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Controversial “Foreign National Information Form” arrives in Pattaya, being rolled out nationwide

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Sorry, can't be bothered to read 212 replies.....

So please forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

The form needs changing to include a post code in all address data!

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Sorry, can't be bothered to read 212 replies.....

So please forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

The form needs changing to include a post code in all address data!

And a page for finger prints and an iris scan.

Sorry, can't be bothered to read 212 replies.....

So please forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

The form needs changing to include a post code in all address data!

And a page for finger prints and an iris scan.

Are you the same Wilson in that excellent film Cast Away LOL


the next of kin requirment in your home country is a good idea, also asks the same thing in your passport

your family in your home country has a right to be informed if you have jumped off a balcony


Sorry, can't be bothered to read 212 replies.....

So please forgive me if this has already been mentioned.

The form needs changing to include a post code in all address data!

And a page for finger prints and an iris scan.

Are you the same Wilson in that excellent film Cast Away LOL

I am that football.

What's next? Reports on our conduct by the hotel staff? Taps on our phone calls? Reviews of all of our email correspondence? Even my US security clearance application didn't ask for some of these private details. Asking the places that I frequent seems particularly inane. The only reliable way to obtain these details is through professional surveilance. Individually provided information will never be reliable. As others have pointed out, providing name, DOB and bank account details can be perilous. It was just a while ago that personal information was hacked from the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, D.C. and I doubt that the storage location of our personal details in Bangkok will be more secure than the American networks. Identity theft can be a nightmare! I simply will not provide most of the information. Some places in the USA are still using my mother's maiden name and my place of birth to verify my identity when I call in. I'm not going to give those away to the Thai government. They simply are not savvy about how dangerous identity theft is,


(...) As others have pointed out, providing name, DOB and bank account details can be perilous. It was just a while ago that personal information was hacked from the Office of Personnel Management in Washington, D.C. and I doubt that the storage location of our personal details in Bangkok will be more secure than the American networks.(...)

Well, such information has leaked already: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/906324-personal-details-of-hundreds-of-foreigners-in-thailand-leaked-online/


If every tourists has to fill this out, we should see tourist numbers falling soonly.

And why oh why is a photo needed? Is the photo they take at the immigration desk not enough? As usual, nothing is ever thought through.

Tourists generally don't extend visas or do 90 day reports.

Agreed. I wonder if Thai Elite Visa Members will have to do this? Of course nobody is sure what has to be done. But giving bank account details? That is never going to happen to any large extent, even for the most straight arrow, toe the line people. Never mind the nuttiness of the other information asked for.


the next of kin requirment in your home country is a good idea, also asks the same thing in your passport

your family in your home country has a right to be informed if you have jumped off a balcony

It is not a bad idea, but some people have few if any surviving kin, or don't have any that they would trust with anything important, or that they keep in touch with. Having a contact person of course is always a good idea in case of emergencies, but the person I use is somebody with much more means than any of my kin or relatives, and he has traveled the world, has a passport, is an engineer and an MD. So in an emergency, he is one heck of a reliable backup!


the next of kin requirment in your home country is a good idea, also asks the same thing in your passport

your family in your home country has a right to be informed if you have jumped off a balcony

It is not a bad idea, but some people have few if any surviving kin, or don't have any that they would trust with anything important, or that they keep in touch with. Having a contact person of course is always a good idea in case of emergencies, but the person I use is somebody with much more means than any of my kin or relatives, and he has traveled the world, has a passport, is an engineer and an MD. So in an emergency, he is one heck of a reliable backup!
If you think anything about this is good. You need your head examined.

The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO


A wild guess would be that bluebluewater sees a future TV story exposing the wholesale systematic plundering of residents' bank accounts and other assets which has been undertaken by "persons unknown" apparently using information gleaned from these forms. It's just a wild guess tho'... ...probably never happen....

Good point but it makes no difference. We already give up most of our bank account details and lots more besides every time we go for our yearly extensions. And if expats have worries about the security of their money in Thai banks then they best to stop applying for their extensions as well, because these new forms are going to the same people.

With world terrorism and many criminals getting into Thailand, it can be expected that the situation is going to become a lot worse. People either accept it or they don`t as there is nothing we can do about it.


This updated information will help us catch foreigners faster,”

Interesting statement.

