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Besides being cremated, what other methods are available in Thailand

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There seem to be a growing number of places here that you can go to where your body will never be found again. Not sure where it goes but just know its dealt with.

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In Chiang Mai they have the foreigners graveyard,where if you are a long term

resident,you can buy a plot,got mine bought already,as I don't want to be

cremated,and definitely not shipped back to the UK, it cost 15k,but i think

the price has gone up since then.not sure if there are others around Thailand.

regards worgeordie

And some people think it is impossible for a foreigner to own land here. thumbsup.gif

My church has plots available to members. The land still belongs to the church and, in theory, your plot is yours for 30 years ... although there are occupants there who have been in "residence" for longer than that.


Not precisely on topic but i wish there was some provision for sky burials or natural organic burials in thailand.

Off the westcoast of British Columbia where we go each summer, the First Nations used to 'bury' people on cedar platforms in the trees with a few of their favourite possessions. If I croak there, that would be my first choice, recorded in my will, and I have a few doc friends who have said they'll do the paperwork. I fed the birds in this life and I'd like to keep feeding them in the next.

That said, I might die here. And I don't want my family to incur the extra expence of accomplishing such a BC tree burial from long distance. I agree though; burning is just more pollution.

You might like to read my article on immolation here: http://kyotoreview.org/issue-19/nonviolent-action-the-ultimate-sacrifice/.

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just like owning land on the moon

No, it's a different atmosphere completely.

The gravity of that comment may be lost on some people smile.png

Lunatics would get it.


Those Chinese cemeteries you have to be members of the Association associated with the cemetery be buried there...also most are family plots. All Thai temples have nitches in them but I'm not sure what it takes to have one's ashes interred there. Most farangs I know, when the time comes, get fired-up and then the remains dumped in the ocean. There's a temple on the oceanside of town just as one enters Pattaya on the highway that has a long pier jutting into the ocean that is often used for this purpose. I sent off two friends here personally.

However, if I were you, I wouldn't wouldn't worry about it as you're hardly likely to care what happens to your corpse after you're dead.

Most people worry about these things not for themselves.....but for those who will be left with the task of disposing of one's body....money being the major concern. Would't want them to have to come up with the money to pay for everything after your gone (although it's amazing how many people share your sentiments).


They have started a new green process in Canada. They dissolve your body in some kind of solvent like acid strain it and dump the liquid down the sewer. They then crush the big bones. There is a suggestion for budding entrepraneurs who want to start a new exciting business here. There should be a never ending supply of customers.

The ultimate next step is soylent green - coming to a store near you.

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You can get regular burial or get shipped home, too. I have experience with all kinds of procedures incl. sea burial / ashes etc. Worked with several Funeral Services. By far the best and in most cases also the most affordable was/is Allison Monk Funeral Home Services, Kh. Dau. Fantastic service from A to Z. All documents, police reports, embassy, airlines, temple photos, morgue and autopsy issues etc. And not 1 Baht extra with constant updates. Perfectly happy and recommend them often. MS>

You don't mention the freight costs involved. Already discussed several times before on TV and it's far from cheap.


They have started a new green process in Canada. They dissolve your body in some kind of solvent like acid strain it and dump the liquid down the sewer. They then crush the big bones. There is a suggestion for budding entrepraneurs who want to start a new exciting business here. There should be a never ending supply of customers.

Who do you get the franchise from - Walter White ?

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My uncle Willie arranged to be cremated and his ashes placed in a large bronze standing ash tray and he donated the rather expensive bronze artifact to his local cigar store. He wanted people to think he was gaining weight after his death.


Cryogenics. Get the wife or partner to put your body in the freezer after you die, and if no major power cuts and the freezer lasts for the next 400 years, technology may have found a way to resurrect you by then.

