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Putin signs energy deals with China


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Putin signs energy deals with China


Russia’s president Vladimir Putin is on a state visit to China to sign a series of energy deals.

After inspecting an honour guard and receiving a 21 gun salute in Tianenmen square Putin and counterpart Xi Jinping sat down to do business.

Putin is particularly eager to push on with a 30 year long deal which would see Russia sell gas to China worth 400 billion dollars.

However there are indications that China has gone cool over the deal since it was struck two years ago. Its economy has slowed and its demand for gas has gone down.

Two pipelines need to be built to make it happen: one, the power of Siberia has already been agreed on but the other, the Altai pipeline, remains under discussion.

Aside from gas, Russia remains China’s largest crude oil supplier for a third month in a row, having overtaken imports from Saudi Arabia.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-26

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So traditional enemies keep moving closer together. It really was a mark of genius by the US to organize this. Encircle Russia , who wanted Euro trade, with NATO and then slap sanctions on them.

Then Pivot to Asia and setup an anti Chinese block. Chinese and Russians had nowhere to turn but to each other. So now we have Russian high tech and engineering combining with Chinese money and manufacturing capability.

Can't really understand how the West sees this as a good strategic outcome.

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So traditional enemies keep moving closer together. It really was a mark of genius by the US to organize this. Encircle Russia , who wanted Euro trade, with NATO and then slap sanctions on them.

Then Pivot to Asia and setup an anti Chinese block. Chinese and Russians had nowhere to turn but to each other. So now we have Russian high tech and engineering combining with Chinese money and manufacturing capability.

Can't really understand how the West sees this as a good strategic outcome.

Not the smartest administration, that's for sure.

What you are seeing here in the new Superpower. Rusina.

Next, replace USD with new reserve item of trading. My guess is this item will originate from somewhere outside the USA.

Times are changing !

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Putin is doing some very smart deals of late. Will be interesting to see who gets the best side of the deal when Putin brokers a deal with President Trump. My guess would be Putin takes Trump to the cleaners and America with it.

Xi is the most powerful Chinese Leader in China's history. He has more sweeping powers than even Mao. Don't let Xi's humble demeanour and friendly smile fool you he is a ruthless political animal whose any order will be carried out without question. There is no one or group in the Central Committee that can challenge his authority.

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So traditional enemies keep moving closer together. It really was a mark of genius by the US to organize this. Encircle Russia , who wanted Euro trade, with NATO and then slap sanctions on them.

Then Pivot to Asia and setup an anti Chinese block. Chinese and Russians had nowhere to turn but to each other. So now we have Russian high tech and engineering combining with Chinese money and manufacturing capability.

Can't really understand how the West sees this as a good strategic outcome.

From the OP:

However there are indications that China has gone cool over the deal since it was struck two years ago. Its economy has slowed and its demand for gas has gone down.

Two pipelines need to be built to make it happen: one, the power of Siberia has already been agreed on but the other, the Altai pipeline, remains under discussion.


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Yea, it's clear that Clinton and Obama don't get it. Russia has always been poised to retake it's place as a superpower. They only needed someone with enough foresight to work with them. The days of "Better Dead Than Red" are all but history except in the DNC.

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The West rejected Russia's desire to become a part of the European "civilized" community or even become a NATO member back in the 90s during Gorbachev and Yeltsin's period. The only thing the West wants from them is their natural resources and huge territory (same as China BTW). Russians only saw endless evil and wars coming from the western borders: Poland, Sweden, Napoleon, Hitler, now NATO standing on its borders preparing for another war, even bloody communism was created and imported from Europe.

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