Catch foriegners faster, for What? And Why? They're terrifying in their gestapo like intrusion, but they're clowns. Absolute clowns.

the next of kin requirment in your home country is a good idea, also asks the same thing in your passport

your family in your home country has a right to be informed if you have jumped off a balcony

It is not a bad idea, but some people have few if any surviving kin, or don't have any that they would trust with anything important, or that they keep in touch with. Having a contact person of course is always a good idea in case of emergencies, but the person I use is somebody with much more means than any of my kin or relatives, and he has traveled the world, has a passport, is an engineer and an MD. So in an emergency, he is one heck of a reliable backup!

Do you actually believe that in the event something bad happens to you, immigration are going to inform your next of kin? Are you trying to kid yourself or us?

This is just more government bureaucracy to keep controls on us. It`s like the Internet when we have to click accept to subscribe or use a service, don`t accept then get lost, you`re out in the cold. There are choices but in fact we have no choices at all.


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO


A wild guess would be that bluebluewater sees a future TV story exposing the wholesale systematic plundering of residents' bank accounts and other assets which has been undertaken by "persons unknown" apparently using information gleaned from these forms. It's just a wild guess tho'... ...probably never happen....

Good point but it makes no difference. We already give up most of our bank account details and lots more besides every time we go for our yearly extensions. And if expats have worries about the security of their money in Thai banks then they best to stop applying for their extensions as well, because these new forms are going to the same people.

With world terrorism and many criminals getting into Thailand, it can be expected that the situation is going to become a lot worse. People either accept it or they don`t as there is nothing we can do about it.

You do do You? You think this global regression is about the war on terror? I guess all our ancestors at Normandy fought for nothing then. Which famous American said "those who give up freedom for security deserve Niether?"

But you're fine with that. What a boss and baller you Are!

You do do You? You think this global regression is about the war on terror? I guess all our ancestors at Normandy fought for nothing then. Which famous American said "those who give up freedom for security deserve Niether?"

But you're fine with that. What a boss and baller you Are!

I`m not fine with any of it. In fact I hate it. These days I feel that everything I do is being sent to a head office somewhere, my business transactions are being recorded, everything I do socially is being noted somewhere, every time I buy something that has a bar code it`s being logged into some company`s computer and that information is being passed on to god knows who, even my medical records I`m sure are accessible to certain agencies and who knows what else.

It`s to do with a multitude of reasons, terrorism prevention, controls by governments and big companies. It stinks to high heaven, but what do you suppose we can do about it in this wonderful technological age of efficiency and progress?


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO

You , and all who liked you post should be aware, it says at the top of the form, "Providing false information to an officer, shall be punished under Penal Code."

What a thoroughly unpleasant individual you portray yourself to be (the quote above plus your previous mutterings in this thread). I sicerely hope I never have the opportunity to meet you. So, below are a couple more quotes for you to ponder, as you appear to be quite happy to kowtow to every command and demand put upon you.

Personally, if information is requested from me, and provided that a clear and reasonable explanation is given for the need for that information, I have no objection to providing such information, allbeit that such information does not jeopardise my own well-being. I have nothing to hide. In relation to this current information request from Thai Immigration, no clear and reasonable explanation has been provided, and the information provided MAY indeed jeopardise my own well-being. As such, Immigration will receive the bare essentials (information that they already have to hand, if they were not too lazy to locate it themselves). The remainder will be gibberish.

And so to the quotes, dear smotherb... ponder them as you drift off into your peaceful, unenlightened slumber this evening;

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." Pastor Niemöller

I am so happy to hear of your envy of my mutterings. Please do continue.

So, you believe commenting on the risks of providing false information to immigration--especially when it is plainly stated right on the form-- is the act of an unpleasant individual. I wonder what scurrilous thoughts you may have of an individual who will provide only the bare essentials then provide nothing but gibberish. Try re-reading my comments, after you extract your head.


OK, so the form says bank account stuff for certain visas or extensions. Two scenarios:

1: If I go there on a SETV, single entry tourist visa I get in advance from the USA, then after 60 days I want to extend it for the remaining 30 days, they would then expect this information

2: If I fly in and get the standard 30 day visa exemption, then after 30 days go to immigration to purchase the extra 30 day extension, would that be one of the cases where they would want the bank stuff?

