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BBC say over 1 million sign petition for New Referendum

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A petition calling for a second referendum on UK's membership of the EU has gained more than one million signatures following the vote to leave.

The petition will be considered by Parliament as it has passed the required 100,000 threshold.

The UK voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48% in Thursday's referendum but the majority of voters in London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backed Remain.

David Cameron said he would stand down as prime minister by October.

The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: "We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60%, based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum."

Thursday saw a 72.2% turnout, significantly higher than the 66.1% turnout at last year's general election, but below the 75% mark suggested by Mr Healey as a thres

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There are a lot of credible reports that many of the Leave voters never expected Leave to win. More like protest votes. There is a lot of regret. Now that the Brex-sheit is hitting the fan (pound and market crashing, years of uncertainty, Scotland and Northern Ireland likely to leave the U.K.) I reckon the vote would be different right now. Don't you agree?

Perhaps two out of three?rolleyes.gif

Seriously if there is any way the U.K. can do a DO OVER on this massively consequential decision, they really should.

It was obviously a huge mistake. How to tell? trump likes it, the xenophobic moron that didn't even know who Boris Johnson was and didn't even know that Scotland voted STAY (while in Scotland on the day of the results).



Rather too late

But is it?

I've read there is no legal requirement for the government to actually implement the decision. Of course they will but that fact implies there is a degree of grey area that MAY possibly rationalize a second vote.


The remain people are not going to go away. I never understand them. How can you want to be part of an establishment that is Anti-democratic.

I dont understand it either...but if the Remainers had gone about it a different way i.e. saying things like yes I understand your frustration and I promise I will get more reform on these points etc instead of trying to scare folk and filling their heads full of figures might have been different

Personally I think the way Cameron and his team was totally wrong


Rather too late

Nope its not too late

They don't have to invoke Article 50

Because the petition is over 100.000 it goes to Parliament for a vote I think


There are a lot of credible reports that many of the Leave voters never expected Leave to win. More like protest votes. There is a lot of regret. Now that the Brex-sheit is hitting the fan (pound and market crashing, years of uncertainty, Scotland and Northern Ireland likely to leave the U.K.) I reckon the vote would be different right now. Don't you agree?

Perhaps two out of three?rolleyes.gif

Seriously if there is any way the U.K. can do a DO OVER on this massively consequential decision, they really should.

It was obviously a huge mistake. How to tell? trump likes it, the xenophobic moron that didn't even know who Boris Johnson was and didn't even know that Scotland voted STAY (while in Scotland on the day of the results).

Yes I think the vote would be different now. But I hope whatever the outcome it would be a wake up call for the EU

But I don't think it was a huge mistake, it was a massive shock for the UK Government and the EU Muppets


Nearly as many people have voted on the Petition as voted to Remain cheesy.gifcheesy.gif


The remain people are not going to go away. I never understand them. How can you want to be part of an establishment that is Anti-democratic.

I fully agree with you.

However there is a mythical notion that feeling a kinship with other European nations and Europeans and being able to live and work in other European nations is the same as wanting to remain in the EU.

You and I know this is not true. Britain and Britons will always be European. Being in the EU is not a prerequisite to this.

It will take time but after a couple of years after the exit procedures have been completed, the new reality will not only become very normal but it will become apparent it was the right decision.


Keep calling elections until you get the 'right' result.

Didn't they try that here as well for a couple of years?

I seem to think its been done in another EU country but cant remember who....and I could be wrong?

Very sincerely I wish this project to succeed, even if it is not really démocatic.

The Brits gave a protest vote for change at any cost without imagining for a moment that leave prevail.

Voting for change has become the first motivation of all elections worldwide. The problem is that in this case the consequences will be heavy, really too heavy.

The French also had voted no for the European constitution in 2012. President Jacques Chirac decided at the last to give arbitration at parliament who finally confirm.

GB does not miss this last chance.


