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EU referendum: BBC forecasts UK votes to leave


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Hey welcome to the real world ! As a Norwegian I welcome you to think outside of the big EU bubble. Even if we are not a member state of the EU , we do belong to EEA (European Economic Area) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

As a Norwegian I can still apply for work in any EU country, i have almost the same rights as any EU citizen . So whats the difference? We can't vote for changes inside the EU , but I couldn't care less.

This is not the end of the world you know.

But you have ceded power to Brussels in order to secure these agreements. is that right? They make decisions about Norway which you have no say about. If Uk has to do this then there is no point leaving as it is pointless, worse in fact.

Also UK would not be able to negotiate a deal like this for any number of years. The damage would be done by then to all parties. Why would the EU want to help us. I sure as hell wouldn't in their shoes.

They'll have no choice - countries in the EU need the money from Brit. exports as much as the UK needs to export to the EU.

At the moment its all rhetoric, as the EU tries to frighten the population of other EU countries into not demanding a referendum of their own. Hence the 'demand' that the UK leave immediately, rather than waiting on the Brit. govt to invoke article 50 in their own time.

I hope you're right. I only wanted to remain to avoid the brown stuff hitting the fan. And there's a lot of it.

Hows Mutley by the way?

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Why so many sour losers on here. You all proclain democracy but complain when you lose. 3.5% is a margin . Ceste la viv. Suck it up. What if in 20 years it turns out this is the best thing ever. I bet you will walk around chests puffed out telling your Grandkids you supported it.

Free Britain proud to be descended from it. Glad they are not bowing to Europe or American threats. Suck it up

I am ambivalent.

I'm saying this is the real world, and there is limits to what can be done with such a slim mandate, and the House of Commons dragging it's heels, and 2 countries in the Union not even wanting to leave. This won't happen is just my guess. It's a useless win. There will be a whole host of problems. It'll be shelved.

What will be done is over the next 2 years the "remainers" will renegotiate with the EU to restore as much as they can from the damage caused - Few Brexiteers are even in Parliament, and even less are able to negotiate - and by the end of about 5 years things will be just about back to "normal" except

  • No money for the Arts,
  • No money for science and research
  • No money of social projects,
  • No money for rural infrastructure and
  • No money for regional development.
  • No booze cruises
  • No healthcare abroad Pensioners in Spain beware)
  • No cheap plumbers/cleaners/hairdressers/toilet cleaners etc etc

(Cornwall voted "out" and are now saying they need top keep the money and grants they were getting from the EU - (yeah, right??)

It'll be an grey little place and with a lot less sovereignty and democracy than now = we will have to trade that of for trade

It is also worth bearing in mind that the people of Norway pay almost as much as the Brits per capita for their EU deal - but of course they are in Schengen too!

If 'remainers' negotiate the leaving terms, it will be a farce. There is no reason for this to happen as the EU has made it clear that it will not accept re-negotiation to remain, so it would be an even more appalling politician than normal not to do their best for the UK - bearing in mind that EU countries also need to send their exports to the UK.

Do I care about the rest? NO - apart from plumbers as they were impossible to obtain immediately and overly expensive when they eventually arrived biggrin.png .

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

my gut feeling is, gentlemen, that the exact opposite will occur.

your 'great britain' will split apart. scottland will separate and re - unite with the eu. what will happen to london, the financial hub of europe?

what means do you have to make you great, (again?)?

and apart from that, given the magnitude of this event, the margin of 'win' over 'loose' is way too slim. there will be a lot of disgruntled brits having to live with and suffer from this short sighted decision.

72% of the population turned out to vote and leave won with a 4% victory. That's hardly a slim verdict, rather, quite a resounding victory for the leave campaign.

Think about it - the referendum only required one tick...so it could have had one box only - tick the box if you want to leave - then all the remainers could have stayed at home and if the Brexiteers got more than half of the electorate (46 million) we would have left.

as it is they only got half of those that voted which is in no way a majority of the electorate - so no democracy there then?

joking apart no referendum is legally binding in UK as we live in a parliamentary democracy - that means the sovereignty of parliament .....so it still has to be passed by a parliament in which 3/4 are anti leave......

