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Fighting With Other Farang?

Delray Tweed

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand? At what point am I allowed to use physical force? What happens at police station after two farangs fight?

I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks? Is a choke considered deadly force?

Eventually you'll both end up paying fines and tea money :o

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I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks?

If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two. :o

As for the police, Alexth was pretty much spot on.

Edited by cdnvic
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I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks?

If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two.

...and if he knows how to street fight he will bite his nipple or something else off while in a choke hold, or simply smash a broken bottle in the face of the jumping martial artist.

Better don't fight at all. Most bar fights could have been solved by one guy simply walking away from the idiot.

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Thank God for the new visa regs. Drunken Farangs fighting is the plague of many resorts around the world ( LOS not spared ). But it's a new one on me for them to check out the local custom before they come and get stuck in.....................jeeeeeeeeez.

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The best fighting tactic of all time is to avoid getting into a fight in the first place. If you do find yourself in a fight here, probably better to be fighting with another farang than a local. If you get into it with a local, chances are you'll have lots of other locals jump on you at the same time. A long time resident and friend once told me that Thais will never fight you one on one. Given that Muay Thai is a hobby of mine, I know some Thai guys who are exceptions to this, but most of the time you'll end up getting jumped.

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cdnvic you cannot discount anyone or anything in a streetfight, a streetfight is complete chaos.

I did Shukokai, trained in a pro boxing gym and muay thai, i didnt really start learning to

streetfight until i intentionally went to bars and intentionally got in fights just to learn. Its

way different on the street than in any dojo, ring etc. Things happen fast and there are

NO rules, No referee, no time limit, and your only goal should be is to live thru it.

I was 100% striker til i trained with a Grecco guy from uzbekistan and was quite amazed by

grapplers, if this guy got his hands on me i was going down, not sure about judo but i would

not just write them off as a win. After training with this guy in the back of my mind i am now

always looking for a choke front or rear. The good news for strikers is they can pick this

up quickly and i would sugest they get some training on the ground.

The downside to the grappling styles is if there are 2 or more attackers you are history.

This is how most fights go down these days unforunately, in Thai or USA (gangs). The

striker too is at a big disadvantage with multiple opponents but he can stay on his feet

and most often has the ability to run when the rats (friends) come out of the woodwork.

The other downside of groundfighting is it seems in every ground fight i won i would get more

damaged than a strike fight i lost, going full force on the pavement will cut you up and

leave you like a bruised apple that was rolled down steep hill.

take care


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Nipple biting? that has got to hurt... LOL

Look on the bright side... you get for free what the girls at nana are chargin for :D

If you can conservate that nipple (alcohol, phenol, I don't know) put it in a nice glass and seal it, you might get a lot money from some sick people for it.

If you do that often, we can make a webshop "VanZam and H90s Online Nipple Shop".

If you can also bite ears and fingers, it would be even better.

dicks might be the proud of every hardcore feminist..... :o

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As for groundfighting, it does work wonders of you end up on the ground. In addition to grappling being useless against multiple opponents, it's also no good if the guy has a contact weapon of some sort (club, knife, etc). For one on one, unarmed combat, good ground fighting training is excellent.

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What are the laws on self defense in Thailand?

The party that doesn't end up dead in some field, swamp, or burned to a crisp in large sized tire (an evidence destroying process called "nang yang") without getting caught or spotted by witnesses wins.


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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Edited by In the Rai!
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Thank God for the new visa regs. Drunken Farangs fighting is the plague of many resorts around the world ( LOS not spared ). But it's a new one on me for them to check out the local custom before they come and get stuck in.....................jeeeeeeeeez.


Etiquette amongst bar brawlers, whatever next? "Excuse me old chap, would you mind just stepping outside for a quick round of fisticuffs?

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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

I have no idea as to whether the money went to him or not, but I now hibernate during Songkran...

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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

I have no idea as to whether the money went to him or not, but I now hibernate during Songkran...

Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

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Songkran tends to get on my tits after a couple of days, too. And has been the source of a couple of altercations that thankfully didn't turn into brawling... :o

Fighting amongst farangs seems to be a source of entertainment / revenue amongst the locals. Both parties will probably end up down the cop shop having a miserable and expensive end to a night out.

Its best not to stand there arguing with an idiot. Sometimes bystanders can't tell you apart.... :D

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Unfortunately, Songkran has lost its charm. There have been several incidents of gang style brawling and the tropical heat doesn't help much to keep people calm. Some poor Thai guy was beaten to death last yere in Bangkok by a group of Thai men. I think this occurred down by Khaosan Rd which is a popular spot for water throwing. Best to avoid places like that.

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Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

Only if you live, work and try and live a normal life in Pattaya during Songkhran would you understand the action. I never clouted anyone but have bust the odd water gun for their troubles.

The MIB only seem to get involved in farang on farang if someone makes a complaint or if they happen to be passing and fancy picking up some extra party fund contributions.

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Songkran tends to get on my tits after a couple of days, too. And has been the source of a couple of altercations that thankfully didn't turn into brawling... :o

Fighting amongst farangs seems to be a source of entertainment / revenue amongst the locals. Both parties will probably end up down the cop shop having a miserable and expensive end to a night out.

