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Now, Illegal to Walk in CM Roads? I Don't THINK So. Please tell it to the MPs !


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What probably happened is you got too close to the secret American military base in Chiang Mai. It's the sister base to the Area 51 base in Nevada....all related to secret outer space alien projects.

On some U.S. Army bases around the world they do have MPs that patrol the bases on bicycle...just easy and cheap to provide security that way. Like below picture of Army MPs on bicycles at a base in South Korea (I don't know what uniform the secret Chiang Mai base MPs use...maybe just regular civilian clothing to blend in better with the expat population). Heck, when I was stationed at Clark AB decades ago the Air Force also used horseback Security Police patrols due to some of the terrain on the base.

So, in the future recommend you do not walk 8Kms down that road as you are getting too close to the secret base, plus crashed alien spacecraft are often transported on that road going to the base for study. Turn around at about the 5Km point and you should be fine. I've said too much already. You've been warned...deadly force may be used next time instead of just a warning.


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Have run into this cowboy o the 121 before , arrogant rude and had an attitude i am god do as i say, asked for passport and visa , luck i had a copy on my phone , threatened take me to police station if i did'nt have on me . Rude and scary . Have heard a few story's about this cowboy . And yes looked and spoke like a yank

"Lucky i had a copy on my phone"

Mind = blown if this is not a big troll thread

I guess if people are going to enable this fruitloop's behaviour then he is going to keep terrorizing the expats around here

Cyclist are all fascists. Even after they made an actual separated bike lane (along the Canal Road) you still see them on the main road, trying to get themselves killed. (I don't think their nationality is relevant here: they're all the same.)

And then when they do get killed they whine about it. They're complete loons, best to pretend to agree and then ignore like you would with anyone with a severe mental health challenge.

There is a radical bike cult in CM at the moment, the Raw till 4 vegan bike fest. is still happening, it is a month long event. IF this incident happened I suspect it was one of them. They are very hard core in their beliefs and are known to confront motorist and anyone that gets in their way. Some are of the mellow hippie variety but many fit the descriptioon in the op.

Maybe but i doubt it, i ride up the mountain and on the whole they look like malnourished pencil neck nerds

Edited by Jdiddy
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Have run into this cowboy o the 121 before , arrogant rude and had an attitude i am god do as i say, asked for passport and visa , luck i had a copy on my phone , threatened take me to police station if i did'nt have on me . Rude and scary . Have heard a few story's about this cowboy . And yes looked and spoke like a yank

"cowboy o the 121"?

Are you serious of just doing a little trolling?

If serious, why did he confront you and why did you comply?

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You answered your own question when you said "Americans regard themselves as policemen of the world". Not just here but everywhere. The average American is not that well educated or intelligent as they portray, so they compensate for his inferiority complex by adopting a superiority complex (Adler. A). You should count yourself lucky that your skin is not too dark, as then, maybe, he would have shot you in the back as you walked away.

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You answered your own question when you said "Americans regard themselves as policemen of the world". Not just here but everywhere. The average American is not that well educated or intelligent as they portray, so they compensate for his inferiority complex by adopting a superiority complex (Adler. A). You should count yourself lucky that your skin is not too dark, as then, maybe, he would have shot you in the back as you walked away.

Lots of trolls are jumping into this topic.

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You answered your own question when you said "Americans regard themselves as policemen of the world". Not just here but everywhere. The average American is not as well educated or intelligent as they portray, so they compensate for this inferiority complex by adopting a superiority complex (Adler. A). Seems this deluded actor falls into that common category.

You should count yourself lucky that your skin is not too dark, as then, maybe, he would have shot you in the back as you walked away.

Edited by mankondang
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Cyclist are all fascists. Even after they made an actual separated bike lane (along the Canal Road) you still see them on the main road, trying to get themselves killed. (I don't think their nationality is relevant here: they're all the same.)

And then when they do get killed they whine about it. They're complete loons, best to pretend to agree and then ignore like you would with anyone with a severe mental health challenge.

Right. As compared to motorists, who are all saintly and sober people who always scrupulously follow all the rules and courtesies of the road.

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How do you know he wasn't from Canada?

In my experience, the Mounties don't act that way.

They don't seem to have quite as much swagger.

I don't think they are fighting any battles at the moment, and so I guess I have not seen their videos similar to the ones of American soldiers in Iraq.

