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Roll Up Roll Up! Police live at Emmanuelle Massage!


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Another thought............. Why isn't HIV testing being done in any of these raids?????????

C'mon all you NGO's.......... Put a little pressure on them to compile a bit more 'Statistics'............

I'd also be curious if there were HIV+ girls allowed to work...........

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No law breaking was discovered at all. The license was in order, there were no underage girls and all were Thai citizens.

So the entire charade went according to plan as the raid had probably been rehearsed well in advance. And most surprising was that no police were implicated in any wrong-doing at this establishment. Police corruption found at Natalee Massage certainly must have been an anomaly. What a surprise! ! !

No they learnt their lesson from the first visit and all brown paper bag ledgers were removed ahead of time.

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The difference is, the original raid at Nataree wasn't carried out by the BIB, but rather, by the Interior Ministry and other agencies. That's when they found all the bad stuff.

All the follow-up raids at other places have been done by the BIB, and that's where, as far as I can read, they've found absolutely nothing wrong or out of order -- not a single underage girl, not a single foreign worker, all licenses in order, etc etc.

Amazing Thailand.

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Police will never "find" illegal employees nor minors. They always call several hours upfront with the message that they're planning to raid the place.

Especially in Din Daeng, Huay Kwang and neighbouring areas, if you have paid for protection or being a local "sponsor".

That is why quite often the police raiding the establishments come from elsewhere.

Now would be a great time to find the Thai version of Eliot Ness and the Untouchables.

The biggest problem would be where to find them and keep them as Untouchables.

I don't believe that ANY government in the last 30 years or so has ever had the cojones to do so, if for no other reason, than the government themselves would also be a target, not to mention the judiciary, the HiSos and the real Mr Bigs.

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I am thinking the police are thinking this sort of police work would be the most enjoyable kind of police work.

Many of their police buddies are probably jealous and they would all want to volunteer to participate in the supposed raid that is not really a menacing raid rather a friendly visit from the local authorities

Visiting the massage girls and making "New Friends" or rekindling old friendships.....while obtaining cell phone numbers .....for the record only of course wub.pnggiggle.gif ...while all involved get to admire and gawk at the tantalizing and pretty wares on sale.

Guaranteed...some of those police officers will be back on unofficial business and not in uniform....lol


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Isn't prostitution illegal in the land of perfection? The idiots walking in, smiling, waiing then walking out again without any arrests or closing it down.......Incredible work boys.

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Isn't prostitution illegal in the land of perfection? The idiots walking in, smiling, waiing then walking out again without any arrests or closing it down.......Incredible work boys.

No prostitution isn't completely illegal here, it's regulated under various pieces of legislation.

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Many top officers at Huay Kwang police station have been moved to inactive posts following the Nataree raid when an alleged tea money list was uncovered.

So still no chance of 'officers' actually being dismissed or rightfully jailed for proven corruption and extortion in this new 'transparent' Thailand??

Stupid question. Apologies.

To be a cop in <delete> is of no deference than to be the mafia. Everyone is entitled by himself to collect additional income. As soon as a student becomes a junior cop, it is an embarrassment for him to make use of public transport. He must have his own executive transport even if he cannot afford it on his legal wages as a cop. Thus he needs this additional income for him to survive. That’s why in this country nobody will be able to stop this type of additional income. From the highest to the lowest ranked cops all of them are the same. It is his image that counts to be a cop and everyone must be afraid of him. When you are caught that you collect additional income, it is only because you pissed some higher ranked cop off by not sharing your additional income.

Edited by Rough Rider
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Police will never "find" illegal employees nor minors. They always call several hours upfront with the message that they're planning to raid the place.

Especially in Din Daeng, Huay Kwang and neighbouring areas, if you have paid for protection or being a local "sponsor".

That is why quite often the police raiding the establishments come from elsewhere.

Now would be a great time to find the Thai version of Eliot Ness and the Untouchables.

The biggest problem would be where to find them and keep them as Untouchables.

I don't believe that ANY government in the last 30 years or so has ever had the cojones to do so, if for no other reason, than the government themselves would also be a target, not to mention the judiciary, the HiSos and the real Mr Bigs.

To be a cop in <delete> is of no deference than to be the mafia. Everyone is entitled by himself to collect additional income. As soon as a student becomes a junior cop, it is an embarrassment for him to make use of public transport. He must have his own executive transport even if he cannot afford it on his legal wages as a cop. Thus he needs this additional income for him to survive. That’s why in <deleted> nobody will be able to stop this type of additional income. From the highest to the lowest ranked, cops all of them are the same. It is his image that counts to be a cop and everyone must be afraid of you. When you are caught that you collect additional income, it is only because you pissed some higher ranked cop off by not sharing your additional income.

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What a laugh. I am appalled that the authorities involved, especially the brown clowns, can hold their heads up in pride for this thinly-veiled charade.

'Brown clowns' haha

That's great! A little unfair to real, decent, hard-working clowns though I think.

Well, they may actually be more entertaining (not necessarily funnier) than the run-of-the-mill circus variety. I mean, some of the crap the brown clowns come up with beggars believe! Most of the time, you can't make that sh|te up!

Edited by outsider
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Everything at The Lord in Rachadapisek was above board while at Soulmate in Rama 9 Road, also Huay Kwang, thirty massage girls were all over 20 years old, as were 20 "cheer" girls and serving girls. All urine tests for drugs came back negative and no foreigners were in sight.

The lord is easily 4 times the size of Emmanuelle.. so we can guess that The Lord, Soulmate and Emmanuelle are all owned by the same person / group of people?! Would make a lot of sense.

What ever happened to 'Allena' which belongs to the same people as Nataree? Wasn't it supposed to shut down years ago as it was too close to a school?

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Everything at The Lord in Rachadapisek was above board while at Soulmate in Rama 9 Road, also Huay Kwang, thirty massage girls were all over 20 years old, as were 20 "cheer" girls and serving girls. All urine tests for drugs came back negative and no foreigners were in sight.

So; prostitution is now legal in the Kingdom as long as the girls are of age?

Or did they not look behind the facade?

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