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Political pressure grows in post Brexit Britain


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It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome. The leadership bid by the odious Jeremy Hunt and his weasel strategy for rejecting the will of the majority of British people - in a referendum which attracted a huge 72 percent turnout - makes my stomach churn. What if the result had been the other way round - and by a similar margin? Would there be the same cleverly-orchestrated, media-led clamour for a re-run? Of course not. And to think most Brexiters imagined their votes would ride us, once and for all, of the dirty tricks politics and venal politicians like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt who have made our lives a misery for so long. Plus ca change!

2nd referendum not necessary. When the everyday opinion polls start to show a diminishing gap between stay/leave the government will put forward the motion to repeal the European Community Act (1972).

At what percentage difference I don't know, maybe they will wait until it's 50/50, but bearing in mind that the country will be going down the ****hole they might move sooner. Maybe the polls will move toward stay then start to move back again which will trigger it.

It's Impossible to tell because this is the real thing, not a carefully structured thriller with a guaranteed upbeat ending, because this is surfing not driving.

Nothing can happen until the Act is repealed.

Parliament will vote against repeal. The Act stays. No Article 50.

The war (within the Conservative Party) goes on.

Everybody else suffers.

Edited by Enoon
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The result of the referendum will stand, in keeping with the long tradition of upholding a democratic decision from citizens of UK.

I will say that the legacy David Cameron will leave, is the blatant lack of responsibility in not triggering article 50, since it was ultimately his choice to bring the referendum on the plate in the first place. This delay will further anger the EU, which ultimately will damage any future negotiations the country may have in securing it's sovereign interests.

Great Britain will turn into 'Little Britain' if the void of eligible leadership continues to reign, in a country which desperately needs to re-invent itself.

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It was good fun whilst it lasted but if anyone thinks the entrenched interests of the wealthy and powerful are easily defeated then they are not following the ball - it will be business as usual before too long.

Found on the internet......

"To leave the EU Britain would need to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, announcing their intention to leave, however the theory says this may never happen.

The comment reads: "If Boris Johnson looked downbeat yesterday, that is because he realises that he has lost.

"Perhaps many Brexiters do not realise it yet, but they have actually lost, and it is all down to one man: David Cameron.

"With one fell swoop yesterday at 9:15 am, Cameron effectively annulled the referendum result, and simultaneously destroyed the political careers of Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and leading Brexiters who cost him so much anguish, not to mention his premiership.


"Throughout the campaign, Cameron had repeatedly said that a vote for leave would lead to triggering Article 50 straight away. Whether implicitly or explicitly, the image was clear: he would be giving that notice under Article 50 the morning after a vote to leave. Whether that was scaremongering or not is a bit moot now but, in the midst of the sentimental nautical references of his speech yesterday, he quietly abandoned that position and handed the responsibility over to his successor.

"And as the day wore on, the enormity of that step started to sink in: the markets, Sterling, Scotland, the Irish border, the Gibraltar border, the frontier at Calais, the need to continue compliance with all EU regulations for a free market, re-issuing passports, Brits abroad, EU citizens in Britain, the mountain of legislation to be torn up and rewritten ... the list grew and grew.

"The referendum result is not binding. It is advisory. Parliament is not bound to commit itself in that same direction.

"The Conservative party election that Cameron triggered will now have one question looming over it: will you, if elected as party leader, trigger the notice under Article 50?

"Who will want to have the responsibility of all those ramifications and consequences on his/her head and shoulders?

"Boris Johnson knew this yesterday, when he emerged subdued from his home and was even more subdued at the press conference. He has been out-manoeuvred and check-mated.

"If he runs for leadership of the party, and then fails to follow through on triggering Article 50, then he is finished. If he does not run and effectively abandons the field, then he is finished. If he runs, wins and pulls the UK out of the EU, then it will all be over - Scotland will break away, there will be upheaval in Ireland, a recession ... broken trade agreements. Then he is also finished. Boris Johnson knows all of this. When he acts like the dumb blond it is just that: an act.

