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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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This is a victory for ignorance and stupidity on a scale rarely seen. It will take decades to recover from the economic damage. The young people of Britain, who voted overwhelmingly to remain, will be paying for this for most of their working lives.

Spare a thought for the young people of Greece, Spain and Portugal. They are only the first victims of a bent and twisted Soviet EU system which has ruined their economic prospects and quality of life. France and Italy will be next, both formerly industrial behemoths reduced to almost failed states.

Older Brits, like their forefathers have in fact protected their youth from the misery of an antidemocratic soviet style bureaucracy. It's the older folks who know very well the effects of central planning, the enormous damage from unelected leaders and have in my opinion, sacrificed their own economic welfare for the sake of the next generation.

Thank you, well said.

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No surprise...both the vote and it's approval here on TV. Always considered the British to be the EU's version of America's Deep South. Obviously, the vote was driven by the "Rule Britannia" crowd who still believe their BS about their heroic, isolated, defiant stand against the evil Hun....failing to recognize it was American money and international lives (mostly Russian) that kept them from capitulating to the Nazis.

Call me an idealist, but the only hope we have to finally end the human race's disgusting 10,000 year-history of hatred, war, murder, intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, genocide and tribal barbaric nationalism, is to move away from division, competition and isolation toward amalgamation, cooperation, and mutual understanding.

To hell with the flag-waving, chest thumping tribal retrogrades here who will ensure that our kids of the future will either melt in nuclear exchanges, or again be fodder to sooth future hatreds in future wars.

I think I'd call you a lot of other things. Idealist?....nah.

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Will leaders hear the wake-up call? The leaders got their 20 lashes and the people got their freedom and they got their country back. It seems that the elite who feed like hogs at a trough are tone deaf to the people.

I love democracy. Way to go, Britain.


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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

If Scotland wants another vote let them, if they vote out the UK let them go, an idependent Scotland will not survive without another nipple to suck on to provide the finances, thats why the vast majority voted remain, as without Brussels giving them cash, as opposed to the city London, Scottish independence will fail

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see the back of them, but all these referendums are destabilizing. Also a vote of 52/48 for instance, just means half of people don't agree with something really important. It's not like an election, that lasts only 5 years and does not meddle with the constitution.

They voted already.

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I'm watching the news in the UK and the politicians still don't understand, what don't you understand?. You thought you were better than the people you were elected to represent and all these interviews still show you don't understand. Nick Robinson is still pushing EU after the vote, the BBC has to stop getting public money.

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Will leaders hear the wake-up call? The leaders got their 20 lashes and the people got their freedom and they got their country back. It seems that the elite who feed like hogs at a trough are tone deaf to the people.

I love democracy. Way to go, Britain.


Look, the rules are the rules. They won fair and square.So that's that. It stands.

But nearly half don't agree on something so important. Moreover there is a big division from country to country, and generation to generation. That's not healthy, that's what I'm saying.

Yes I would have voted remain, but am quite ambivalent so long as there is certain agreement.

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If Scotland wants another vote let them, if they vote out the UK let them go, an idependent Scotland will not survive without another nipple to suck on to provide the finances, thats why the vast majority voted remain, as without Brussels giving them cash, as opposed to the city London, Scottish independence will fail

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see the back of them, but all these referendums are destabilizing. Also a vote of 52/48 for instance, just means half of people don't agree with something really important. It's not like an election, that lasts only 5 years and does not meddle with the constitution.

They voted already.

The elite who pig out at the trough of the EU including the MSM have been making dire predictions about Brexit. Of course people who tend to be fearful would vote against it.

But people who want their country back voted for it and they will be proven right. The only people who will see dire consequences are the elite such as Cameron.

A country is for the people who built it and fought for it. This is the second time in a lifetime that Germany tried to take over Europe.

The people are supposed to rule their leaders and not the other way around. When did we forget that?

Britain will be far stronger without the weight of the EU on it. The costs of the EU have been enormous, not just in payments but in immigration and so much more. Before long there wouldn't have been much left for the British who built it and fought for it.

This is a time to celebrate.


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I am absolutely gutted about this decision to leave.

Firstly this should never have gone to a referendum. To allow ill-informed individuals to vote on such a complicated matter was always going to be a mistake. With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion and the scare mongering of the Leave campaign meant that Bridget and Geoff in Sunderland thought the UK was going to be overrun by immigrants and voted accordingly. Cameron has royally <deleted> this up and must now resign. His fear of Nigel Farage and the racists in his own party forced the UK into this and now everyone will pay the price for his conceit. Also expect the Scottish nationalist to insist on another referendum as Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay and will now insist on independence. And being Scottish myself, I hope this time they get it.