Its best not to stand there arguing with an idiot. Sometimes bystanders can't tell you apart.... :D

Basically, best during songkran is to stay away from the waterbattle areas if one doesn't like it. That's what i do on the days i don't plan to get wet. :D

Police reaction towards fighting depends on many factors. A non Thai speaking farang will always be at a disadvantage towards are Thai speaking farang who knows his way around the sometimes strange system, might even have friends in the force, or friends who can influence the force, obviously.

It also depends on the guilt factor, and injuries received. If the victim has received heavy injuries, won't accept a seddlement at the police station and presses for a courtcase, then a jailsentence can be considerably higher than what one could expect in west for a similar offense. Even the pre trial period can take a very long time as generally the court meets once every 60 days in the preliminary period.

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Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

Only if you live, work and try and live a normal life in Pattaya during Songkhran would you understand the action. I never clouted anyone but have bust the odd water gun for their troubles.

No, I've never been to Pattaya actually. Why, is it a different scene there during Songkran? In Bangkok from the two Songkran's I've been here for it's all been good natured fun 99.9% of the time. What's it like in Pattaya that could cause people to get so irate there?

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I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks?

If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two.

...and if he knows how to street fight he will bite his nipple or something else off

That's not street fighting - that's 7 year old schoolgirl fighting!

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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

I have no idea as to whether the money went to him or not, but I now hibernate during Songkran...

Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

We were sitting in a quiet non-girly bar, just about to meet some close friends before going on for a farewell dinner in a quality restaurant; they were leaving the following morning. In marched this prat with his gun and began blasting well-dressed people, specifically the females.

As soon as it started, I stood up and warned the fool to back off.

He chose otherwise and proceeded to blast my girlfied in the face and chest, humiliating her in the process. He suffered the consequences.

Perhaps you would have bought the moron a drink?

I have since made a point of letting the trash you appear to condone get on with it in my absence.

Would I do the same again under similar circumstances?

Yes, in a heartbeat...

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Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

Only if you live, work and try and live a normal life in Pattaya during Songkhran would you understand the action. I never clouted anyone but have bust the odd water gun for their troubles.

No, I've never been to Pattaya actually. Why, is it a different scene there during Songkran? In Bangkok from the two Songkran's I've been here for it's all been good natured fun 99.9% of the time. What's it like in Pattaya that could cause people to get so irate there?

Pattaya during Songkhran is almost a living hel_l. For nigh on two weeks you can expect to get wetted to varying degrees. Time was if you held up you hands, shook your head and said mai ow they'd let you pass unhindered. But nowadays, seemingly led by the stupidity of the farang holiday crowd, it is just getting more and more crazy.

The big day itself is a hoot, loads of fun but even then things are changing. Back in the early to mid nineties the water fight was full on right through the day to dusk, around 6pm ish. Then, just like someone turned off the tap, it stopped. Everyone could go home clean up and then go out for a pleasant evening meal or whatever and not get drenched.

And that's before stupid Ruskies entered the fray filling up their water guns from the sea.

I avoid Pattaya during Songkhran, best ploy unless I going to join in.

:o OK back to the MIB and farang on farang disputes.

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I trained in judo. How does the law react to choke holds and arm locks?

If the person you use your judo on knows a real martial art they will react by snapping you in two.

...and if he knows how to street fight he will bite his nipple or something else off

That's not street fighting - that's 7 year old schoolgirl fighting!

Really? :o

What then is street fighting, according to you?

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I think the op wants to know if anyone has been in a fight with a farang and been taken down to the MIB (men in brown). If so what happend? He has stated twice he doesnt want to fight he was just curious as to what the outcome would be. Would they kick the crap out of you at the station? fine you? etc

Does anyone know? I think everyone agrees that avoiding it in the first place is the way to go but sometimes it cant always be done.


Going back some ten years or more, I had a slight disagreement with a German who thought it funny to drench my girlfriend, having been warned in no uncertain terms not to.

I was carted off by the Police, whilst the other party had a nap.

The end result after several hours was that I had to pay for his hospital bill, the shattered Rambo water gun that his face accidentally came into contact with a few times, plus 'compensation'.

I have no idea as to whether the money went to him or not, but I now hibernate during Songkran...

Jeez, you beat someone up for throwing water around during Songkran? You need to loosen up a bit...

We were sitting in a quiet non-girly bar, just about to meet some close friends before going on for a farewell dinner in a quality restaurant; they were leaving the following morning. In marched this prat with his gun and began blasting well-dressed people, specifically the females.

As soon as it started, I stood up and warned the fool to back off.

He chose otherwise and proceeded to blast my girlfied in the face and chest, humiliating her in the process. He suffered the consequences.

Perhaps you would have bought the moron a drink?

I have since made a point of letting the trash you appear to condone get on with it in my absence.

Would I do the same again under similar circumstances?

Yes, in a heartbeat...

Hmm, OK well yes it seems his behavior was quite out of place in those circumstances and your reaction was understandable. I was envisaging the usual Songkran merriment in the appropriate places, I've never actually seen someone chucking the water around in a more formal setting like the one you were in, and certainly not after being asked already to stop doing it. Anyway, apologies for jumping to the wrong conclusion there.

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The MIB will be happy to pocket money from farangs stupid enough to throw down here. Bit of a fighter (collegiate wrestler) when I was younger, grew up. Better to walk away, almost without exception. Other than that, inane subject.

That being said, a bottle of Sang Som and we're all idiots.

Edited by calibanjr.
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