"The Brexit leaders now have a result that they cannot use. For them, leadership of the Tory party has become a poison chalice.

"When Boris Johnson said there was no need to trigger Article 50 straight away, what he really meant to say was "never". When Michael Gove went on and on about "informal negotiations" ... why? why not the formal ones straight away? ... he also meant not triggering the formal departure. They both know what a formal demarche would mean: an irreversible step that neither of them is prepared to take.

"All that remains is for someone to have the guts to stand up and say that Brexit is unachievable in reality without an enormous amount of pain and destruction, that cannot be borne. And David Cameron has put the onus of making that statement on the heads of the people who led the Brexit campaign."

The comment has been picked up on Twitter and shared thousands of times.

And here was me thinking that comment sections were just places for you lot to call journalists virgins and point out our typos.

But is the comment right - should the politician's ignore the democratic decision of the British people?

I guess your view on that probably depends on your personal political bias."

Words by James Dawson
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Enoon, very interesting observation.

I wonder what the vote would be today if we all knew then what we know now. Take out the rubbish about millions going into the NHS and take out the pledge to radically cut immigration, both complete lies, and what are the leavers voting for exactly?

Not being controlled by Brussels would be my guess and that is reason enough. The EU is a complete mess and should throw out it's outdated and badly conceived laws and start again.

None of this is black and white but right now we are in Sh*t Creek and no-one has a paddle

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And I think that is why the Labour party are trying to get an electable leader in place because they can see that the Conservatives are between a rock and a hard place and they could possibly just win an election, maybe as a coalition with the liberals.

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On the point of what happens if there is a general election, and no one has invoked artical 50

Well 50% of the electorate will be pi$$ed off, while 50% will be ecstatic

with a voting electorate of 45,325,100 (2014 stats) giving a turnout of 70%

So guessing cons, lab, libs,Ukip field all seats, none wanting to invoke article 50 except Ukip

I can see Ukip getting maybe 40% of the vote, which would give them 12,691 028 votes

Last Election Conservative won a majority with 11,334,576 votes

We could see a Ukip government that would issue article 50 and maybe more, do we want that?


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It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome. The leadership bid by the odious Jeremy Hunt and his weasel strategy for rejecting the will of the majority of British people - in a referendum which attracted a huge 72 percent turnout - makes my stomach churn. What if the result had been the other way round - and by a similar margin? Would there be the same cleverly-orchestrated, media-led clamour for a re-run? Of course not. And to think most Brexiters imagined their votes would ride us, once and for all, of the dirty tricks politics and venal politicians like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt who have made our lives a misery for so long. Plus ca change!

2nd referendum not necessary. When the everyday opinion polls start to show a diminishing gap between stay/leave the government will put forward the motion to repeal the European Community Act (1972).

At what percentage difference I don't know, maybe they will wait until it's 50/50, but bearing in mind that the country will be going down the ****hole they might move sooner. Maybe the polls will move toward stay then start to move back again which will trigger it.

It's Impossible to tell because this is the real thing, not a carefully structured thriller with a guaranteed upbeat ending, because this is surfing not driving.

Nothing can happen until the Act is repealed.

Parliament will vote against repeal. The Act stays. No Article 50.

The war (within the Conservative Party) goes on.

Everybody else suffers.

172 Labour MPs back No Confidence motion. I'd say The Tories are not the only ones tearing themselves apart.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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And life for immigrants in UK becomes even more depressing and dangerous.

Sort of puts the whining from expats in Thailand in perspective.

There has been a significant rise in hate crimes since the U.K. voted to leave the European Union last week, according to local media — which is probably not a surprise given the blatantly xenophobic campaigning of Leave supporters.
The Independent reported Tuesday that there have already been over 100 incidents of racial abuse and hate crimes since the U.K. voted to leave the union last Thursday.
On Tuesday, a group of men in Manchester shouted racist slurs at another passenger on the tram and told him to “get deported.” One of the men shouted “Get off the tram right now, bro I will waste you… Don’t chat shit when you’re not even from England!” before throwing a drink on the passenger.