Its done now and as usual life will go on but why this even got to this stage will be questioned for generations to come and the consequences felt throughout the whole of the UK for many, many years.

as someone else stated on this forum before: this is a blatant and convincing display of the short comings of 'democracy'.

giving a bunch of bald - headed old - timers the opportunity to destroy the dreams and ambitions of the young people who will shape our nations was the biggest <deleted> - up in british post - war history.

so you joined to troll .......

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Nope - you are wrong,

I am neither old, have a bald head, nor short sighted as to what democracy means,

The British people have voted - have respect for their decision - the GB public face a period of uncertainty - i am optimistic they will prosper,

Stop stereotyping and remember, if it hadn't been raining, the result would have been oh so different - LOL

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Nope - you are wrong,

I am neither old, have a bald head, nor short sighted as to what democracy means,

The British people have voted - have respect for their decision - the GB public face a period of uncertainty - i am optimistic they will prosper,

Stop stereotyping and remember, if it hadn't been raining, the result would have been oh so different - LOL

I'll sum it up. EU's bent and it's destroying Europe. Mad, spurious and ill-conceived policies that are leading to the rise of the far-right and Islamo-fascists. It's a bankrupt tinderbox, poverty stricken in many regions. Didn't have to be this way, but if the EU doesn't truly reform, Europe's cooked. The Euro and single interest rate policy's a disaster. Europe's young people are facing a really bleak future.

I feel for Europe. I love Europe. But I voted Leave the EU, mostly for the above reasons, not so much to do with the UK.

I'm not old, fat or bald. (Well, okay, I could do with losing a bit of weight facepalm.gif ).

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If Scotland wants another vote let them, if they vote out the UK let them go, an idependent Scotland will not survive without another nipple to suck on to provide the finances, thats why the vast majority voted remain, as without Brussels giving them cash, as opposed to the city London, Scottish independence will fail

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see the back of them, but all these referendums are destabilizing. Also a vote of 52/48 for instance, just means half of people don't agree with something really important. It's not like an election, that lasts only 5 years and does not meddle with the constitution.

They voted already.

The elite who pig out at the trough of the EU including the MSM have been making dire predictions about Brexit. Of course people who tend to be fearful would vote against it.

But people who want their country back voted for it and they will be proven right. The only people who will see dire consequences are the elite such as Cameron.

A country is for the people who built it and fought for it. This is the second time in a lifetime that Germany tried to take over Europe.

The people are supposed to rule their leaders and not the other way around. When did we forget that?

Britain will be far stronger without the weight of the EU on it. The costs of the EU have been enormous, not just in payments but in immigration and so much more. Before long there wouldn't have been much left for the British who built it and fought for it.

This is a time to celebrate.


I'd be more convinced if I thought people were voting for the main issue at hand: but all I see is a protest vote against inept politicians. For example, before the politicians started meddling polls were showing 65/35 for Scotland remaining. People got sick of the politics of Westminster, not Britain. I feel it might be the same with EU vote.

I don't believe the Tories were that bothered about keeping Scotland, or retaining EU membership. Result for them either way.

Don't triumph things as a victory for democracy- quite the opposite possibly.

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Nope - you are wrong,

I am neither old, have a bald head, nor short sighted as to what democracy means,

The British people have voted - have respect for their decision - the GB public face a period of uncertainty - i am optimistic they will prosper,

Stop stereotyping and remember, if it hadn't been raining, the result would have been oh so different - LOL

I'll sum it up. EU's bent and it's destroying Europe. Mad, spurious and ill-conceived policies that are leading to the rise of the far-right and Islamo-fascists. It's a bankrupt tinderbox, poverty stricken in many regions. Didn't have to be this way, but if the EU doesn't truly reform, Europe's cooked. The Euro and single interest rate policy's a disaster. Europe's young people are facing a really bleak future.

I feel for Europe. I love Europe. But I voted Leave the EU, mostly for the above reasons, not so much to do with the UK.

I'm not old, fat or bald. (Well, okay, I could do with losing a bit of weight facepalm.gif ).

It's true to say that Brussels took not one jot of notice over UK's warnings about single currency, one fiscal policy fits all, or the problems posed by completely free borders.

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as someone else stated on this forum before: this is a blatant and convincing display of the short comings of 'democracy'.

giving a bunch of bald - headed old - timers the opportunity to destroy the dreams and ambitions of the young people who will shape our nations was the biggest <deleted> - up in british post - war history.

Nothing's happened, only the dawning of a new era.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

That glass just got a wee bit more expensive ... Enjoy !!!

You think the Queen will have to get a real job??