I am sure this guy was not from Quebec City, but possibly Toronto, except the police are pretty friendly there, and do not often act this way, in or out of uniform.

Generalize much? Sherlock couldn't derive such conclusions from so little information. But then you had just been pumped up with religion so evidence may not mean much to you.

Sherlock did not use deductive reasoning to examine clues and then arrive at the culprit. Conan Doyle knew the guy who did it and worked backwards.

For a detailed discussion of the ways in which Sherlock's process differs from deductive inductive etc reasoning, please consult your Internet.

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I think the Canadians have proven their worthiness falls somewhere in between Boiler Room worker and English Teacher...many have been both, and are no stranger to shenanigans, specifically in Chiang Mai. As usual, the Lefty, DisneyWorld educated anti-Americans came out in force, and now all the hatred is about Donald Trump, whom half the Americans don't support. Time for the ignore button, I'm sure I won't be missing anything.

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You answered your own question when you said "Americans regard themselves as policemen of the world". Not just here but everywhere. The average American is not as well educated or intelligent as they portray, so they compensate for this inferiority complex by adopting a superiority complex (Adler. A). Seems this deluded actor falls into that common category.

You should count yourself lucky that your skin is not too dark, as then, maybe, he would have shot you in the back as you walked away.

This is not Alabama, but I think this is probably what it feels like to be told to sit in the back of the bus.

Americans seem to be the defacto policeman of the world, and many Americans assume that this is the natural order of things, given what they see as America's inherent greatness relative to all the other people and country's of the world.

People who are immersed in this culture from birth, and people who are relatively cut off from the input of other countries in the world, tend to act like their beliefs should be accepted by everyone else.

This guy thought I was encroaching on his bike lane, but I had not actually stepped into it.

Rather, I think he believed that his sphere of influence extended out beyond his own borders, and he was just threatening me, to keep me on my toes.

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Cyclist are all fascists. Even after they made an actual separated bike lane (along the Canal Road) you still see them on the main road, trying to get themselves killed. (I don't think their nationality is relevant here: they're all the same.)

And then when they do get killed they whine about it. They're complete loons, best to pretend to agree and then ignore like you would with anyone with a severe mental health challenge.

There is a radical bike cult in CM at the moment, the Raw till 4 vegan bike fest. is still happening, it is a month long event. IF this incident happened I suspect it was one of them. They are very hard core in their beliefs and are known to confront motorist and anyone that gets in their way. Some are of the mellow hippie variety but many fit the descriptioon in the op.

Rest assured, it happened as reported, without embellishment. If I had wanted to stray from the truth, then I might have left the misunderstanding about the uniform as is, and uncorrected.

I was getting close to the canal, about 1 kilometer from Kad Soon Kao.

I actually have a detailed route map of my exact positioning along the way, because I record all my walks, with maps.

I could post it, but not until I photoshop out just a block of it where the incident occurred. I must do this to protect the innocent.

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Have run into this cowboy o the 121 before , arrogant rude and had an attitude i am god do as i say, asked for passport and visa , luck i had a copy on my phone , threatened take me to police station if i did'nt have on me . Rude and scary . Have heard a few story's about this cowboy . And yes looked and spoke like a yank

I don't understand. Did you show him the finger?

Absolutely not.

He was huge.

And, as noted by others, he was mentally ill. No one in their right mind does this.

It was like America's Wild West where some bad guy rides into town.

Maybe he thought he was still sitting in his police cruiser.

Giving him the finger would have been risky.

In the USA, they slam you to the ground, and then stand on your neck.

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Have run into this cowboy o the 121 before , arrogant rude and had an attitude i am god do as i say, asked for passport and visa , luck i had a copy on my phone , threatened take me to police station if i did'nt have on me . Rude and scary . Have heard a few story's about this cowboy . And yes looked and spoke like a yank

I don't understand. Did you show him the finger?

Absolutely not.

He was huge.

And, as noted by others, he was mentally ill. No one in their right mind does this.

It was like America's Wild West where some bad guy rides into town.

Maybe he thought he was still sitting in his police cruiser.

Giving him the finger would have been risky.

In the USA, they slam you to the ground, and then stand on your neck.

Is that all they do.. i always had the impression they shot everyone they wanted to arrest. I am sure you are right that its SOP to slam someone to the ground and stand on your neck over there. You really sound like someone who would never overstate the facts a real honest stand up kinda guy.

