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So what did the Brexit supporters gain?

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The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

It's an absolute no brainer, good riddance EU. People of the UK congratulations with your victory and decision to make Britain great again!

"decision to make Britain great again!" You mean Britain was great??

Of course it was.

Yes, of coursecheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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On paper I lost money today. I am British but if the nation goes downhill so be it. Not too sure what the leave camp is celebrating. Hope Boris takes charge, will at least be amusing.

You and many million others. All who are long and own stocks for one would have been smoked today.

Imagine the stops that were hit.

A wise man once said... "Buy when there's blood on the streets"

For those cashed up these are the times to be buying quality stocks that have had zero affect by this decision. By Xmas no one will remember the Brexit


A great advert for democracy. Cameron has publicly stated he will stand down as the PM before October

Oh no! That means he won't, surely we have not forgotten what a liar he is.

Do you know a politician that is NOT a liar ? ? "How to tell when a politician is lying: Their lips are moving!" (Hillary Clinton of the U.S. is an excellent example.)




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

a overall weaker Pound will make imported goods 8% cheaper? huh.png

Now at 49.2, in a week it will be stronger than before.


As a 27 year old Brit, the future of Britain is mine.

Except a load of poorly educated, middle aged racists have made the future oh so more sketchy.

Well done.

If the future of Britain is yours, why aren't you in Britain, working and paying British taxes, instead of posting on a Thai expat forum?


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

Sore losers like you. Democracy has always been the majority be it one or millions as in this case. Lets hope we old codgers live long enough to see which side is right. It has sure opened up a can of worms. Right wingers are coming out of the wood wood work left and right asking for similar referendums. Its the dawn of a new era. We the people for the people not for the rich and greedy. We are a little late to the party to reclaim what is ours but we will prevail over time. The tide is turning in our favor.

"The tide is turning in our favor".

The only way that will happen is when Britain is run my any party but Labour or Tory.


Congratulation to Britain; most are proponents either politically informed completely wrong or just plain stupid. Good Luck GB

You should get the facts right, England voted to leave, Scotland and Ireland voted to remain, just happens there are more people in England.

Scotland will now pursue a second referendum and Ireland wants integration not separation, the UK/EU border is not going to help the political process.

It is a historic day, the beginning of a Dis-United Kingdom.


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

You make a good argument but in the end its democracy and the people have spoken live with it. Hmm never go into a situation where there is a possibility of loosing, ill informed individuals? spoken like a true capitalist. Put them in chains feed them scraps and beat them if they do not produce? We live in a divided world that the rich want to stream line into a global unit. Guess this has set them back a few years. What a pity.

Johnny's got a point. It shouldn't have gone to referendum as it is an incredibly complicated situation, not just a simple stay or go. It was much easier for the Leave camp to blame all the country's ills on being a part of the EU, and much harder on the Stay camp to articulate the benefits of basically "doing nothing" and keeping things as is.

As an American, I don't much care what the Brits do. But there will be some serious short term pain. Long term? Not sure...and anyone who can guarantee that things will be better is just making up tall tales.

Things may not get better, but they can't get any worse.


"commonly Brits believe all their problems stem from the immigrants. We all know that's not the case".

Really, suppose we get all the immigrants who are living on and drawing benefits in the UK deported.

How better off would the ordinary people be if the government put all the saved money into hospitals, transport

old age pensions etc, anywhere for the good of the country and not towards the MPs huge pay increases and expenses?

Ah, the simplicity of it. Build a wall.


"commonly Brits believe all their problems stem from the immigrants. We all know that's not the case".

Really, suppose we get all the immigrants who are living on and drawing benefits in the UK deported.

How better off would the ordinary people be if the government put all the saved money into hospitals, transport

old age pensions etc, anywhere for the good of the country and not towards the MPs huge pay increases and expenses?

Ah, the simplicity of it. Build a wall.

