who recognized Abdeslam as a patron; he said that he and his colleagues had speculated he was a "rent boy". Other reporters speculated that Abdeslam wasn't necessarily gay, and that his visits to the gay bars may have been to gauge when and where the bars were most vulnerable as potential targets for bombing attacks.[24][25] Other reporters speculated that his intent was to take advantage of a client's inebriation to surreptitiously steal their passports and other identity documents.[26]


This is always good to watch (or any other Christopher Hitchens clips on youtube):

Christopher Hitchens "Islam is Bullshit and I am Offended"

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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.
Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest
of Arab countries.
It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

That is completely wrong. I read a major apology from a cleric in the USA on Reuters very soon after this story started to unfold. You will find more too.

It is true that apologies by muslims tend to go unreported or underreported but they are there. Of course, you will find the opposite too.

Can I just say to the TV trolls who lurk within, I am NOT an apologist for anyone so that flaming message you were about to send me can safely be deleted now.
Point is, "innocent" muslims do nothing to stop the killing of innocent people. And why don't they? Koran states that anyone who will not convert
to Islam is an infidel and must be eliminated. This is a war of religion as most wars were.

You cannot substantiate your assertion in any way, shape or form. You are just perpetuating your prejudice. If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?

What about non muslim atrocities? Take the Irish question. Many people knew about atrocities well in advance yet they went ahead.

YOU are actually the one who's unable to substantiate your assertion in any way, shape, or form, and the one perpetuating a political correctness which is killing innocent people. This scum in Orlando is a perfect example. Read up on what his co-workers had to say about HIS prejudice, hate, and murderous threats, and its utter dismissal by the company for fear of appearing to be anti-Muslim. I wouldn't be surprised if that company doesn't have some litigation by the families of the victims in its future. And the father - who insists his precious was a "good son" - is an Afghan Taliban supporter FPS.

"If muslims know about a potential problem and do nothing then where are all of the other incidents that would have happened?"

On some planet in some bizarro universe in another dimension, that must make some sense. Meanwhile, here on this planet, ask the FBI and other LE agencies around the world about the plans they've managed to successfully thwart if you really want to explore the "would haves". 'Totally irrelevant to the point being made though, as all that's necessary for the Islamist atrocities to keep brewing is for the silent ones to just keep doing what they're doing; play dumb, look the other way, and let the talking heads voice the occasional objection - for consumption by a gullible public - to these atrocities for them, and a little luck. As we've so often heard, the good guys have to detect and thwart every attempt to be successful; these Islamist scum only need succeed once. But Allah forbid that "mainstream Muslims", whatever that really means, should actually get off their butts and out onto the streets in protest, as they seem to have NO trouble doing in cities around the world, when the issue is some comic they object to, or some perceived discrimination, or an exercise of free speech by "infidels" they deem unacceptable. But a Muslim tidal wave in the streets to express outrage and openly & loudly & collectively repudiate these brutal atrocities - nope, that never happens.

Why don't you go the whole hog and invite all muslims worldwide to come to Orlando and march in the streets to condemn this atrocity.

You should have calmed yourself before you typed all of your contradictory nonsense.

You say I can't substantiate anything? From Ulster? Are you ill: how many stories have there been in newspapers, trials and even novels about prior knowledge and informants let alone intelligence gathering?

The same applies to your FBI barb: it's very well known that there are many cases where friends and families of errant Muslims have informed the FBI and police about such things: just go to the cinema from time to time for some ideas here.

Was it you who told us all that the Koran tells Muslims to kill all infidels? Well it doesn't say that at all. You can substantiate that by reading the Koran or just by doing a basic Web search.

I already told you that I am not an apologist for anyone, least of all the Low life from Orlando and I know about his father as well as what his workmates said. It is a pity that people turn a blind eye to a crime isn't it? You can't accuse me of that, however, even though you don't know me and have decided to vent you misguided fury at me.

