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Sanders says he will work with Clinton to transform party


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Sanders says he will work with Clinton to transform party
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Thursday in an address to his supporters that he will work with Hillary Clinton to transform the Democratic Party, adding that his "political revolution" must continue and ensure the defeat of Republican Donald Trump.

Sanders said in a capstone livestream address to his political followers that the major task they face is to "make certain" Trump is defeated. The Vermont senator said he plans to begin his role in that process "in a very short period of time."

"But defeating Donald Trump cannot be our only goal. We must continue our grassroots efforts to create the America that we know we can become," Sanders said, pointing to his 1,900 delegates at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

Sanders spoke from his Vermont hometown a week after Clinton secured enough pledged delegates and superdelegates to become the presumptive nominee. He did not concede the race, nor did he refer to Clinton as the likely nominee, instead offering a lengthy list of policy proposals he hopes to see approved by the party.

The two rivals met Tuesday night at a Washington, D.C., hotel to discuss policy goals and future plans. Sanders said that while it is "no secret" that he and Clinton have "strong disagreements on some very important issues," it was "also true that our views are quite close on others."

He said he looked forward to additional talks between the two campaigns to ensure that his supporters' voices are heard and the convention adopts "the most progressive platform" in the party's history.

Sanders said he looked forward to working with Clinton "to transform the Democratic Party so that it becomes a party of working people and young people, and not just wealthy campaign contributors."

The speech — which could be Sanders' final address before the summer convention — was viewed by more than 200,000 people, according to the campaign. It sought to shape his legacy as a one-time "fringe" candidate who generated a massive following through sprawling rallies and threatened Clinton for the nomination.

Looking ahead to the convention, Sanders said the party must support a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage, pay equity for women, a ban on the sale and distribution of assault weapons and a defeat of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

Sanders thanked his supporters for providing more than $200 million in donations, most in increments of $27, and rattled off what they had accomplished: 1.5 million people who attended his rallies and town meetings and more than 75 million phone calls from volunteers "urging their fellow citizens into action."

He encouraged his followers to consider running for political office up and down the ballot as a way to prevent Republicans from controlling state and local government. And he made clear that he intends to leave his imprint on the fall campaign and beyond.

"We have begun the long and arduous process of transforming America, a fight that will continue tomorrow, next week, next year and into the future," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-17

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Been waiting to unload these. No, assuming you mean Bernie, he isn't a socialist, he will never be under her "spell". Yes, she is the vile neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy industrial complex empress to be. No matter what, unless the fbi actually does its job for a change, the US is in for hell the next 4 yrs. ..................................................











.............................http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/10/sanders-supporters-prefer-clinton-to-trump-exclusive-poll ..... Add up the total that would vote for and those that wouldn't 46% would NOT vote for Clinton...................................




........................http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=203316 ....... Queen of Exceptionalistan....................









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blah blah blah. The democratic party will unite to defeat the vile monster regardless of what a minority of nihilist extremist Bernie die hards have to say about it. Bernie gets that too. He will lead on that. No question about it.

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An post with an aberrant spelling of a politician's name has been removed along with replies. Please be aware that deliberate misspelling of names is trolling and warnings and suspensions have been given.

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I said it before, Clinton should beg Bernie to be her number two. At least then America has a person of integrity whispering in the ear of Madam President.

It will be in one ear and out the other.

Crooked Hillary already knows what she's going to do....obama part 2.

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I was a Bernie supporter because I thought he was nobodys fool. But if he thinks Madam Hillary will listen to what he has to say after she is elected, if she is elected, he is a fool.

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I was a Bernie supporter because I thought he was nobodys fool. But if he thinks Madam Hillary will listen to what he has to say after she is elected, if she is elected, he is a fool.

Well, the platform can be changed somewhat.

As to whether thinks things will be different, well, you know, it's not as if he has much choice now. He lost his bid for the nomination and he wants the democrats to win the presidency. So this is as good as it gets. Cooperation is better.

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So which groups don't want the democrats to unite under Clinton now (as she did win)?

-- Nihilists

-- Vile Monster supporters

Bernie ain't that stupid and he's no nihilist either. Although sadly some of his supporters are.

