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Tension run high today as DSI attempts to search Dhammakaya temple looking for the abbot


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He has all the protection under his shirt why doesn't 'Amulet Man' get on with it?

Never understand how mature grown.....No....big childish men, walk around with so much bling hanging of the neck......!

It's not confined to Thais, I saw a Farang the other day with what looked like a gold bike chain dangling from his neck...
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The DSI have left without capturing the abbot who is believed to be in an area the protesters wouldn't let the dsi and police officers search. The abbot has also been rumored to have fled, I doubt that as surely the DSI has every exit on lockdown. So after siege day one the abbot comes out victor, the DSI look like fools. Latest reports say the protesters are heading home after a long day. Will we see the same tomorrow, or will the army send troops in instead?

The one thing that is good news is that today's siege went by peacefully, a more heavy handed approach might be on the cards tomorrow. Hopefully this can be sorted out diplomatically without the worry of it turning violent.

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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

Maybe those Thai's should learn what Buddhism actually teaches as they obviously don't have the first idea about Buddhism

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Should be easy to take the balloon cameras out. I'd suggest loudspeakers ala what US did with Noriega, but considering blaring music night and day is normal here, probably not work. Tear gas? Some of these "non lethal loudspeakers"? http://www.gizmag.com/lrad-long-range-acoustic-device/11433/

Some tear gas, water cannons and the entire Elvis Presley Hitlist in 120 decibel would definitely split them up.

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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

those thais that express that, are they dhammikaya followers?

About the islam thing, I heard a few weeks ago that he recently converted to islam, as his wife was.

Nothing will happen to the monk in charge of the dhammikaya sect. He has his.followers where he wants them mentally, and their desire to make merit overrides their normal reasoning skills.

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I am starting to believe there are political players involved in this that want confrontation, I can reason no other logic behind this sham, they tried it with students which failed.

This is not an attempt to destroy Buddhism that has already been partly achieved with the very obvious criminality involved with these so called Buddhist temples and their leaders, it is they that have brought shame on Thailand

Money rules all here, what about the people that lost their savings

Thailand history is littered with proxy wars with the real masterminds behind the scene. The current government is a example of a proxy war staged by a wannabe monk and a tormented monk.

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and when these brainwashed (and probably well funded) idiots end up getting hurt because of their blind faith in a criminal they decided to protect from the law, they will try and sue and press charges the same way the red shirt terrorists did.

No sympathy, I hope they all get some good jail time instead of amnesty.

It is way past time that Thais learn that there ARE consequences to your actions.

Fantastic forward looking vision. Seeing well today.

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As I hear about the last, 'genuine'(NOT!), claim from those lemmings-in-white, the obstruction of Justice perpetrated by these brainwashed pseudo-Buddhists to protect their sect leader has now become a political side. Of course this has nothing to do with an established 'link' between Dhammajayo and Thaksin ('s UDD), it couldn't be, is it, as both have so little in common, is it: both megalomaniacs blinded by power and money, both liars, cheats and thiefs.

IMO, today, now, the NCPO must take decisive actions to bring this crisis to a swift end, show muscle before the situation further escalates to become yet another insurrection, send in the troops, massively, with heavy material, secure all of the (large) perimeter, block anyone from entering the premises, break down all blockades, remove every resistance (apprehend/arrest/deport) even from pseudo-monks, bring heli-jumpers inside the temple to secure landing strips for choppers, next elite troops 'en masse' and take control of the temple complex from within, following call in more mobile units to react on any gathering outside the temple grounds. Otherwise...

If they do not do something decisive now the situation will get out of hand

same as 2010 when they allowed the red scum too long to stay in their fortress

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Yeah, they are. This is a test of strength. The powers that be could send the troops in anytime they want, would they obey orders, anybody's guess.

The powers to be are not foolish enough to send troops against monks. The target is Phra Tammachayo and his inner circle, not his followers who in many cases have given their life savings to him out of misguided faith.

Forgive them for they know not what they have done.

But the head must fall, and then the body will die.

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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

What total bullshxx.

With claims like that please share some details / sources, especially your words about the pm pimping himself to islam.

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This article is just priceless...

Wonder if Mr General is going to be happy about some of the below statements:

DSI still unable to search Dhammakaya temple as disciples now claim abnormal situation to delay arrest


BANGKOK: -- Defiant disciples of the controversial abbot of Wat Dhammakaya continued to intercept attempt by the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) to search and arrest Phra Dhammachayo, claiming the country's undemocratic rule that could be detrimental to justice system.

They cited the current undemocratic ruling as a new reason to delay the DSI’s attempt to make arrest of their abbot. cheesy.gif

A statement was issued late today by the disciples saying that as the abbot is still very sick, his surrender to the justice system is possible when the country returns to true peace and to full democracy. cheesy.gif

It said as long as the country remains in abnormal situation, the right to freedom and justice might be threatened, and Buddhism could also be destroyed by a certain group of people and eccentric monks. cheesy.gif

They also claimed that the delay in the appointment of the new supreme patriarch and the rush by the DSI to make arrest of the abbot were breaching agreements they have with the National Office of Buddhism. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif PLEASE STOP< GONNA WET MY PANTS cheesy.gif

They said as the statute of limitation of the charges runs up to 15 years, therefore it won’t be too late to pursue court action against him after the country returns to normal situation. clap2.gif THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT< Please come back in 15 years cheesy.gif


-- Thai PBS 2016-06-16

"They also claimed that the delay in the appointment of the new supreme patriarch and the rush by the DSI to make arrest of the abbot were breaching agreements they have with the National Office of Buddhism. "

So this specific temple has an agreement with the national office of buddhism about the appointment of the new supreme patriach.

And please remember that the current nominee is also under serious investigation in regard to breaking the law.

And please remember there are comments that the current nominee has connections to other powerful folks.

Ultimate question, already mentioned by other posters - just who ultimately is pulling the strings and hoodwinking hundreds of thousands of folks and stealing their money too?

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Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

Yer... Leave him alone.... Give him his temple business back, too... And thank Buddha there appears to be somewhere safe for the kiddies to take drugs

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