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Fiery Trump, sober Clinton at odds over Orlando attack


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Fiery Trump, sober Clinton at odds over Orlando attack

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump vowed Monday to impose a broad ban on immigration from areas of the world with a history of terrorism and suggested some Muslims in the United States are turning a blind eye to unfolding plots, as he outlined an aggressive response to the deadly attack in Orlando.

Hillary Clinton, Trump's presidential rival, was more measured in her own remarks, warning that demonizing all Muslims for the actions of a few would only benefit extremist groups. She pointedly blamed American partners in the Middle East — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar — for not stopping terror funding emanating from their countries and called for tougher gun control legislation in the U.S., including outlawing assault weapons like one used by the Orlando shooter.

"I believe weapons of war have no place on our streets," Clinton said. Though she drew implicit contrasts with Trump, she never mentioned him by name, saying "Today is not a day for politics."

Trump clearly disagreed, criticizing Clinton harshly and often.

The two candidates' dramatically different proposals — as well as their contrasting styles — underscored the clear choice Americans face in the November election. Democrat Clinton's vision builds on President Barack Obama's campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and expands on his gun control executive orders, while Republican Trump is calling for a drastically different national security posture.

Though the Orlando shooter was born in the U.S., Trump continued to propose sweeping changes to the nation's immigration rules as the cornerstone of his anti-terror plan.

He redoubled his previous call for a temporary ban on Muslims coming to the U.S., saying that policy would stay in place until the government can "properly and perfectly" screen immigrants. Going further, he also said he would use presidential discretion to "suspend immigration from areas of the world where there's a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe and our allies."

The businessman did not specify what countries would be affected or whether the suspension would apply regardless of religion.

Clinton said such proposals would only make it more difficult for law enforcement to work with Muslim communities.

"Inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and threatening to ban the families and friends of Muslim Americans, as well as millions of Muslim business people and tourists from entering our country, hurts the vast majority of Muslims who love freedom and hate terror," she said.

Trump pledged to protect all Americans "wherever they come from, wherever they were born." But he repeatedly referred to Muslims in a negative context.

Though the Orlando shooter — 29-year-old Omar Mateen — was born in the United States, Trump noted that he was "born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States." He said Muslim communities must turn over to law enforcement "people who they know are bad," adding "they do know where they are."

He also said gays and lesbians are often discriminated against in the Muslim world, and said Clinton could not claim to be an ally of the LGBT community if she supports immigration from such countries.

"Ask yourself, who is really the friend of women and the LGBT community: Donald Trump with actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words?" Trump said. However, the businessman has said he opposes gay marriage — the official position of the Republican Party — while Clinton and Democrats back same-sex unions.

The Republican did not repeat suggestions he'd made in earlier television interviews that Obama may not be taking tougher action against terrorism because he may sympathize with the perpetrators.

"He doesn't get it or, or he gets it better than anybody understands," Trump said on Fox News Channel's "Fox and Friends." ''It's one or the other. And either one is unacceptable."

Clinton said her anti-terror efforts would center on identifying "lone wolf" attackers — those who may be radicalized but not connected to a broader network or carrying out plans on behalf of any group. Obama said Monday that the Orlando attacker appeared to fall into that category.

Clinton also reiterated her call for tougher gun control measures, a policy proposal that has been a centerpiece of her presidential campaign. In addition to her support for an assault weapons ban, she also said Americans should be able to agree that "if the FBI is watching you for a suspected terrorist link, you shouldn't be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked."

The FBI said Mateen had twice come to its attention, but the investigations did not reveal any definitive links to terror groups or plots. Mateen purchased at least two firearms legally within the past week or so, according to federal authorities.


Lerer reported from Cleveland and Colvin reported from Manchester, New Hampshire. Associated Press writers Jon Lemire in New York and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-14

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Edited by Chicog
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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Well I think this firmly puts to bed the myth that US born muslims are American. They are not. They are still muslim, and as idealists that oppose democracy have absolutely no place remaining in the US. He should have been deported to Afganistan after being caught sycophanting to other islamic terrorists. This must be done right now with the others. The left have the blood of those 50 LGBTs firmly on their hands. Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Well I think this firmly puts to bed the myth that US born muslims are American. They are not. They are still muslim, and as idealists that oppose democracy have absolutely no place remaining in the US. He should have been deported to Afganistan after being caught sycophanting to other islamic terrorists. This must be done right now with the others. The left have the blood of those 50 LGBTs firmly on their hands. Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

So you would have deported Muhammed Ali?