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You can get regular burial or get shipped home, too. I have experience with all kinds of procedures incl. sea burial / ashes etc. Worked with several Funeral Services. By far the best and in most cases also the most affordable was/is Allison Monk Funeral Home Services, Kh. Dau. Fantastic service from A to Z. All documents, police reports, embassy, airlines, temple photos, morgue and autopsy issues etc. And not 1 Baht extra with constant updates. Perfectly happy and recommend them often. MS>

You don't mention the freight costs involved. Already discussed several times before on TV and it's far from cheap.

All this can easily be done by friends and relatives of the deceased. After the police are done, have the body sent to a temple to be cremated and then the ashes can be stored or returned to nature or if the family wishes to receive them "back home," they can easily be sent by mail. This can all be done for about US $ 1000.


Our local hit man suggested a cement block tied to the ankles and then dumped at any klong, lake or sea. He has experience and will do just about anything for a price. He's a helpful sort of guy like that.

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Not precisely on topic but i wish there was some provision for sky burials or natural organic burials in thailand. my wish would be for my corpse to decompose naturally and return to the soil in the earth in a natural way. in this way, my organic matter can provide nourishment to other creatures during decomposition and then come "back to life" in the beauty of a plant or tree. there are cemateries in the west that place the unadorned corpse in a shallow burial to facilitate this natural decomposition.

a sky burial, where the corpse is left out for scavengers to feed on is another natural alternative. another attractive option is some places mix the creamation remains with cement to make large "reef-balls" that are dropped into the ocean to make or rehabilitate artificial coral reefs. all of these options seem preferable to being pumped full of preservatives and left in a box in the ground to slowly putrify into some mushy goo.

Agree about the organic burial. You might be interested in this>> http://urbandeathproject.org/


In Chiang Mai they have the foreigners graveyard,where if you are a long term

resident,you can buy a plot,got mine bought already,as I don't want to be

cremated,and definitely not shipped back to the UK, it cost 15k,but i think

the price has gone up since then.not sure if there are others around Thailand.

regards worgeordie

And some people think it is impossible for a foreigner to own land here. thumbsup.gif

Actually it is owned I believe by the British Embassy and vested in a trust but one of the members here knows a lot more about that and may like to tell us. Otherwise do a search of past theads



There should be more choice for Atheists like me. There's an opportunity there. Crocodile party, sharkfest, or maybe acid bath. I believe sending your ashes into space is still an option too. Isn't that where Timothy Leary went?


I believe a popular option is to be fed to the crocodiles. Ask your closest friendly wiseguy for details.

I prefer the BBQ myself, relatives get a few bones as a souvenir.

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That urban death project is cool. I want to do that and have my compost used at a ganja farm. That way I can finally enter people's minds.

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When i die,i want my girl friend to be so upset, that she has to drop out of school for the day to attend my funeral. But i have loved reading some of the posts here about this.Especially the one about a felang owning land.

Other than that,bugger the lot of you!'cos i'm gonna live forever.Ha!


I would like to die on the same day as my TW , then we could get buried on a Pattaya beach and be inturd together.

In turd? you expecting a lot of crap on the beach?

There once was a man named McBride,

Who fell in an outhouse and died,,

And he had a brother

Who fell in another,

And now they're inturd side-by-side


Given the number of sock puppet accounts a lot on TV members would just cease to exist and not have to worry about buried in the ground or cremated as they dont exist


There should be more choice for Atheists like me. There's an opportunity there. Crocodile party, sharkfest, or maybe acid bath. I believe sending your ashes into space is still an option too. Isn't that where Timothy Leary went?

If you were a true aethist you wouldnt even question what happens to your mortal remains, you die you go to the worms on way or the other

When i die, i dont care what happens....i am dead


In Chiang Mai they have the foreigners graveyard,where if you are a long term

resident,you can buy a plot,got mine bought already,as I don't want to be

cremated,and definitely not shipped back to the UK, it cost 15k,but i think

the price has gone up since then.not sure if there are others around Thailand.

regards worgeordie

And some people think it is impossible for a foreigner to own land here. thumbsup.gif

Even so is more likely to be either a lease or well shared title !rolleyes.gif

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