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C'mon Bernie, don't wh0re yourself to that despicable creature. Make a deal with Trump. You run Independent if he runs Independent. That doubles the candidates on the ballot right there

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Bernie has NOT endorsed the neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters, military/spy/industrial complex and hopefully will not. I will vote for her will suffice, but perhaps he won't even do that. He has pledged to stop the orange monster. This is not about him, it is about changing the direction of politics, particularly the Democrat Party which sold out to Wall Street under the Clinton's earlier reign. Look for fireworks at the convention. This years election is a disgrace and embarrassment to the nation and shows the stupidity of many voters. Dumbing down has worked.

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I believe the Democrats campaign for President was a successful airing of the candidates positions. Hillary Clinton's was successful and she'll make an excellent President of the United States. The campaign was carried out with class with the best candidate being chosen.

From the beginning the Republican campaign has been a joke. One long hilarious joke with the biggest joke of them all triumphantly winning it! The Republican party trotted out 16 of the worst candidates in history, all trying to "out right wing" the other to grab the wingnuts. The wingnuts, as we all know now, make up the Republican base. These are the low-info, old white guys, clinging to their guns, racism, xenophobia, hate and fear.

The Republicans have chosen the worst candidate of them all because he speaks plainly to all those points the Republican base loves so much...hate and fear.

It was a watershed week for the Mr. Trump as he basked in his incorrect prediction of a Muslim terrorist mass shooting. Yeah, it really wasn't a terrorist shooting. It was a garden variety AR-16, crazy American shooting incident against the LGBT community and Trumps victory lap has turned into a walk of shame, as his comments were panned to say the least. Instead of showing one ounce of humanity, he threw his shoulder out, disgustingly patting himself on the back.

Despite the usual effort to walk back his pathetic comments, he doubled down and said them again, as usual. This was too much for even Donald Trump, the nation has seen and heard enough.

Although his defenders have been twisting themselves into logic pretzels, the damage is done and Trumps polling numbers are in free fall. The Republican talk is now, how do we get rid of this guy? The problem there, no one who can possibly save this dumpster file. Ted Cruz? Come on, it's over. Som nom na.

So, we finally have Bernie reading the numbers and seeing he lost. Bernie has absolutely no choice other than to do the right thing and support HRC which completes 2016 Politics of Life.

"Madam President" boys, get use to it.

Edited by Pinot
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Been waiting to unload these. No, assuming you mean Bernie, he isn't a socialist, he will never be under her "spell". Yes, she is the vile neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy industrial complex empress to be. No matter what, unless the fbi actually does its job for a change, the US is in for hell the next 4 yrs. ..................................................   ...........................http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/16/how-clinton-can-fall-in-love-with-free-trade-all-over-again/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=%2AEditors%20Picks.............................. .....................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/clinton-campaign-transformed-democrats-new-republicans.......................... ...........................http://www.nationofchange.org/news/2016/06/15/hillary-wants-bring-back-bill-shouldnt/............................... ...............................http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36413-the-clintons-on-crime................................. ..................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/bernie_sanders_end_of_voting_does_not_mean_end_20160614.............................. ..................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/the_unvetted_hillary_clinton_few_tough_questions_fewer_answers_20160614.................................. .....................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/this_is_not_a_democracy_20160614.......................... .................................http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Problem-with-Hillary-a-by-Janet-Loughrey-Democratic_Democrats_Elections_HILLARY-CONCEDES-160611-270.html................................. ....................................http://inthesetimes.com/article/19196/the-hillary-clinton-vs.-bernie-sanders-fight-has-gotten-nasty.-but-its-not...................... ..................................http://inthesetimes.com/article/19175/bernie-sanderes-should-raise-hell-at-the-democratic-convention............................ .............................http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/10/sanders-supporters-prefer-clinton-to-trump-exclusive-poll ..... Add up the total that would vote for and those that wouldn't 46% would NOT vote for Clinton................................... ......................................http://www.alternet.org/print/grayzone-project/how-hillary-clinton-and-chuck-schumer-are-teaming-nypd-push-police-militarization.........................  ................................http://www.nationofchange.org/news/2016/06/10/dangerously-coherent-hillary-clinton-washingtons-foreign-policy-bubble/......................  ..........................http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Faux-Feminism-of-Hilla-by-Netra-Halperin-Hillary-Clinton_Invasion_Security-160611-315.html.................... ........................http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=203316 ....... Queen of Exceptionalistan.................... .....................Bigotry........ http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=203300..................... ........................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/another-neocon-endorses-clinton................. .....................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/matt-taibbi-democrats-should-pay-attention-sanders-supporters....................... ........................http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/democrats-will-learn-all-the-wrong-lessons-from-brush-with-bernie-20160609.....................  ....................http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36364-why-hillary-clinton-and-the-affordable-care-act-won-t-solve-the-health-care-crisis.................. ...........................http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/sanders-might-leave-the-race-but-not-the-revolution-20160608................... ................................http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/clinton-donor-sensitive-intelligence-board/story?id=39710624.......................

