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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

Sore losers like you. Democracy has always been the majority be it one or millions as in this case. Lets hope we old codgers live long enough to see which side is right. It has sure opened up a can of worms. Right wingers are coming out of the wood wood work left and right asking for similar referendums. Its the dawn of a new era. We the people for the people not for the rich and greedy. We are a little late to the party to reclaim what is ours but we will prevail over time. The tide is turning in our favor.

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No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

Sore losers like you. Democracy has always been the majority be it one or millions as in this case. Lets hope we old codgers live long enough to see which side is right. It has sure opened up a can of worms. Right wingers are coming out of the wood wood work left and right asking for similar referendums. Its the dawn of a new era. We the people for the people not for the rich and greedy. We are a little late to the party to reclaim what is ours but we will prevail over time. The tide is turning in our favor.

Do you believe the "Leave " camp had no vested interest? We the people should read we the puppets.


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

You make a good argument but in the end its democracy and the people have spoken live with it. Hmm never go into a situation where there is a possibility of loosing, ill informed individuals? spoken like a true capitalist. Put them in chains feed them scraps and beat them if they do not produce? We live in a divided world that the rich want to stream line into a global unit. Guess this has set them back a few years. What a pity.


So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

They gained the opportunity to blame the UK government for any future trouble and they lost the opportunity to blame the EU.

Oh, and gold went up..., for a while.


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

Sore losers like you. Democracy has always been the majority be it one or millions as in this case. Lets hope we old codgers live long enough to see which side is right. It has sure opened up a can of worms. Right wingers are coming out of the wood wood work left and right asking for similar referendums. Its the dawn of a new era. We the people for the people not for the rich and greedy. We are a little late to the party to reclaim what is ours but we will prevail over time. The tide is turning in our favor.

your post reads like something straight out of the 'NSDAP' proclamations...


So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

They gained the opportunity to blame the UK government for any future trouble and they lost the opportunity to blame the EU.

Oh, and gold went up..., for a while.

I tend to agree. Can only moan about ourselves. In general reading subjects on the forum informs me that everyone who is not a national from my country is stupid.

Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

People benefited are the people who don't want to get done over by unelected Brussels swill. Time for Britain to make its own decisions and do well out of it too. Who didn't benefit in the short term, people living in Thailand on a pension or on British Pound income. If you don't like it it maybe its time to go home and vote in Brexit. Oh too late, I forgot.


So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

They gained the opportunity to blame the UK government for any future trouble and they lost the opportunity to blame the EU.

Oh, and gold went up..., for a while.

I tend to agree. Can only moan about ourselves. In general reading subjects on the forum informs me that everyone who is not a national from my country is stupid.

Dah what did you say? Can you repeat that? Stupid is as stupid does.


I am German and sure the vote would have been different if Merkel would not have started the open arms policy. More and more countries in Europe revolt against her policy to let everybody come into their countries and rightfully so.


Pensioners in the UK voted overwhelmingly to exit. Meanwhile their counterparts who choose to live on pensions around the world will suffer as a result. Countries that allow foreign pensioners to buy property like Spain will suffer. Many will get their wish with Cameron's departure. Boris will be the PM by october. Scotland will be given a referendum again...they have to be . Scotland will be out of the uk by the end of 2017. This is what you get if you believe asking the people is the right thing to do. You are better off with a kind hearted general. Soon enough they will start believing in referenda on all sorts of things. Like capital punishment. I like the idea of cheap holidays in the UK but why would you want to go there when you can get the EPL through the internet?


The big thing is and always was the ability to make its own laws and decisions. Within the EU Brussels could make sweeping laws that everyone had to follow no matter what.


Turkeys voting for Christmas,

The cliff edge is disappearing beneath the feet of the lemmings, hope they enjoy the fall because the sudden stop is going to hurt like hell


Who benefited?

Xenophobes, racists, people wanting to buy GBP.

People benefited are the people who don't want to get done over by unelected Brussels swill. Time for Britain to make its own decisions and do well out of it too. Who didn't benefit in the short term, people living in Thailand on a pension or on British Pound income. If you don't like it it maybe its time to go home and vote in Brexit. Oh too late, I forgot.

The time to go home argument? F all pensioners? I'm all right Jack?




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

a overall weaker Pound will make imported goods 8% cheaper? huh.png


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

You make a good argument but in the end its democracy and the people have spoken live with it. Hmm never go into a situation where there is a possibility of loosing, ill informed individuals? spoken like a true capitalist. Put them in chains feed them scraps and beat them if they do not produce? We live in a divided world that the rich want to stream line into a global unit. Guess this has set them back a few years. What a pity.

Johnny's got a point. It shouldn't have gone to referendum as it is an incredibly complicated situation, not just a simple stay or go. It was much easier for the Leave camp to blame all the country's ills on being a part of the EU, and much harder on the Stay camp to articulate the benefits of basically "doing nothing" and keeping things as is.