It is also trying to drag 3 countries with it that have voted to stay.

so glib statements about "democracy" are really just a sign of lack of thought.

That has to be the most self-contradicting comment I think I've read. Ever.

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I guess Scotland had it's chance a couple of years ago. Rest of Uk has to agree to referendum, otherwise it means nothing. N.Ireland does not seem interested. Can't keep having referedums every time they don't agree with something.

I doubt Article 50 will be enacted somehow. Majority too slim for one thing. N.Ireland and Scotland not wanting it. Absurdity is that by the final signature the people that mostly voted leave will be gone, and we'd be doing something the majority doesn't want.

If we want associate status with EU, then we would have to accept conditions as onerous as the ones now. Very difficult to just turn our back on major trading partners. I just don't see this thing happening.

Note "Under this "divorce settlement", as some have called it, the UK and EU must agree how to divide assets, resolve EU budget issues and set out the future rights of EU nationals in the UK and vice versa.

The settlement requires approval by a majority of EU members, plus the European Parliament and UK Parliament."

One of the kickers on trade negotiations is this.

Germany sells 84 billion Euros of stuff to the UK, the UK sells 42 billion Euros of stuff to Germany (those are German government figures).

So Germany/EU is going to play hard-ball with the UK!?

As we speak, the captains of German industry will be in Berlin to ensure the free-est possible trade deal with the UK, to avoid the possibilty of tariffs.

Just as far as (beautiful) automobiles go, Germany runs an 11 billion Euro surplus with the UK.

That's reassuring. At least we've got 'a Bale' in our side.

But how do you make a UK Parliament do something it does not want to do.

And then there is Scotland and Ireland. They want to remain.

There are quite a few big-hitting Brexiters, Johnson, Gove, Grayling to name but a few. Don't forget that Mr Cameron called the referendum in response to many Tory (governing party MP's) threatening to join UKIP.

Many credit the question of "Europe", having alot to do with the unseating of Mrs Thatcher as PM. The Tory party has been tearing itself apart for decades over the EU.

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Amazing how the 'left' refuse to accept anything when they are over-ruled by the people. Protests and complaints and insults and abuse.

The people are going back to 'the right' - it was a natural consequence of being forcibly dragged too far 'left' by the vested interests.

It had to happen in UK and it will happen all across the EU - and it is the right thing to happen.

Because - the alternative would be like Nazi Germany when the people had a gutfull and they went too far right too quickly.

The people of UK and Europe are learning (yet again) that the politicians cannot solve the problems they created.

Germany was a problem from 1930 and the politicians of Europe did nothing for nearly 10 years - and then it was too late.

This is the worst example of how frustrated people can over-react to their lives being oppressed unfairly,

and how incompetent politicians (guided/manipulated by their vested interests) ruin real people's lives.

There are now systems in place in all Democracies that allow the people to more easily change things that are wrong.

What started in UK will spread across the western world - yet again the UK will be the impetus for the civilisation of the world.

Prediction (5 years). The UK economy will recover and move forward strongly - break from EU starts within 1 year finished within 2.

Holland and France and Greece and Denmark and Sweden will vote to leave the EU.

Prediction (10 years): Scotland will be independent. North and South Ireland will be single independent. England and Wales will remain united.

The United Kingdom will be England and Wales and the other territories.

The Monarchy of United Kingdom will adjust - as it has since the 1600s.

The UK, Scotland and Ireland will form a common block covering things like Defence, Trade, Legals/Courts, Passports, Finances and Other Common Institutions.

Prediction (10-15 years): The EU will dissolve (and Euro) back to being what it was originally intended to be - a common free trade block with easy Visa for travel/work/holidays.

The UK will re-join the EU - under the terms and limitations as accepted by the UK people at a referendum (with nil chance of any increase in role unless agreed to by the people in a referendum).

Many years ago a politician called Enoch Powell predicted all this would come to pass.

He was ridiculed and accused of being a rascist and a bigot (xenophobe didnt exist yet).

We all thought he was wrong - but he was right.


please keep on predicting. i can't get enough of it coffee1.gif

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Can the Doom and Gloomers please shut up now, it's a done deal.