I watched the referendum results as they came in during the night. A lot of the Remain side were saying that even if it was won by one vote it would stand and that would be it. That was of course when they thought they were going to win. Now after they lost by a good margin they are throwing their dummies and their toys out of the pram and crying about it being the " Wrong " result and we need to ignore it and carry on as if it never happened or hold another vote in the hope that this time they will win. Basically a bunch of Lefties behaving like they normally do when they lose.

The people have voted and the Remain side have lost. Get used to it and get over it. It has happened and there is no going back. Stop behaving like spoilt brats and get on with making the UK great again


The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

Dumocracy in action...


Rather too late

But is it?

I've read there is no legal requirement for the government to actually implement the decision. Of course they will but that fact implies there is a degree of grey area that MAY possibly rationalize a second vote.

Apparently one option is to call a general election that is then won by a party whose policy is to not leave. The argument would be that that party's mandate supercedes the referendum mandate.


The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

Dumocracy in action...

Did you vote for the EU presidents?

Did you vote for the PM of the UK (and I don't mean who won, I just mean did you vote)

It would not be so bad if they did the same as the US does and the candidates go around all the different countries and says here I am this I what I want to do please vote for me


Rather too late

Nope its not too late

They don't have to invoke Article 50

Because the petition is over 100.000 it goes to Parliament for a vote I think

Immaterial and mostly jocks probably. It IS too late! Any petition on any topic will be regarded with 100,000 signatures, yes, but not necessarily by the House. It will be discussed but nothing would come of it. If another referendum were to be held, it would make a complete mockery from the makers of democracy and really piss off the majority. Go down that road and you open a can of worms. It'd be a right mess. These Remainers need to accept the will of the people. It is petty and juvenile but not untypical of how much of the UK populace are nowadays.


The 100,000 threshold of signatures required that the subject "maybe considered for debate by Parliament " thats all. imagine if this is brought forward to the house for debate what precedent it will set. That every General Election is not accepted by the losing side, so they get 100000 to sign a petition to have the result debated and possibly thrown out in Parliament, the circle begins and we never have a Government in place. What these people are really trying to do is to say its only ok if we win, we dont accept losing, well democracy works a bit different to that.

The PM said that whoever won the result would be respected, the EU seem happy with the result, our EU commissioner has resigned so what are these people on about they dont have the same view as most people about democracy. 1.5m signing a petition suddenly means that 17m are now told that their views dont count for jack s--t! Thats what democracy is about to the some of the remain people is it? They ought to be ashamed of themselves, it might be news but no one takes them seriously and it time when they look back they will be embarrassed how they were taken in by this ruse.


The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

Dumocracy in action...

Did you vote for the EU presidents?

Did you vote for the PM of the UK (and I don't mean who won, I just mean did you vote)

Yes & Yes.



Brexit: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they wanted 'protest vote' and thought UK would stay in EU

Some said they had not forseen the immediate economic impact, while others were angry at Nigel Faraga's admisison that NHS funding claim was a 'mistake'


Keep moving the goalposts until you get the result you want! Sounds like Government.

So much for democracy, right?





Didn't think this through, eh?



Why people who really wanted Brexit will regret it most
But perhaps the best evidence that people who voted for Brexit will come to regret it — if they haven't already — came via thisreport from the Center for European Reform, a think tank that favored Britain remaining in the E.U. By leaving, Britain is potentially also leaving its network of trade agreements within the region, pending negotiations. For areas that depend on exports for their economic sustenance, a less favorable trade agreements could deal a serious blow.




Didn't think this through, eh?



Why people who really wanted Brexit will regret it most

But perhaps the best evidence that people who voted for Brexit will come to regret it — if they haven't already — came via thisreport from the Center for European Reform, a think tank that favored Britain remaining in the E.U. By leaving, Britain is potentially also leaving its network of trade agreements within the region, pending negotiations. For areas that depend on exports for their economic sustenance, a less favorable trade agreements could deal a serious blow.

Fear mongering at it's finest. Of course the losing side is going to make it seem like the end of the world.

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