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It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome. The leadership bid by the odious Jeremy Hunt and his weasel strategy for rejecting the will of the majority of British people - in a referendum which attracted a huge 72 percent turnout - makes my stomach churn. What if the result had been the other way round - and by a similar margin? Would there be the same cleverly-orchestrated, media-led clamour for a re-run? Of course not. And to think most Brexiters imagined their votes would ride us, once and for all, of the dirty tricks politics and venal politicians like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt who have made our lives a misery for so long. Plus ca change!

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win

Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month.

Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”


cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif When you quoted form the mirror any credibility went out the window. This paper along with others have been pumping out crap on the whole referendum and quite frankly, I wouldn't use this paper for the toilet.

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It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome. The leadership bid by the odious Jeremy Hunt and his weasel strategy for rejecting the will of the majority of British people - in a referendum which attracted a huge 72 percent turnout - makes my stomach churn. What if the result had been the other way round - and by a similar margin? Would there be the same cleverly-orchestrated, media-led clamour for a re-run? Of course not. And to think most Brexiters imagined their votes would ride us, once and for all, of the dirty tricks politics and venal politicians like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt who have made our lives a misery for so long. Plus ca change!

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win

Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month.

Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”


cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif When you quoted form the mirror any credibility went out the window. This paper along with others have been pumping out crap on the whole referendum and quite frankly, I wouldn't use this paper for the toilet.

So your saying that Farage would have just walked away from the idea and given up -- if it were 52% to 48% the other way?

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It is becoming increasingly obvious that the establishment is not prepared to accept the result of the EU referendum and are playing for time (with a connivance of Merkel and Co) in order to soften us all up for a second vote to reverse the outcome. The leadership bid by the odious Jeremy Hunt and his weasel strategy for rejecting the will of the majority of British people - in a referendum which attracted a huge 72 percent turnout - makes my stomach churn. What if the result had been the other way round - and by a similar margin? Would there be the same cleverly-orchestrated, media-led clamour for a re-run? Of course not. And to think most Brexiters imagined their votes would ride us, once and for all, of the dirty tricks politics and venal politicians like Cameron, Osborne and Hunt who have made our lives a misery for so long. Plus ca change!

Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win

Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month.

Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”


cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif When you quoted form the mirror any credibility went out the window. This paper along with others have been pumping out crap on the whole referendum and quite frankly, I wouldn't use this paper for the toilet.

Look up epistemic closure.

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Let's move on the discussion to what happens if there is a general election. All three parties will then be running on the ticket of Remain. What then? It still wouldn't change the result of the referendum. If anything, it would just dissatisfy the Brexiters

What about UKIP?

First past the post voting system makes things very difficult for UKIP come election time, as we have seen, but even if proportional representation was introduced, they would still struggle because not enough people who support Brexit also support the idea of Nigel Farage and UKIP leading the country.

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Let's move on the discussion to what happens if there is a general election. All three parties will then be running on the ticket of Remain. What then? It still wouldn't change the result of the referendum. If anything, it would just dissatisfy the Brexiters

What about UKIP?

First past the post voting system makes things very difficult for UKIP come election time, as we have seen, but even if proportional representation was introduced, they would still struggle because not enough people who support Brexit also support the idea of Nigel Farage and UKIP leading the country.
The problem is that the EU question is now at the top of the agenda and, should there be a general election, the Conservatives would either have to declare a position which would split the party or offer up another referendum which would be difficult since that was one of the main platforms they fought the last election on.

The door between UKIP and the Conservatives is now wide open and the movement will only be one way - the bigger issue is that the door on the other side of the UKIP house that leads to 'there be dragons' is unlocked and the distraction of Conservative infighting on the room could let all manner of nastiness sneak through.

Edited by Orac
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BREAKING NEWS: Theresa May goes on the game, shuns politics


Pic: Theresa May starting work in Mimi's Erotic Parlour yesterday evening.

Considering all the heads that have rolled in departments overseen by her for the last 6 years and her boss has never seen the real problem I she never get her bosses job.

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