It's not a done deal before UK government starts the process. Before it, many things can happen.

Maybe there will be 2nd vote. It's gaining support and this petition has now more than 600K signatures. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215

Perhaps the queen says that the boys screwed up and she will demand new vote to protect the kingdom or she simply uses her powers to nullify the result.

Yes, that would be truly democratic (rolleyes.gif ) and invite a v bad reaction.

Actually, that might not be a bad thing - politicians might finally be forced into taking into consideration the views of those they are supposed to represent.

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Prediction: today you will read this. Enjoy the coffee :)

If you take out Scotland and Nth Ireland - and just count the England and Wales votes:

56.3% voted to leave !


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This statementis false

The decision launches a yearslong process to renegotiate trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what will become a 27-nation bloc, an unprecedented divorce that could take decades to complete."

What happens now is at the UK's own pace. Firstly article 50 of the EU treaty had to be enacted by the UK this can be done whenever the UK decides to do so this then gives a 24 month (2 years) process to disentangle all UK dealings with EU.

I suspect it will be up to 6 months before article 50 is enacted as a lot of back room negotiates will now start with UK and other EU Goverments. Regarding trade ect ect. As usual press jump to wrong conclusions and try to panic people. As for the £drop in value was to be expected don't panic it will return.

Bet you didn't know that EU exit now gives Scotland the right to a second referendum which they have stated that they intend to have and will almost certainly want to break away from the uk "land of hope and glory" it all bloody well gone wake up idiots it's now a 3rd world country we aint got no empire it's over capish

You are wrong about another Scots referendum and the rest is just rubish

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Hey welcome to the real world ! As a Norwegian I welcome you to think outside of the big EU bubble. Even if we are not a member state of the EU , we do belong to EEA (European Economic Area) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

As a Norwegian I can still apply for work in any EU country, i have almost the same rights as any EU citizen . So whats the difference? We can't vote for changes inside the EU , but I couldn't care less.

This is not the end of the world you know.

But you have ceded power to Brussels in order to secure these agreements. is that right? They make decisions about Norway which you have no say about. If Uk has to do this then there is no point leaving as it is pointless, worse in fact.

Also UK would not be able to negotiate a deal like this for any number of years. The damage would be done by then to all parties. Why would the EU want to help us. I sure as hell wouldn't in their shoes.

They'll have no choice - countries in the EU need the money from Brit. exports as much as the UK needs to export to the EU.

At the moment its all rhetoric, as the EU tries to frighten the population of other EU countries into not demanding a referendum of their own. Hence the 'demand' that the UK leave immediately, rather than waiting on the Brit. govt to invoke article 50 in their own time.

I hope you're right. I only wanted to remain to avoid the brown stuff hitting the fan. And there's a lot of it.

Hows Mutley by the way?

All of the Mutleys are fine smile.png .

Sorry everyone, I'm enjoying the fallout even more than the scaremongering of the 'remain' campaign! Which is v strange, as I eventually decided not to vote as I was concerned that the Brit. govt would result in making things even worse for the poor and disadvantaged.

I still think this is likely to happen, but for the moment I'm enjoying the elite falling all over themselves as they get over the shock - and, of course, the 'remainers' coming out with more scare stories and still putting it down to those who voted to 'leave', being un-educated and stupid'.

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Can the Doom and Gloomers please shut up now, it's a done deal.

It is the same Doom and Gloomers as before the referendum that cannot seem to accept that the referendum was carried out, those for Brexit won and the Remainers lost.

They can't seem to understand that what they want doesn't matter anymore but they still rant on.

It is getting very boring.

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Many years ago a politician called Enoch Powell predicted all this would come to pass.

No he didn't, he though all the problems would be due to Black West Indians moving to the UK.

As it stands they are the backbone of the British labour force, and all speak English very well.