Yes, build a wall, get all the immigrants who are getting benefits to earn them and get them to build a wall round Britain, It should be finished in a week.


Congratulation to Britain; most are proponents either politically informed completely wrong or just plain stupid. Good Luck GB

You should get the facts right, England voted to leave, Scotland and Ireland voted to remain, just happens there are more people in England.

Scotland will now pursue a second referendum and Ireland wants integration not separation, the UK/EU border is not going to help the political process.

It is a historic day, the beginning of a Dis-United Kingdom.

Wrong again Sandy. You are a poor loser.

800k Welsh and 1m Scots voted for LEAVE.

God bless the Celts biggrin.png

A day for celebration.


Mostly a vote for the past rather than the future. Democracies tend to do that.

Oz & the USofA are preparing to do much the same thing, Oz in a couple of weeks.


Brexit supports have reason to celebrate they have achieved in 1 day what Hitler, ISIS, al qaeda, and the IRA, tried for year's to do,

they have destroyed the British economy in 1 day , they are the true traitors of the UK and all helped along by the spineless David Cameron who gave these morons the chance to vote,because he didn't want to make the decision himself


Brexit supports have reason to celebrate they have achieved in 1 day what Hitler, ISIS, al qaeda, and the IRA, tried for year's to do,

they have destroyed the British economy in 1 day , they are the true traitors of the UK and all helped along by the spineless David Cameron who gave these morons the chance to vote,because he didn't want to make the decision himself

Please explain how it has been "destroyed"? Bit late for scaremongering now........


Mostly a vote for the past rather than the future. Democracies tend to do that.

Oz & the USofA are preparing to do much the same thing, Oz in a couple of weeks.

I see it as people voting in the hope that we can take back our own destiny rather than have it force fed by EU bureaucrats' and Euro politicians.

The big question for me is do we have leaders who are going to be able to grasp the opportunity and make the changes needed without alienating the rest of Europe?

There will definitely be short term pain but how long that is for, I suggest, is incalculable.


As an American looking on this from afar- I believe the citizens of the UK have spoken. There is not going to be any destruction of the UK. While the pound and stock markets are reacting in a shocked manner today it simply is that the markets do not like a change of status quo.

The truth is that it will take at least 2 years to manage the exit and the Prime Minster has not even yet invoked the exit clause indicating that the exit is now in effect. I am sure he will do this in a few months. I would suggest that the pound will rebound sooner than later as well as the stock market. The UK is a strong, important and vibrant country and economy. Also, remember, that the UK is not withdrawing from the Common Market which predates the EU. I would suggest all the doom and gloom is overplayed and once the dust settles it will be business as usual. The difference being is that British citizens will be charting the future of the UK and not unelected officials in Brussels. That is what the vote was actually about and that is what the majority of the citizens of the United Kingdom want. I respect it and support their choice.


Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted!> this up and has rightly resigned. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now the whole of the UK is paying the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And I hope this time they get it.

It’s done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

So ill informed individual's should not be allowed to vote ,well lets do away with voting for political parties altogether,we can be just like N Korea. its called democracy silly boy


Mostly a vote for the past rather than the future. Democracies tend to do that.

Oz & the USofA are preparing to do much the same thing, Oz in a couple of weeks.

I see it as people voting in the hope that we can take back our own destiny rather than have it force fed by EU bureaucrats' and Euro politicians.

The big question for me is do we have leaders who are going to be able to grasp the opportunity and make the changes needed without alienating the rest of Europe?

There will definitely be short term pain but how long that is for, I suggest, is incalculable.

The big question to me is does Britain have anything to offer the world. History tells we give innovations away. Harrier jump jet is a fine example. Own destiny? In charge in a global world? Small island off the coast of Europe? Who knows. Boris will see us right.


i dont think its something to celebrate but it may help the UK to get back some form of normality. Cameron certainly hasn't helped much! and in all the years all i see is the UK get worse not better.... so hey! can it get worse? maybe but it was already headed in that direction anyway... so lets try another approach! nothing to lose eh!