Garbage in ... Garbage out

Glad you could unload.

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I believe the Democrats campaign for President was a successful airing of the candidates positions. Hillary Clinton's was successful and she'll make an excellent President of the United States. The campaign was carried out with class with the best candidate being chosen.

From the beginning the Republican campaign has been a joke. One long hilarious joke with the biggest joke of them all triumphantly winning it! The Republican party trotted out 16 of the worst candidates in history, all trying to "out right wing" the other to grab the wingnuts. The wingnuts, as we all know now, make up the Republican base. These are the low-info, old white guys, clinging to their guns, racism, xenophobia, hate and fear.

The Republicans have chosen the worst candidate of them all because he speaks plainly to all those points the Republican base loves so much...hate and fear.

It was a watershed week for the Mr. Trump as he basked in his incorrect prediction of a Muslim terrorist mass shooting. Yeah, it really wasn't a terrorist shooting. It was a garden variety AR-16, crazy American shooting incident against the LGBT community and Trumps victory lap has turned into a walk of shame, as his comments were panned to say the least. Instead of showing one ounce of humanity, he threw his shoulder out, disgustingly patting himself on the back.

Despite the usual effort to walk back his pathetic comments, he doubled down and said them again, as usual. This was too much for even Donald Trump, the nation has seen and heard enough.

Although his defenders have been twisting themselves into logic pretzels, the damage is done and Trumps polling numbers are in free fall. The Republican talk is now, how do we get rid of this guy? The problem there, no one who can possibly save this dumpster file. Ted Cruz? Come on, it's over. Som nom na.

So, we finally have Bernie reading the numbers and seeing he lost. Bernie has absolutely no choice other than to do the right thing and support HRC which completes 2016 Politics of Life.

"Madam President" boys, get use to it.

Is it legal to smoke/drink/take whatever you're smoking/drinking/taking?

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Been waiting to unload these. No, assuming you mean Bernie, he isn't a socialist, he will never be under her "spell". Yes, she is the vile neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy industrial complex empress to be. No matter what, unless the fbi actually does its job for a change, the US is in for hell the next 4 yrs. ..................................................   ...........................http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/16/how-clinton-can-fall-in-love-with-free-trade-all-over-again/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=New%20Campaign&utm_term=%2AEditors%20Picks.............................. .....................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/clinton-campaign-transformed-democrats-new-republicans.......................... ...........................http://www.nationofchange.org/news/2016/06/15/hillary-wants-bring-back-bill-shouldnt/............................... ...............................http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36413-the-clintons-on-crime................................. ..................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/bernie_sanders_end_of_voting_does_not_mean_end_20160614.............................. ..................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/the_unvetted_hillary_clinton_few_tough_questions_fewer_answers_20160614.................................. .....................................http://www.truthdig.com/report/print/this_is_not_a_democracy_20160614.......................... .................................http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Problem-with-Hillary-a-by-Janet-Loughrey-Democratic_Democrats_Elections_HILLARY-CONCEDES-160611-270.html................................. ....................................http://inthesetimes.com/article/19196/the-hillary-clinton-vs.-bernie-sanders-fight-has-gotten-nasty.-but-its-not...................... ..................................http://inthesetimes.com/article/19175/bernie-sanderes-should-raise-hell-at-the-democratic-convention............................ .............................http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/10/sanders-supporters-prefer-clinton-to-trump-exclusive-poll ..... Add up the total that would vote for and those that wouldn't 46% would NOT vote for Clinton................................... ......................................http://www.alternet.org/print/grayzone-project/how-hillary-clinton-and-chuck-schumer-are-teaming-nypd-push-police-militarization.........................  ................................http://www.nationofchange.org/news/2016/06/10/dangerously-coherent-hillary-clinton-washingtons-foreign-policy-bubble/......................  ..........................http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Faux-Feminism-of-Hilla-by-Netra-Halperin-Hillary-Clinton_Invasion_Security-160611-315.html.................... ........................http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=203316 ....... Queen of Exceptionalistan.................... .....................Bigotry........ http://www.opednews.com/populum/printer_friendly.php?content=a&id=203300..................... ........................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/another-neocon-endorses-clinton................. .....................http://www.alternet.org/print/election-2016/matt-taibbi-democrats-should-pay-attention-sanders-supporters....................... ........................http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/democrats-will-learn-all-the-wrong-lessons-from-brush-with-bernie-20160609.....................  ....................http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/36364-why-hillary-clinton-and-the-affordable-care-act-won-t-solve-the-health-care-crisis.................. ...........................http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/sanders-might-leave-the-race-but-not-the-revolution-20160608................... ................................http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/clinton-donor-sensitive-intelligence-board/story?id=39710624.......................