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

Seriously? This is the kind of nonsense that Trump would spew. Is there anyone over 5 years of age that would actually believe that?

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

Seriously? This is the kind of nonsense that Trump would spew. Is there anyone over 5 years of age that would actually believe that?

Yes, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

Seriously? This is the kind of nonsense that Trump would spew. Is there anyone over 5 years of age that would actually believe that?

You will be stunned to learn that as a youth I spent many years in a fairly isolated community with no muslims and no mosques. Incredibly there were no gangs of morons going around beating women for not covering their faces, nobody beating people enjoying a drink outside in the summer. The secular community was perfectly peaceful - yes there were some drunks and tramps but they were a known quantity and not out to kill others. To my disgust the leaders of this community have now started importing muslims, and now there are quite a few with full black headdress and yes it is only a matter of time until one of them gets the "calling" and starts mowing down infidels. My point is it is not compulsory to screw up your community or country by inviting members of a hateful ideology and I have always said their children and all following generations of them will always be a risk because they are 1st muslim and 2nd citizens so their loyalty lies to allah and its just a matter of time until they get serious about their ideology and start murdering non-believers as they are told to do in the koran and in the mosque by some leaders(see the Orlando hate preachers saying all gays deserved to die).

People that ignored views like my own and mass imported these hateful members of the particular ideology have blood on their hands. They caused this mass murder. Same as a farmer that throws a fox into his henhouse must be responsible for his headless chooks the next morning. This should be obvious I'm not sure why you think my logic to be nonsense.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

Seriously? This is the kind of nonsense that Trump would spew. Is there anyone over 5 years of age that would actually believe that?

You will be stunned to learn that as a youth I spent many years in a fairly isolated community with no muslims and no mosques. Incredibly there were no gangs of morons going around beating women for not covering their faces, nobody beating people enjoying a drink outside in the summer. The secular community was perfectly peaceful - yes there were some drunks and tramps but they were a known quantity and not out to kill others. To my disgust the leaders of this community have now started importing muslims, and now there are quite a few with full black headdress and yes it is only a matter of time until one of them gets the "calling" and starts mowing down infidels. My point is it is not compulsory to screw up your community or country by inviting members of a hateful ideology and I have always said their children and all following generations of them will always be a risk because they are 1st muslim and 2nd citizens so their loyalty lies to allah and its just a matter of time until they get serious about their ideology and start murdering non-believers as they are told to do in the koran and in the mosque by some leaders(see the Orlando hate preachers saying all gays deserved to die).

People that ignored views like my own and mass imported these hateful members of the particular ideology have blood on their hands. They caused this mass murder. Same as a farmer that throws a fox into his henhouse must be responsible for his headless chooks the next morning. This should be obvious I'm not sure why you think my logic to be nonsense.

Hmmmm, I understand where you're coming from. The world is a different place today than it was when you and I were young. Parts of it better, parts worse. But to your point, there are thousands of murders in America every year. I'm pretty sure most do not involve jihadists.

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"He also said gays and lesbians are often discriminated against in the Muslim world", well that is undeniably true. However it is interesting to note that 50 people are murdered in a gay night club is a headline worldwide with outpourings of grief. However 35 Azari women burnt alive by ISIS in steel cages for refusing sex doesn't even rate a small byline, and even if it did get scant mainstream media attention who would even care?

Some crimes in our PC world, it seems are perceived as more horrendous than others.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

" Trump pledged to protect all Americans "wherever they come from, wherever they were born." But he repeatedly referred to Muslims in a negative context.

Though the Orlando shooter 29-year-old Omar Mateen was born in the United States, Trump noted that he was "born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States."

Sorry I do not see what you see.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Although the "actions of few" Muslims are tarnishing the image of the rest of the Muslim people in the world,

the problem is that these murders of innocent people is silently condoned by the majority of Muslims

populations where ever they're, deep down, they see it as the necessary war against the Kuffars and infidels

till Islam will reign supreme once again....

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Will Trump lead by example and stop taking income from his ventures in Muslim countries? Will he stop letting Muslims rent space in his buildings. Maybe things are different when there is a buck to be made.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

Seriously? This is the kind of nonsense that Trump would spew. Is there anyone over 5 years of age that would actually believe that?