By the way, you are aware that the vast majority of mass killings in the USA are carried out by ... oh! I almost forgot, you know everything so no need to remind you!
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So ISIS is employing gay fighters these days?

They've got to be biting their collective knuckles having claimed so quickly that this guy was one of theirs. They owned it and now can't walk it back. The US MSM is NOT going to let this gay thing go either, and it's amusing to imagine ISIS leaders squirming around on their carpets, screaming at the television screen as the world news networks use ISIS and Gay in the same sentence, over and over and over again for the next week or two.

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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps


June 14, 2016


jihadist camouflage:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution. (or for further growth of Islam or for commit actions about it or to cover themselves to commit a horrible action.) maybe that is why FBI did not get him in before. They might think him like gay and assumed that he cannot be a jihadist or ISIS sympathizer.

Not the first one..

After Abdeslam was tied to the attacks, various newspapers visited bars in Brussels's gay village, and reported that some bartenders there identified him as a frequent patron.[20][21][22][23] The Sunday Times published a widely quoted comment from "Julien", a bartender who recognized Abdeslam as a patron; he said that he and his colleagues had speculated he was a "rent boy". Other reporters speculated that Abdeslam wasn't necessarily gay, and that his visits to the gay bars may have been to gauge when and where the bars were most vulnerable as potential targets for bombing attacks.[24][25] Other reporters speculated that his intent was to take advantage of a client's inebriation to surreptitiously steal their passports and other identity documents.[26]


This is always good to watch (or any other Christopher Hitchens clips on youtube):

Christopher Hitchens "Islam is Bullshit and I am Offended"

Could be, of course, sure we'll learn more as the hours and days go by.

Having read the characterizations by those who knew this shooter in the club well before this attack, IMO, doesn't sound like he was carrying out a well thought out, long-term gay subterfuge as ground work for this attack.

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That is what you get if you start meddling in conflicts you know nothing about, in territory which is not yours and with a strategy nobody understands.

If Bush had'nt removed Sadam Hussein and Muammar Khadafi, IS would have been eradicated long time ago.

I am afraid that this is only the beginning.

Eitherway it might also help that idiot Trump to get elected.

Rip to the victims and speedy recovery to the injured.

No need to go back that far. I do believe taking Hussein and Ghadafi out was a major blunder. But if the US had supported Assad there would be no Daesh. PC politicians will never get that.

The US should make nice with Russia and China,after all we are the 3 major players and the others don't amount to much

Major player in what?? Dictating/Bullying other countries to bow to your whim? Yes I agree you are a big country and have a lot of Technology but thats about it

Ha ha nice ! And funnily enough most of their technology is invented by Europeans....!

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According to this, the shooter was a "regular" at the gay club.

REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps


June 14, 2016


jihadist camouflage:

Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally "fear, caution") is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are in fear or at risk of significant persecution. (or for further growth of Islam or for commit actions about it or to cover themselves to commit a horrible action.) maybe that is why FBI did not get him in before. They might think him like gay and assumed that he cannot be a jihadist or ISIS sympathizer.

Not the first one..

After Abdeslam was tied to the attacks, various newspapers visited bars in Brussels's gay village, and reported that some bartenders there identified him as a frequent patron.[20][21][22][23] The Sunday Times published a widely quoted comment from "Julien", a bartender who recognized Abdeslam as a patron; he said that he and his colleagues had speculated he was a "rent boy". Other reporters speculated that Abdeslam wasn't necessarily gay, and that his visits to the gay bars may have been to gauge when and where the bars were most vulnerable as potential targets for bombing attacks.[24][25] Other reporters speculated that his intent was to take advantage of a client's inebriation to surreptitiously steal their passports and other identity documents.[26]


This is always good to watch (or any other Christopher Hitchens clips on youtube):

Christopher Hitchens "Islam is Bullshit and I am Offended"

Oh and yes, I do enjoy listening to Hitchens, even now. I felt a real sense of loss when he died.

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