Garbage in ... Garbage out

Glad you could unload.

No, assuming you mean Bernie, he isn't a socialist

If he's not a socialist then he is a lier. In this video clip he says he is a socialist.

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"it really wasn't a terrorist shooting. It was a garden variety AR-16, crazy American shooting incident against the LGBT community ' #16

If so then why did the Muslim community issue a joint statement condemning this extremist attack? If even Muslim's can own it why can't you say it? Pinot I understand that you don't want to tar every Muslim with the same brush and I agree, but you can't live in total denial either. Why did Mateen mention ISIS in his telephone calls if he wasn't at the very least, inspired by them?


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He has also mentioned that he supported Al Queda, and that he was a member of Hezbollah. These groups are enemies of one another. He also at one point said he knew the Tsarnaev brothers, but it turns out he didn't.

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Bernie is no socialist regardless of the video. Please note he also states he is not nor ever has been a member of the socialist party. He is a democratic socialist, in other words a FDR Democrat. Please try to understand the definition of a socialist and/or socialism. While looking up definitions you might want to try fascist, you know like the Trump. Muslims have already issued a statement condemning this act of terrorism. "It was a garden variety AR-16", no such animal. There are M-16's military and AR-15's civilian semi-auto only. He used neither. He used a Sig Sauer MCX rifle 5.56 and the Glock 17 9mm. And the fumbling bureau of idiots didn't do their job again. Too busy tricking people that would never commit a terroist act into starting to do so. The only thing they are good at. Makes for good propaganda.

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I said it before, Clinton should beg Bernie to be her number two. At least then America has a person of integrity whispering in the ear of Madam President.

The vice president is not the president's "number two". That position is usually the chief of staff.

The vice president has a single government function, president of the Senate who can only vote to break a tie. He does not not set the Senate agenda or decide when votes are taken. Any position he holds in the administration is at the pleasure of the president. The VP job has been described by virtually every previous holder as the least meaningful position they ever had.

The VP is choosen not because he can be a helpful member of the administration, but solely on the basis of getting a demographic that the candidate is weak in to vote for the ticket. Bernie can do that by campaigning for Hillary in the fall.

Bernie is much better to remain in the Senate and now that he has actually joined the Democratic party he can be an effective member of the caucus, of what one can hope, is the Senate majority party.


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Enough with VP shilling. Bernie has already made that clear that VP for him isn't happening. Move on. Sanders can have a role at the convention and working with the Clinton administration. He won't be VP and he certainly will never be president.

I will bring up an issue now.

Universal health care.

Sanders has been for and deep in the past the vile monster was for it.

The vile monster claims he doesn't want to see people die on the streets, but when you look at his thin details, it's the same old republican B.S. and now he wants to kill Obamacare and replace it with republican crap.

Hillary started in politics trying to enact health care access reform.

It's well known Americans like some things about "Obamacare" and hate other things.

It's well known Hillary Clinton lacks excitement.

How about this?

Run on a clear, we're going to have Canadian style universal health care. All you need to do is elect Hillary Clinton and turn the congress and senate.

That's a big part of the Sander's policy, it polls very well, and with right wing pushback you can just say the vile monster has been for this too before, so what exactly is the problem?

OK, I know unlikely ... but putting it out there.

Edited by Jingthing
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