You will be stunned to learn that as a youth I spent many years in a fairly isolated community with no muslims and no mosques. Incredibly there were no gangs of morons going around beating women for not covering their faces, nobody beating people enjoying a drink outside in the summer. The secular community was perfectly peaceful - yes there were some drunks and tramps but they were a known quantity and not out to kill others. To my disgust the leaders of this community have now started importing muslims, and now there are quite a few with full black headdress and yes it is only a matter of time until one of them gets the "calling" and starts mowing down infidels. My point is it is not compulsory to screw up your community or country by inviting members of a hateful ideology and I have always said their children and all following generations of them will always be a risk because they are 1st muslim and 2nd citizens so their loyalty lies to allah and its just a matter of time until they get serious about their ideology and start murdering non-believers as they are told to do in the koran and in the mosque by some leaders(see the Orlando hate preachers saying all gays deserved to die).

People that ignored views like my own and mass imported these hateful members of the particular ideology have blood on their hands. They caused this mass murder. Same as a farmer that throws a fox into his henhouse must be responsible for his headless chooks the next morning. This should be obvious I'm not sure why you think my logic to be nonsense.

Ah, that explains it - your isolated childhood community has been invaded by gangs of morons going around beating women for not covering their faces.

​Your ​logic ​is perfectly understandable.

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So it seems Trump mentioned that this would not have happened if he were President. Trump mentioned he is going to build a wall 9 times in this interview with Jake Tapper. Maybe when he says this Orlando attack would not have happened because he is 'going to build a wall'.


Edited by JLCrab
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The text of Trump's National Security speech - Politico June 13, 2016

For those too anti-Trump or too ... something to even click the link, some key quotes:

"A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation."
"We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.
But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly."
"We have an incompetent administration, and if I am not elected President, that will not change over the next four years -- but it must change, and it must change now."
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The text of Trump's National Security speech - Politico June 13, 2016

For those too anti-Trump or too ... something to even click the link, some key quotes:

"A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation."

"We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.

But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly."

"We have an incompetent administration, and if I am not elected President, that will not change over the next four years -- but it must change, and it must change now."

Pretty obvious that those aren't Trump's words. And is he going to build a wall around NY now too?

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The Orlando attack demonstrates ordinary peoples worst fears .Allow immigration based on compassion and the second generation become radicalized .This latest example with politicians like Obama and Clinton skirting around the problem plays right into the hand of Donald Trump who has campaigned on a platform that more scrutiny of Muslim immigrants is required.

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stop giving citizenship to immigrants. just give them 2 year renewable visas and deport them if they cause any problems. i live in thailand on this system like most of you reading this, (except of course i only get 1 year at a time). is the best solution to the immigration problem that i can see. tricky in this case where the guy is a son from immigrants. surely hos mosque knew what he was up to so they need to be held some what accountable.

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Trump going off blowing up the Middle East isn't likely to turn out any better than when it was done by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. It surely would make things worse.

At least Bill Clinton limited US military action to the Balkans and recognised Vietnam. President Obama has been trying to extricate us from Afghanistan and the ME while cementing US-VN relations.

The murderer came from nowhere other than the United States, born in Queens NY same as Trump was. (Trump probably made the condo sale to the parents.) Ask Trump if he might want to blow up Queens.

People who accuse others of "blood on their hands" are the hysterical rightwingnuts who like the Trump idea of carpetbombing cities and villages in the ME.

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Cannot prove whether one is a radicalized muslim, or not.

In which case...

Laws should protect against the entry of all muslims, until **EXTENSIVE** background checks are made. Once admitted, they should be monitored..closely. That might mean access to their homes and mosques... The cost must be passed on to them.

The father of the perpetrator was...and still is...a radicalized muslim, allowed entry regardless.

Now the son goes postal. What do you think they were talking about while watching the news at dinnertime?

Trump is correct. Need time to reevaluate how immigration is going to deal with these people, before prayer hour gridlocks our cities (look at Marseilles)


Hillary is a disgrace. Have seen video that she sides with Obama and will not be proactive. She would rather assume nobody is a radical, and we should not use the word.

No....no. wait.....she flip flopped..

dumb bxxxtch.

what we have are actually two totally different approaches. I am going with Trump...final answer. Tired of Democrat/Liberal Bulsheet.

cowardly apologists...all of them.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The text of Trump's National Security speech - Politico June 13, 2016

For those too anti-Trump or too ... something to even click the link, some key quotes:

"A radical Islamic terrorist targeted the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill Americans, but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation."

"We need to respond to this attack on America as one united people – with force, purpose and determination.

But the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and think and act clearly."

"We have an incompetent administration, and if I am not elected President, that will not change over the next four years -- but it must change, and it must change now."

Pretty obvious that those aren't Trump's words. And is he going to build a wall around NY now too?