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Nope - you are wrong,

I am neither old, have a bald head, nor short sighted as to what democracy means,

The British people have voted - have respect for their decision - the GB public face a period of uncertainty - i am optimistic they will prosper,

Stop stereotyping and remember, if it hadn't been raining, the result would have been oh so different - LOL

I'll sum it up. EU's bent and it's destroying Europe. Mad, spurious and ill-conceived policies that are leading to the rise of the far-right and Islamo-fascists. It's a bankrupt tinderbox, poverty stricken in many regions. Didn't have to be this way, but if the EU doesn't truly reform, Europe's cooked. The Euro and single interest rate policy's a disaster. Europe's young people are facing a really bleak future.

I feel for Europe. I love Europe. But I voted Leave the EU, mostly for the above reasons, not so much to do with the UK.

I'm not old, fat or bald. (Well, okay, I could do with losing a bit of weight facepalm.gif ).

It's true to say that Brussels took not one jot of notice over UK's warnings about single currency, one fiscal policy fits all, or the problems posed by completely free borders.

Aye! Euro needs dumping for all the old currencies and it goes back to a free trade area with easy visas between countries for work/spouse/teach/ed/retirement etc.

I don't want the UK to leave Europe, I want the EU to leave Europe.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I pray that NI will be reunited with the Republic. It's a good time now to start.


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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I pray that NI will be reunited with the Republic. It's a good time now to start.


Strike while the iron's hot.

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as someone else stated on this forum before: this is a blatant and convincing display of the short comings of 'democracy'.

giving a bunch of bald - headed old - timers the opportunity to destroy the dreams and ambitions of the young people who will shape our nations was the biggest <deleted> - up in british post - war history.

so you joined to troll .......

Life will go on, I assure you. GB has a good chance to be even stronger because of this. In a few months this will be a non issue as the world will have moved on to something else.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I pray that NI will be reunited with the Republic. It's a good time now to start.


Strike while the iron's hot.

I don't think a referendum is going to happen.

Wonder how on earth having a ruddy great fence across Ireland is going to go down. Not well, I imagine.

I can see everyone pouring south, and a terrible immigration problem for Ireland

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I don't think a referendum is going to happen.

Wonder how on earth having a ruddy great fence across Ireland is going to go down. Not well, I imagine.

I can see everyone pouring south, and a terrible immigration problem for Ireland

Let them get on with whatever they want to get on with.

We're at a turning point.

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This is a victory for ignorance and stupidity on a scale rarely seen. It will take decades to recover from the economic damage. The young people of Britain, who voted overwhelmingly to remain, will be paying for this for most of their working lives.

260 billion pounds lost in 24 hours, it will have work hard to regain some.

The Brits have voted as a child too spoiled ignoring of his incredible comfort.

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Although by a narrow margin, the people of UK have spoken their wish.

Now, please please please, do get out of EU as quickly as possible. Lingering on with delays of Article 50 only makes it more painful. And good luck to whoever will have to fit in Cameron's shoes.

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With very little economic reasons to leave it was always going to come down to emotion .....

Believe it or not, economic reasons are not the only thing that matters in people's lives...there's something known as quality of life, a sense of what's right and wrong, a sense of being fair and expecting to be treated fairly...not allowing the rest of europe to take advantage of you...stuff like that.

Who doesnt like a little diversity, but strolling around the UK, you regularly come across areas where 40% of the population is polish, latvian, indian etc....muzzlims and their bloody shariah patrols....no amont of economic progress mitigates that.

Of course the corporate scumbags dont care, neither do their puppet political leaders, it's ordinary people who have to put up with this crap....and they have had it.

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It should be remembered that the outcome of the referendum IS NOT BINDING ON THE GOVERNMENT! They can decide to follow it and enact Article 50, or merely use the referendum to try to negotiate better terms with the EU.

It is to be hoped that the markets and exchange rates will recover swiftly.

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And what if all the Doom sayers are wrong. Yes there will be a price to pay for EU exit. But always there are gains in other places. Maybe a loss of some revenue and a time to reflect. Good on you UK for choosing National Pride over European Social Engineering.

Kiwis in a way understand the adjustments you may have to do. Being we were punished Economically and Militarily by Our erstwhile Allies for adopting a Nuclear free Policy in 1984. But like you We wave the proverbial finger or if you like two fingers in the V. To say as long as we still stand we will continue to fight. Good on you Bulldogs

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Pound down 7.39%

FTSE down 3.1%

UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

Seems the sky is falling, scaremongering "remainers" will not give up will they?

The ftse was down 500 at one stage but recovered to 200 down, which was higher than it was on the Monday of the week! Do try and keep up!

I would suggest that a good indicator will the close of business on friday 8th July when the markets will have had time to settle down.

No its not good for ex pats living in LOS right now, but knowing that this was likely to happen perhaps some could have made plans earlier, it will be a short term pain. The £ went down to 1.32 against the $ but came back to 1.36, July 8th see where we are then. If you wonder why I say the 8th, my experience, I will be right or wrong.

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