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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that

Image: Thairath

UBON RATCHATHANI: -- A male teacher in Ubon was caught on video bashing a female high school student over the head. The clip was posted online on Wednesday causing a lot of comment on social media.

Meanwhile the girl who was hit begged for the clip to be taken down saying that she was in the wrong and the teacher was only doing his job in dishing out punishment, reported Thairath. Others online supported the teacher too.


The clip was filmed on a phone by fellow students at the school in the Khemarat district of the north eastern Thai province on Tuesday. Apparently the students were in violation of a rule forbidding the wearing of long trousers on a Tuesday. They were flouting the regulation because they didn't want to wear skirts for a classical dance class.

The teacher in the clip follows the girls and goes up to one and hits her hard once around the head before talking to her.

The girl posted on Facebook: "It was us in the clip, it really happened. I was in the wrong. I wasn't badly hurt. The teacher was just doing his job. Please don't misunderstand what you saw. Please delete the clip. It is not good and is causing everyone a lot of trouble....please."

Many people in the district who went online came to the defence of the teacher saying he was a good person and likewise appealed for the clip to be taken down.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-06-23

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I remember a girl here who was often beaten by her boyfriend. She told her friends and they asked "well, what did you do wrong?"

Mentalities need to change. Hitting women and/or children is completely wrong. I don't care what the culture is.

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I understand the girls response.....At that age very young thais are in the midst of the brainwashing process...As they get older reality sets in a lot more and they start

to become conflicted.Society,and it's various social layers can lead to confusion and frustration.....A little bit like....'do as i say,not what i do'...

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If there really is a need to discipline girls over wearing the wrong clothing then that should be left to a female teacher.

Taking the girl into the trees to beat her.....?

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

I'm sure if it becomes a national problem the govt will set up a committee(s).

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

I'm sure if it becomes a national problem the govt will set up a committee(s).

With the usual dozens of useless meeting

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No teacher should ever strike a student anywhere no matter what.

It is always wrong.

As for the students "offence", I think they had a good point.

Should they not be allowed to wear trousers if they are in a class such as dancing?

If long trousers are banned on a Tuesday, then dance classes should not be held then.

It's not rocket science, or even high school science for that matter.

Co-ordinating trousers and dancing on the same day might just be too difficult for some

I'm sure if it becomes a national problem the govt will set up a committee(s).

With the usual dozens of useless meeting

At a 5 Star hotel ! gigglem.gif

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

The problem with this many teachers begin to enjoy it....I've seen it and to be honest,this is old school thinking.

discipline starts at home.....

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And here is the law regarding this brutality! thumbsup.gif

Thai Law against corporal punishment in schools
Corporal punishment is unlawful in all schools under the Ministry of Education
Regulation on Student Punishment (2005) and the National Committee on Child
Protection Regulation on Working Procedures of Child Protection Officers Involved
in Promoting Behaviour of Students (2005), pursuant to article 65 of the Child
Protection Act.
การลงโทษทางกายเปน*สงผดกฎหมายในโรงเรยน* ตามกฎกระทรวงศกษาธการ (..
2548) และ ระเบยบคณะกรรมการค$%มครองเด'กแห(งชาต
(.. 2548) ตามมาตรา 65 แห(งพระราชบ*ญญ*ตค$%มครองเด'ก
1, This applies to ALL schools in Thailand with NO exceptions be they public
or private institutions! If a school tells you different then they are wrong
and you should be wary of schools who are ignorant of the law.
ถ%าโรงเรยนใดแจ%งให%ท(านทราบต(างไปจากน1 แสดงว(าโรงเรยนเหล(าน*1นไม(ถ7กต%อง
2. There is no such thing as a parental opt out. Individuals cannot "opt
out" of the law of the land. Any teacher who hits a child with parental
permission is STILL breaking the law.
ไม(มการเล5อกปฏบ*ตจากผ7%ปกครอง ไม(มบ$คคลใดถ7ก "เล5อกปฏบ*ต"
3. That parents of children who are hit can demand financial compensation
from the school. (nothing like money to make parents become more active).
บอกผ7%ปกครอง โดยผ7%ปกครองสามารถเรยกร%องค(าชดเชยจากโรงเรยน
4. The new Women`s and Child protection Unit of the Royal Thai police waht to
catch and punish teachers who hit kids (they are beinhd the website)
ขอบค$ณมาก เราสามารถกย$ตการลงโทษทางกายได%
5. Remember a teacher who hits a child has broken the law and you are
entitled to protection from people who commit a crime.
โปรดจ9าไว%ว(า คร7ทตเด'กน*1นท9าผดกฎหมาย
6. You should NOT respect people who break the law.
7. You should report all events of teachers hitting kids to your local
8. The Thai Ministry of Education recommends that children who have been hit
by a teacher to report the matter. See the MOE website below (it is in
กระทรวงศกษาธการแนะน9าให%น*กเรยนทถ7กคร7ตร%องเรยน โปรดอ(านเวบไซต,ของ ศธ.
ด%านล(างน1 (เปนภาษาไทย)
9. Corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand. Any teacher who hits a child
is breaking the law. If you break the law you are committing a crime. If you
commit a crime you are a *criminal*!
คร7คนใดก'ตามทตเด'กถ5อว(าก9าล*งท9าผดกฎหมาย ถ%าค$ณท9าผดกฎหมาย
ค$ณก'ก9าล*งก(ออาชญากรรม ถ%าค$ณก(ออาชญากรรม ค$ณก'ค5อ*อาชญากร*!