Whose words were they or was it a conspiracy by Politico to misrepresent his speech?

I'm hoping he'll build and enforce an immigration wall, as the USA had in the past to encourage assimilation. There is one now, but it's being subverted/unenforced by the Obama/Democrat administration. Apparently the shooter's father was not assimilated nor was his son.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Trump going off blowing up the Middle East isn't likely to turn out any better than when it was done by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. It surely would make things worse.

At least Bill Clinton limited US military action to the Balkans and recognised Vietnam. President Obama has been trying to extricate us from Afghanistan and the ME while cementing US-VN relations.

The murderer came from nowhere other than the United States, born in Queens NY same as Trump was. (Trump probably made the condo sale to the parents.) Ask Trump if he might want to blow up Queens.

People who accuse others of "blood on their hands" are the hysterical rightwingnuts who like the Trump idea of carpetbombing cities and villages in the ME.

The murderer was a treasonous US citizen, what does Trump's real estate holdings have to do with it?

Give your looney-tune, obfuscating entrenchment a rest and read the speech.

Get back with in-context quotes from the speech with some useful comments for once, OK?

Edited by MaxYakov
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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Well I think this firmly puts to bed the myth that US born muslims are American. They are not. They are still muslim, and as idealists that oppose democracy have absolutely no place remaining in the US. He should have been deported to Afganistan after being caught sycophanting to other islamic terrorists. This must be done right now with the others. The left have the blood of those 50 LGBTs firmly on their hands. Had I been president this event would not have happened, and would not continue to happen because America would not give citizenship to their sworn enemies. Simple logic if not completely PC.

The myth? Wow. Simple logic, eh? Shaking my head at that one. That's Republican wingnut logic. This is why Donald Trump is the Republican nominee. He appeals to the xenophobic minions who believe this shit.

Trump is calling for Americans vs. Americans. That's disgraceful and it ain't going to work. It's not working.

Muslims are not my sworn enemy. They're Americans with a different religion than me. Demonizing Muslims is pure hate driven drivel. Muslims overwhelming support American values.

The Trumpeteers need a fascist dictator, then you just declare the Jews (Muslims in this case) non-citizens. Round up the coloreds while you're at it. I think that's a plan the Trumpeteers could get behind, concentration camps!

The Orlando incident is about lack of gun control laws, when a know crazy has access to assault weapons. The wingnuts are trying to make this about Muslims and hate. Nope, that's bullshit.

Trump, the thinned skinned bully, is appealing to his low-info, racist minions and of course they're buying it. Trump represents hate, not Americans.

There should be a moment of silence for the entire Republican party. They're brain dead. The NRA does their thinking for them. The GOP has sold it's soul for guns and hate.

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Trump going off blowing up the Middle East isn't likely to turn out any better than when it was done by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. It surely would make things worse.

At least Bill Clinton limited US military action to the Balkans and recognised Vietnam. President Obama has been trying to extricate us from Afghanistan and the ME while cementing US-VN relations.

The murderer came from nowhere other than the United States, born in Queens NY same as Trump was. (Trump probably made the condo sale to the parents.) Ask Trump if he might want to blow up Queens.

People who accuse others of "blood on their hands" are the hysterical rightwingnuts who like the Trump idea of carpetbombing cities and villages in the ME.

The murderer was a treasonous US citizen, what does Trump's real estate holdings have to do with it?

Give your looney-tune, obfuscating entrenchment a rest and read the speech.

Get back with in-context quotes from the speech with some useful comments for once, OK?

"Likewise, our whole nation, and indeed the whole world, is devestated."

Good to see he now agrees that Muslims are also devestated by this type of attack.

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Trump should stick to selling ice creams or whatever it was that he was selling prior to running for POTUS.

USA needs a president with a fully functional brain, unlike the last half dozen fools through the position.

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Oh Donald..... on the shooter: "He was born in Afghan"....

No, he was born in New York. And where the hell is 'Afghan'?

And now he's banned the Washington Post for being nasty to him.

What a bumbling idiot.

Trump noted that he was "born to Afghan parents who immigrated to the United States."

When you call someone a bumbling idiot, you should probably read the information a couple more times first. whistling.gif

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Will Trump lead by example and stop taking income from his ventures in Muslim countries? Will he stop letting Muslims rent space in his buildings. Maybe things are different when there is a buck to be made.

Why are you lumping all Muslim countries together? That seems awfully bigoted. Saudi Arabia is the country in question and they are well-known for supporting terrorism. Every good liberal knows that.

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