Never in his wildest dreams did he imaging it would be white (and slightly off white) people from Eastern Europe who would be the problem.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

It seems from reading many newspapers on the subject that some are now regretting their out vote. There is massive traffic on Google asking 'what is the EU' ? After the vote, bunch of nimby's acting on emotion instead of logic. Britain remains in the EU for at least another two years until then they can do nothing about immigration and it has been admitted that immigration will still continue after that. It wasn't mentioned that much of the money paid to the EU came back as regional support for distressed areas, something the British government wasn't prepared to fork out for their own people. Cornwall receives hundreds of millions of pounds from the EU for development and they voted out, now they want assurances from the British government that they will make up the shortfall, good luck with that. Many laws protecting workers rights came from the EU, not welcomed by CBI and many laws concerning the environment came from the EU, not a major concern for British governments,even now London air is still toxic.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

my gut feeling is, gentlemen, that the exact opposite will occur.

your 'great britain' will split apart. scottland will separate and re - unite with the eu. what will happen to london, the financial hub of europe?

what means do you have to make you great, (again?)?

and apart from that, given the magnitude of this event, the margin of 'win' over 'loose' is way too slim. there will be a lot of disgruntled brits having to live with and suffer from this short sighted decision.

If Germany can come back from the destruction of WW2 then I'm certain that the UK can recover from the destruction of the EU.

The only thing that worries me is that the lefties and those with personal interests, both financial and otherwise that voted remain, could make it difficult. Already I detect sour grapes and wouldn't be at all surprised if the remain side found some sort of loophole to keep us tied to the EU.

If only the organisation had stuck to the idea of free trade and hadn't tried to control every aspect of life in its member countries. The unelected rulers just got carried away with greed and power. Then there's immigrants.....

I bet those that rioted in Calais a few days back aren't feeling too clever. They are one of the main reasons for the leave vote.

Finally, the win margin was slim, but in a democracy that is enough. I'm sure that if the situation was reversed, the remain crowd would say the same.

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There are people who genuinely believe that the EU is at the root of all our ills, and that by leaving it we'll suddenly have all this money! We'll put the Great back into Great Britain! The recession is over! Of course that's what's going to happen especially with intellectual heavyweights like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson leading the charge, what could possibly go wrong?

And as usual Scotland gets shafted by thickos south of the border. Cheers guys.


No chance now of me gettiing into mensa, I've just been called "thick" by a Scotsman! That'll take some living down.

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

It seems from reading many newspapers on the subject that some are now regretting their out vote. There is massive traffic on Google asking 'what is the EU' ? After the vote, bunch of nimby's acting on emotion instead of logic. Britain remains in the EU for at least another two years until then they can do nothing about immigration and it has been admitted that immigration will still continue after that. It wasn't mentioned that much of the money paid to the EU came back as regional support for distressed areas, something the British government wasn't prepared to fork out for their own people. Cornwall receives hundreds of millions of pounds from the EU for development and they voted out, now they want assurances from the British government that they will make up the shortfall, good luck with that. Many laws protecting workers rights came from the EU, not welcomed by CBI and many laws concerning the environment came from the EU, not a major concern for British governments,even now London air is still toxic.
It was mentioned about monies coming from the EU for regional support, it was the one of the BBC's main weapons in trying to make people vote remain by utilising the regional news teams to point out how much EU aid was coming to those areas. I'm Welsh so watch the BBC Wales news everyday and almost every news programme mentioned how much Wales was getting in regional aid and the 1st minister was crying about the result and saying he was going to be on the phone to Junker, Merkel et al begging to keep getting the gravy train for the likes of him.

On the lighter side us Brits can't stop talking about Hitler and seeing his likeness in so many things.


Edited by sandrabbit
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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

It seems from reading many newspapers on the subject that some are now regretting their out vote. There is massive traffic on Google asking 'what is the EU' ? After the vote, bunch of nimby's acting on emotion instead of logic. Britain remains in the EU for at least another two years until then they can do nothing about immigration and it has been admitted that immigration will still continue after that. It wasn't mentioned that much of the money paid to the EU came back as regional support for distressed areas, something the British government wasn't prepared to fork out for their own people. Cornwall receives hundreds of millions of pounds from the EU for development and they voted out, now they want assurances from the British government that they will make up the shortfall, good luck with that. Many laws protecting workers rights came from the EU, not welcomed by CBI and many laws concerning the environment came from the EU, not a major concern for British governments,even now London air is still toxic.