As an American, I don't much care what the Brits do. But there will be some serious short term pain. Long term? Not sure...and anyone who can guarantee that things will be better is just making up tall tales.


Ahhhhh.... seceding from the European Union......

I think maybe they gained their independence from a bunch of unelected socialist bureaucrats in Brussels who were telling them when to jump and when to roll over.

Congratulations to Britain. But when the break is finalized, and they have finally seceded from the Union .. will people be calling England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.. the "Confederacy" ? ? And the people "Confederates" ? ?

Kind of reminds me of the good 'ole U.S.A. and C.S.A. "God bless Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee ! !"

555555 ;-)


"commonly Brits believe all their problems stem from the immigrants. We all know that's not the case".

Really, suppose we get all the immigrants who are living on and drawing benefits in the UK deported.

How better off would the ordinary people be if the government put all the saved money into hospitals, transport

old age pensions etc, anywhere for the good of the country and not towards the MPs huge pay increases and expenses?


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Those idiots, would be the people who got us into the EU in the first place.


Watch this watchcharaters then comment, the EU is on the verge of collapes anyway, this will push it over

Nothing about immigration

This is complete nonsense. Shame on this, who believe this crap.


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

You make a good argument but in the end its democracy and the people have spoken live with it. Hmm never go into a situation where there is a possibility of loosing, ill informed individuals? spoken like a true capitalist. Put them in chains feed them scraps and beat them if they do not produce? We live in a divided world that the rich want to stream line into a global unit. Guess this has set them back a few years. What a pity.

Johnny's got a point. It shouldn't have gone to referendum as it is an incredibly complicated situation, not just a simple stay or go. It was much easier for the Leave camp to blame all the country's ills on being a part of the EU, and much harder on the Stay camp to articulate the benefits of basically "doing nothing" and keeping things as is.

As an American, I don't much care what the Brits do. But there will be some serious short term pain. Long term? Not sure...and anyone who can guarantee that things will be better is just making up tall tales.

To be quite honest.... I wouldn't want to be paying portions of my hard earned money in taxes to a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats in another country who make rules affecting my life..

Congratulations to Britain on voting to secede from the European Union.... Even if seceding from the Union makes them Confederates..


I don't see what the big deal is really. We will still be trading with EU members. I doubt the UK will impose import tariffs on EU goods, or likewise the EU on UK exports, unless a trade war is wanted.

Already the pound is being devalued which makes UK goods very competitive.

At the end of the day, Britain just didn't fit despite a great deal of effort on both sides.

This not primarily about immigration, though open borders is a factor.

I expect the Scots will leave the UK, and again it looks like a fit that just can't be despite efforts on both sides.

No need for such gloom. The sky hasn't caved in.

By the way, I would have voted to remain, and want Scotland to remain. But I can see it's just not on. It's like bad marriages.

I think you need to look behind why the Scots voted to stay in the EU. In four years time, or whenever, Scottish Parliament may get the majority to hold another poll. If they do, they would like to use the EU as a platform to get their independence. Hopefully by that time, UK plc will have got off it's corporate backside and ceased to be stultified by by European Bureaucracy and outpace European growth, because it will have thrown of the many shackles hindering British businesses. I agree, it is not all about immigration, but is a contributory factor.


Wrecking the UK economy just to stop a few immigrants is xenophobic madness.

People says Thais are xenophobic, nothing compared to this.

At least the Thais look after their own and don't send money abroad for overseas aid, and make

sure that any immigrants can afford to look after themselves and contribute to the economy.


As a 27 year old Brit, the future of Britain is mine.

Except a load of poorly educated, middle aged racists have made the future oh so more sketchy.

Well done.




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

It's an absolute no brainer, good riddance EU. People of the UK congratulations with your victory and decision to make Britain great again!

"decision to make Britain great again!" You mean Britain was great??


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years

> "To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter....."

And yet you trust them when it comes to election time to decide on the leaders of their country? ? "IF" they are "uninformed" as you say... then it is the fault of a leftist/humanist education system failing to educate people.

When it comest to politicians... they believe the people are "ill-informed" one moment... and yet believe them and trust them to elect the leaders of nations when it suits them..

As far as I'm concerned... if they are forced to pay a portion of their income in taxes to support the E.U and those unelected socialist bureaucrats in another country... then they have the right to decide if they want to stay in or not..

Congratulations to Britain on voting to declare their Independence.


A great advert for democracy. Cameron has publicly stated he will stand down as the PM before October

Oh no! That means he won't, surely we have not forgotten what a liar he is.




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

It's an absolute no brainer, good riddance EU. People of the UK congratulations with your victory and decision to make Britain great again!

"decision to make Britain great again!" You mean Britain was great??

Of course it was.


End of muslims flooding into Britain and no longer dictated to by EC.

What a disgusting use of words and comment!

KoolKarl is only telling the truth.

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