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

People shouldn't be hitting each other, on any part of the body, for any reason. One of the reasons this country is so bloody violent is because hitting is still seen as a way to settle matters. After many many years of research(started even before you were born) people have finally discovered that violence doesn't solve anything.

One of the reasons you still believe that it works is because you were hit as a kid. Deep down inside the scars are still there

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

The problem with this many teachers begin to enjoy it....I've seen it and to be honest,this is old school thinking.

discipline starts at home.....

Agreed but all to often discipline doesn't start at home as far too many parents totally abrogate parental responsibilities.

Remember the proposal to start classes on parenting including how to speak to your children !

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The clip should be on all TV stations. The teacher struck off and the clip used in teacher training on how not to treat your students. the poor girl is now getting grief, probably from all sides like the school, parents, etc. She should be sat down and said. it is not your fault. this is the wrong behavior from a teacher. Well done to the person showing the clip. So lets wait and see what the Governments reaction is.coffee1.gif

Some serious attitude adjust is required for the teacher.

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I'm sorry, but some kids are in need of a few smacks in the head to get their brain processing. I do think that using your hands to strike a student is wrong though. Roll up a paper or something at least. Enough to get their attention and understand their actions are wrong, but not going to hurt after.

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It's not just about a teacher hitting a student issue here, it's more than that.

Can you hear the boys laughing in the background? Although one of them uses a derogatory term, they still laugh. It seems to be quite common, even acceptable here for men to hit out at ladies.

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The children are running away from the teacher. One stops, teacher walks up and sucker punches/swats her in the head. Thats assault pure and simple. He should be charged and at minimum fired. The fact the victom accepts the physical violence shows there is physcological / mental abuse here as well.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

The problem with this many teachers begin to enjoy it....I've seen it and to be honest,this is old school thinking.

discipline starts at home.....

Agreed but all to often discipline doesn't start at home as far too many parents totally abrogate parental responsibilities.

Remember the proposal to start classes on parenting including how to speak to your children !

Kind of like the US where the preparation material for some Kindergarten schools include develolmental notes like ''You should hug your child'' :blink:

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I just come back from a "clarification": Teacher smacked my daughter and all the other kids of the class with a ruler. She was very disturbed and scared (the psychological effect of being lined up was more harmful than the (little) physical pain). Though she was the only one who even spoke with the parents.

First I explained the mechanism of abuse to her, assured that I ALWAYS will stand behind her at any cost. Also encouraged her to refuse next time, step out and call me immediately, while waiting at the principals office in the meantime.

Then slept over it, 2 nights to manage my temper. Then went to meet "Khun Kru". Told her in Thai, that I do not appreciate that and that she shall leave my daughter but discuss any matter with me. The teacher got defensive, tried to explain to me, that it was all the kids fault. So I had to make myself very clear in English and let her stood.

Not a nice episode.

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