"....even now London air is still toxic".

Probably coming from those sour grapes.

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Making Britain Great again - hahhhhhahahaha. Time flies chaps - you're no longer the country that robbed half of the world. Your average voter is just as dumb as anywhere else and your populist politicians have just shot their country in the leg. It's scary to see though that such uneducated and vain masses who still live in the delusional glory of the past can be mobilized by outright lies and can set their country on track for a downward spiral. (Same applies to my country too)

Celebrate the moment while you can, because it will be a mayfly victory. Your leave politicians are so clueless - that tells a lot about their unpreparedness for such results. Perhaps it's time for them to Google "Now what?"

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Prediction: today you will read this. Enjoy the coffee smile.png

If you take out Scotland and Nth Ireland - and just count the England and Wales votes:

56.3% voted to leave !


So Scotland and N.Ireland don't count then?

See previous post about Scotland and Ireland becoming independent - I should have referenced that - my bad.

Another my bad - 53.6% - just noticed my mis-type

Need a coffee ...................

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Making Britain Great again - hahhhhhahahaha. Time flies chaps - you're no longer the country that robbed half of the world. Your average voter is just as dumb as anywhere else and your populist politicians have just shot their country in the leg. It's scary to see though that such uneducated and vain masses who still live in the delusional glory of the past can be mobilized by outright lies and can set their country on track for a downward spiral. (Same applies to my country too)

Celebrate the moment while you can, because it will be a mayfly victory. Your leave politicians are so clueless - that tells a lot about their unpreparedness for such results. Perhaps it's time for them to Google "Now what?"

And you are from what country....?

I am from Hungary and have similarly high opinion of how things are going at home. Any more questions?

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finally FREEDOM, ,it s historical day for all nations, thank you all Brits, bye bye massive immigration, bye bye Turkey with its 90 million people, bye bye the criminal gangs of eastern Europe, if EU leaders wanted peace in the world they should have supported Assad and Russia and not side with the terrorists.

GREAT BRITAIN will survive and become stronger it sets the example for the rest of us, time for a change.

It seems from reading many newspapers on the subject that some are now regretting their out vote. There is massive traffic on Google asking 'what is the EU' ? After the vote, bunch of nimby's acting on emotion instead of logic. Britain remains in the EU for at least another two years until then they can do nothing about immigration and it has been admitted that immigration will still continue after that. It wasn't mentioned that much of the money paid to the EU came back as regional support for distressed areas, something the British government wasn't prepared to fork out for their own people. Cornwall receives hundreds of millions of pounds from the EU for development and they voted out, now they want assurances from the British government that they will make up the shortfall, good luck with that. Many laws protecting workers rights came from the EU, not welcomed by CBI and many laws concerning the environment came from the EU, not a major concern for British governments,even now London air is still toxic.

"....even now London air is still toxic".

Probably coming from those sour grapes.

Not sour grapes, i didn't have the right to vote (quite rightly) because i haven't lived there for nigh on 40 years but i now regret having a British passport. I see that interest in emigration has risen dramatically and it wont be the bus driver from London or the street sweeper from Leeds who want out, it will be the best we have. The Irish Post office has seen a large rise in people from England wanting an Irish passport. Take back our country, what a load of rubbish, countries are controlled by money and investment, nobody invests in a country with a question mark in front of it. Look at what the UK has ???? India owns Jaguar and Landrover,Germany owns Rolls Royce and Mini, don't let's talk about British steel. The City of London is what the UK has, its biggest earner and some Londoners are are calling for independence, unrealistic of course but it shows the mood, Scotland and Northern Islands independence however is a realistic probability. Great Britain, England and Wales, oh and the isle of white. I'm not even worried about my pension as i get a German pension (which is increased yearly no matter where i live) but i do feel sorry for those who have to rely on a British pension.

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Why so many sour losers on here. You all proclain democracy but complain when you lose. 3.5% is a margin . Ceste la viv. Suck it up. What if in 20 years it turns out this is the best thing ever. I bet you will walk around chests puffed out telling your Grandkids you supported it.