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Should of nazi saluted him then told him to eff off, not meekly submitted to him and then hop on your computer and write an embellished novel about it

I wonder how he treats the locals?

Wow, yes...

I had not thought of that.

Can't be as equals, probably.

No one can equal an American.

Probably takes more than one...

I liked Mark Twain.

He was a fine American.

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Had just come from a religious meeting that had lifted his heart.Ermmmmm,over indulged in the ceremonial wine a tad too much.High on happiness to his fellow man.I think high on something else.I dont believe a word of it.The guys crazy,seeing an American Military man in uniform whilst walking in the road?.I dont know what time this was posted,but i bet it wasn't long after closing.Is this the same guy that saw the Malayan flight from his balcony ,hovering over Bangkok or where ever.

Crazy,i tell ya's.

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Had just come from a religious meeting that had lifted his heart.Ermmmmm,over indulged in the ceremonial wine a tad too much.High on happiness to his fellow man.I think high on something else.I dont believe a word of it.The guys crazy,seeing an American Military man in uniform whilst walking in the road?.I dont know what time this was posted,but i bet it wasn't long after closing.Is this the same guy that saw the Malayan flight from his balcony ,hovering over Bangkok or where ever.

Crazy,i tell ya's.

1. I did not say he was in uniform. I said he was a USA MP, based on the same profiling techniques used by all major city police forces in the USA.

2. I have never lived in Bangkok. And never had a balcony there.

3. But I do have a film of aircraft flying low, landing, which I might post in the future, on another topic.

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Have run into this cowboy o the 121 before , arrogant rude and had an attitude i am god do as i say, asked for passport and visa , luck i had a copy on my phone , threatened take me to police station if i did'nt have on me . Rude and scary . Have heard a few story's about this cowboy . And yes looked and spoke like a yank

I don't understand. Did you show him the finger?

Absolutely not.

He was huge.

And, as noted by others, he was mentally ill. No one in their right mind does this.

It was like America's Wild West where some bad guy rides into town.

Maybe he thought he was still sitting in his police cruiser.

Giving him the finger would have been risky.

In the USA, they slam you to the ground, and then stand on your neck.

Is that all they do.. i always had the impression they shot everyone they wanted to arrest. I am sure you are right that its SOP to slam someone to the ground and stand on your neck over there. You really sound like someone who would never overstate the facts a real honest stand up kinda guy.

As far as I know, standing on the neck with knee or foot is now standard takedown procedures for American metropolitan police.

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Maybe I need to explain my motivation for posting this topic?

I do feel very lucky and fortunate to be living in Chiang Mai.

When I go out on my walks, I am guaranteed to find many many people who smile at me, and who are happy to talk to me about the simple pleasures of the day.

I am almost invariably in a good mood.

And I feel accepted, at some level, even though I know that I am still a foreigner.

Some people tell me that this is a unique quality particular to the Thai culture here, and I must admit that I tend to agree.

For me, yesterday was a disappointment, because while having a truly enjoyable walking excursion around the city, I was suddenly brought up short by an example of a different culture I thought I had left behind.

I choose to live in this culture, and I choose to adopt the thinking and ways of this culture.

Ordering others around is not part of Thai culture. It just isn't.

I rarely hang with foreigners, it is true.

And, in the future, I will choose to do my walking in places, such as the mountain trails, where I am unlikely to meet up with tourist types who have not yet had the opportunity to learn the language, the customs, and the courtesy of Thailand.

I have lived only in Chiang Mai City, but I am sure that I will enjoy the opportunity to appreciate more of Chiang Mai province in the future.

The number of tourists, as well as the population of foreigners new to Thailand, is not high. I need not worry that I can not find many other better places to walk which will be more suitable.

When, and if, I begin to miss the feeling of being ordered around, and constricted by things like Baby Onboard bumper stickers, then there is always the Chiang Mai airport, and a United Airlines ticket returning me to where I came from.

Meanwhile, I would suggest to all tourists, no matter from which country they hail, learn a bit about Asia before you arrive.

At the very least, learn at least one Asian language before you come, because it might help you to think before you act in unacceptable ways.

There is plenty of room in Thailand for foreigners who love Asia, but little room for those who do not.

Edited by WonderousWand
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