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Accusations woman harbors ghost escalate into forced exorcism and libel complaint


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Accusations woman harbors ghost escalate into forced exorcism and libel complaint
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter

Nattanida Saengsawang, in black, talks to police officers Monday at Buriram City Police Station.

BURIRAM — For spreading rumors a woman was possessed by a ghost, two residents in the northeast accused of libel Monday.

For years, rumors that Buriram resident Phan Saengsawang was possessed by a pop brought the 52-year-old woman years of hatred and even physical abuse from superstitious neighbors, her daughter alleges in a criminal complaint.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2016/06/20/accusations-woman-ghost-escalate-exorcism-libel-complaint/

-- Khaosod English 2016-06-21

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That's must be one of the most frivolous and just as silly case I ever heard, as you can't prove or disprove

the presence of ghosts....

u can.....theres no evidence for them

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Wouldn't knock them to much.

After all in the west we've got the great sky wizard and A list movie stars who believe that we arrive here 75 million years ago on spacecraft that looked like DC 8s. Just google xenu and see what Travolta and Cruise believe in.

Plenty of whacky things happen outside Thailand also.

The vast majority of Thais believe this, I dont think the vast majority in the U.S believes in Cruise and co's crap although they have an equally stupid creationism which has big support in the sarthhhh.

Its easy to believe anything with no evidence

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Wouldn't knock them to much.

After all in the west we've got the great sky wizard and A list movie stars who believe that we arrive here 75 million years ago on spacecraft that looked like DC 8s. Just google xenu and see what Travolta and Cruise believe in.

Plenty of whacky things happen outside Thailand also.

Yes.... and such lunacy is equally deserving of ridicule.

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A nation's unique culture can be something to be proud of - the 'glue' that binds a people together.

No one can dispute that Thailand has a rich and exotic culture that lures tens of millions of visitors to this country annually - and this is surely a good thing.

However, in every society there is a darker side to its culture that feeds on fear, hatred, intolerance, and ignorance - and this is not good.

In this case, it would seem that authorities are dealing with it appropriately, as the report notes that two people from the same village (as Phan) have been charged with defamation for spreading the rumour about her.

While we may well scoff at this example, we have to accept that Phi Pop have a long tradition in the Thai culture, and we need to remember too that Thais are not alone in believing in magic, spirits, and ghosts!

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" Good evening. This is the News at Ten with me, Trevor McDonald and these are the headlines"


" Accusations woman harbours ghost escalate into forced exorcism and libel complaint..."


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A nation's unique culture can be something to be proud of - the 'glue' that binds a people together.

No one can dispute that Thailand has a rich and exotic culture that lures tens of millions of visitors to this country annually - and this is surely a good thing.

However, in every society there is a darker side to its culture that feeds on fear, hatred, intolerance, and ignorance - and this is not good.

In this case, it would seem that authorities are dealing with it appropriately, as the report notes that two people from the same village (as Phan) have been charged with defamation for spreading the rumour about her.

While we may well scoff at this example, we have to accept that Phi Pop have a long tradition in the Thai culture, and we need to remember too that Thais are not alone in believing in magic, spirits, and ghosts!

Yes, it's always great to play the culture card. It isn't silly or moronic - it's part of our culture. But as we learn more, our cultures change. It's called development.

Only problem is that this is 2016. There are no such things as ghosts. If you wanna believe in ghosts or god, etc, go nuts. Just don't be offended when people laugh at you and dismiss your opinions because they're based off nothing more than primitive rhetoric and old wives' tales.

"If science can't explain it, it must be supernatural or god". No, science can explain it, but we can't. That's why we keep doing scientific experiments. "But why can't we explain it?" Because things we don't understand are not obliged to make sense to us. That's the rationale of a child.

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Wouldn't knock them to much.

After all in the west we've got the great sky wizard and A list movie stars who believe that we arrive here 75 million years ago on spacecraft that looked like DC 8s. Just google xenu and see what Travolta and Cruise believe in.

Plenty of whacky things happen outside Thailand also.

Or about a guy that got crucified and returned to life, there are many types of crazy and none have any proof. So they are all equally crazy.

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If you think your Thai other half is above such nonsense, try whistling at night, preferably somewhere nice and dark. I am assured that "everybody knows" that whistling at night is sure to attract ghosts.

Sometimes my missus' neighbours tell her young nephew that if he's naughty the ghosts will come to visit him. She tells him it's a load of old rubbish and to ignore that kinda talk.

One foreigner told me that it was a good idea to use ghosts as a deterrent. Always shocking to hear foreigners spout such rubbish. No, we won't threaten him with ghosts and goblins when he stays with us. We'll simply take away certain luxuries and privileges that he enjoys. That always works and he won't grow up wasting a single second thinking about ghosts.

What about telling kids about Father Christmas in the west? Yea, I'm yet to meet anyone older than 10 who still believes in Father Christmas. It's called 'growing up'.

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Wouldn't knock them to much.

After all in the west we've got the great sky wizard and A list movie stars who believe that we arrive here 75 million years ago on spacecraft that looked like DC 8s. Just google xenu and see what Travolta and Cruise believe in.

Plenty of whacky things happen outside Thailand also.

Or about a guy that got crucified and returned to life, there are many types of crazy and none have any proof. So they are all equally crazy.

You mean, a bit like Jon Snow?

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yes there might be some nutters in the west, but we dont pop along to the police station to try and make a case against them and get a cringing "photo call"

If some nutter in the west grabbed me and forced me to go through an exorcism involving physical abuse, I would be down the police station asap.

BTW no mention whether the exorcism worked.

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Wouldn't knock them to much.

After all in the west we've got the great sky wizard and A list movie stars who believe that we arrive here 75 million years ago on spacecraft that looked like DC 8s. Just google xenu and see what Travolta and Cruise believe in.

Plenty of whacky things happen outside Thailand also.

Or about a guy that got crucified and returned to life, there are many types of crazy and none have any proof. So they are all equally crazy.

You mean, a bit like Jon Snow?

Yes exactly, but everyone understands that that was just a TV Series (one that I like) but not real. But for some reason they keep believing that the guy that was crucified and came back was for real and the son of god. Never was there 1 piece of evidence that its true, just like in this case with the Thai. I don't see the difference between the two kinds of crazy. Just because more fools believe it does not make it any more true without proof.

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