Free Britain proud to be descended from it. Glad they are not bowing to Europe or American threats. Suck it up

You are not British. Or in the EU. What's it to you?

Yes the result is clear. No complaint.

But in order to win a match, you have to do more than score the first goal.

Just for your information I hold both NZ and UK Citizenship. What is it to me. Very important

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Making Britain Great again - hahhhhhahahaha. Time flies chaps - you're no longer the country that robbed half of the world. Your average voter is just as dumb as anywhere else and your populist politicians have just shot their country in the leg. It's scary to see though that such uneducated and vain masses who still live in the delusional glory of the past can be mobilized by outright lies and can set their country on track for a downward spiral. (Same applies to my country too)

Celebrate the moment while you can, because it will be a mayfly victory. Your leave politicians are so clueless - that tells a lot about their unpreparedness for such results. Perhaps it's time for them to Google "Now what?"

I agree that the new government is likely to be as bad as Cameron's govt. - if not worse, with a mandate behind them.

But the UK population was fed up enough with the EU to vote out - and that says a lot when the vast majority prefer 'the devil they know'.

Let's wait and see whether the populations of other countries decide that they've had enough too.

You can be as rude as you like about the voters (who are pretty much the same as in an country), but the vote was to leave and its time to stop the insults and start dealing with the new reality.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Making Britain Great again - hahhhhhahahaha. Time flies chaps - you're no longer the country that robbed half of the world. Your average voter is just as dumb as anywhere else and your populist politicians have just shot their country in the leg. It's scary to see though that such uneducated and vain masses who still live in the delusional glory of the past can be mobilized by outright lies and can set their country on track for a downward spiral. (Same applies to my country too)

Celebrate the moment while you can, because it will be a mayfly victory. Your leave politicians are so clueless - that tells a lot about their unpreparedness for such results. Perhaps it's time for them to Google "Now what?"

I agree that the new government is likely to be as bad as Cameron's govt. - if not worse, with a mandate behind them.

But the UK population was fed up enough with the EU to vote out - and that says a lot when the vast majority prefer 'the devil they know'.

Let's wait and see whether the populations of other countries decide that they've had enough too.

You can be as rude as you like about the voters (who are pretty much the same as in an country), but the vote was to leave and its time to stop the insults and start dealing with the new reality.

I don't think I'm being rude but rather realistic. Churchill saw this long time ago and once said: "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Things haven't changed since then. But this time Boris et al will get a taste of their own medicine. Their worst case scenario was to lose marginally so they can keep barking against the EU. Cameron is a shame too: what that man was able to do gain populatity. Again, my prime minister is even worse than all these saints put together...

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if the leaders in Brussels kept the union of just 14 countries and halted the expansion on 2004, I am sure that the Brits wont leave, for the first time Merkel and Sarkozy admitted that the union expansion must be suspended, 85% of the EU migrants in UK are from eastern countries which were added after 2005, I have no doubt that the eastern countries brought disaster to the union.

1995 European union map


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if the leaders in Brussels kept the union of just 14 countries and halted the expansion on 2004, I am sure that the Brits wont leave, for the first time Merkel and Sarkozy admitted that the union expansion must be suspended, 85% of the EU migrants in UK are from eastern countries which were added after 2005.

1995 European union map

So what's the takeaway from this video? By migrants they refer to a couple and try to generalize. You should not forget that a lot of people from these "eastern" countries do the kind of jobs UK citizens are not willing to do. That's one end of the spectrum - the other one is the educated that work for evil multinationals, speak multiple languages and sit in well paid jobs. Come on, you have colonized most of the world and can't put up with a couple of "migrants"? Don't be so picky. Someone needs to clean dishes

A lot of Brits live in the nostalgia of the past (Hungarians too - Trianon treaty after 100 years is still an unhealed wound for many) But in a fast paced world you need to adopt or else you're over and out. You're not the glorious nation you used to be. Asia and China will eat you for breakfast - I bet many are looking at London properties already. It will follow Auckland or Vancouver. You can't dictate any more - those times are over. EU's future is in collaboration/unity and not isolation.

Edited by Poppadom
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