The people have spoken but so have the markets ...the £££ is in the pan!

Which means everything will now become more expensive....including Thailand.

It wont reduce immigration in the slightest...in fact it will probably increase immigration as the demand for cheap labour will increase to offset the rising cost of living and running a UK based business.

Quantitative easing and recession here we go...again!!!!


The situation in the UK is the same as America. Both populations feel that their basic traditions and culture are being eroded and that most people feel their economic lives are getting worse not better and see no improvement for the future. Of course the majority of British government officials want to maintain the status quo. Almost all of them are wealthy. The same in the United States. At least the British are trying something different- they will chart their own destiny not a group of non Brits who reside in other lands ruled by a European government. Let's see what way the Americans go in November.




The taxpayer has saved 8.5 billion pounds a year, imported goods will be 8% cheaper, our fishing fleet can fish where it likes, farmers can produce milk again, we can stop Syrians, Turkish, Polish and Greeks freely entering the UK, etc.

a overall weaker Pound will make imported goods 8% cheaper? huh.png

Now at 49.2, in a week it will be stronger than before.

It's 48.4 against the THB and that's after a retrace. It's lost nearly 9% against the USD. If you really think these losses will be reversed in a week, you have no idea. Look at how much the GBP lost against the dollar during the credit crunch in 2008. 8 years later and that was never recouped. Half of the great British Public may be rejoicing now but the next time they go on holiday or buy a new TV and wonder why everything is more expensive, they probably won't be quite so happy.


Congratulation to Britain; most are proponents either politically informed completely wrong or just plain stupid. Good Luck GB

You should get the facts right, England voted to leave, Scotland and Ireland voted to remain, just happens there are more people in England.

Scotland will now pursue a second referendum and Ireland wants integration not separation, the UK/EU border is not going to help the political process.

It is a historic day, the beginning of a Dis-United Kingdom.

You should check your facts too. Ireland is not part of the UK and did not vote. I think you mean Northern Ireland, which is part of the UK and not part of Ireland (politically speaking).


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

16 million people in this case are the minority - that's how democracy works. Unlike the EU where commissioners are appointed and make the laws which are rubber stamped in the Euro parliament and then forced onto all the countries whether they want it or not. The UK objected to 55 EU laws over the past 19 years and lost every single case. That's not democracy.


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

Not on topic at all but... 17 million people voted for Hitler in 1933.


Democracy benefited. This vote was important for all Europeans. Most of us have no problem with free movement within EU. What we have a problem with is how anti-democratic and bureaucratic EU is.


Hmmm, I was in England a few weeks ago and all the British working and retired British people that I spoke to were for leaving the EU. Mainly their gripe was that they were being controlled by a remote entity for whom they felt no empathy. I too have seem my investments take a dive but I also see great opportunities for picking up stocks that have been discounted far below their worth. Good luck to the Poms. Most of the world goes it alone as far as governance is concerned but has no problem with making trade agreements either as a bloc or as a individual country. Too many walking wounded in the current EU as far as I can tell.


No. It says a lot about the idiots who voted to wreck the UK economy.


Its called democrasy, just because you don't agree with the vote, well I'm afraid you're going to have to live with it, 17 million people can't be wrong surely? Maybe they're not mad but have different princibles to you.

but 16 million people are???

16 million people in this case are the minority - that's how democracy works. Unlike the EU where commissioners are appointed and make the laws which are rubber stamped in the Euro parliament and then forced onto all the countries whether they want it or not. The UK objected to 55 EU laws over the past 19 years and lost every single case. That's not democracy.

Yes. From now on we can only moan about ourselves. Moaning seems to be a National pass time in Britain. Sit on welfare and moan, NHS ? moan. Perhaps the Ozies have it right? Whingeing Poms.

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