Just wondering, because of course it makes no sense, but in any case, there is no way I would give out banking account details.


Im not giving my bank account details. If it's time to move to Cambodia. So be it.

I really can't believe that anybody is going to give out these details. It is an incredibly bad idea. I would never do it. Even giving out Name, Middle Initial, Date of Birth is considered very sensitive personal information these days. I can't wait to hear from the first group of people that do not provide the information, or that provide some bogus or fake information and later the Thai authorities penalize them for that.


- Make of car/motorcycle, model, colour, license plate number.
- Frequently visited places such as clubs, restaurants, shops, hospital.

These are the only 2 answers extra they asking of me they have all the other info already.

Don't see it as any probs other than more paper. blink.png


The only part I care about is the bank details. I don't care what information they have about me but I do not trust them to keep my bank account details secure.

Not at all bothered about Bank details, have 3 accounts at different Banks here so would put down the one that has very little money in + do not have a ATM for that account = 100% correct details if anyone wants to check. as had it for years in my name...

like everything there are ways around without giving any false info


Is this an example of Military Intelligence?

Why don't they just Google it. Mr Google can tell them your favourite bar, websites, phone number, and when you had your last massage.


What's your mum and dads name?

What's your address in your home country?

What's your next of kin's name and address?

Okay, google your name, your mum and dads name, your address in your home country with the words facebook, twitter, instagram. Voila!

Your whole life unravels.

Authorities have the technology to hack all your facebook accounts.


Add a bank account to the mix. You can be fitted up good and proper for any crime or mister meaner.

Also, any opinion you have has to be carefully thought out. Basically your options are limited and all you can say to your family is how the weather is in Thailand.

You are being watched. Your facebook account is being watched as is your families, if they have access to your facebook account they can also get access to your email accounts.

Bank accounts details build up a picture of where you go, what you buy, so a trip to Nana plaza will show up if you use the atm there.

Even the internet provider you use will show every website you have visited.

The list goes on.

This is a privacy issue.

My advice is to give minimal information. Change facebook account's, twitter, etc to another name. When talking about confidential information use the telephone or write a letter. Also think of purchasing encription software or a good proxy service.

The more they probe us for information the more defensive we should be.

If you have suspicions that your facebook account or other accounts has been compromised then contact facebook or the other social network provider. They can confirm you suspicion.


The chances of them receiving any truthful information from me is ZIPPO

You , and all who liked you post should be aware, it says at the top of the form, "Providing false information to an officer, shall be punished under Penal Code."

What a thoroughly unpleasant individual you portray yourself to be (the quote above plus your previous mutterings in this thread). I sicerely hope I never have the opportunity to meet you. So, below are a couple more quotes for you to ponder, as you appear to be quite happy to kowtow to every command and demand put upon you.

Personally, if information is requested from me, and provided that a clear and reasonable explanation is given for the need for that information, I have no objection to providing such information, allbeit that such information does not jeopardise my own well-being. I have nothing to hide. In relation to this current information request from Thai Immigration, no clear and reasonable explanation has been provided, and the information provided MAY indeed jeopardise my own well-being. As such, Immigration will receive the bare essentials (information that they already have to hand, if they were not too lazy to locate it themselves). The remainder will be gibberish.

And so to the quotes, dear smotherb... ponder them as you drift off into your peaceful, unenlightened slumber this evening;

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me." Pastor Niemöller

I am so happy to hear of your envy of my mutterings. Please do continue.

So, you believe commenting on the risks of providing false information to immigration--especially when it is plainly stated right on the form-- is the act of an unpleasant individual. I wonder what scurrilous thoughts you may have of an individual who will provide only the bare essentials then provide nothing but gibberish. Try re-reading my comments, after you extract your head.

Envy? I think not, my dear smotherb. Your passive-aggressive posting style is shown again. I am not going to derail this vitally important thread for those of us who have lived here long-term by denegrating it to a slanging match. So, I shall leave you with another quote, this time to be enjoyed over your morning coffee;

"Go placidly amid the noise and haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others,

even the dull and the ignorant;

they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,

they are vexations to the spirit....." Disiderata

Goodbye, smotherb, for I believe that we will not cross paths again, and if they do, it will be too soon.

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